795 resultados para lexical relations
In Spain, academic debate and school administrations have evolved to the extent that relations between the school, the family and the surrounding environment are now considered as crucial to student achievement at school and to the good functioning of the educational system as a whole. Despite this development, change is slow in practice and often complicated due to the emerging resistance of families and schools, given that they have always maintained relations marked by an imbalance of power. Our theoretical and especially our empirical work has focused on the relations between immigrant families and the school system in Spain. In view of the above, the creation of what we call positive relational dynamics and communication in schools is conditioned by the attitudes and behaviour of the school administration, professionals and families. However, the physical space in which these relations take place must also be taken into consideration. Regarding school organisation, we have emphasised the role of the school’s administration. By differentiating the range of management models, we note the ones that facilitate more relations and communication with and among families (especially the one we have called the horizontal participative model) and those that discourage them. However, the multiple and complex range of attitudes among teachers and families must always be taken into account.
In this paper we provide a formal account for underapplication of vowel reduction to schwa in Majorcan Catalan loanwords and learned words. On the basis of the comparison of these data with those concerning productive derivation and verbal inflection, which show analogous patterns, in this paper we also explore the existing and not yet acknowledged correlation between those processes that exhibit a particular behaviour in the loanword phonology with respect to the native phonology of the language, those processes that show lexical exceptions and those processes that underapply due to morphological reasons. In light of the analysis of the very same data and taking into account the aforementioned correlation, we show how there might exist a natural diachronic relation between two kinds of Optimality Theory constraints which are commonly used but, in principle, mutually exclusive: positional faithfulness and contextual markedness constraints. Overall, phonological productivity is proven to be crucial in three respects: first, as a context of the grammar, given that «underapplication» is systematically found in what we call the productive phonology of the dialect (including loanwords, learned words, productive derivation and verbal inflection); second, as a trigger or blocker of processes, in that the productivity or the lack of productivity of a specific process or constraint in the language is what explains whether it is challenged or not in any of the depicted situations, and, third, as a guiding principle which can explain the transition from the historical to the synchronic phonology of a linguistic variety.
La question de savoir si la relation est différente réellement de son fondement se rencontre fréquemment dans les textes médiévaux à partir du milieu du treizième siècle. Elle se pose avant tout dans un cadre aristotélicien de discussion des catégories et revient à se demander si la catégorie de relation ajoute véritablement une chose supplémentaire, la relation, dans la réalité. Cette question s'inscrit dans une représentation réaliste des relations : pour la plupart des auteurs du treizième et du quatorzième siècle, le fait que des choses soient réellement reliées entre elles ne fait pas de doute. Deux hommes de même taille sont bel et bien égaux, c'est-à-dire réellement reliés entre eux par une relation d'égalité. La difficulté est alors de comprendre comment ces choses sont reliées entre elles, ou encore, ce qu'est exactement cette relation dont il est alors question. Faut-il dire que l'égalité dans chacun des hommes de même taille est une nouvelle chose qui s'ajoute à la substance de chacun d'eux et aux accidents de taille, appartenant à la catégorie de quantité, sur lesquels ces relations d'égalité sont fondées ? Ou faut-il dire que l'égalité est réelle d'une autre manière, c'est-à-dire sans pour autant ajouter une nouvelle chose à ce à quoi elle advient ? Ce problème, qui se rencontre déjà dans les tensions existant entre les différents exposés qu'Aristote a consacrés à cette catégorie, a reçu de multiples réponses. Celles-ci nous éclairent sur la manière dont le réel est appréhendé au Moyen-Âge et sur les débats ontologiques de l'époque. Le travail ici résumé entreprend de délimiter précisément ces réponses et propose une manière de les classer. -- Realism about relations: study of the answers given to the problem of the difference between a relation and its foundation (1250-1350) Summary Whether relation is really distinct from its foundation or not is a question that can easily be found in medieval texts from the mid-thirteenth century onwards. It comes from an aristotelian background, the discussion about the categories, and asks if the category of relation really posits another thing, i.e. a relation, in reality. It results from a realist perspective on relations. In fact, most thirteenth and fourteenth century thinkers held without doubt that things outside the mind are really connected between them. Two men sharing the same height are really equal, that is, really linked to each other by a relation of equality. What is then left to understand is how these things are linked between them, or the exact nature of the aforementioned relation. Should we say that the equality in each of the equally sized men is a new thing that adds to the substance of each of them and to the accidents of height, belonging tho the category of quantity, on which these relations are founded? Or should we say that equality is real in another way, that is, without adding a new thing to the subject acquiring it? We can already find this issue in Aristotle himself, emerging from disagreeing texts devoted to this category. It received various answers that enable us to understand better how reality was defined in the Middle Age and some of the ontological debates of the time. The work that is here summed up attempts to precisely delineate these various answers and to provide a way of classifying them.