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Participation in physical activities has been found to be an important factor in contributing to a healthy lifestyle. Research has found strong relationships between participation in regular physical activity and the prevention of disease, while its relationship to the psychological and social dimensions have been neglected. Recently however, several studies have found causal relationships between physical activity and improved mood state, reduced anxiety, reduced depression, and increased social support. Despite this, surveys indicate that participation levels in physical activities are declining among older Australians, with the exceptions of walking and gardening. This paper also examines constraints to participation in leisure programs, such as lack of time, poor health, fear of crime, the financial cost and the lack of a partner to participate with. A number of strategies have been suggested to overcome these constraints.


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Heterosentis hirsutus n. sp. is described from Cnidoglanis macrocephalo (Siluriformes: Plotosidae) from the Swan Estuary, Western Australia. It is distinguished by having 14 longitudinal rows of 6-7 hooks per row on the proboscis, a trunk armed anteriorly and posteriorly (=genital spines) with minute spines and lemnisci that may extend to the poster;or margin of the proboscis receptacle The new species also has prominent fragmented nuclei in its trunk well. New information is given for Heterosentis plotosi Yamoguti, 1935 from Plotosus lineatus (Siluriformes: Plotosidae) and H. poraplagusiarum (Nickol, 1972) Amin, 1985 from Paraplogusia guttata (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidoe), both from Queensland. A key to the species of Heterosentis Van Cleave, 1931 is provided. The Arhythmacanthidae subfamilies are reviewed: there is little utility in the recognition of these taxa because of the small number of genera involved and the validity/ of the characters on which they ore based is in doubt, particularly whether trunk spines are present or absent. Only Acanthocephaloides Meyer, 1932, Breizocanthus Golvon, 1969, Euzetocanthus Golvan & Houin, 1964, Heterosentis, Hypoechinorhynchus Yamaguti, 1939 and Paracanthocepholoides Golvan, 1969 of the Arhythmacanthidae are considered valid. A key to these genera is provided. The monotypic genus Neocanthocepholoides Cable & Quick, 1954 is considered a new synonym of Acanthocephaloides thus creating Acanthocephaloides spinicaudatus (Cable & Quick, 1954) n. comb. Arhythmocanthus Yamaguti, 1935 is maintained as a synonym of Heterosentis because the distinction between two and three hook types is made equivocal when the transition between the opical and subapical hooks is gradual.


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Objective: This paper evaluates evidence for two hypotheses about the relationship between cannabis use and psychosis: (i) that heavy cannabis use causes a 'cannabis psychosis', i.e, a psychotic disorder that would not have occurred in the absence of cannabis use and which can be recognised by its pattern of symptoms and their relationship to cannabis use; and (ii) that cannabis use may precipitate schizophrenia, or exacerbate its symptoms. Method: Literature relevant to drug use and schizophrenia is reviewed. Results: There is limited clinical evidence for the first hypothesis. If 'cannabis psychoses' exist, they seem to be rare, because they require very high doses of tetrahydrocannabinol, the prolonged use of highly potent forms of cannabis, or a preexisting (but as yet unspecified) vulnerability, or both. There is more support for the second hypothesis in that a large prospective study has shown a linear relationship between the frequency with which cannabis had been used by age 18 and the risk over the subsequent 15 years of receiving a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Conclusions: It is still unclear whether this means that cannabis use precipitates schizophrenia, whether cannabis use is a form of 'self-medication', or whether the association is due to the use of other drugs, such as amphetamines, which heavy cannabis users are more likely to use. There is better clinical and epidemiological evidence that cannabis use can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia.


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The present paper reviews research in the area of the broad-spectrum chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloro-platinum II) and examines the implications for clinical neuropsychology arising from the neurological disruption associated with cisplatin-based therapy. The paper begins with a brief review of cisplatin treatment in terms other than survival alone, and examines the side-effects and the potential central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction in terms of neurological symptoms and concomitant implications for neuropsychology. Two main implications for clinical neuropsychology arising from cisplatin therapy are identified. First, cisplatin therapy impacts upon the psychological well-being of the patient, particularly during and in the months following treatment. It is suggested that during this time, a primary role for neuropsychology is to focus upon the monitoring and the active enhancement of the patient's social, psychological and spiritual resources. Second, with regard to neurocognitive changes, the review suggests that (1) neurocognitive assessment may not yield stable results within 8 months following treatment and (2) while perceptual, memory, attentional and executive dysfunction may be predicted following cisplatin treatment, little systematic research has been carried out to investigate such a possibility. Future research might profitably address this issue and also specifically examine the effects of low dosage cisplatin-based therapy and the effects of recently developed neuroprotective agents. Finally, there is some evidence to suggest that women may be more susceptible to neurotoxicity during cisplatin therapy, but no gender-related cognitive effects are reported in the cisplatin literature. Future research could usefully investigate gender differences in association with cisplatin chemotherapy. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Objective: To assess how general practitioners might interpret and apply the results of a systematic review relevant to general practice. Design: Cross-sectional postal survey of general practitioners in August 1997. Participants: 51 general practitioners in the Southern Division of General Practice in Adelaide and 11 professors or heads of departments of general practice. Main outcome measures:Extent to which comments on the implications for practice and implications for research coincided with the evidence presented in a systematic review of antibiotics for the treatment of acute otitis media in children; and reported probability that respondents would prescribe antibiotics in three brief case scenarios. Results: There was considerable variation in the comments made by general practitioners on the implications of the review for clinical practice. After reading the review, respondents with training in critical appraisal were more likely to state that children with acute otitis media would usually recover spontaneously and reported a lower probability of prescribing antibiotics in two of the three case scenarios. Conclusions: Providing systematic reviews is not sufficient for the results of such evidence to be translated:into clinical practice. There is an association between critical appraisal skills and the application of evidence-based practice.


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The purpose of this review is to evaluate the effectiveness of commercially available sports drinks by answering the questions: (i) will consuming a sports drink be beneficial to performance? and (ii) do different sports drinks vary in their effectiveness? To answer these questions we have considered the composition of commercially available sports drinks, examined the rationale for using them, and critically reviewed the vast number of studies that have investigated the effectiveness of sports drinks on performance. The focus is on the drinks that contain low carbohydrate concentrations (10%, which are intended for carbohydrate loading, Our conclusions are 3-fold. First, because of variations in drink composition and research design, much of the sports drinks research from the past cannot be applied direct Iv to the effectiveness of currently available sports drinks. Secondly, in studies where a practical protocol has been used along with a currently available sports beverage, there is evidence to suggest that consuming a sports drinks will improve performance compared with consuming a placebo beverage. Finally, there is little evidence that any one sports drink is superior to any of the other beverages on the market.


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Objective: To determine whether coinfection with sexually transmitted diseases (STD) increases HIV shedding in genital-tract secretions, and whether STD treatment reduces this shedding. Design: Systematic review and data synthesis of cross-sectional and cohort studies meeting. predefined quality criteria. Main Outcome Measures: Proportion of patients with and without a STD who had detectable HIV in genital secretions, HIV toad in genital secretions, or change following STD treatment. Results: Of 48 identified studies, three cross-sectional and three cohort studies were included. HIV was detected significantly more frequently in participants infected with Neisseria gonorrhoeae (125 of 309 participants, 41%) than in those without N gonorrhoeae infection (311 of 988 participants, 32%; P = 0.004). HIV was not significantly more frequently detected in persons infected with Chlamydia trachomatis (28 of 67 participants, 42%) than in those without C trachomatis infection (375 of 1149 participants, 33%; P = 0.13). Median HIV load reported in only one study was greater in men with urethritis (12.4 x 10(4) versus 1.51 x 10(4) copies/ml; P = 0.04). In the only cohort study in which this could be fully assessed, treatment of women with any STD reduced the proportion of those with detectable HIV from 39% to 29% (P = 0.05), whereas this proportion remained stable among controls (15-17%), A second cohort study reported fully on HIV load; among men with urethritis, viral load fell from 12.4 to 4.12 x 10(4) copies/ml 2 weeks posttreatment, whereas viral load remained stable in those without urethritis. Conclusion: Few high-quality studies were found. HIV is detected moderately more frequently in genital secretions of men and women with a STD, and HIV load is substantially increased among men with urethritis, Successful STD treatment reduces both of these parameters, but not to control levels. More high-quality studies are needed to explore this important relationship further.


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Elasmobranchs have hundreds of tiny sensory organs, called pit organs, scattered over the skin surface. The pit organs were noted in many early studies of the lateral line, but their exact nature has long remained a mystery. Although pit organs were known to be innervated by the lateral line nerves, and light micrographs suggested that they were free neuromasts, speculation that they may be external taste buds or chemoreceptors has persisted until recently Electron micrographs have now revealed that the pit organs are indeed free neuromasts. Their functional and behavioural role(s), however, are yet to be investigated.