911 resultados para learning management system (LMS)


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This paper describes a method for the evaluation of pavement condition through artificial neural networks using the MLP backpropagation technique. Two of the most used procedures for detecting the pavement conditions were applied: the overall severity index and the irregularity index. Tests with the model demonstrated that the simulation with the neural network gives better results than the procedures recommended by the highway officials. This network may also be applied for the construction of a graphic computer environment.


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Making diagnoses in oral pathology are often difficult and confusing in dental practice, especially for the lessexperienced dental student. One of the most promising areas in bioinformatics is computer-aided diagnosis, where a computer system is capable of imitating human reasoning ability and provides diagnoses with an accuracy approaching that of expert professionals. This type of system could be an alternative tool for assisting dental students to overcome the difficulties of the oral pathology learning process. This could allow students to define variables and information, important to improving the decision-making performance. However, no current open data management system has been integrated with an artificial intelligence system in a user-friendly environment. Such a system could also be used as an education tool to help students perform diagnoses. The aim of the present study was to develop and test an open case-based decisionsupport system.Methods: An open decision-support system based on Bayes' theorem connected to a relational database was developed using the C++ programming language. The software was tested in the computerisation of a surgical pathology service and in simulating the diagnosis of 43 known cases of oral bone disease. The simulation was performed after the system was initially filled with data from 401 cases of oral bone disease.Results: the system allowed the authors to construct and to manage a pathology database, and to simulate diagnoses using the variables from the database.Conclusion: Combining a relational database and an open decision-support system in the same user-friendly environment proved effective in simulating diagnoses based on information from an updated database.


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ArcTech is a software being developed, applied and improved with the aim of becoming an efficient sensitization tool to support the teaching-learning process of Architecture courses. The application deals initially with the thermal comfort of buildings. The output generated by the software shows if a student is able to produce a pleasant environment, in terms of thermal sensation along a 24-hours period. Although one can find the very same characteristics in fully-developed commercial software, the reason to create ArcTech is related to the flexibility of the system to be adapted by the instructor and also to the need of simple tools for the evaluation of specific topics along the courses. The first part of ArcTech is dedicated to data management and that was developed using the visual programming language Delphi 7 and Firebird as the database management system. The second part contains the parameters that can be changed by the system administrator and those related to project visualization. The interface of the system, in which the student will learn how to implement and to evaluate the project alternatives, was built using Macromedia Flash. The software was applied to undergraduate students revealing its easy-learning and easy-teaching interface.


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Zur administrativen Unterstützung von Lehr- und Lernprozessen werden E-Learning-Plattformen eingesetzt, die auf der Grundlage des Internet Funktionen zur Distribution von Lehr- und Lernmaterialien und zur Kommunikation zwischen Lehrenden und Lernenden anbieten. Zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Beiträge und Marktstudien beschäftigen sich mit der multikriteriellen Evaluation dieser Softwareprodukte zur informatorischen Fundierung strategischer Investitionsentscheidungen. Demgegenüber werden Instrumente zum kostenorientierten Controlling von E-Learning-Plattformen allenfalls marginal thematisiert. Dieser Beitrag greift daher das Konzept der Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) auf, das einen methodischen Ansatzpunkt zur Schaffung von Kostentransparenz von E-Learning-Plattformen bildet. Aufbauend auf den konzeptionellen Grundlagen werden Problembereiche und Anwendungspotenziale für das kostenorientierte Controlling von LMS identifiziert. Zur softwaregestützten Konstruktion und Analyse von TCO-Modellen wird das Open Source-Werkzeug TCO-Tool eingeführt und seine Anwendung anhand eines synthetischen Fallbeispiels erörtert. Abschließend erfolgt die Identifikation weiterführender Entwicklungsperspektiven des TCO-Konzepts im Kontext des E-Learning. Die dargestellte Thematik ist nicht nur von theoretischem Interesse, sondern adressiert auch den steigenden Bedarf von Akteuren aus der Bildungspraxis nach Instrumenten zur informatorischen Fundierung von Investitions- und Desinvestitionsentscheidungen im Umfeld des E-Learning.


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Video-basiertes Lernen ist besonders effektiv, wo es um Fertigkeiten und Verhalten geht. Videoaufzeichnungen von Gesprächen, Unterrichtssituationen oder der Durchführung praktischer Tätigkeiten wie dem Nähen einer Wunde erlauben es den Ausführenden, ihren Peers und ihren Tutoren, die Qualität der Leistung zu beurteilen und Anregungen zur Verbesserung zu formulieren. Wissend um den grossen didaktischen Wert von Videoaufzeichnungen haben sich vier Pädagogische Hochschulen (Zürich, Freiburg, Thurgau, Luzern) und zwei Medizinische Fakultäten (Bern, Lausanne) zusammen getan, um eine nationale Infrastruktur für Video-unterstütztes Lernen anzustossen. Ziel was es, ein System zu entwickeln, das einfach zu bedienen ist, bei dem viele Arbeitsschritte automatisiert sind und das die Videos im Internet bereit stellt. Zusammen mit SWITCH, der nationalen IT-Support-Organisation der Schweizer Hochschulen, wurde basierend auf den vorbestehenden Technologien AAI und SWITCHcast das Programm iVT (Individual Video Training) entwickelt. Die Integration des nationalen Single Logon System AAI (Authentification and Authorization Infrastructure) erlaubt es, die Videos mit dem jeweiligen User eindeutig zu verknüpfen, so dass die Videos nur für diesen User im Internet zugänglich sind. Mit dem Podcast-System SWITCHcast können Videos automatisch ins Internet hochgeladen und bereit gestellt werden. Es wurden je ein Plugin für die Learning Management Systeme ILIAS (PH Zürich, Uni Bern) und Moodle (Uni Lausanne) entwickelt. Dank dieser Plugins werden die Videos in den jeweiligen LMS verfügbar gemacht. Der Einsatz von iVT ist beim Kommunikationstraining unserer Medizinstudierenden in Bern inzwischen Standard. Das Login gilt gleichzeitig als Beleg für das Testat. Studierende, die keine Videoaufzeichnung wünschen, können diese nach dem Login stoppen. Bis anhin ist das Betrachten der Videos freiwillig. Szenarios mit Peer Feedback sind geplant. Eine entsprechende Erweiterung des Systems um gegenseitige Annotationsmöglichkeiten besteht bereits und wird fortlaufend weiterentwickelt.


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decade has raised the interest among the research community on the acceptance and use of these systems by both teachers and students. At first, the implementation of LMS was based on their technical design and the adaptation of the learning processes to the virtual environment, neglecting students’ characteristics when the systems were deployed, which led to expensive and failing implementations. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) proposes a framework which allows the study of the acceptance and use of technology that takes into consideration the students’ characteristics and how they affect the acceptance and the degree of use of educational technology. This study questions the role of the user’s attitude towards use of LMS and uses the UTAUT to examine the moderating effect of technological culture in the adoption of LMS in Spain. The results from the comparison and analysis of three different models confirm the relevance of attitude towards use as an antecedent of intention to use the system, as well as the important moderating effect of gender and technological culture. The discussion of results suggests the need for a more in-depth analysis and interrelations of cultural dimensions in the adoption of educational technologies and learning management systems


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Background: Cognitive skills training for minimally invasive surgery has traditionally relied upon diverse tools, such as seminars or lectures. Web technologies for e-learning have been adopted to provide ubiquitous training and serve as structured repositories for the vast amount of laparoscopic video sources available. However, these technologies fail to offer such features as formative and summative evaluation, guided learning, or collaborative interaction between users. Methodology: The "TELMA" environment is presented as a new technology-enhanced learning platform that increases the user's experience using a four-pillared architecture: (1) an authoring tool for the creation of didactic contents; (2) a learning content and knowledge management system that incorporates a modular and scalable system to capture, catalogue, search, and retrieve multimedia content; (3) an evaluation module that provides learning feedback to users; and (4) a professional network for collaborative learning between users. Face validation of the environment and the authoring tool are presented. Results: Face validation of TELMA reveals the positive perception of surgeons regarding the implementation of TELMA and their willingness to use it as a cognitive skills training tool. Preliminary validation data also reflect the importance of providing an easy-to-use, functional authoring tool to create didactic content. Conclusion: The TELMA environment is currently installed and used at the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre and several other Spanish hospitals. Face validation results ascertain the acceptance and usefulness of this new minimally invasive surgery training environment.


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Enhanced learning environments are arising with great success within the field of cognitive skills training in minimally invasive surgery (MIS) because they provides multiple benefits since they avoid time, spatial and cost constraints. TELMA [1,2] is a new technology enhanced learning platform that promotes collaborative and ubiquitous training of surgeons. This platform is based on four main modules: an authoring tool, a learning content and knowledge management system, an evaluation module and a professional network. TELMA has been designed and developed focused on the user; therefore it is necessary to carry out a user validation as final stage of the development. For this purpose, e-MIS validity [3] has been defined. This validation includes usability, contents and functionality validities both for the development and production stages of any e-Learning web platform. Using e-MIS validity, the e-Learning is fully validated since it includes subjective and objective metrics. The purpose of this study is to specify and apply a set of objective and subjective metrics using e-MIS validity to test usability, contents and functionality of TELMA environment within the development stage.


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Diversos estudios consideran que las claves para el desarrollo técnico, social y económico de los países en desarrollo, y en especial en África, son la educación, la investigación y la innovación. No obstante, en el ámbito sanitario en particular, la formación e investigación en África sigue siendo escasa por diversos motivos. Por un lado, los investigadores africanos encuentran dificultades añadidas para obtener financiación frente a investigadores en países de desarrollo. Y, por otro lado, los investigadores no disponen de las herramientas y tecnologías adecuadas para acceder a información relevante para su trabajo. En este contexto, el proyecto AFRICA BUILD tiene como principal objetivo mejorar y fomentar la investigación y educación sanitaria en África a través de las nuevas tecnologías. Uno de los resultados principales de este proyecto es el AFRICA BUILD Portal (ABP), que pretende ser un punto de encuentro para los investigadores africanos, donde podrán encontrar un amplio abanico de herramientas que les permita no sólo mejorar su educación, sino compartir conocimientos con otros investigadores. Este portal, que está actualmente en desarrollo, pretende fomentar la comunicación entre instituciones africanas y les proveerá herramientas biomédicas avanzadas. En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se han marcado como principal objetivo la mejora del sistema de e-learning que existía en el ABP. El nuevo sistema será: (i) más potente, óptimo y rico en funcionalidades, (ii) tendrá una importante base social permitiendo a los usuarios aportar información y compartir conocimiento, y (iii) será distribuido y escalable, capaz de integrar distintos gestores de contenidos didácticos como fuentes de información. Los resultados obtenidos son positivos y el nuevo sistema de aprendizaje ha mejorado la usabilidad, funcionalidad y apariencia del anterior. Para concluir, la herramienta posee aún un gran margen de mejora, pero gracias al trabajo realizado el sistema de e-learning es ahora más social, distribuido, escalable e innovador. ---ABSTRACT---Several studies find that the keys to the technical, social and economic development of developing countries, especially in Africa, are education, research and innovation. However, in the health sector in particular, training and research in Africa remains low for various reasons. On the one hand, African researchers experience additional difficulties for funding against researchers in developing countries. And on the other hand, researchers do not have the right tools and technologies to access information relevant to their work. In this context, the AFRICA BUILD project's main objective is to improve and enhance research and health education in Africa through new technologies. One of the main results of this project is the AFRICA BUILD Portal (ABP), which aims to be a meeting point for African researchers, where they can find a wide range of tools that allows them to not only improve their education but to share knowledge with other researchers. This portal, which is currently under development, aims to promote communication between African institutions and will provide advanced biomedical tools. The main objective of this Final Year Project is the improvement of the former elearning system that already existed in the ABP. The new system will be: (i) more powerful, richer in features, (ii) will have an important social base allowing users to contribute information and knowledge sharing; and (iii) will be distributed and scalable, capable of integrating different learning management systems as sources of information. The final results obtained are fairly positive and the new e-learning system has improved its usability, functionality and appearance of the former. To conclude, the tool still has much room for improvement, but thanks to the new features of the improved elearning system has become more social, distributed, scalable and innovative.


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Residents learning nontechnical skills in Europe face two problems: (1) the difficulty to fit learning time in their overloaded schedules; and (2) the lack of standard pedagogical models for all countries. Online video-based repositories such as WeBSurg or WebOP provide ubiquitous access to surgical contents. However, their pedagogical facets have not been fully exploited and they are often seen as quick-reference repositories rather than full e-learning alternatives. We present a new pedagogically-supported Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) solution, MISTELA, designed by surgeons, pedagogical experts and engineers. MISTELA aims at building a common European pedagogical model supported by ICT technologies and elearning. The solution proposes a pedagogical model based on a framework for pedagogically-informed design of e-learning platforms. It is composed of (1) an authoring tool for editing and augmenting videos; (2) a media asset management system; and (3) a virtual learning environment. Support of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) and validation of the solution, will help to determine its full potential.


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The methodology “b-learning” is a new teaching scenario and it requires the creation, adaptation and application of new learning tools searching the assimilation of new collaborative competences. In this context, it is well known the knowledge spirals, the situational leadership and the informal learning. The knowledge spirals is a basic concept of the knowledge procedure and they are based on that the knowledge increases when a cycle of 4 phases is repeated successively.1) The knowledge is created (for instance, to have an idea); 2) The knowledge is decoded into a format to be easily transmitted; 3) The knowledge is modified to be easily comprehensive and it is used; 4) New knowledge is created. This new knowledge improves the previous one (step 1). Each cycle shows a step of a spiral staircase: by going up the staircase, more knowledge is created. On the other hand, the situational leadership is based on that each person has a maturity degree to develop a specific task and this maturity increases with the experience. Therefore, the teacher (leader) has to adapt the teaching style to the student (subordinate) requirements and in this way, the professional and personal development of the student will increase quickly by improving the results and satisfaction. This educational strategy, finally combined with the informal learning, and in particular the zone of proximal development, and using a learning content management system own in our University, gets a successful and well-evaluated learning activity in Master subjects focused on the collaborative activity of preparation and oral exhibition of short and specific topics affine to these subjects. Therefore, the teacher has a relevant and consultant role of the selected topic and his function is to guide and supervise the work, incorporating many times the previous works done in other courses, as a research tutor or more experienced student. Then, in this work, we show the academic results, grade of interactivity developed in these collaborative tasks, statistics and the satisfaction grade shown by our post-graduate students.


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The construction industry has long been considered as highly fragmented and non-collaborative industry. This fragmentation sprouted from complex and unstructured traditional coordination processes and information exchanges amongst all parties involved in a construction project. This nature coupled with risk and uncertainty has pushed clients and their supply chain to search for new ways of improving their business process to deliver better quality and high performing product. This research will closely investigate the need to implement a Digital Nervous System (DNS), analogous to a biological nervous system, on the flow and management of digital information across the project lifecycle. This will be through direct examination of the key processes and information produced in a construction project and how a DNS can provide a well-integrated flow of digital information throughout the project lifecycle. This research will also investigate how a DNS can create a tight digital feedback loop that enables the organisation to sense, react and adapt to changing project conditions. A Digital Nervous System is a digital infrastructure that provides a well-integrated flow of digital information to the right part of the organisation at the right time. It provides the organisation with the relevant and up-to-date information it needs, for critical project issues, to aid in near real-time decision-making. Previous literature review and survey questionnaires were used in this research to collect and analyse data about information management problems of the industry – e.g. disruption and discontinuity of digital information flow due to interoperability issues, disintegration/fragmentation of the adopted digital solutions and paper-based transactions. Results analysis revealed efficient and effective information management requires the creation and implementation of a DNS.


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In response to recent technological advances and the trend toward flexible learning in education, the authors examined the factors affecting student satisfaction with flexible online learning. The authors identified 2 key student attributes of student satisfaction: (a) positive perceptions of technology in terms of ease of access and use of online flexible learning material and (b) autonomous and innovative learning styles. The authors derived measures of perceptions of technology from research on the Technology Acceptance Model and used locus of control and innovative attitude as indicators of an autonomous and innovative learning mode. First-year students undertaking an introductory management course completed surveys at the beginning (n = 248) and at the end (n = 256) of course work. The authors analyzed the data by using structural equation modeling. Results suggest that student satisfaction is influenced by positive perceptions toward technology and an autonomous learning mode.


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Original Paper European Journal of Information Systems (2001) 10, 135–146; doi:10.1057/palgrave.ejis.3000394 Organisational learning—a critical systems thinking discipline P Panagiotidis1,3 and J S Edwards2,4 1Deloitte and Touche, Athens, Greece 2Aston Business School, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK Correspondence: Dr J S Edwards, Aston Business School, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK. E-mail: j.s.edwards@aston.ac.uk 3Petros Panagiotidis is Manager responsible for the Process and Systems Integrity Services of Deloitte and Touche in Athens, Greece. He has a BSc in Business Administration and an MSc in Management Information Systems from Western International University, Phoenix, Arizona, USA; an MSc in Business Systems Analysis and Design from City University, London, UK; and a PhD degree from Aston University, Birmingham, UK. His doctorate was in Business Systems Analysis and Design. His principal interests now are in the ERP/DSS field, where he serves as project leader and project risk managment leader in the implementation of SAP and JD Edwards/Cognos in various major clients in the telecommunications and manufacturing sectors. In addition, he is responsible for the development and application of knowledge management systems and activity-based costing systems. 4John S Edwards is Senior Lecturer in Operational Research and Systems at Aston Business School, Birmingham, UK. He holds MA and PhD degrees (in mathematics and operational research respectively) from Cambridge University. His principal research interests are in knowledge management and decision support, especially methods and processes for system development. He has written more than 30 research papers on these topics, and two books, Building Knowledge-based Systems and Decision Making with Computers, both published by Pitman. Current research work includes the effect of scale of operations on knowledge management, interfacing expert systems with simulation models, process modelling in law and legal services, and a study of the use of artifical intelligence techniques in management accounting. Top of pageAbstract This paper deals with the application of critical systems thinking in the domain of organisational learning and knowledge management. Its viewpoint is that deep organisational learning only takes place when the business systems' stakeholders reflect on their actions and thus inquire about their purpose(s) in relation to the business system and the other stakeholders they perceive to exist. This is done by reflecting both on the sources of motivation and/or deception that are contained in their purpose, and also on the sources of collective motivation and/or deception that are contained in the business system's purpose. The development of an organisational information system that captures, manages and institutionalises meaningful information—a knowledge management system—cannot be separated from organisational learning practices, since it should be the result of these very practices. Although Senge's five disciplines provide a useful starting-point in looking at organisational learning, we argue for a critical systems approach, instead of an uncritical Systems Dynamics one that concentrates only on the organisational learning practices. We proceed to outline a methodology called Business Systems Purpose Analysis (BSPA) that offers a participatory structure for team and organisational learning, upon which the stakeholders can take legitimate action that is based on the force of the better argument. In addition, the organisational learning process in BSPA leads to the development of an intrinsically motivated information organisational system that allows for the institutionalisation of the learning process itself in the form of an organisational knowledge management system. This could be a specific application, or something as wide-ranging as an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation. Examples of the use of BSPA in two ERP implementations are presented.


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The International Cooperation Agency (identified in this article as IDEA) working in Colombia is one of the most important in Colombian society with programs that support gender rights, human rights, justice and peace, scholarships, aboriginal population, youth, afro descendants population, economic development in communities, and environmental development. The identified problem is based on the diversified offer of services, collaboration and social intervention which requires diverse groups of people with multiple agendas, ways to support their mandates, disciplines, and professional competences. Knowledge creation and the growth and sustainability of the organization can be in danger because of a silo culture and the resulting reduced leverage of the separate group capabilities. Organizational memory is generally formed by the tacit knowledge of the organization members, given the value of accumulated experience that this kind of social work implies. Its loss is therefore a strategic and operational risk when most problem interventions rely on direct work in the socio-economic field and living real experiences with communities. The knowledge management solution presented in this article starts first, with the identification of the people and groups concerned and the creation of a knowledge map as a means to strengthen the ties between organizational members; second, by introducing a content management system designed to support the documentation process and knowledge sharing process; and third, introducing a methodology for the adaptation of a Balanced Scorecard based on the knowledge management processes. These three main steps lead to a knowledge management “solution” that has been implemented in the organization, comprising three components: a knowledge management system, training support and promotion of cultural change.