976 resultados para killer toxin


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Pierisin-1 is an 850-aa cytotoxic protein found in the cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae, and has been suggested to consist of an N-terminal region with ADP-ribosyltransferase domain and of a C-terminal region that might have a receptor-binding domain. To elucidate the role of each region, we investigated the functions of various fragments of pierisin-1. In vitro expressed polypeptide consisting of amino acid residues 1–233 or 234–850 of pierisin-1 alone did not show cytotoxicity against human cervical carcinoma HeLa cells. However, the presence of both polypeptides in the culture medium showed some of the original cytotoxic activity. Introduction of the N-terminal polypeptide alone by electroporation also induced cell death in HeLa cells, and even in the mouse melanoma MEB4 cells insensitive to pierisin-1. Thus, the N-terminal region has a principal role in the cytotoxicity of pierisin-1 inside mammalian cells. Analyses of incorporated pierisin-1 indicated that the entire protein, regardless of whether it consisted of a single polypeptide or two separate N- and C-terminal polypeptides, was incorporated into HeLa cells. However, neither of the terminal polypeptides was incorporated when each polypeptide was present separately. These findings indicate that the C-terminal region is important for the incorporation of pierisin-1. Moreover, presence of receptor for pierisin-1 in the lipid fraction of cell membrane was suggested. The cytotoxic effects of pierisin-1 were enhanced by previous treatment with trypsin, producing “nicked” pierisin-1. Generation of the N-terminal fragment in HeLa cells was detected after application of intact entire molecule of pierisin-1. From the above observations, it is suggested that after incorporation of pierisin-1 into the cell by interaction of its C-terminal region with the receptor in the cell membrane, the entire protein is cleaved into the N- and C-terminal fragments with intracellular protease, and the N-terminal fragment then exhibits cytotoxicity.


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In this study, we investigated the role of Vα14 natural killer T (NKT) cells in transplant immunity. The ability to reject allografts was not significantly different between wild-type (WT) and Vα14 NKT cell-deficient mice. However, in models in which tolerance was induced against cardiac allografts by blockade of lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1/intercellular adhesion molecule-1 or CD28/B7 interactions, long-term acceptance of the grafts was observed only in WT but not Vα14 NKT cell-deficient mice. Adoptive transfer with Vα14 NKT cells restored long-term acceptance of allografts in Vα14 NKT cell-deficient mice. The critical role of Vα14 NKT cells to mediate immunosuppression was also observed in vitro in mixed lymphocyte cultures in which lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1/intercellular adhesion molecule-1 or CD28/B7 interactions were blocked. Experiments using IL-4- or IFN-γ-deficient mice suggested a critical contribution of IFN-γ to the Vα14 NKT cell-mediated allograft acceptance in vivo. These results indicate a critical contribution of Vα14 NKT cells to the induction of allograft tolerance and provide a useful model to investigate the regulatory role of Vα14 NKT cells in various immune responses.


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Eutypine (4-hydroxy-3-[3-methyl-3-butene-1-ynyl] benzaldehyde) is a toxin produced by Eutypa lata, the causal agent of eutypa dieback in the grapevine (Vitis vinifera). Eutypine is enzymatically converted by numerous plant tissues into eutypinol (4-hydroxy-3-[3-methyl-3-butene-1-ynyl] benzyl alcohol), a metabolite that is nontoxic to grapevine. We report a four-step procedure for the purification to apparent electrophoretic homogeneity of a eutypine-reducing enzyme (ERE) from etiolated mung bean (Vigna radiata) hypocotyls. The purified protein is a monomer of 36 kD, uses NADPH as a cofactor, and exhibits a Km value of 6.3 μm for eutypine and a high affinity for 3- and 4-nitro-benzaldehyde. The enzyme failed to catalyze the reverse reaction using eutypinol as a substrate. ERE detoxifies eutypine efficiently over a pH range from 6.2 to 7.5. These data strongly suggest that ERE is an aldehyde reductase that could probably be classified into the aldo-keto reductase superfamily. We discuss the possible role of this enzyme in eutypine detoxification.


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We have previously described how T and natural killer (NK) lineage commitment proceeds from common T/NK progenitors (p-T/NK) in the murine fetal thymus (FT), with the use of a clonal assay system capable of discriminating p-T/NK from unipotent T or NK lineage-committed progenitors (p-T and p-NK, respectively). The molecular mechanisms controlling the commitment processes, however, are yet to be defined. In this study, we investigated the progenitor activity of FT cells from Id2−/− mice that exhibit defective NK cell development. In the Id2−/− FT, NK cells were greatly reduced, and a cell population that exclusively contains p-NK in the wild-type thymus was completely missing. Id2−/− FT progenitors were unable to differentiate into NK cells in IL-2-supplemented-FT organ culture. Single progenitor analysis demonstrated that all Id2−/− fetal thymic progenitors are destined for the T cell lineage, whereas progenitors for T/NK, T, and NK cell lineages were found in the control. Interestingly, the total progenitor number was similar between Id2−/− and Id2+/+ embryos analyzed. Expression of Id2 was correlated with p-NK activity. Our results suggest that Id2 is indispensable in thymic NK cell development, where it most probably restricts bipotent T/NK progenitors to the NK cell lineage.


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Clostridium difficile, a causative agent of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and its potentially lethal form, pseudomembranous colitis, produces two large protein toxins that are responsible for the cellular damage associated with the disease. The level of toxin production appears to be critical for determining the severity of the disease, but the mechanism by which toxin synthesis is regulated is unknown. The product of a gene, txeR, that lies just upstream of the tox gene cluster was shown to be needed for tox gene expression in vivo and to activate promoter-specific transcription of the tox genes in vitro in conjunction with RNA polymerases from C. difficile, Bacillus subtilis, or Escherichia coli. TxeR was shown to function as an alternative sigma factor for RNA polymerase. Because homologs of TxeR regulate synthesis of toxins and a bacteriocin in other Clostridium species, TxeR appears to be a prototype for a novel mode of regulation of toxin genes.


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Antillatoxin (ATX) is a lipopeptide derived from the pantropical marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula. ATX is neurotoxic in primary cultures of rat cerebellar granule cells, and this neuronal death is prevented by either N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists or tetrodotoxin. To further explore the potential interaction of ATX with voltage-gated sodium channels, we assessed the influence of tetrodotoxin on ATX-induced Ca2+ influx in cerebellar granule cells. The rapid increase in intracellular Ca2+ produced by ATX (100 nM) was antagonized in a concentration-dependent manner by tetrodotoxin. Additional, more direct, evidence for an interaction with voltage-gated sodium channels was derived from the ATX-induced allosteric enhancement of [3H]batrachotoxin binding to neurotoxin site 2 of the α subunit of the sodium channel. ATX, moreover, produced a strong synergistic stimulation of [3H]batrachotoxin binding in combination with brevetoxin, which is a ligand for neurotoxin site 5 on the voltage-gated sodium channel. Positive allosteric interactions were not observed between ATX and either α-scorpion toxin or the pyrethroid deltamethrin. That ATX interaction with voltage-gated sodium channels produces a gain of function was demonstrated by the concentration-dependent and tetrodotoxin-sensitive stimulation of 22Na+ influx in cerebellar granule cells exposed to ATX. Together these results demonstrate that the lipopeptide ATX is an activator of voltage-gated sodium channels. The neurotoxic actions of ATX therefore resemble those of brevetoxins that produce neural insult through depolarization-evoked Na+ load, glutamate release, relief of Mg2+ block of NMDA receptors, and Ca2 + influx.


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Some foreign genes introduced into plants are poorly expressed, even when transcription is controlled by a strong promoter. Perhaps the best examples of this problem are the cry genes of Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.), which encode the insecticidal proteins commonly referred to as B.t. toxins. As a step toward overcoming such problems most effectively, we sought to elucidate the mechanisms limiting the expression of a typical B.t.-toxin gene, cryIA(c), which accumulates very little mRNA in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cells. Most cell lines transformed with the cryIA(c) B.t.-toxin gene accumulate short, polyadenylated transcripts. The abundance of these transcripts can be increased by treating the cells with cycloheximide, a translation inhibitor that can stabilize many unstable transcripts. Using a series of hybridizations, reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reactions, and RNase-H-digestion experiments, poly(A+) addition sites were identified in the B.t.-toxin-coding region corresponding to the short transcripts. A fourth polyadenylation site was identified using a chimeric gene. These results demonstrate for the first time to our knowledge that premature polyadenylation can limit the expression of a foreign gene in plants. Moreover, this work emphasizes that further study of the fundamental principles governing polyadenylation in plants will have basic as well as applied significance.


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It is well established that the expression of Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) toxin genes in higher plants is severely limited at the mRNA level, but the cause remains controversial. Elucidating whether mRNA accumulation is limited transcriptionally or posttranscriptionally could contribute to effective gene design as well as provide insights about endogenous plant gene-expression mechanisms. To resolve this controversy, we compared the expression of an A/U-rich wild-type cryIA(c) gene and a G/C-rich synthetic cryIA(c) B.t.-toxin gene under the control of identical 5′ and 3′ flanking sequences. Transcriptional activities of the genes were equal as determined by nuclear run-on transcription assays. In contrast, mRNA half-life measurements demonstrated directly that the wild-type transcript was markedly less stable than that encoded by the synthetic gene. Sequences that limit mRNA accumulation were located at more than one site within the coding region, and some appeared to be recognized in Arabidopsis but not in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). These results support previous observations that some A/U-rich sequences can contribute to mRNA instability in plants. Our studies further indicate that some of these sequences may be differentially recognized in tobacco cells and Arabidopsis.


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Rearrangements of the high mobility group protein I-C (HMGI-C) gene, consisting in the loss of the carboxyl-terminal tail, have been frequently detected in benign human tumors of mesenchymal origin. We have previously demonstrated that transgenic (TG) mice carrying a truncated HMGI-C construct (HMGI-C/T) exhibit a giant phenotype together with a predominantly abdominal/pelvic lipomatosis. Here, we report that HMGI-C/T TG mice develop natural killer (NK)-T/NK cell lymphomas starting from 12 months of age. We found an increased expression of IL-2 and IL-15 proteins and their receptors in these lymphomas, and we demonstrate that HMGI-C/T protein positively regulates their expression in vitro. Therefore, the HMGI-C/T-mediated chronic stimulation of the IL-2/IL-15 pathway could be responsible for the onset of NK-T/NK cell lymphomas in HMGI-C/T TG mice.


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GM1-ganglioside receptor binding by the B subunit of cholera toxin (CtxB) is widely accepted to initiate toxin action by triggering uptake and delivery of the toxin A subunit into cells. More recently, GM1 binding by isolated CtxB, or the related B subunit of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin (EtxB), has been found to modulate leukocyte function, resulting in the down-regulation of proinflammatory immune responses that cause autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes. Here, we demonstrate that GM1 binding, contrary to expectation, is not sufficient to initiate toxin action. We report the engineering and crystallographic structure of a mutant cholera toxin, with a His to Ala substitution in the B subunit at position 57. Whereas the mutant retained pentameric stability and high affinity binding to GM1-ganglioside, it had lost its immunomodulatory activity and, when part of the holotoxin complex, exhibited ablated toxicity. The implications of these findings on the mode of action of cholera toxin are discussed.


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Cholera toxin is normally observed only in the Golgi apparatus and not in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) although the enzymatically active A subunit of cholera toxin has a KDEL sequence. Here we demonstrate transport of horseradish peroxidase-labeled cholera toxin to the ER by electron microscopy in thapsigargin-treated A431 cells. Thapsigargin treatment strongly increased cholera toxin-induced cAMP production, and the formation of the catalytically active A1 fragment was somewhat increased. Binding of cholera toxin to the cell surface and transport of toxin to the Golgi apparatus were not changed in thapsigargin-treated cells, suggesting increased retrograde transport of cholera toxin from the Golgi apparatus to the ER. The data demonstrate that retrograde transport of cholera toxin can take place and that the transport is under regulation. The results are consistent with the idea that retrograde transport can be important for the action of cholera toxin.


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The protective antigen (PA) component of anthrax toxin mediates entry of the toxin's lethal factor (LF) and edema factor into the cytosolic compartment of mammalian cells. The amino-terminal domain of LF (LFn; 255 amino acids) binds LF to PA, and when fused to heterologous proteins, the LFn domain delivers such proteins to the cytoplasm in the presence of PA. In the current study, we fused a 9-amino acid cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) epitope (LLO91-99) from an intracellular pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes, to LFn and measured the ability of the resulting LFn-LLO91-99 fusion protein to stimulate a CTL response against the epitope in BALB/c mice. As little as 300 fmol of fusion could stimulate a response. The stimulation was PA-dependent and occurred with the peptide fused to either the amino terminus or the carboxyl terminus of LFn. Upon challenge with L. monocytogenes, mice previously injected with LFn-LLO91-99 and PA showed a reduction of colony-forming units in spleen and liver, relative to nonimmunized control mice. These results indicate that anthrax toxin may be useful as a CTL-peptide delivery system for research and medical applications.


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Natural killer (NK) cells are inhibited from killing cellular targets by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. In the mouse, this can be mediated by the Ly-49A NK cell receptor that specifically binds the H-2Dd MHC class I molecule, then inhibits NK cell activity. Previous experiments have indicated that Ly-49A recognizes the alpha 1/alpha 2 domains of MHC class I and that no specific MHC-bound peptide appeared to be involved. We demonstrate here that alanine-substituted peptides, having only the minimal anchor motifs, stabilized H-2Dd expression and provided resistance to H-2Dd-transfected, transporter associated with processing (TAP)-deficient cells from lysis by Ly-49A+ NK cells. Peptide-induced resistance was blocked only by an mAb that binds a conformational determinant on H-2Dd. Moreover, stabilization of "empty" H-2Dd heavy chains by exogenous beta 2-microglobulin did not confer resistance. In contrast to data for MHC class I-restricted T cells that are specific for peptides displayed MHC molecules, these data indicate that NK cells are specific for a peptide-induced conformational determinant, independent of specific peptide. This fundamental distinction between NK cells and T cells further implies that NK cells are sensitive only to global changes in MHC class I conformation or expression, rather than to specific pathogen-encoded peptides. This is consistent with the "missing self" hypothesis, which postulates that NK cells survey tissues for normal expression of MHC class I.