465 resultados para mold


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Manufacturing technologies as injection molding or embossing specify their production limits for minimum radii of the vertices or draft angle for demolding, for instance. In some demanding nonimaging applications, these restrictions may limit the system optical efficiency or affect the generation of undesired artifacts on the illumination pattern. A novel manufacturing concept is presented here, in which the optical surfaces are not obtained from the usual revolution symmetry with respect to a central axis (z axis), but they are calculated as free-form surfaces describing a spiral trajectory around z axis. The main advantage of this new concept lies in the manufacturing process: a molded piece can be easily separated from its mold just by applying a combination of rotational movement around axis z and linear movement along axis z, even for negative draft angles. Some of these spiral symmetry examples will be shown here, as well as their simulated results.


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Manufacturing technologies as injection molding or embossing specify their production limits for minimum radii of the vertices or draft angle for demolding, for instance. These restrictions may limit the system optical efficiency or affect the generation of undesired artifacts on the illumination pattern when dealing with optical design. A novel manufacturing concept is presented here, in which the optical surfaces are not obtained from the usual revolution symmetry with respect to a central axis (z axis), but they are calculated as free-form surfaces describing a spiral trajectory around z axis. The main advantage of this new concept lies in the manufacturing process: a molded piece can be easily separated from its mold just by applying a combination of rotational movement around axis z and linear movement along axis z, even for negative draft angles. The general designing procedure will be described in detail


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Manufacturing technologies as injection molding or embossing specify their production limits for minimum radii of the vertices or draft angle for demolding, for instance. In some demanding nonimaging applications, these restrictions may limit the system optical efficiency or affect the generation of undesired artifacts on the illumination pattern. A novel manufacturing concept is presented here, in which the optical surfaces are not obtained from the usual revolution symmetry with respect to a central axis (z axis), but they are calculated as free-form surfaces describing a spiral trajectory around z axis. The main advantage of this new concept lies in the manufacturing process: a molded piece can be easily separated from its mold just by applying a combination of rotational movement around axis z and linear movement along axis z, even for negative draft angles. Some of these spiral symmetry examples will be shown here, as well as their simulated results.


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La óptica anidólica es una rama de la óptica cuyo desarrollo comenzó a mediados de la década de 1960. Este relativamente nuevo campo de la óptica se centra en la transferencia eficiente de la luz, algo necesario en muchas aplicaciones, entre las que destacamos los concentradores solares y los sistemas de iluminación. Las soluciones de la óptica clásica a los problemas de la transferencia de energía de la luz sólo son adecuadas cuando los rayos de luz son paraxiales. La condición paraxial no se cumple en la mayoría de las aplicaciones para concentración e iluminación. Esta tesis contiene varios diseños free-form (aquellos que no presentan ninguna simetría, ni de rotación ni lineal) cuyas aplicaciones van destinadas a estos dos campos. El término nonimaging viene del hecho de que estos sistemas ópticos no necesitan formar una imagen del objeto, aunque no formar la imagen no es una condición necesaria. Otra palabra que se utiliza a veces en lugar de nonimaging es la palabra anidólico, viene del griego "an+eidolon" y tiene el mismo significado. La mayoría de los sistemas ópticos diseñados para aplicaciones anidólicas no presentan ninguna simetría, es decir, son free-form (anamórficos). Los sistemas ópticos free-form están siendo especialmente relevantes durante los últimos años gracias al desarrollo de las herramientas para su fabricación como máquinas de moldeo por inyección y el mecanizado multieje. Sin embargo, solo recientemente se han desarrollado técnicas de diseño anidólicas capaces de cumplir con estos grados de libertad. En aplicaciones de iluminación el método SMS3D permite diseñar dos superficies free-form para controlar las fuentes de luz extensas. En los casos en que se requiere una elevada asimetría de la fuente, el objeto o las restricciones volumétricos, las superficies free-form permiten obtener soluciones de mayor eficiencia, o disponer de menos elementos en comparación con las soluciones de simetría de rotación, dado que las superficies free-form tienen más grados de libertad y pueden realizar múltiples funciones debido a su naturaleza anamórfica. Los concentradores anidólicos son muy adecuados para la captación de energía solar, ya que el objetivo no es la reproducción de una imagen exacta del sol, sino sencillamente la captura de su energía. En este momento, el campo de la concentración fotovoltaica (CPV) tiende hacia sistemas de alta concentración con el fin de compensar el gasto de las células solares multi-unión (MJ) utilizadas como receptores, reduciendo su área. El interés en el uso de células MJ radica en su alta eficiencia de conversión. Para obtener sistemas competitivos en aplicaciones terrestres se recurre a sistemas fotovoltaicos de alta concentración (HCPV), con factores de concentración geométrica por encima de 500x. Estos sistemas se componen de dos (o más) elementos ópticos (espejos y/o lentes). En los sistemas presentados a lo largo de este trabajo se presentan ejemplos de concentradores HCPV con elementos reflexivos como etapa primaria, así como concentradores con elementos refractivos (lente de Fresnel). Con la necesidad de aumentar la eficiencia de los sistemas HCPV reales y con el fin de proporcionar la división más eficiente del espectro solar, células conteniendo cuatro o más uniones (con un potencial de alcanzar eficiencias de más del 45% a una concentración de cientos de soles) se exploran hoy en día. En esta tesis se presenta una de las posibles arquitecturas de división del espectro (spectrum-splitting en la literatura anglosajona) que utilizan células de concentración comercial. Otro campo de aplicación de la óptica nonimaging es la iluminación, donde es necesario proporcionar un patrón de distribución de la iluminación específico. La iluminación de estado sólido (SSL), basada en la electroluminiscencia de materiales semiconductores, está proporcionando fuentes de luz para aplicaciones de iluminación general. En la última década, los diodos emisores de luz (LED) de alto brillo han comenzado a reemplazar a las fuentes de luz convencionales debido a la superioridad en la calidad de la luz emitida, elevado tiempo de vida, compacidad y ahorro de energía. Los colimadores utilizados con LEDs deben cumplir con requisitos tales como tener una alta eficiencia, un alto control del haz de luz, una mezcla de color espacial y una gran compacidad. Presentamos un colimador de luz free-form con microestructuras capaz de conseguir buena colimación y buena mezcla de colores con una fuente de LED RGGB. Una buena mezcla de luz es importante no sólo para simplificar el diseño óptico de la luminaria sino también para evitar hacer binning de los chips. La mezcla de luz óptica puede reducir los costes al evitar la modulación por ancho de pulso y otras soluciones electrónicas patentadas para regulación y ajuste de color. Esta tesis consta de cuatro capítulos. Los capítulos que contienen la obra original de esta tesis son precedidos por un capítulo introductorio donde se presentan los conceptos y definiciones básicas de la óptica geométrica y en el cual se engloba la óptica nonimaging. Contiene principios de la óptica no formadora de imagen junto con la descripción de sus problemas y métodos de diseño. Asimismo se describe el método de Superficies Múltiples Simultáneas (SMS), que destaca por su versatilidad y capacidad de controlar varios haces de rayos. Adicionalmente también se describe la integración Köhler y sus aplicaciones en el campo de la energía fotovoltaica. La concentración fotovoltaica y la iluminación de estado sólido son introducidas junto con la revisión de su estado actual. El Segundo y Tercer Capítulo contienen diseños ópticos avanzados con aplicación en la concentración solar principalmente, mientras que el Cuarto Capítulo describe el colimador free-form con surcos que presenta buena mezcla de colores para aplicaciones de iluminación. El Segundo Capítulo describe dos concentradores ópticos HCPV diseñados con el método SMS en tres dimensiones (SMS3D) que llevan a cabo integración Köhler en dos direcciones con el fin de proporcionar una distribución de irradiancia uniforme libre de aberraciones cromáticas sobre la célula solar. Uno de los diseños es el concentrador XXR free-form diseñado con el método SMS3D, donde el espejo primario (X) y la lente secundaria (R) se dividen en cuatro sectores simétricos y llevan a cabo la integración Köhler (proporcionando cuatro unidades del array Köhler), mientras que el espejo intermedio (X) presenta simetría rotacional. Otro concentrador HCPV presentado es el Fresnel-RXI (FRXI) con una lente de Fresnel funcionando como elemento primario (POE) y una lente RXI como elemento óptico secundario (SOE), que presenta configuración 4-fold con el fin de realizar la integración Köhler. Las lentes RXI son dispositivos nonimaging conocidos, pero su aplicación como elemento secundario es novedosa. Los concentradores XXR y FRXI Köhler son ejemplos académicos de muy alta concentración (más de 2,000x, mientras que los sistemas convencionales hoy en día no suelen llegar a 1,000x) preparados para las células solares N-unión (con N>3), que probablemente requerirán una mayor concentración y alta uniformidad espectral de irradiancia con el fin de obtener sistemas CPV terrestres eficientes y rentables. Ambos concentradores están diseñados maximizando funciones de mérito como la eficiencia óptica, el producto concentración-aceptancia (CAP) y la uniformidad de irradiancia sobre la célula libre de la aberración cromática (integración Köhler). El Tercer Capítulo presenta una arquitectura para la división del espectro solar basada en un módulo HCPV con alta concentración (500x) y ángulo de aceptancia alto (>1º) que tiene por objeto reducir ambas fuentes de pérdidas de las células triple unión (3J) comerciales: el uso eficiente del espectro solar y la luz reflejada de los contactos metálicos y de la superficie de semiconductor. El módulo para la división del espectro utiliza el espectro solar más eficiente debido a la combinación de una alta eficiencia de una célula de concentración 3J (GaInP/GaInAs/Ge) y una de contacto posterior (BPC) de concentración de silicio (Si), así como la técnica de confinamiento externo para la recuperación de la luz reflejada por la célula 3J con el fin de ser reabsorbida por la célula. En la arquitectura propuesta, la célula 3J opera con su ganancia de corriente optimizada (concentración geométrica de 500x), mientras que la célula de silicio trabaja cerca de su óptimo también (135x). El módulo de spectrum-splitting consta de una lente de Fresnel plana como POE y un concentrador RXI free-form como SOE con un filtro paso-banda integrado en él. Tanto POE como SOE realizan la integración Köhler para producir homogeneización de luz sobre la célula. El filtro paso banda envía los fotones IR en la banda 900-1,150nm a la célula de silicio. Hay varios aspectos prácticos de la arquitectura del módulo presentado que ayudan a reducir la complejidad de los sistemas spectrum-splitting (el filtro y el secundario forman una sola pieza sólida, ambas células son coplanarias simplificándose el cableado y la disipación de calor, etc.). Prototipos prueba-de-concepto han sido ensamblados y probados a fin de demostrar la fabricabilidad del filtro y su rendimiento cuando se combina con la técnica de reciclaje de luz externa. Los resultados obtenidos se ajustan bastante bien a los modelos y a las simulaciones e invitan al desarrollo de una versión más compleja de este prototipo en el futuro. Dos colimadores sólidos con surcos free-form se presentan en el Cuarto Capítulo. Ambos diseños ópticos están diseñados originalmente usando el método SMS3D. La segunda superficie ópticamente activa está diseñada a posteriori como una superficie con surcos. El diseño inicial de dos espejos (XX) está diseñado como prueba de concepto. En segundo lugar, el diseño RXI free-form es comparable con los colimadores RXI existentes. Se trata de un diseño muy compacto y eficiente que proporciona una muy buena mezcla de colores cuando funciona con LEDs RGB fuera del eje óptico como en los RGB LEDs convencionales. Estos dos diseños son dispositivos free-form diseñados con la intención de mejorar las propiedades de mezcla de colores de los dispositivos no aplanáticos RXI con simetría de revolución y la eficiencia de los aplanáticos, logrando una buena colimación y una buena mezcla de colores. La capacidad de mezcla de colores del dispositivo no-aplanático mejora añadiendo características de un aplanático a su homólogo simétrico sin pérdida de eficiencia. En el caso del diseño basado en RXI, su gran ventaja consiste en su menor coste de fabricación ya que el proceso de metalización puede evitarse. Aunque algunos de los componentes presentan formas muy complejas, los costes de fabricación son relativamente insensibles a la complejidad del molde, especialmente en el caso de la producción en masa (tales como inyección de plástico), ya que el coste del molde se reparte entre todas las piezas fabricadas. Por último, las últimas dos secciones son las conclusiones y futuras líneas de investigación. ABSTRACT Nonimaging optics is a branch of optics whose development began in the mid-1960s. This rather new field of optics focuses on the efficient light transfer necessary in many applications, among which we highlight solar concentrators and illumination systems. The classical optics solutions to the problems of light energy transfer are only appropriate when the light rays are paraxial. The paraxial condition is not met in most applications for the concentration and illumination. This thesis explores several free-form designs (with neither rotational nor linear symmetry) whose applications are intended to cover the above mentioned areas and more. The term nonimaging comes from the fact that these optical systems do not need to form an image of the object, although it is not a necessary condition not to form an image. Another word sometimes used instead of nonimaging is anidolic, and it comes from the Greek “an+eidolon” and has the same meaning. Most of the optical systems designed for nonimaging applications are without any symmetry, i.e. free-form. Free-form optical systems become especially relevant lately with the evolution of free-form tooling (injection molding machines, multi-axis machining techniques, etc.). Nevertheless, only recently there are nonimaging design techniques that are able to meet these degrees of freedom. In illumination applications, the SMS3D method allows designing two free-form surfaces to control very well extended sources. In cases when source, target or volumetric constrains have very asymmetric requirements free-form surfaces are offering solutions with higher efficiency or with fewer elements in comparison with rotationally symmetric solutions, as free-forms have more degrees of freedom and they can perform multiple functions due to their free-form nature. Anidolic concentrators are well suited for the collection of solar energy, because the goal is not the reproduction of an exact image of the sun, but instead the collection of its energy. At this time, Concentration Photovoltaics (CPV) field is turning to high concentration systems in order to compensate the expense of multi-junction (MJ) solar cells used as receivers by reducing its area. Interest in the use of MJ cells lies in their very high conversion efficiency. High Concentration Photovoltaic systems (HCPV) with geometric concentration of more than 500x are required in order to have competitive systems in terrestrial applications. These systems comprise two (or more) optical elements, mirrors and/or lenses. Systems presented in this thesis encompass both main types of HCPV architectures: concentrators with primary reflective element and concentrators with primary refractive element (Fresnel lens). Demand for the efficiency increase of the actual HCPV systems as well as feasible more efficient partitioning of the solar spectrum, leads to exploration of four or more junction solar cells or submodules. They have a potential of reaching over 45% efficiency at concentration of hundreds of suns. One possible architectures of spectrum splitting module using commercial concentration cells is presented in this thesis. Another field of application of nonimaging optics is illumination, where a specific illuminance distribution pattern is required. The Solid State Lighting (SSL) based on semiconductor electroluminescence provides light sources for general illumination applications. In the last decade high-brightness Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) started replacing conventional light sources due to their superior output light quality, unsurpassed lifetime, compactness and energy savings. Collimators used with LEDs have to meet requirements like high efficiency, high beam control, color and position mixing, as well as a high compactness. We present a free-form collimator with microstructures that performs good collimation and good color mixing with RGGB LED source. Good light mixing is important not only for simplifying luminaire optical design but also for avoiding die binning. Optical light mixing may reduce costs by avoiding pulse-width modulation and other patented electronic solutions for dimming and color tuning. This thesis comprises four chapters. Chapters containing the original work of this thesis are preceded by the introductory chapter that addresses basic concepts and definitions of geometrical optics on which nonimaging is developed. It contains fundamentals of nonimaging optics together with the description of its design problems, principles and methods, and with the Simultaneous Multiple Surface (SMS) method standing out for its versatility and ability to control several bundles of rays. Köhler integration and its applications in the field of photovoltaics are described as well. CPV and SSL fields are introduced together with the review on their background and their current status. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 contain advanced optical designs with primarily application in solar concentration; meanwhile Chapter 4 portrays the free-form V-groove collimator with good color mixing property for illumination application. Chapter 2 describes two HCPV optical concentrators designed with the SMS method in three dimensions (SMS3D). Both concentrators represent Köhler integrator arrays that provide uniform irradiance distribution free from chromatic aberrations on the solar cell. One of the systems is the XXR free-form concentrator designed with the SMS3D method. The primary mirror (X) of this concentrator and secondary lens (R) are divided in four symmetric sectors (folds) that perform Köhler integration; meanwhile the intermediate mirror (X) is rotationally symmetric. Second HCPV concentrator is the Fresnel-RXI (FRXI) with flat Fresnel lens as the Primary Optical Element (POE) and an RXI lens as the Secondary Optical Element (SOE). This architecture manifests 4-fold configuration for performing Köhler integration (4 array units), as well. The RXI lenses are well-known nonimaging devices, but their application as SOE is novel. Both XXR and FRXI Köhler HCPV concentrators are academic examples of very high concentration (more than 2,000x meanwhile conventional systems nowadays have up to 1,000x) prepared for the near future N-junction (N>3) solar cells. In order to have efficient and cost-effective terrestrial CPV systems, those cells will probably require higher concentrations and high spectral irradiance uniformity. Both concentrators are designed by maximizing merit functions: the optical efficiency, concentration-acceptance angle (CAP) and cell-irradiance uniformity free from chromatic aberrations (Köhler integration). Chapter 3 presents the spectrum splitting architecture based on a HCPV module with high concentration (500x) and high acceptance angle (>1º). This module aims to reduce both sources of losses of the actual commercial triple-junction (3J) solar cells with more efficient use of the solar spectrum and with recovering the light reflected from the 3J cells’ grid lines and semiconductor surface. The solar spectrum is used more efficiently due to the combination of a high efficiency 3J concentration cell (GaInP/GaInAs/Ge) and external Back-Point-Contact (BPC) concentration silicon (Si) cell. By employing external confinement techniques, the 3J cell’s reflections are recovered in order to be re-absorbed by the cell. In the proposed concentrator architecture, the 3J cell operates at its optimized current gain (at geometrical concentration of 500x), while the Si cell works near its optimum, as well (135x). The spectrum splitting module consists of a flat Fresnel lens (as the POE), and a free-form RXI-type concentrator with a band-pass filter embedded in it (as the SOE), both POE and SOE performing Köhler integration to produce light homogenization. The band-pass filter sends the IR photons in the 900-1,150nm band to the Si cell. There are several practical aspects of presented module architecture that help reducing the added complexity of the beam splitting systems: the filter and secondary are forming a single solid piece, both cells are coplanar so the heat management and wiring is simplified, etc. Two proof-of-concept prototypes are assembled and tested in order to prove filter manufacturability and performance, as well as the potential of external light recycling technique. Obtained measurement results agree quite well with models and simulations, and show an opened path to manufacturing of the Fresnel RXI-type secondary concentrator with spectrum splitting strategy. Two free-form solid V-groove collimators are presented in Chapter 4. Both free-form collimators are originally designed with the SMS3D method. The second mirrored optically active surface is converted in a grooved surface a posteriori. Initial two mirror (XX) design is presented as a proof-of-concept. Second, RXI free-form design is comparable with existing RXI collimators as it is a highly compact and a highly efficient design. It performs very good color mixing of the RGGB LED sources placed off-axis like in conventional RGB LEDs. Collimators described here improve color mixing property of the prior art rotationally symmetric no-aplanatic RXI devices, and the efficiency of the aplanatic ones, accomplishing both good collimation and good color mixing. Free-form V-groove collimators enhance the no-aplanatic device's blending capabilities by adding aplanatic features to its symmetric counterpart with no loss in efficiency. Big advantage of the RXI design is its potentially lower manufacturing cost, since the process of metallization may be avoided. Although some components are very complicated for shaping, the manufacturing costs are relatively insensitive to the complexity of the mold especially in the case of mass production (such as plastic injection), as the cost of the mold is spread in many parts. Finally, last two sections are conclusions and future lines of investigation.


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In 1933 public letter to Wilhelm Furtwängler, Joseph Goebbels synthesized the official understanding of the link between politics, art and society in the early steps of the Third Reich. By assuming the ethos of art, politics acquired a plastic agency to mold its objects —population and the state— as a unified entity in the form of a ‘national-popular community’ (Volksgemeinschaft); in turn, by infusing art with a political valence, it became part of a wider governmental apparatus that reshaped aesthetic discourses and practices. Similar remarks could be made about the ordering of cities and territories in this period. Dictatorial imaginations mobilized urbanism —including urban theory, urban design and planning— as a fundamental tool for social organization. Under their aegis the production of space became a moment in a wider production of society. Many authors suggest that this political-spatial nexus is intrinsic to modernity itself, beyond dictatorial regimes. In this light, I propose to use dictatorial urbanisms as an analytical opportunity to delve into some concealed features of modern urban design and planning. This chapter explores some of these aspects from a theoretical standpoint, focusing on the development of dictatorial planning mentalities and spatial rationalities and drawing links to other historical episodes in order to inscribe the former in a broader genealogy of urbanism. Needless to say, I don’t suggest that we use dictatorships as mere templates to understand modern productions of space. Instead, these cases provide a crude version of some fundamental drives in the operationalization of urbanism as an instrument of social regulation, showing how far the modern imagination of sociospatial orderings can go. Dictatorial urbanisms constituted a set of experiences where many dreams and aspirations of modern planning went to die. But not, as the conventional account would have it, because the former were the antithesis of the latter, but rather because they worked as the excess of a particular orientation of modern spatial governmentalities — namely, their focus on calculation, social engineering and disciplinary spatialities, and their attempt to subsume a wide range of everyday practices under institutional structuration by means of spatial mediations. In my opinion the interest of dictatorial urbanisms lies in their role as key regulatory episodes in a longer history of our urban present. They stand as a threshold between the advent of planning in the late 19th and early 20th century, and its final consolidation as a crucial state instrument after World War II. We need, therefore, to pay attention to these experiences vis-à-vis the alleged ‘normal’ development of the field in contemporary democratic countries in order to develop a full comprehension thereof.


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Currently, cell culture systems that include nanoscale topography are widely used in order to provide cells additional cues closer to the in vivo environment, seeking to mimic the natural extracellular matrix. Electrospinning is one of the most common techniques to produce nano fiber mats. However, since many sensitive parameters play an important role in the process, a lack of reproducibility is a major drawback. Here we present a simple and robust methodology to prepare reproducible electrospun-like samples. It consists of a polydimethylsiloxane mold reproducing the fiber pattern to solvent-cast a polymer solution and obtain the final sample. To validate this methodology, poly(L-lactic) acid (PLLA) samples were obtained and, after characterisation, bioactivity and ability to direct cell response were assessed. C2C12 myoblasts developed focal adhesions on the electrospun-like fibers and, when cultured under myogenic differentiation conditions, similar differentiation levels to electrospun PLLA fibers were obtained.


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La fragmentación espacial de una ciudad, que será el principal enfoque de la presente Tesis, ocurre cuando una entidad pequeña se ve obligada a adecuar sus relaciones ante la inminente presencia de un entorno urbano de mayor peso que se aproxima y densifica. Este tipo de fragmentación se analizará tomando en cuenta tres factores (especulación, desorganización y falta de protección) que moldean el desarrollo de procesos urbanísticos modernos en las grandes metrópolis Latinoamericanas, particularmente en la Ciudad de México. La Ciudad de México tuvo un desarrollo altamente competitivo, que ha sido también el catalizador de un largo y sostenido crecimiento urbano. Con el pasar del tiempo, la capital ha sobrepasado las expectativas de los más visionarios. El estudio detallado del asentamiento de Tacubaya (el cual conforma una parte dinámica de la Ciudad de México), permitirá al lector evaluar el extravagante crecimiento que ocurre en la Ciudad de México y los asentamientos que lo rodean, en la primera mitad del siglo XX. Tacubaya, así como muchos de los pequeños poblados preexistentes que se ubicaban en las afueras de la gran urbe, fue alcanzado y engullido por la mancha urbana, sufriendo importantes cambios en su núcleo urbano. Sin embargo, partes de esta antigua centralidad han persistido junto con una parte de los elementos urbanos que la estructuraban; monumentos y riquezas históricas, los cuales han facilitado la reinvención de su centro urbano, sobreviviendo tanto a los abates del tiempo como a las oleadas de nuevos pobladores. El lugar que permanece es un centro urbano sumamente fragmentado, permeado por: una incesante superposición de tejidos y elementos estructuradores olvidados, poblaciones flotantes y de paso que desestabilizan las zonas residenciales, estratos sociales cada vez más apartados. Pensaríamos que las circunstancias que envuelven la demarcación la han dejado en caos, sin embargo, para la sorpresa de muchos, Tacubaya se sigue adaptando a pesar de todos los obstáculos. ABSTRACT In urbanism, the type of spatial fragmentation, that will be the main focus of this Thesis, occurs when a stronger and denser environment takes over a smaller entity, forcing it to adapt its functional relations. This type of fragmentation will be analyzed taking into account three specific factors (speculation, disorganization, and lack of protection) that mold the development of modern urbanistic processes in large Latin American cities, particularly in Mexico City. Mexico City had a highly competitive and bright development, which served as catalyst in a long and sustained urban growth. With the passing of time, the capital has outgrown the measures, previsions and administrative limits created by the government and its visionaries. The detailed study of the Tacubaya settlement (which conforms a vibrant part of Mexico City) will allow the reader to appreciate the exceptional and rare growth that occurs in Mexico City and in the settlements that surround it, in the first half of the 20th century. Tacubaya as well as many other small preexisting settlements located on the outskirts of the city, has been engulfed by the urban expansion suffering important changes in its urban core. Parts of the ancient centrality have persisted along with its structural urban elements, due mainly to monuments and other historical entities that have facilitated the reinvention of the downtown area, helping it survive not only the passing of time, but also the incrementing population. The city that now exists is fragmented beyond recognition. Tacubaya is permeated by an endless fabric overlay created by forgotten structural elements, floating populations that affect the residential zones, and a polarized society that diverges with every passing day. We may think that the circumstances that surround the city have left it in shambles; however, to the surprise of many, Tacubaya is still adapting in spite of all the obstacles.


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En este trabajo, materiales de tipo alúmina/Y-TZP (ZrO2 tetragonal, estabilizada con 3 mol. % Y2O3), como sistema cerámico popular por sus mejoradas propiedades mecánicas en comparación con las cerámicas de alúmina puras, han sido estudiados en términos de propiedades mecánicas y tensiones residuales. El novedoso método de colado en cinta, consistente en el apilamiento de cintas de cerámica verde a temperatura ambiente y el uso de bajas presiones, se ha escogido para la presente investigación con el fin de poder aprovechar al máximo el futuro desarrollo de materiales laminados de alúmina-óxido de circonio. Se han determinado las propiedades de los materiales obtenidos por este nuevo método de procesamiento comparándolas con las de los materiales obtenidos por “slip casting”, con el fin de analizar si el método propuesto afecta a la microestructura y, por tanto, a las propiedades mecánicas y tensiones residuales propias de estos materiales. Para analizar la idoneidad del proceso de fabricación, utilizado para evitar la presencia de discontinuidades en las intercaras entre las láminas así como otros fenómenos que puedan interferir con las propiedades mecánicas, se estudiaron materiales cerámicos con la misma composición en cintas. Por otra parte también se analizó el efecto de la adición de óxido de circonio sobre la aparición de tensiónes residuales en cerámicas Al2O3/Y-TZP, teniendo en cuenta su notable influencia sobre las propiedades microestructurales y mecánicas de los materiales, así como el requisito de co-sinterización de capas con diferentes materiales compuestos en materiales laminados. La caracterización del material incluye la determinación de la densidad, el análisis de la microestructura, la obtención de las propiedades mecánicas (módulo de elasticidad, dureza, resistencia a la flexión y tenacidad de fractura) así como de las tensiones residuales. En combinación con otros métodos de medida tradicionales, la nanoindentación también se empleó como una técnica adicional para la medida del módulo de elasticidad y de la dureza. Por otro lado, diferentes técnicas de difracción con neutrones, tanto las basadas en longitud de onda constante (CW) como en tiempo de vuelo (TOF), han sido empleadas para la medición fiable de la deformación residual a través del grosor en muestras a granel. Las tensiones residuales fueron determinadas con elevada precisión, aplicando además métodos de análisis apropiados, como por ejemplo el refinamiento de Rietveld. Las diferentes fases en cerámicas sinterizadas, especialmente las de zirconia, se examinaron con detalle mediante el análisis de Rietveld, teniendo en cuenta el complicado polimorfismo del Óxido de Zirconio (ZrO2) así como las posibles transformaciones de fase durante el proceso de fabricación. Los efectos del contenido de Y-TZP en combinación con el nuevo método de procesamiento sobre la microestructura, el rendimiento mecánico y las tensiones residuales de los materiales estudiados (Al2O3/Y-TZP) se resumen en el presente trabajo. Finalmente, los mecanismos de endurecimiento, especialmente los relacionados con las tensiones residuales, son igualmente discutidos. In present work, Alumina/Y-TZP (tetragonal ZrO2 stabilized with 3 mol% Y2O3) materials, as an popular ceramic system with improved mechanical properties compared with the pure alumina ceramics, have been studied in terms of mechanical properties and residual stresses. The novel tape casting method, which involved the stacking of green ceramics tapes at room temperature and using low pressures, is selected for manufacturing and investigation, in order to take full advantage of the future development of alumina-zirconia laminated materials. Features of materials obtained by the new processing method are determined and compared with those of materials obtained by conventional slip casting in a plaster mold, in order to study whether the proposed method of processing affects microstructure and thereby the mechanical properties and residual stresses characteristics of materials. To analyse the adequacy of the manufacturing process used to avoid the presence of discontinuities at the interfaces between the sheets and other phenomena that interfere with the mechanical properties, ceramic materials with the same composition in tapes were investigated. Moreover, the effect of addition of zirconia on residual stress development of Al2O3/Y-TZP ceramics were taken into investigations, considering its significantly influence on the microstructure and mechanical properties of materials as well as the requirement of co-sintering of layers with different composites in laminated materials. The characterization includes density, microstructure, mechanical properties (elastic modulus, hardness, flexure strength and fracture toughness) and residual stresses. Except of the traditional measurement methods, nanoindentation technique was also used as an additional measurement of the elastic modulus and hardness. Neutron diffraction, both the constant-wavelength (CW) and time-of-flight (TOF) neutron diffraction techniques, has been used for reliable through-thickness residual strain measurement in bulk samples. Residual stresses were precisely determined combined with appropriate analysis methods, e.g. the Rietveld refinement. The phase compositions in sintered ceramics especially the ones of zirconia were accurately examined by Rietveld analysis, considering the complex polymorph of ZrO2 and the possible phase transformation during manufacturing process. Effects of Y-TZP content and the new processing method on the microstructure, mechanical performance and residual stresses were finally summarized in present studied Al2O3/Y-TZP materials. The toughening mechanisms, especially the residual stresses related toughening, were theoretically discussed.


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The cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum is an attractive system for studying the roles of microtubule-based motility in cell development and differentiation. In this work, we report the first molecular characterization of kinesin-related proteins (KRPs) in Dictyostelium. A PCR-based strategy was used to isolate DNA fragments encoding six KRPs, several of which are induced during the developmental program that is initiated by starvation. The complete sequence of one such developmentally regulated KRP (designated K7) was determined and found to be a novel member of the kinesin superfamily. The motor domain of K7 is most similar to that of conventional kinesin, but unlike conventional kinesin, K7 is not predicted to have an extensive α-helical coiled-coil domain. The nonmotor domain is unusual and is rich in Asn, Gln, and Thr residues; similar sequences are found in other developmentally regulated genes in Dictyostelium. K7, expressed in Escherichia coli, supports plus end–directed microtubule motility in vitro at a speed of 0.14 μm/s, indicating that it is a bona fide motor protein. The K7 motor is found only in developing cells and reaches a peak level of expression between 12 and 16 h after starvation. By immunofluorescence microscopy, K7 localizes to a membranous perinuclear structure. To examine K7 function, we prepared a null cell line but found that these cells show no gross developmental abnormalities. However, when cultivated in the presence of wild-type cells, the K7-null cells are mostly absent from the prestalk zone of the slug. This result suggests that in a population composed largely of wild-type cells, the absence of the K7 motor protein interferes either with the ability of the cells to localize to the prestalk zone or to differentiate into prestalk cells.


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The cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum is a widely used model system for studying a variety of basic processes in development, including cell–cell signaling, signal transduction, pattern formation, cell motility, and the movement of tissue-like aggregates of cells. Many aspects of cell motion are poorly understood, including how individual cell behavior produces the collective motion of cells observed within the mound and slug. Herein, we describe a biologically realistic model for motile D. discoideum cells that can generate active forces, that interact via surface molecules, and that can detect and respond to chemotactic signals. We model the cells as deformable viscoelastic ellipsoids and incorporate signal transduction and cell–cell signaling by using a previously developed model. The shape constraint restricts the admissible deformations but makes the simulation of a large number of interacting cells feasible. Because the model is based on known processes, the parameters can be estimated or measured experimentally. We show that this model can reproduce the observations on the chemotactic behavior of single cells, streaming during aggregation, and the collective motion of an aggregate of cells driven by a small group of pacemakers. The model predicts that the motion of two-dimensional slugs [Bonner, J. T. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 9355–9359] results from the same behaviors that are exhibited by individual cells; it is not necessary to invoke different mechanisms or behaviors. Our computational experiments also suggest previously uncharacterized phenomena that may be experimentally observable.


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When individual amoebae of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum are starving, they aggregate to form a multicellular migrating slug, which moves toward a region suitable for culmination. The culmination of the morphogenesis involves complex cell movements that transform a mound of cells into a globule of spores on a slender stalk. The movement has been likened to a “reverse fountain,” whereby prestalk cells in the upper part form a stalk that moves downwards and anchors to the substratum, while prespore cells in the lower part move upwards to form the spore head. So far, however, no satisfactory explanation has been produced for this process. Using a computer simulation that we developed, we now demonstrate that the processes that are essential during the earlier stages of the morphogenesis are in fact sufficient to produce the dynamics of the culmination stage. These processes are cAMP signaling, differential adhesion, cell differentiation, and production of extracellular matrix. Our model clarifies the processes that generate the observed cell movements. More specifically, we show that periodic upward movements, caused by chemotactic motion, are essential for successful culmination, because the pressure waves they induce squeeze the stalk downwards through the cell mass. The mechanisms revealed by our model have a number of self-organizing and self-correcting properties and can account for many previously unconnected and unexplained experimental observations.


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The success of Histoplasma capsulatum as an intracellular pathogen depends completely on successful conversion of the saprophytic mycelial (mold) form of this fungus to a parasitic yeast form. It is therefore not surprising that yeast phase-specific genes and gene products are proving to be important for survival and proliferation of H. capsulatum within macrophages. In this study, we have focused on the role and regulation of two yeast-specific characteristics: α-(1,3)-glucan, a cell wall polysaccharide modulated by cell-density (quorum) sensing, and a secreted calcium-binding protein (CBP) that is essential for pathogenicity.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o desempenho físico-mecânico e a durabilidade de painéis de partículas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar com resina bicomponente a base de mamona (BCP) e compará-los com painéis de partículas de madeira comerciais (Medium Density Particleboard - MDP). Os painéis de bagaço de cana de açúcar foram fabricados com um teor de resina poliuretana a base de óleo de maona de 15%. O desempenho físico e mecânico dos painéis particulados foi analisado com base nas prescrições dos documentos normativos vigentes. Ambos os materiais foram revestidos superficialmente com resina poliuretana bicomponente à base de óleo de mamona. Avaliou-se a influência do tratamento das bordas na deterioração e no desempenho dos painéis. O acompanhamento das propriedades físico-mecânicas foi realizado antes e após os ensaios de envelhecimento por exposição natural durante 3, 6 e 12 meses, envelhecimento acelerado e de intemperismo artificial. Foi feita a avaliação, da suscetibilidade ao crescimento gerada pelo ataque de fungos emboloradores e apodrecedores nos materiais durante o envelhecimento natural e no ensaio acelerado. Foi realizada a análise colorimétrica para a identificação de mudanças de cor e brilho nos materiais após os ensaios de deterioração. Foram utilizadas as técnicas de densitometria de raios X, espectroscopia por infravermelho próximo (NIR). Os resultados obtidos indicaram a selagem lateral permitiu avaliar a superfície exposta do material permitindo a entrada da água pela superfície avaliando o efeito dos agentes de deterioração. A porcentagem de retenção para o Módulo de ruptura após o ensaio de envelhecimento por imersão em agua e secagem (APA D1) foi de 87% e 3% para BCP e MDP sem revestimento respectivamente e de 90% e 3% para BCP e MDP com revestimento. A porcentagem de retenção das propriedades mecânicas em ambos os submetidos à exposição natural diminuiu em função do tempo. Entretanto o porcentagem de retenção para os materiais BCP e MDP com revestimento superficial foi de 76% e 60% para MOR. A exposição natural mostrou que os fungos emboloradores foram predominantes em ambos os materiais. Ambos os materiais com revestimento superficial apresentaram entre 1-10% de colonização com um 70% de probabilidade. Revestimento de resina de óleo de mamona reduz o crescimento de fungos em ambos os materiais no ensaio acelerado. O perfil de densitometria permitiu analisar o processo de fabricação dos painéis e permitiu identificar a deterioração gradativa do ambos os materiais após os ensaios de envelhecimento. A intepretação mediante a analise de componentes principais (ACP) na aplicação do NIR comportou a classificação das características relacionadas a cada ensaio de deterioração de ambos os materiais sem revestimento superficial. Com base nos resultados deste trabalho, foram propostas contribuições para ajustes de metodologias para a avaliação da durabilidade e do desempenho físico e mecânico dos painéis particulados, tendo em vista a sua viabilidade técnica, em sistemas construtivos da construção civil.


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Os procedimentos de dosagem Marshall e Superpave definem os teores de ligante de projeto baseados em parâmetros volumétricos. Nessa situação, sistemáticas de dosagem com tipos de compactação diferentes podem conduzir a teores de ligante de projeto distintos que definirão a vida útil dos revestimentos asfálticos. O objetivo principal desse trabalho é avaliar o comportamento mecânico de misturas asfálticas moldadas por diferentes métodos de compactação de laboratório e analisar a relação com os resultados de amostras obtidas a partir de misturas compactadas por rolagem pneumática na mesa compactadora francesa. A fase experimental consistiu na dosagem de misturas pelos métodos Marshall e Superpave (este último com dois tamanhos de moldes), além da compactação na Prensa de Cisalhamento Giratória (PCG) e da moldagem de placas na mesa compactadora. Avaliou-se o efeito do tipo de compactação, do tamanho do molde e do número de giros do Compactador Giratório Superpave (CGS) no teor de projeto, nos parâmetros volumétricos, no comportamento mecânico e no desempenho quanto à fadiga e à resistência ao afundamento em trilha de roda. Adicionalmente, foi avaliada a eficiência do método Bailey de composição granulométrica quanto à resistência à deformação permanente em função do tipo de agregado. Constatou-se que o método Bailey, por si só, não garante resistência à deformação permanente, sendo essa dependente do tipo de agregado incluindo seus parâmetros de forma. O principal produto da pesquisa, com efeitos práticos no projeto de misturas asfálticas, traduz-se na recomendação do método Superpave com molde de 100 mm (para TMN <= 12,5 mm) para volume de tráfego médio a alto em detrimento ao método Superpave com 150 mm, tendo em vista que o primeiro apresenta densificação mais semelhante às amostras preparadas na compactação por rolagem (similar ao que ocorre em pista) o que resulta em comportamento mecânico também mais próximo da realidade de campo. A utilização dos moldes de 150 mm de diâmetro no CGS pode ser viabilizada desde que se adote um número de giros menor do aquele proposto para projeto pelo Asphalt Institute (2001). Por fim, é fundamental que os ensaios e os cálculos para obtenção dos parâmetros volumétricos e escolha do teor de projeto sigam ao normatizado pela ASTM, pelo Asphalt Institute (2001) e pela ABNT.


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O fluxante é uma escória sintética que influencia na qualidade superficial do aço e na estabilidade do processo de lingotamento contínuo. Este produto é aplicado diretamente sobre o aço líquido na região do molde de cobre refrigerado a água e atua diretamente no resfriamento primário do aço. O fluxante tem as propriedades físico-químicas adaptadas para cada tipo de aço e também para as condições de lingotamento. Na superfície do aço líquido, o fluxante funde e forma uma poça líquida, atuando como isolante térmico, protegendo o aço da reoxidação e absorvendo inclusões principalmente de Al2O3. A poça líquida escoa, lubrificando e controlando a transferência de calor na interface entre o molde e a pele de aço em solidificação. O problema de qualidade superficial do aço, quando relacionado ao fluxante, se resume a alarmes de colamento, trincas de quina, marcas de oscilação profundas e trincas longitudinais, sendo este último um problema particular do aço médio carbono. Neste trabalho, foram analisados diferentes fluxantes baseados inicialmente no fluxante comercial aplicado no lingotamento contínuo de placas de aço médio carbono. Todos os fluxantes foram desenvolvidos com composições químicas similares. O objetivo foi avaliar o impacto da substituição de fontes de matérias-primas em diferentes composições de modo a avaliar as propriedades físico-químicas com base no fluxante comercial de referência. Como resultado, de todas as propriedades físico-químicas, foi a temperatura de cristalização que sofreu a alteração mais significativa.