921 resultados para measurement of noise


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We report on a measurement of the B-d(0) mixing frequency and the calibration of an opposite-side flavor tagger in the D0 experiment. Various properties associated with the b quark on the opposite side of the reconstructed B meson are combined using a likelihood-ratio method into a single variable with enhanced tagging power. Its performance is tested with data, using a large sample of reconstructed semileptonic B ->mu(DX)-X-0 and B ->mu(DX)-X-* decays, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of approximately 1 fb(-1). The events are divided into groups depending on the value of the combined tagging variable, and an independent analysis is performed in each group. Combining the results of these analyses, the overall effective tagging power is found to be epsilon D-2=(2.48 +/- 0.21(-0.06)(+0.08))%. The measured B-d(0) mixing frequency Delta m(d)=0.506 +/- 0.020(stat)+/- 0.016(syst) ps(-1) is in good agreement with the world average value.


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We report a new measurement of the t (t) over bar production cross section in p (beta) over bar collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV using events with one charged lepton (electron or muon), missing transverse energy, and jets. Using 425 pb(-1) of data collected using the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider, and enhancing the t (t) over bar content of the sample by tagging b jets with a secondary vertex tagging algorithm, the t (t) over bar production cross section is measured to be sigma(p (t) over bar -> t (t) over bar +X)=6.6 +/- 0.9(stat+syst) +/- 0.4(lum) pb. This cross section is the most precise D0 measurement to date for t (t) over bar production and is in good agreement with standard model expectations.


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The measurement of the mixing angle theta(13), sign of Deltam(13)(2), and the CP or T violating phase delta is fraught with ambiguities in neutrino oscillation. In this paper we give an analytic treatment of the paramater degeneracies associated with measuring the nu(mu)-->nu(e) probability and its CP and/or T conjugates. For CP violation, we give explicit solutions to allow us to obtain the regions where there exist twofold and fourfold degeneracies. We calculate the fractional differences, (Deltatheta/(θ) over bar), between the allowed solutions which may be used to compare with the expected sensitivities of the experiments. For T violation we show that there is always a complete degeneracy between solutions with positive and negative Deltam(13)(2) which arises due to a symmetry and cannot be removed by observing one neutrino oscillation probability and its T conjugate. Thus there is always a fourfold parameter degeneracy apart from exceptional points. Explicit solutions are also given and the fractional differences are computed. The biprobability CP/T trajectory diagrams are extensively used to illuminate the nature of the degeneracies.


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Using the exclusive decay B-s(0)-->J/psi(mu(+)mu(-))phi(K+K-), we report the most precise single measurement of the B-s(0) lifetime. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of approximately 220 pb(-1) collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider in 2002-2004. We reconstruct 337 signal candidates, from which we extract the B-s(0) lifetime, tau(B-s(0))=1.444(-0.090)(+0.098)(stat)+/-0.020(sys) ps. We also report a measurement for the lifetime of the B-0 meson using the exclusive decay B-0-->J/psi(mu(+)mu(-))K-*0(892)(K(+)pi(-)). We reconstruct 1370 signal candidates, obtaining tau(B-0)=1.473(-0.050)(+0.052)(stat)+/-0.023(sys) ps, and the ratio of lifetimes, tau(B-s(0))/tau(B-0)=0.980(-0.071)(+0.076)(stat)+/-0.003(sys).


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We present a measurement of the W boson pair-production cross section in p(p) over bar collisions at a center-of-mass energy of root s=1.96 TeV. The data, collected with the Run II D0 detector at Fermilab, correspond to an integrated luminosity of 224-252 pb(-1) depending on the final state (ee, e mu, or mu mu). We observe 25 candidates with a background expectation of 8.1 +/- 0.6(stat)+/- 0.6(syst)+/- 0.5(lum) events. The probability for an upward fluctuation of the background to produce the observed signal is 2.3x10(-7), equivalent to 5.2 standard deviations. The measurement yields a cross section of 13.8(-3.8)(+4.3)(stat)(-0.9)(+1.2)(syst)+/- 0.9(lum) pb, in agreement with predictions from the standard model.


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The cross section for the inclusive production of isolated photons has been measured in p (p) over bar collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV with the DO detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The photons span transverse momenta 23 to 300 GeV and have pseudorapidity vertical bar n vertical bar < 0.9. The cross section is compared with the results from two next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations. The theoretical predictions agree with the measurement within uncertainties. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report a measurement of the B-s(0) lifetime in the semileptonic decay channel B-s(0)-> D-s(-)mu(+)nu X (and its charge conjugate), using approximately 0.4 fb(-1) of data collected with the D0 detector during 2002-2004. Using 5176 reconstructed D-s(-)mu(+) signal events, we have measured the B-s(0) lifetime to be tau(B-s(0))=1.398 +/- 0.044(stat)(-0.025)(+0.028)(syst) ps. This is the most precise measurement of the B-s(0) lifetime to date.


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We present a measurement of the fraction f(+) of right-handed W bosons produced in top quark decays, based on a candidate sample of tt events in the l + jets and dilepton decay channels corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 370 pb(-1) collected by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron pp Collider at root s = 1.96 TeV. We reconstruct the decay angle theta* for each lepton. By comparing the cos theta* distribution from the data with that for the expected background and signal for various values of f(+) (where we assume that the fraction of longitudinally-polarized W bosons has the standard model value of 0.70), we find f(+) = 0.056 +/- 0.080 (stat) +/- 0.057 (syst) (f(+) < 0.23 at 95% C. L.), consistent with the standard model prediction of f(+) = 3.6 X 10(-4).


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The D0 Collaboration presents first evidence for the production of single top quarks at the Fermilab Tevatron < p(p)over bar > collider. Using a 0.9 fb(-1) dataset, we apply a multivariate analysis to separate signal from background and measure sigma(< p(p)over bar >-> tb+X,tqb+X)=4.9 +/- 1.4 pb. The probability to measure a cross section at this value or higher in the absence of a signal is 0.035%, corresponding to a 3.4 standard deviation significance. We use the cross section measurement to directly determine the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element that describes the Wtb coupling and find 0.68


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We present a measurement of the top quark mass with the matrix element method in the lepton+jets final state. As the energy scale for calorimeter jets represents the dominant source of systematic uncertainty, the matrix element likelihood is extended by an additional parameter, which is defined as a global multiplicative factor applied to the standard energy scale. The top quark mass is obtained from a fit that yields the combined statistical and systematic jet energy scale uncertainty. Using a data set of 0.4 fb(-1) taken with the D0 experiment at Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider, the mass of the top quark is measured using topological information to be: m(top)(center dot+jets)(topo)=169.2(-7.4)(+5.0)(stat+JES)(-1.4)(+1.5)(syst) GeV, and when information about identified b jets is included: m(top)(center dot+jets)(b-tag)=170.3(-4.5)(+4.1)(stat+ JES)(-1.8)(+1.2)(syst) GeV. The measurements yield a jet energy scale consistent with the reference scale.


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A measurement of the top quark mass using events with one charged lepton, missing transverse energy, and jets in the final state, collected by the D0 detector from p (p) over bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron collider, is presented. A constrained fit is used to fully reconstruct the kinematics of the events. For every event a top quark mass likelihood is calculated taking into account all possible jet assignments and the probability that an event is signal or background. Lifetime-based identification of b jets is employed to enhance the separation between t (t) over bar signal and background from other physics processes and to improve the assignment of the observed jets to the quarks in the t (1) over bar hypothesis. We extract a multiplicative jet energy scale (JES) factor in situ, greatly reducing the systematic effect related to the jet energy measurement. In a data sample with an integrated luminosity of 425 pb(-1), we observe 230 candidate events, with an estimated background of 123 events, and measure m(t)=173.7 +/- 4.4(stat+JES)(-2.0)(+2.1)(syst) GeV. This result represents the first application of the ideogram technique to the measurement of the top quark mass in lepton+jets events.


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A measurement of the top quark pair production cross section in proton antiproton collisions at an interaction energy of root s=1.96 TeV is presented. This analysis uses 405 +/- 25 pb(-1) of data collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. Fully hadronic t (t) over bar decays with final states of six or more jets are separated from the multijet background using secondary vertex tagging and a neural network. The t (t) over bar cross section is measured as sigma(t (t) over bar)=4.5(-1.9)(+2.0)(stat)(-1.1)(+1.4)(syst)+/- 0.3(lumi) pb for a top quark mass of m(t)=175 GeV/c(2).


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We report a measurement of the Lambda(0)(b) lifetime using a sample corresponding to 1.3 fb(-1) of data collected by the D0 experiment in 2002-2006 during run II of the Fermilab Tevatron collider. The Lambda(0)(b) baryon is reconstructed via the decay Lambda(0)(b)->mu(nu) over bar Lambda X-+(c). Using 4437 +/- 329 signal candidates, we measure the Lambda(0)(b) lifetime to be tau(Lambda(0)(b))=1.290(-0.110)(+0.119)(stat)(-0.091)(+0.087)(syst) ps, which is among the most precise measurements in semileptonic Lambda(0)(b) decays. This result is in good agreement with the world average value.


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We present a measurement of the top quark mass in the dilepton channel based on approximately 370 pb(-1) of data collected by the DO experiment during Run R of the Fermilab Tevatron collider. We employ two different methods to extract the top quark mass. We show that both methods yield consistent results using ensemble tests of events generated with the DO Monte Carlo simulation. We combine the results from the two methods to obtain a top quark mass m(t) = 178.1 +/- 8.2 GeV. The statistical uncertainty is 6.7 GeV and the systematic uncertainty is 4.8 GeV. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have measured the Lambda(b) lifetime using the exclusive decay Lambda(b)-> J/psi Lambda, based on 1.2 fb(-1) of data collected with the D0 detector during 2002-2006. From 171 reconstructed Lambda(b) decays, where the J/psi and Lambda are identified via the decays J/psi ->mu(+)mu(-) and Lambda -> p pi, we measured the Lambda(b) lifetime to be tau(Lambda(b))=1.218(-0.115)(+0.130)(stat)+/- 0.042(syst) ps. We also measured the B-0 lifetime in the decay B-0 -> J/psi(mu(+)mu(-))K-S(0)(pi(+)pi(-)) to be tau(B-0)=1.501(-0.074)(+0.078)(stat)+/- 0.050(syst) ps, yielding a lifetime ratio of tau(Lambda(b))/tau(B-0)=0.811(-0.087)(+0.096)(stat)+/- 0.034(syst).