555 resultados para leverage
Il lavoro di tesi, che si compone di tre articoli di ricerca, analizza, nel contesto della marketing promotion, la risposta del consumatore ai media in termini di ricordo, intenzione di acquisto, comportamento di acquisto e preferenza per il medium. Il lavoro, in particolare, mette a confronto due tipologie di media, carta e online, nell’ambito della price e loyalty promotion, utilizzando due disegni di ricerca sperimentali ed uno correlazionale. I risultati del lavoro mostrano che la risposta del consumatore alla comunicazione promozionale e ai media è eterogenea: segmenti di clienti diversi rispondono in maniera differente sia alla comunicazione promozionale che a carta e digitale. Online e carta hanno in media la stessa efficacia sui comportamenti di acquisto dei clienti, ma differiscono rispetto all’effetto su ricordo e atteggiamento e rispetto alla preferenza per il medium espressa dalla clientela. Lo spostamento delle risorse di marketing dalla carta al digitale permetterebbe quindi di ridurre i costi mantenendo lo stesso livello di efficacia. Inoltre, il presente lavoro mostra come sia possibile aumentare la risposta dei consumatori ai media attraverso un approccio di segmentazione della clientela.
Questo lavoro analizza le imprese italiane uscite dal mercato tra il 2008 e il 2012 a seguito di una procedura fallimentare o di una liquidazione volontaria e individua le principali caratteristiche aziendali correlate a tale fenomeno. L’analisi econometrica condotta sui bilanci delle società di capitali indica che la probabilità di cessazione dell’attività produttiva è stata maggiore per le aziende più piccole e per quelle di più recente costituzione. A parità di altre caratteristiche delle imprese, come la dimensione, il settore produttivo o l’area in cui esse sono localizzate, l’apertura di una procedura fallimentare è risultata maggiormente correlata a squilibri nella struttura finanziaria, come un elevato leverage, mentre la probabilità di liquidazione è stata influenzata in misura superiore dai bassi livelli di redditività.
Estima-se que 52% da população mundial faz uso de álcool, sendo a droga mais consumida no mundo. Ao usuário, o álcool torna-se prejudicial devido às consequências nos níveis biológicos, sociais e funcionais. Assim, a redução do uso abusivo da substância é um dos objetivos da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) e uma das prioridades na agenda de saúde pública mundial. No Brasil, a Política do Ministério da Saúde para a Atenção Integral aos Usuários de Álcool e Outras Drogas teve como objetivo a criação de uma rede de atenção integral a eles - a RAPS (Rede de Atenção Psicossocial). A RAPS é considerada um grande avanço da Reforma Psiquiátrica, já que integra os diversos pontos de atenção disponíveis no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Um dos pontos da RAPS é a Atenção Básica (AB), que através da atuação das equipes da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) tem a possibilidade de monitoração, prevenção do uso e colaboração na reinserção social dos usuários de álcool e outras drogas devido à proximidade e criação de vínculo entre o serviço e usuário. Para que o vínculo seja estabelecido o Agente Comunitário de Saúde (ACS) é a peça fundamental, visto que conhece a comunidade e reconhece suas necessidades, além de ser a figura que medeia as relações entre a equipe de saúde e os usuários. Assim sendo, o objetivo deste estudo foi descrever e analisar o discurso de ACS sobre o uso de álcool e a assistência prestada na AB. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo de teor descritivo, cuja pesquisa ocorreu em cinco municípios da região central do Estado de Santa Catarina. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, analisadas através do método da Análise de Conteúdo. A análise das entrevistas resultou na formulação de duas categorias e quatro subcategorias empíricas. Os resultados evidenciaram que os ACS percebem o consumo de álcool como inerente a população em virtude da cultura caracterizada pelo consumo habitual e festivo da droga. Eles percebem que o uso do álcool torna-se um problema quanto à definição social atribuída pela comunidade, ressaltando as consequências para a família e outras perdas vivenciadas pelos usuários com base nas repercussões sociais. Quanto à assistência prestada por eles aos usuários de álcool, os resultados indicaram uma prática desprovida de instrumentos ou habilidades para a abordagem adequada do uso, evidenciando uma prática infundada pelos ACS. A prática está pautada também nas crenças em relação aos usuários de álcool, que estão muito ligadas aos estigmas relacionados a estes usuários em geral e não em evidências científicas. Conclui-se que a partir do conhecimento das percepções e práticas deste profissional, é possível direcionar ações que potencialize a prática dos ACS, já que são profissionais com grandes possibilidades de atuação diante da prevenção e tratamento do abuso de álcool e reabilitação social do usuário
O conhecimento tem se mostrado como uma importante fonte de vantagem competitiva para as organizações. Por isso, as empresas buscam, cada vez mais, mecanismos que alavanquem os processos de geração, gestão e disseminação do conhecimento organizacional. Uma das ferramentas, que pode potencializar a transformação do conhecimento em vantagens competitivas, é a universidade corporativa. Nesse contexto, as franquias surgem como um dos objetos de estudos que podem ajudar a explicar esta relação, pois desenvolver e compartilhar conhecimento são aspectos vitais para o franchising. Dessa forma, o principal objetivo deste trabalho é identificar elementos que possam influenciar na geração de vantagens competitivas pela implantação e gestão de universidades corporativas no franchising. Para atingir esses objetivos, foi desenvolvida uma revisão teórica focada nos conceitos de vantagens competitivas, universidades corporativas e franchising. O primeiro esforço mostrou que existe uma lacuna teórica no tema, indicando a necessidade de se realizar um estudo de campo para aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o fenômeno estudado. O estudo de caso, em conjunto com entrevistas em profundidade, foram os métodos escolhidos para realizar o objetivo proposto. Foram realizadas dez entrevistas em profundidade com especialistas em educação corporativa e no franchising, sendo levantadas informações secundárias dos processos de educação do Giraffas e das Universidades Corporativas do Banco do Brasil, Ernest Young do Brasil, Cacau Show e McDonald\'s do Brasil. Para as duas últimas empresas foram desenvolvidos estudos de caso, levantando-se informações comparativas dos seus principais concorrentes. Dessa forma, também foram analisadas informações da Chocolates Brasil, Kopenhagen, Bob\'s e Subway. As principais conclusões do trabalho foram: as universidades corporativas podem impactar de forma expressiva no desenvolvimento de vantagens competitivas no franchising; apesar de as franquias promoverem diversas ações educacionais, as universidades corporativas ajudam a organizar de forma estratégica essas ações, gerando, nos casos estudados, mais impactos que as ações isoladas; as ações que mais geram resultados e barreiras à imitação são as relacionadas à disseminação do conhecimento tácito; a relação entre unidades próprias e franqueadas parece ser importante para se estabelecer estratégias educacionais da rede; a avaliação dos impactos dos treinamentos nos resultados operacionais e financeiros é uma grande dificuldade observada; a literatura preconiza uma relação entre unidades próprias e franqueadas nos estágios de maior maturidade do negócio que não foi observada nos casos estudados; também não foram observadas uma preocupação acentuada com o envolvimento de outros stakeholders e com a busca efetiva de modelos de autofinanciamento.
In my previous article Racial Capitalism, I examined the ways in which white individuals and predominantly white institutions derive value from non-white racial identity. This process flows from our intense social and legal preoccupation with diversity. And it results in the commodification of non-white racial identity, with negative implications for both individuals and society. This Article picks up where Racial Capitalism left off in three ways. As a foundation, it first expands the concept of racial capitalism to identity categories more generally, explaining that individual in-group members and predominantly in-group institutions — usually individuals or institutions that are white, male, straight, wealthy, and so on — can and do derive value from out-group identities. Second, the Article turns from the overarching system of identity capitalism to the myriad ways that individual out-group members actively participate in that system. In particular, I examine how out-group members leverage their out-group status to derive social and economic value for themselves. I call such out-group participants identity entrepreneurs. Identity entrepreneurship is neither inherently good nor inherently bad. Rather, it is a complicated phenomenon with both positive and negative consequences. Finally, the Article considers the appropriate response to identity entrepreneurship. We should design laws and policies to maximize both individual agency and access to information for out-group members. Such reforms would protect individual choice while making clear the consequences of identity entrepreneurship both for individual identity entrepreneurs and for the out-group as a whole. A range of legal doctrines interact with and influence identity entrepreneurship, including employment discrimination under Title VII, rights of privacy and publicity, and intellectual property. Modifying these doctrines to take account of identity entrepreneurship will further progress toward an egalitarian society in which in-group and out-group identities are valued equally.
The ultra-competitiveness in the twenty-first century's business environment suggests that, to survive, human resource (HR) must prove its value. The knowledge economy presents HR the opportunity to demonstrate its added value through leveraging knowledge management (KM) as a competitive advantage. This capstone reviews the literature on business strategy, knowledge, KM, KM success, and HR to reveal links between these subjects and illustrate three roles HR can undertake to leverage KM as a competitive advantage. The capstone also assesses HR's current contributions to KM through a survey of 42 HR professionals. Survey results suggest that, although HR contributes to the three KM roles, HR is not currently fully capitalizing on the opportunity to become a strategic business partner through KM.
The use of diversity as a strategic advantage contributes to the success of an organization. The organizations that employ a diverse workforce benefit from the varied perspectives and value that diverse employees offer. The organizations that leverage those employee perspectives can gain a competitive advantage. For many organizations, employee diversity is underutilized. The research of this capstone evaluates the various benefits of diversity strategies. It then compares those with results from a diversity survey and interviews with HR professionals. Ultimately, this capstone concludes that additional research at the employee level and additional quantitative measurement are needed to highlight the ways in which a diversity strategy can increase a company's bottom line and offer a strategic advantage.
The European Parliament has probably won a Pyrrhic victory with its position on bank bonuses, argues CEPS CEO Karel Lannoo in this new Commentary. In return, EU member states got what they wanted with the new Capital Requirements Directive (CRD IV): no binding leverage ratio; mortgage risk weightings and capital add-ons to be determined by member states; and no obligatory consolidated capital position for bank-insurance companies. In other words, Banking Union will start out with capital rules that are more like Emmental cheese than a single rulebook. This is a huge encumbrance for a well-functioning Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), and makes a single resolution mechanism impossible.
This CEPS Commentary notes that this is a critical time for the EU’s enlargement agenda with competing interests at play – between those who suggest that further enlargement is a heavy burden that the EU can ill afford in the current economic climate, and others who continue to believe that extending the frontiers of peace and security to include the Balkan countries will make the EU a safer place. To counter the naysayers, Erwan Fouéré underlines the importance for the EU to show that its current strategy continues to deliver dividends, as it certainly does in the case of Kosovo and Serbia. He further advises the EU to be ready to adapt its strategy where necessary, as in the case of Macedonia, by using whatever leverage it has in a more direct and consistent way and ensuring that its policy objectives and strategy in this area are based on the progress assessment narrative and not the other way around. In his view, opening accession negotiations with Macedonia will be the only way to prevent the country from sinking into further political instability.
A new CEPS Task Force Report has identified possible pathways for achieving the EU’s ambitious climate change targets. It concludes that a GHG emissions reduction in line with EU climate change policy is possible, but it requires immediate action. This report argues that most of the reductions required of the transport sector in the EU could come from more energy-efficient vehicles, combined with the gradual introduction of low-carbon fuels and new engine technologies. The key policy for reducing GHG emissions in road transport is the steady tightening of emissions standards in line with technological progress. The report also identifies strategies for the transport system to become more energy and/or carbon efficient, arguing that leverage can be further enhanced by local and city governments’ incentives for efficient and low-carbon vehicles in line with local circumstances and choices. The Task Force on Low Carbon Transport brought together a diverse set of stakeholders from the car and oil industries, business associations, international organisations, member states, academic experts and NGOs. This authoritative report is the result of that unique collaboration.
This Policy Brief urges the European Union to consider reinforcing the Energy Community by further Europeanising the Energy Community Treaty. It argues that the level of dysfunctionality with respect to the rule of law and corruption will make it very hard to establish a pathway for accession for most Balkan states. However, the demand across the region for a sustainable, competitive and stable energy sector creates an ‘energy incentive’ that the Union can leverage to improve the rule of law and adherence to European rules. Furthermore, a juridical strengthening of the Energy Community Treaty will also strengthen the hand of those parties supporting energy liberalisation rules across the region, such as independent businesses, consumers and NGOs. In addition, there is likely to be significant spill-over effects from decisions of a European Energy Community Court operating in the region on the rule of law in general and the accession process in particular.
Excessive leverage and risk-taking by large international banks were the main causes of the 2008-09 financial crisis and the ensuing sharp drop in economic activity and employment. World leaders and central bankers promised that it would not happen again and, to this end, undertook to overhaul banking regulation, first and foremost by rectifying Basel prudential rules. This study argues that the new Basel III Accord and the ensuing EU Capital Requirements Directive IV fail to correct the two main shortcomings of international prudential rules: 1) reliance on banks’ risk management models for the calculation of capital requirements and 2) the lack of accountability by supervisors. Accordingly, the authors propose the calculation of capital requirements without risk adjustment and creation of a system of mandated action by supervisors modelled on the US framework of Prompt Corrective Action (PCA). They also recommend that banks should be required to issue large amounts of debentures that are convertible into equity in order to strengthen market discipline on management and shareholders.
We assess, through VAR evidence, the effects of monetary policy on banks’ risk exposure and find the presence of a risk-taking channel. A model combining fragile banks prone to risk mis-incentives and credit constrained firms, whose collateral fluctuations generate a balance sheet channel, is used to rationalize the evidence. A monetary expansion increases bank leverage. With two consequences: on the one side this exacerbates risk exposure; on the other, the risk spiral depresses output, therefore dampening the conventional amplification effect of the financial accelerator. Keywords: monetary policy, bank behavior, leverage, financial accelerator.
Democratic values and basic rights in Turkey are hanging by a thread. Over the past eighteen months the rule of law, civil liberties and freedoms have been eroded which has left many Turks anxious over the direction in which their country is heading. With Turkey’s accession negotiations de facto frozen, the EU finds itself with little leverage over Ankara. Calls of concern have fallen on deaf ears as Turkey’s leadership has become increasingly belligerent, with its EU related narrative overflowing with resentment. Because Turkey’s accession negotiations are irreversibly intertwined with Turkey-EU cooperation in other areas, this has had a negative impact on the broader relationship between both sides. Recent examples include the issue of foreign fighters traveling from Europe to Syria via Turkey. Each side has accused the other of not doing enough to stem the flow. Likewise, following the decision of Russian President, Vladimir Putin, to ban the import of agricultural goods from countries that have placed sanctions on Moscow, the EU asked Turkey to demonstrate solidarity, as a “candidate country”, and not to increase exports of agricultural products to Russia. Turkey rejected this request and is reportedly working on strengthening trade ties with Moscow. Turkey remains an important partner in a number of key areas including trade, energy, foreign and security policy and migration. At a time when the EU faces crises in both its Eastern and Southern neighbourhoods, a reliable and predictable Turkey, with which it can cooperate in the Black Sea and Middle East neighbourhoods is crucial. Hence the vision and plans of the EU’s new leadership, in particular new Foreign Policy Chief, Federica Mogherini, and Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, how to shape relations with Ankara is particularly significant. The Union’s current policy is counterproductive and is further eroding trust and cooperation rather than enhancing it. It needs to be turned around.
The increasingly frequent imposition of sanctions by the EU over the past decade has not been accompanied by a thorough pre-assessment and contingency planning stage, which, argue the authors, has led to the formulation of suboptimal sanctions regimes. This paper proposes a practical pre-assessment and contingency planning of sanctions – a checklist, which departs from the ‘ad hoc-ism’ of current decision-making on sanctions. The checklist includes the identification of resources linked to the objectionable policies; the leverage of the EU; the costs to the EU; the legality of the measures; their unintended effects; the expected contribution towards EU goals; their coherence with overall EU external relations; and the communication of these policies.