994 resultados para labor induction


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Karwath, A. King, R. Homology induction: the use of machine learning to improve sequence similarity searches. BMC Bioinformatics. 23rd April 2002. 3:11 Additional File Describes the title organims species declaration in one string [http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/supplementary/1471- 2105-3-11-S1.doc] Sponsorship: Andreas Karwath and Ross D. King were supported by the EPSRC grant GR/L62849.


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X. Wang, J. Yang, R. Jensen and X. Liu, 'Rough Set Feature Selection and Rule Induction for Prediction of Malignancy Degree in Brain Glioma,' Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 147-156, 2006.


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M. Galea and Q. Shen. Iterative vs Simultaneous Fuzzy Rule Induction. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 767-772.


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Exercise improves functional capacity in spinal cord injury (SCI). However, exhaustive exercise, especially when sporadic, is linked to the production of reactive oxygen species that may have a detrimental effect on SCI. We aimed to study the effect of a single bout of exhaustive exercise on systemic oxidative stress parameters and on the expression of antioxidant enzymes in individuals with paraplegia. The study was conducted in the Physical Therapy department and the Physical Education and Sports department of the University of Valencia. Sixteen paraplegic subjects were submitted to a graded exercise test (GET) until volitional exhaustion. They were divided into active or non-active groups. Blood samples were drawn immediately, 1 and 2 h after the GET. We determined plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) and protein carbonylation as markers of oxidative damage. Antioxidant gene expression (catalase and glutathione peroxidase-GPx) was determined in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. We found a significant increase in plasma MDA and protein carbonyls immediately after the GET (P<0.05). This increment correlated significantly with the lactate levels. Active paraplegics showed lower levels of exercise-induced oxidative damage (P<0.05) and higher exercise-induced catalase (P<0.01) and GPx (P<0.05) gene expression after the GET. These results suggest that exercise training may be useful in SCI patients to develop systemic antioxidant defenses that may protect them against exercise-induced oxidative damage.


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Chungui Lu, Olga A. Koroleva, John F. Farrar, Joe Gallagher, Chris J. Pollock, and A. Deri Tomos (2002). Rubisco small subunit, chlorophyll a/b-binding protein and sucrose : fructan-6-fructosyl transferase gene expression and sugar status in single barley leaf cells in situ. Cell type specificity and induction by light. Plant Physiology, 130 (3) pp.1335-1348 Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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This paper presents a self-organizing, real-time, hierarchical neural network model of sequential processing, and shows how it can be used to induce recognition codes corresponding to word categories and elementary grammatical structures. The model, first introduced in Mannes (1992), learns to recognize, store, and recall sequences of unitized patterns in a stable manner, either using short-term memory alone, or using long-term memory weights. Memory capacity is only limited by the number of nodes provided. Sequences are mapped to unitized patterns, making the model suitable for hierarchical operation. By using multiple modules arranged in a hierarchy and a simple mapping between output of lower levels and the input of higher levels, the induction of codes representing word category and simple phrase structures is an emergent property of the model. Simulation results are reported to illustrate this behavior.


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OBJECTIVES: Adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent adult stem cells with potential for use in cartilage tissue engineering. We hypothesized that these cells show distinct responses to different chondrogenic culture conditions and extracellular matrices, illustrating important differences between cell types. METHODS: Human ASCs and MSCs were chondrogenically differentiated in alginate beads or a novel scaffold of reconstituted native cartilage-derived matrix with a range of growth factors, including dexamethasone, transforming growth factor beta3, and bone morphogenetic protein 6. Constructs were analyzed for gene expression and matrix synthesis. RESULTS: Chondrogenic growth factors induced a chondrocytic phenotype in both ASCs and MSCs in alginate beads or cartilage-derived matrix. MSCs demonstrated enhanced type II collagen gene expression and matrix synthesis as well as a greater propensity for the hypertrophic chondrocyte phenotype. ASCs had higher upregulation of aggrecan gene expression in response to bone morphogenetic protein 6 (857-fold), while MSCs responded more favorably to transforming growth factor beta3 (573-fold increase). CONCLUSIONS: ASCs and MSCs are distinct cell types as illustrated by their unique responses to growth factor-based chondrogenic induction. This chondrogenic induction is affected by the composition of the scaffold and the presence of serum.


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Although lactic acidosis is a prominent feature of solid tumors, we still have limited understanding of the mechanisms by which lactic acidosis influences metabolic phenotypes of cancer cells. We compared global transcriptional responses of breast cancer cells in response to three distinct tumor microenvironmental stresses: lactic acidosis, glucose deprivation, and hypoxia. We found that lactic acidosis and glucose deprivation trigger highly similar transcriptional responses, each inducing features of starvation response. In contrast to their comparable effects on gene expression, lactic acidosis and glucose deprivation have opposing effects on glucose uptake. This divergence of metabolic responses in the context of highly similar transcriptional responses allows the identification of a small subset of genes that are regulated in opposite directions by these two conditions. Among these selected genes, TXNIP and its paralogue ARRDC4 are both induced under lactic acidosis and repressed with glucose deprivation. This induction of TXNIP under lactic acidosis is caused by the activation of the glucose-sensing helix-loop-helix transcriptional complex MondoA:Mlx, which is usually triggered upon glucose exposure. Therefore, the upregulation of TXNIP significantly contributes to inhibition of tumor glycolytic phenotypes under lactic acidosis. Expression levels of TXNIP and ARRDC4 in human cancers are also highly correlated with predicted lactic acidosis pathway activities and associated with favorable clinical outcomes. Lactic acidosis triggers features of starvation response while activating the glucose-sensing MondoA-TXNIP pathways and contributing to the "anti-Warburg" metabolic effects and anti-tumor properties of cancer cells. These results stem from integrative analysis of transcriptome and metabolic response data under various tumor microenvironmental stresses and open new paths to explore how these stresses influence phenotypic and metabolic adaptations in human cancers.


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BACKGROUND: Ritonavir inhibition of cytochrome P450 3A4 decreases the elimination clearance of fentanyl by 67%. We used a pharmacokinetic model developed from published data to simulate the effect of sample patient-controlled epidural labor analgesic regimens on plasma fentanyl concentrations in the absence and presence of ritonavir-induced cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibition. METHODS: Fentanyl absorption from the epidural space was modeled using tanks-in-series delay elements. Systemic fentanyl disposition was described using a three-compartment pharmacokinetic model. Parameters for epidural drug absorption were estimated by fitting the model to reported plasma fentanyl concentrations measured after epidural administration. The validity of the model was assessed by comparing predicted plasma concentrations after epidural administration to published data. The effect of ritonavir was modeled as a 67% decrease in fentanyl elimination clearance. Plasma fentanyl concentrations were simulated for six sample patient-controlled epidural labor analgesic regimens over 24 h using ritonavir and control models. Simulated data were analyzed to determine if plasma fentanyl concentrations producing a 50% decrease in minute ventilation (6.1 ng/mL) were achieved. RESULTS: Simulated plasma fentanyl concentrations in the ritonavir group were higher than those in the control group for all sample labor analgesic regimens. Maximum plasma fentanyl concentrations were 1.8 ng/mL and 3.4 ng/mL for the normal and ritonavir simulations, respectively, and did not reach concentrations associated with 50% decrease in minute ventilation. CONCLUSION: Our model predicts that even with maximal clinical dosing regimens of epidural fentanyl over 24 h, ritonavir-induced cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibition is unlikely to produce plasma fentanyl concentrations associated with a decrease in minute ventilation.


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Our percept of visual stability across saccadic eye movements may be mediated by presaccadic remapping. Just before a saccade, neurons that remap become visually responsive at a future field (FF), which anticipates the saccade vector. Hence, the neurons use corollary discharge of saccades. Many of the neurons also decrease their response at the receptive field (RF). Presaccadic remapping occurs in several brain areas including the frontal eye field (FEF), which receives corollary discharge of saccades in its layer IV from a collicular-thalamic pathway. We studied, at two levels, the microcircuitry of remapping in the FEF. At the laminar level, we compared remapping between layers IV and V. At the cellular level, we compared remapping between different neuron types of layer IV. In the FEF in four monkeys (Macaca mulatta), we identified 27 layer IV neurons with orthodromic stimulation and 57 layer V neurons with antidromic stimulation from the superior colliculus. With the use of established criteria, we classified the layer IV neurons as putative excitatory (n = 11), putative inhibitory (n = 12), or ambiguous (n = 4). We found that just before a saccade, putative excitatory neurons increased their visual response at the RF, putative inhibitory neurons showed no change, and ambiguous neurons increased their visual response at the FF. None of the neurons showed presaccadic visual changes at both RF and FF. In contrast, neurons in layer V showed full remapping (at both the RF and FF). Our data suggest that elemental signals for remapping are distributed across neuron types in early cortical processing and combined in later stages of cortical microcircuitry.


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Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis is characterized by invasion of lymphocytes and macrophages into the central nervous system resulting in inflammation, edema, and demyelination. Sera from Lewis rats from 7-95 days after immunization with purified guinea pig CNS myelin were examined with respect to their ability to opsonize myelin. This was correlated with the appearance of antibody components and the relative amounts of antibody to myelin basic protein (MBP) and proteolipid protein (PLP). Sera from rats 10-95 days after immunization preincubated with purified myelin induced phagocytosis of myelin by cultured macrophages with the resulting production of cholesterol ester. This opsonization activity as measured by the percentage of cholesterol esterified reached a peak at 26-27 days after immunization but remained significantly elevated up to 95 days post-immunization compared to the activity of serum from the Freund's adjuvant-injected controls. Immunoblots of the sera revealed a gradual increase in antibody activity against myelin components. ELISA assays for MBP and PLP antibody showed a similar pattern. Antibody to galactocerebroside (GC) was not detected by immunostains nor by the ELISA assay. Areas of demyelination were observed histologically by luxol-fast blue stained spinal cords up to 60 days post-immunization. These results indicate that antibodies to myelin protein when given access to myelin through or within the blood brain barrier could initiate or enhance the phagocytic response by peripheral or resident macrophages.


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In 2014 alone, over 12,000 women are expected to be diagnosed with cervical cancer. Of these women who are diagnosed, about 3,909 will result in death. Despite developments in prevention methods, cervical cancer remains a major health concern for women. Growing evidence suggests that Salvianolic acid B (Sal B), a major component of the Chinese herb Danshen, may inhibit cancer cell growth and help fight against cervical cancer. This study characterizes the potential of Sal B as a cervical cancer drug through in vitro testing on HeLa cells. We hypothesized that application of Sal B to HeLa cells will result in decreased cell viability and increased apoptosis in a dose dependent manner. HeLa cells were treated with varying concentrations of Sal B: 25µM, 50µM, 100µM, and 200µM. Cell viability was determined through colony formation assay, cell death ELISA, and nuclear morphology. An inhibitor study was also conducted for further apoptosis pathway analysis. Colony formation assay demonstrated a significant decrease in cell viability with increasing concentrations of Sal B with 75% viability at 50µM down to 0% viability at 200µM. Cell death ELISA and the analysis of nuclear morphology via Hoechst staining reported significant levels of apoptosis at concentrations equal to 50µM and greater. Furthermore, experiments using caspase inhibitors indicated that Sal B’s apoptotic effects are caspase-8 dependent. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that Sal B inhibits cancer cell growth by a mechanism that involves apoptosis induction through the extrinsic pathway.