983 resultados para mediastinal blood loss
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are promising diagnostic tools, and blood sampling/handling alters MMP concentrations between plasma and serum and between serum with and without clot activators. To explain the higher MMP-9 expression in serum collected with clot accelerators relative to serum with no additives and to plasma, we analyzed the effects of increasing amounts of silica and silicates (components of clot activators) in,citrate plasma, serum, and huffy coats collected in both plastic and glass tubes from 50 healthy donors, and we analyzed the effects of silica and silicate on cultured leukemia cells. The levels of MMP-2 did not show significant changes between glass and plastic tubes, between serum and plasma, between serum with and without clot accelerators, or between silica and silicate treatments. No modification of MMP-9 expression was obtained by the addition of silica or silicate to previously separated plasma and serum. Increasing the amounts of nonsoluble silica and soluble silicate added to citrate and empty tubes prior to blood collection resulted in increasing levels of MMP-9 relative to citrate plasma and serum. Silica and silicate added to buffy coats and leukemia cells significantly induced MMP-9 release/secretion, demonstrating that both silica and silicate induce the release of pro- and complexed MMP-9 forms. We recommend limiting the misuse of serum and avoiding the interfering effects of clot activators. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Tonic immobility was induced in black tipped reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanoptera) and heart rate and ventral aortic blood pressure recorded. Without branchial irrigation, tonic immobility was correlated with a significant depression in blood pressure and heart rate irrespective of the sharks being in air or in water. Tonic immobility with branchial irrigation resulted in a significant increase in blood pressure in sharks in air, but not in water. Heart rate was unchanged when the gills were irrigated. Intra-arterial injections of atropine abolished the bradycardia and blood pressure rise associated with tonic immobility. We conclude that, during tonic immobility, sharks are able to receive afferent information from the ventilatory system and make appropriate responses via the vagus nerve.
In 82 wild-caught Crocodylus porosus, levels of NADH-MetHb reductase and GSH seem adequate to maintain hemoglobin in its reduced functional state. Studies of C. porosus erythrocytes in vitro show reduction of metHb in the presence of lactate, glucose and plasma, but not pyruvate. These findings, together with recent data which show low metHb in a variety of reptiles, cast doubt on the accepted view that high levels of MetHb are typical of healthy reptiles. One explanation for the sharp contrast between earlier and more recent data could be technical. We found low metHb in Crocodylus johnstoni, Chelodina longicollis and Sphenomorphus quoyi. However, high and variable values reminiscent of many of the earlier data were obtained by omitting final centrifugation prior to spectrophotometry. Interestingly, this step is not part of the standard clinical method but is necessary in analyses of blood with nucleated red cells. These observations suggest that high metHb may not be typical of reptiles after all.
This paper critically assesses several loss allocation methods based on the type of competition each method promotes. This understanding assists in determining which method will promote more efficient network operations when implemented in deregulated electricity industries. The methods addressed in this paper include the pro rata [1], proportional sharing [2], loss formula [3], incremental [4], and a new method proposed by the authors of this paper, which is loop-based [5]. These methods are tested on a modified Nordic 32-bus network, where different case studies of different operating points are investigated. The varying results obtained for each allocation method at different operating points make it possible to distinguish methods that promote unhealthy competition from those that encourage better system operation.
Morrell, Taylor and Kerr, from the University of Sydney's Department of Public Health, review the evidence of an association between unemployment and psychological and physical ill-health in young people aged 15-24 years. Aggregate data show youth unemployment and youth suicide to be strongly associated Youth unemployment is also associated with psychological symptoms, such as depression and loss of confidence. Effects on physical health have been less extensively studied; however, there is some evidence for an association with raised blood pressure. Finally, the prevalence of lifestyle risk factors (cannabis use and, less consistently tobacco and alcohol consumption) is higher in unemployed compared with employed young people.
Peptidergic mechanisms influencing the resistance of the gastrointestinal vascular bed of the estuarine crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, were investigated. The gut was perfused in situ via the mesenteric and the celiac arteries, and the effects of different neuropeptides were tested using bolus injections. Effects on vascular resistance were recorded as changes in inflow pressures. Peptides found in sensory neurons [substance P, neurokinin A, and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)] all caused significant relaxation of the celiac vascular bed, as did vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), another well-known vasodilator. Except for VIP, the peptides also induced transitory gut contractions. Somatostatin and neuropeptide Y (NPY), which coexist in adrenergic neurons of the C. porosus, induced vasoconstriction in the celiac vascular bed without affecting the gut motility. Galanin caused vasoconstriction and occasionally activated the gut wall. To elucidate direct effects on individual vessels, the different peptides were tested on isolated ring preparations of the mesenteric and celiac arteries. Only CGRP and VIP relaxed the epinephrine-precontracted celiac artery, whereas the effects on the mesenteric artery were variable. Somatostatin and NPY did not affect the resting tonus of these vessels, but somatostatin potentiated the epinephrine-induced contraction of the celiac artery. Immunohistochemistry revealed the existence and localization of the above-mentioned peptides in nerve fibers innervating vessels of different sizes in the gut region. These data support the hypothesis of an important role for neuropeptides in the control of the vascular bed of the gastrointestinal tract in C. porosus.
DNA mismatch repair is an important mechanism involved in maintaining the fidelity of genomic DNA. Defective DNA mismatch repair is implicated in a variety of gastrointestinal and other turners; however, its role in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has not been assessed. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded archival pathology tissues from 46 primary liver tumors were studied by microdissection and microsatellite analysis of extracted DNA to assess the degree of microsatellite instability, a marker of defective mismatch repair, and to determine the extent and timing of allelic loss of two DNA mismatch repair genes, human Mut S homologue-2 (hMSH2) and human Mut L homologue-1 (hMLH1), and the tumor suppressor genes adenomatous polyposis coli gene (APC), p53, and DPC4. Microsatellite instability was detected in 16 of the tumors (34.8%). Loss of heterozygosity at microsatellites linked to the DNA mismatch repair genes, hMSH2 and/or hMLH1, was found in 9 cases (19.6%), usually in association with microsatellite instability. Importantly, the pattern of allelic loss was uniform in 8 of these 9 tumors, suggesting that clonal loss had occurred. Moreover, loss at these loci also occurred in nonmalignant tissue adjacent to 4 of these tumors, where it was associated with marked allelic heterogeneity. There was relatively infrequent loss of APC, p53, or DPC4 loci that appeared unrelated to loss of hMSH2 or hMLH1 gene loci. Loss of heterozygosity at hMSH2 and/or hMLH1 gene loci, and the associated microsatellite instability in premalignant hepatic tissues suggests a possible causal role in hepatic carcinogenesis in a subset of hepatomas.
The cardiac limb of the baroreflex loop was studied in the saltwater crocodile Crocodylus porosus, The classical pharmacological methodology using phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside was used to trigger blood pressure changes, and the resulting alterations in heart rate were analysed quantitatively using a logistic function. Interindividual differences in resting heart rates and blood pressures were observed, but all seven animals displayed clear baroreflex responses. Atropine and sotalol greatly attenuated the response. A maximal baroreflex gain of 7.2 beats min(-1) kPa(-1) was found at a mean aortic pressure of 6.1 kPa, indicating the active role of the baroreflex in a wide pressure range encompassing hypotensive and hypertensive states. At the lowest mean aortic pressures (5.0 kPa), the synergistic role of the pulmonary-to-systemic shunt in buffering the blood pressure drop also contributes to blood pressure regulation, Pulse pressure showed a better correlation,vith heart rate and also a higher gain than mean aortic, systolic or diastolic pressures, and this is taken as an indicator of the existence of a differential control element working simultaneously with a linear proportional element.
Physiological and kinematic data were collected from elite under-19 rugby union players to provide a greater understanding of the physical demands of rugby union. Heart rate, blood lactate and time-motion analysis data were collected from 24 players (mean +/- s((x) over bar): body mass 88.7 +/- 9.9 kg, height 185 +/- 7 cm, age 18.4 +/- 0.5 years) during six competitive premiership fixtures. Six players were chosen at random from each of four groups: props and locks, back row forwards, inside backs, outside backs. Heart rate records were classified based on percent time spent in four zones (>95%, 85-95%, 75-84%, <75% HRmax). Blood lactate concentration was measured periodically throughout each match, with movements being classified as standing, walking, jogging, cruising, sprinting, utility, rucking/mauling and scrummaging. The heart rate data indicated that props and locks (58.4%) and back row forwards (56.2%) spent significantly more time in high exertion (85-95% HRmax) than inside backs (40.5%) and outside backs (33.9%) (P < 0.001). Inside backs (36.5%) and outside backs (38.5%) spent significantly more time in moderate exertion (75-84% HRmax) than props and locks (22.6%) and back row forwards (19.8%) (P < 0.05). Outside backs (20.1%) spent significantly more time in low exertion (< 75% HRmax) than props and locks (5.8%) and back row forwards (5.6%) (P < 0.05). Mean blood lactate concentration did not differ significantly between groups (range: 4.67 mmol.l(-1) for outside backs to 7.22 mmol.l(-1) for back row forwards; P < 0.05). The motion analysis data indicated that outside backs (5750 m) covered a significantly greater total distance than either props and locks or back row forwards (4400 and 4080 m, respectively; P < 0.05). Inside backs and outside backs covered significantly greater distances walking (1740 and 1780 m, respectively; P < 0.001), in utility movements (417 and 475 m, respectively; P < 0.001) and sprinting (208 and 340 m, respectively; P < 0.001) than either props and locks or back row forwards (walking: 1000 and 991 m; utility movements: 106 and 154 m; sprinting: 72 and 94 m, respectively). Outside backs covered a significantly greater distance sprinting than inside backs (208 and 340 m, respectively; P < 0.001). Forwards maintained a higher level of exertion than backs, due to more constant motion and a large involvement in static high-intensity activities. A mean blood lactate concentration of 4.8-7.2 mmol.l(-1) indicated a need for 'lactate tolerance' training to improve hydrogen ion buffering and facilitate removal following high-intensity efforts. Furthermore, the large distances (4.2-5.6 km) covered during, and intermittent nature of, match-play indicated a need for sound aerobic conditioning in all groups (particularly backs) to minimize fatigue and facilitate recovery between high-intensity efforts.
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between ornithine decarboxylase activity (ODC; a marker for perturbed cell development), the blood alcohol level, and alcohol-induced microencephaly in the developing rat brain after binge treatment with ethanol vapour. By manipulating ethanol flow we were able to adjust vapour concentrations (24-65 mg ethanol/l air) such that an acute exposure of ethanol vapour for 3 h resulted in a range of blood alcohol levels (2.3-5.5 mg/ml). Acute studies showed that ethanol dose-dependently inhibited rat hippocampal and cerebellar ODC activity at PND4-PND10. There was a significant correlation between the blood alcohol level and degree of inhibition at all ages tested. Chronic treatment from PND4 to PND9 caused a significant decrease in both brain to body weight ratio and in hippocampal and cerebellar ODC activities at PND10. These results indicate that ethanol-induced disruption in ODC could play a significant role in ethanol's teratogenic effects during early postnatal development. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Inc.
The synthetic peptide pilosulin 1, corresponding to the largest defined allergenic polypeptide found in the venom of the jumper ant Myrmecia pilosula, inhibited the incorporation of [methyl-H-3]thymidine into proliferating Epstein-Barr transformed (EBV) B-cells. The LD50 was four-fold lower in concentration than melittin, a cytotoxic peptide found in honey bee venom. Loss of cell viability was assessed by flow cytometry by measuring the proportion of cells that fluoresced in the presence of the fluorescent dye 7-aminoactinomycin D. Examination of proliferating EBV B-cells indicated that the cells lost viability within a few minutes exposure to pilosulin 1. Partial peptides of pilosulin 1 were less efficient in causing loss of cell viability and the results suggest that the 22 N-terminal residues are critical to the cytotoxic activity of pilosulin 1. Normal blood white cells were also labile to pilosulin I. T- and B-lymphocytes, monocytes and natural killer cells, however, were more labile than granulocytes. Analysis of pilosulin I using circular dichroism indicated that, in common with melittin and other Hymenoptera venom toxins, it had the potential to adopt an cc-helical secondary structure. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V, All rights reserved.
The effect of N-2 respiration on cerebral blood flow (CBF) velocity on the dorsal surface of cerebellum was examined in the estuarine crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, using epi-illumination microscopy. Twelve minutes of N-2 respiration resulted in a 126% increase in CBF velocity. N-2 respiration had no effect on blood pressure, indicating an underlying cerebral vasodilation. In addition, heart rate increased significantly. Systemic injections of aminophylline and the NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor nitro-L-arginine (L-NA) did not affect the hypoxia induced increase in CBF. We conclude that C. porosus responds to hypoxia with adenosine and nitric oxide (NO) independent cerebral vasodilation, and that this is likely to be a mechanism protecting the brain from energy deficiency during prolonged dives. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.