793 resultados para mota, nodo, sensor


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Catadioptric sensors are combinations of mirrors and lenses made in order to obtain a wide field of view. In this paper we propose a new sensor that has omnidirectional viewing ability and it also provides depth information about the nearby surrounding. The sensor is based on a conventional camera coupled with a laser emitter and two hyperbolic mirrors. Mathematical formulation and precise specifications of the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the sensor are discussed. Our approach overcomes limitations of the existing omni-directional sensors and eventually leads to reduced costs of production


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http://www.nodo50.ix.apc.org. Se trata de un web-sidte que intenta centralizar informaciones. Muy interesante la información que ofrecen a cerca de cómo configurar nuestros programas: navegador, news, ftp, correo electrónico.


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El presente trabajo da a conocer el Parque de La Mota, su riqueza botánica, las especies de los árboles y las flores, se inculca el respeto por el medio ambiente y se incluye un plano de la zona.


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El grup de Visió per Computador i Robòtica (VICOROB) disposa de varis robots submarins per a la recerca i inspecció subaquàtica. Recentment s’ha adquirit un sensor sonar d’escombrat lateral el qual s’utilitza per realitzar imatges acústiques del fons marí quan aquest es mou principalment a velocitat constant i mantenint el rumb. Els robots del grup VICOROB estan equipats amb diferents tipus de sensors i càmeres per analitzar el fons marí. Aquest sensors són de gran qualitat i permeten conèixer de manera bastant satisfactòria l’entorn a les proximitats del robot. Freqüentment però, aquest sensors estant sotmesos a diferents restriccions depenent de la seva naturalesa de funcionament, de tal manera que es necessària la seva combinació per resoldre determinats problemes en diferents situacions. Amb aquest projecte, es pretén integrar un nou sistema de captura d’imatges sonores del fons marí, en un dels robots. Amb la integració d’aquest nou sensor, s’espera obtenir una opció alternativa els sistemes actuals que pugui aportar informació addicional sobre el fons. Aquest sistema podrà ser utilitzat per realitzar tasques per les quals els altres sensors no estant preparats o bé per complementar informació d’altres sensor


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Despite the importance of microphysical cloud processes on the climate system, some topics are under-explored. For example, few measurements of droplet charges in nonthunderstorm clouds exist. Balloon carried charge sensors can be used to provide new measurements. A charge sensor is described for use with meteorological balloons, which has been tested over a range of atmospheric temperatures from -60 to 20 degrees C, in cloudy and clear air. The rapid time response of the sensor (to >10 V s(-1)) permits charge densities from 100 fC m(-3) to 1 nC m(-3) to be determined, which is sufficient for it to act as a cloud edge charge detector at weakly charged horizontal cloud boundaries.


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We investigated diurnal nitrate (NO3-) concentration variability in the San Joaquin River using an in situ optical NO3- sensor and discrete sampling during a 5-day summer period characterized by high algal productivity. Dual NO3- isotopes (delta N-15(NO3) and delta O-18(NO3)) and dissolved oxygen isotopes (delta O-18(DO)) were measured over 2 days to assess NO3- sources and biogeochemical controls over diurnal time-scales. Concerted temporal patterns of dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations and delta O-18(DO) were consistent with photosynthesis, respiration and atmospheric O-2 exchange, providing evidence of diurnal biological processes independent of river discharge. Surface water NO3- concentrations varied by up to 22% over a single diurnal cycle and up to 31% over the 5-day study, but did not reveal concerted diurnal patterns at a frequency comparable to DO concentrations. The decoupling of delta N-15(NO3) and delta O-18(NO3) isotopes suggests that algal assimilation and denitrification are not major processes controlling diurnal NO3- variability in the San Joaquin River during the study. The lack of a clear explanation for NO3- variability likely reflects a combination of riverine biological processes and time-varying physical transport of NO3- from upstream agricultural drains to the mainstem San Joaquin River. The application of an in situ optical NO3- sensor along with discrete samples provides a view into the fine temporal structure of hydrochemical data and may allow for greater accuracy in pollution assessment.


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WO3-based materials as sensors for the monitor of environmental gases such as NO2 (NO + NO2) have been rapidly developed for various potential applications (stationary and mobile uses). It has been reported that these materials are highly sensitive to NOx with the sensitivity further enhanced by adding precious group metals (PGM such as Pt, Pd, Au, etc.). However, there has been limited work in revealing the sensing mechanism for these gases over the WO3-based sensors. In particular, the role of promoter is not yet clear though speculations on their catalytic, electronic and structural effects have been made in the past. In parallel to these PGM promoters here we report,for the first time, that Ag promotion can also enhance WO3 sensitivity significantly. In addition, this promotion decreases the optimum sensor temperature of 300 degreesC for Most WO3-based sensors, to below 200 degreesC. Characterizations (XRD, TEM, and impedance measurement) reveal that there is no significant bulk structure change nor particle size alteration in the WO3 phases during the NO exposure. However, it is found that the Ag doping creates a high concentration of oxygen vacancies in form of coordinated crystallographic shear (CS) planes onto the underneath WO3. It is thus proposed that the Ag particle facilitates the oxidative conversion of NO to NO2 followed by a subsequent NO2 adsorption on the defective WO, sites created at the Ag-WO3 interface; hence, accounting for the high molecular sensitivity. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The compound bis[1,1'-N,N'-(2-picolyl) aminomethyl] ferrocene, L-1, was synthesized. The protonation constants of this ligand and the stability constants of its complexes with Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+ were determined in aqueous solution by potentiometric methods at 25degreesC and at ionic strength 0.10 mol dm(-3) in KNO3. The compound L-1 forms only 1:1 (M:L) complexes with Pb2+ and Cd2+ while with Ni2+ and Cu2+ species of 2:1 ratio were also found. The complexing behaviour of L-1 is regulated by the constraint imposed by the ferrocene in its backbone, leading to lower values of stability constants for complexes of the divalent first row transition metals when compared with related ligands. However, the differences in stability are smaller for the larger metal ions. The structure of the copper complex with L-1 was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and shows that a species of 2:2 ratio is formed. The two copper centres display distorted octahedral geometries and are linked through the two L1 bridges at a long distance of 8.781(10) Angstrom. The electrochemical behaviour of L-1 was studied in the presence of Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+, showing that upon complexation the ferrocene-ferrocenium half-wave potential shifts anodically in relation to that of the free ligand. The maximum electrochemical shift (DeltaE(1/2)) of 268 mV was found in the presence of Pb2+, followed by Cu2+ (218 mV), Ni2+ (152 mV), Zn2+ (111 mV) and Cd2+ (110 mV). Moreover, L-1 is able to electrochemically and selectively sense Cu2+ in the presence of a large excess of the other transition metal cations studied.


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While building provides shelter for human being, the previous models for assessing the intelligence of a building seldom consider the responses of occupants. In addition, the assessment is usually conducted by an authority organization on a yearly basis, thus can seldom provide timely assistance for facility manager to improve his daily facility maintenance performance. By the extending the law of entropy into the area of intelligent building, this paper demonstrate that both energy consumption and the response of occupants are important when partially assessing the intelligence of a building. This study then develops a sensor based real time building intelligence (BI) assessment model. An experimental case study demonstrates how the model can be implemented. The developed model can address the two demerits of the previous BI assessment model.


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This article presents a prototype model based on a wireless sensor actuator network (WSAN) aimed at optimizing both energy consumption of environmental systems and well-being of occupants in buildings. The model is a system consisting of the following components: a wireless sensor network, `sense diaries', environmental systems such as heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems, and a central computer. A multi-agent system (MAS) is used to derive and act on the preferences of the occupants. Each occupant is represented by a personal agent in the MAS. The sense diary is a new device designed to elicit feedback from occupants about their satisfaction with the environment. The roles of the components are: the WSAN collects data about physical parameters such as temperature and humidity from an indoor environment; the central computer processes the collected data; the sense diaries leverage trade-offs between energy consumption and well-being, in conjunction with the agent system; and the environmental systems control the indoor environment.


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This paper provides an introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), their applications in the field of control engineering and elsewhere and gives pointers to future research needs. WSN are collections of stand-alone devices which, typically, have one or more sensors (e.g. temperature, light level), some limited processing capability and a wireless interface allowing communication with a base station. As they are usually battery powered, the biggest challenge is to achieve the necessary monitoring whilst using the least amount of power.


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The results from applying a sensor fusion process to an adaptive controller used to balance all inverted pendulum axe presented. The goal of the sensor fusion process was to replace some of the four mechanical measurements, which are known to be sufficient inputs for a linear state feedback controller to balance the system, with optic flow variables. Results from research into the psychology of the sense of balance in humans were the motivation for the investigation of this new type of controller input. The simulated model of the inverted pendulum and the virtual reality environments used to provide the optical input are described. The successful introduction of optical information is found to require the preservation of at least two of the traditional input types and entail increased training till-le for the adaptive controller and reduced performance (measured as the time the pendulum remains upright)