393 resultados para kelvin
A regional cross-calibration between the first Delay Doppler altimetry dataset from Cryosat-2 and a retracked Envisat dataset is here presented, in order to test the benefits of the Delay-Doppler processing and to expand the Envisat time series in the coastal ocean. The Indonesian Seas are chosen for the calibration, since the availability of altimetry data in this region is particularly beneficial due to the lack of in-situ measurements and its importance for global ocean circulation. The Envisat data in the region are retracked with the Adaptive Leading Edge Subwaveform (ALES) Retracker, which has been previously validated and applied successfully to coastal sea level research. The study demonstrates that CryoSat-2 is able to decrease the 1-Hz noise of sea level estimations by 0.3 cm within 50 km of the coast, when compared to the ALES-reprocessed Envisat dataset. It also shows that Envisat can be confidently used for detailed oceanographic research after the orbit change of October 2010. Cross-calibration at the crossover points indicates that in the region of study a sea state bias correction equal to 5% of the significant wave height is an acceptable approximation for Delay-Doppler altimetry. The analysis of the joint sea level time series reveals the geographic extent of the semiannual signal caused by Kelvin waves during the monsoon transitions, the larger amplitudes of the annual signal due to the Java Coastal Current and the impact of the strong La Nina event of 2010 on rising sea level trends.
A regional cross-calibration between the first Delay Doppler altimetry dataset from Cryosat-2 and a retracked Envisat dataset is here presented, in order to test the benefits of the Delay-Doppler processing and to expand the Envisat time series in the coastal ocean. The Indonesian Seas are chosen for the calibration, since the availability of altimetry data in this region is particularly beneficial due to the lack of in-situ measurements and its importance for global ocean circulation. The Envisat data in the region are retracked with the Adaptive Leading Edge Subwaveform (ALES) Retracker, which has been previously validated and applied successfully to coastal sea level research. The study demonstrates that CryoSat-2 is able to decrease the 1-Hz noise of sea level estimations by 0.3 cm within 50 km of the coast, when compared to the ALES-reprocessed Envisat dataset. It also shows that Envisat can be confidently used for detailed oceanographic research after the orbit change of October 2010. Cross-calibration at the crossover points indicates that in the region of study a sea state bias correction equal to 5% of the significant wave height is an acceptable approximation for Delay-Doppler altimetry. The analysis of the joint sea level time series reveals the geographic extent of the semiannual signal caused by Kelvin waves during the monsoon transitions, the larger amplitudes of the annual signal due to the Java Coastal Current and the impact of the strong La Nina event of 2010 on rising sea level trends.
El Comité Multisectorial encargado del Estudio Nacional del Fenómeno El Niño (ENFEN) mantiene el estado de Alerta, debido al evento El Niño costero que se viene presentando con condiciones cálidas en la costa peruana desde otoño del 2015. Continúa la fase de declinación del evento El Niño costero. Sin embargo, en la última semana de marzo e inicios de abril se registró un calentamiento frente a la costa central y norte, debido a la presencia de anomalías positivas de vientos del oeste en el Pacífico Ecuatorial Oriental. Asimismo, se han registrado precipitaciones aisladas de moderada intensidad (15-40 mm/día) en Tumbes, Piura y Lambayeque.
Le galassie a spirale, come la Via Lattea, sono caratterizzate dalla presenza di gas freddo e formazione stellare e vengono perciò chiamate star-forming. Per creare nuove stelle è necessaria una sufficiente riserva di gas, la cui disponibilità governa l’evoluzione della galassia stessa. Finora, non è stato individuato con certezza un meccanismo che possa alimentare la formazione di nuove stelle nelle galassie star-forming. Una delle possibili sorgenti di tale gas è l’alone galattico caldo (corona galattica) il cui raffreddamento e successivo accrescimento possono essere stimolati dal processo di fontana galattica. L’esplosione di supernovae porta nubi di gas freddo in orbita al di sopra del disco stellare; queste nubi raggiungono altezze dell’ordine del kiloparsec, interagendo con la corona di gas caldo. Il moto delle nubi all’interno di un mezzo meno denso comporta l’instaurarsi dell’instabilità di Kelvin-Helmholtz, che ’strappa’ gas dalle nubi e causa la condensazione di materia coronale. Quest’ultima viene quindi accresciuta e, ricadendo sul disco, trasferisce nuovo materiale alla galassia e ne alimenta la formazione stellare. Lo scopo di questa tesi è derivare un modello analitico di fontana galattica che consenta di ottenere una formulazione analitica per il tempo orbitale, cioè il tempo richiesto alle nubi per ricadere sul disco galattico. Infatti, più u tempo le nubi impiegano per attraversare il materiale coronale caldo e ricadere sul disco, più materiale viene accresciuto durante l’orbita. Conoscendo i tempi orbitali sarebbe possibile calcolare il tasso di accrescimento legato al fenomeno di fontana e studiarne l’andamento con il raggio del disco. Questo modello potrebbe rivelarsi utile per lo studio dell’impatto della fontana nell’evoluzione globale del disco galattico e della chimica dell’intera galassia.
We explore the interdependence of leverage and debt maturity choices in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and unregulated listed real estate investment companies in the U.S. for the period 1973-2011. We find that the leverage and maturity choices of all listed real estate firms are interdependent, but in contrast to industrial firms, they are not made simultaneously. Across the different types of real estate firms considered, we find substantial differences in the nature of the relationship between leverage and maturity. Leverage determines maturity in non-REITs, whereas maturity is a determinant of leverage in REITs. We suggest that the observed differences reflect the effects of the REIT regulation, rather than solely being a function of real estate as the underlying asset class. We also present novel evidence that the relationship between leverage and maturity in both firm types can be used to moderate the effects of other exogenous financing policies.
The leverage and debt maturity choices of real estate companies are interdependent, and are not made separately as is often assumed in the literature. We use three-stage least squares (3SLS) regression analysis to explore this interdependence for a sample of listed U.S. real estate companies and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) traded between 1973 and 2006.We find substantial differences in the nature of the relationship between leverage and maturity for the two firm types. Leverage is a determinant of maturity for non-REITs, whereas maturity is a determinant of leverage for REITs. We also find that the drivers of capital structure choices in real estate companies and REITs clearly reflect the effects of the REIT regulation.
We provide theory and evidence to complement Choi's [RFS, 2013] important new insights on the returns to equity in `value' firms. We show that higher future earnings growth ameliorates the value-reducing effect of leverage and, because the market for earnings is incomplete, reduces the earnings-risk sensitivity of the default option. Ceteris paribus, a levered firm with low (high) earnings growth is more sensitive to the first (second) of these effects thus generating higher (lower) expected returns. We demonstrate this by modeling equity as an Asian-style call option on net earnings and find significant empirical support for our hypotheses.
The value premium is well established in empirical asset pricing, but to date there is little understanding as to its fundamental drivers. We use a stochastic earnings valuation model to establish a direct link between the volatility of future earnings growth and firm value. We illustrate that risky earnings growth affects growth and value firms differently. We provide empirical evidence that the volatility of future earnings growth is a significant determinant of the value premium. Using data on individual firms and characteristic-sorted test portfolios, we also find that earnings growth volatility is significant in explaining the cross-sectional variation of stock returns. Our findings imply that the value premium is the rational consequence of accounting for risky earnings growth in the firm valuation process.
There is an increasing emphasis on the restoration of ecosystem services as well as of biodiversity, especially where restoration projects are planned at a landscape scale. This increase in the diversity of restoration aims has a number of conceptual and practical implications for the way that restoration projects are monitored and evaluated. Landscape-scale projects require monitoring of not only ecosystem services and biodiversity but also of ecosystem processes since these can underpin both. Using the experiences gained at a landscape-scale wetland restoration project in the UK, we discuss a number of issues that need to be considered, including the choice of metrics for monitoring ecosystem services and the difficulties of assessing the interactions between ecosystem processes, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. Particular challenges that we identify, using two pilot data sets, include the decoupling of monetary metrics used for monitoring ecosystem services from biophysical change on the ground and the wide range of factors external to a project that influence the monitoring results. We highlight the fact that the wide range of metrics necessary to evaluate the ecosystem service, ecosystem process, and biodiversity outcomes of landscape-scale projects presents a number of practical challenges, including the need for high levels of varied expertise, high costs, incommensurate monitoring outputs, and the need for careful management of monitoring results, especially where they may be used in making decisions about the relative importance of project aims.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Open-cell metal foams show promise as an emerging novel material for heat exchanger applications. The high surface-area-to-volume ratio suggests increased compactness and decrease in weight of heat exchanger designs. However, the metal foam structure appears conducive to condensate retention, which would degenerate heat transfer performance. This research investigates the condensate retention behavior of aluminum open-cell metal foams through the use of static dip tests and geometrical classification via X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography. Aluminum open-cell metal foam samples of 5, 10, 20, and 40 pores per inch (PPI), all having a void fraction greater than 90%, were included in this investigation. In order to model the condensate retention behavior of metal foams, a clearer understanding of the geometry was required. After exploring the ideal geometries presented in the open literature, X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography was employed to classify the actual geometry of the metal foam samples. The images obtained were analyzed using specialized software from which geometric information including strut length and pore shapes were extracted. The results discerned a high variability in ligament length, as well as features supporting the ideal geometry known as the Weaire-Phelan unit cell. The static dip tests consisted of submerging the metal foam samples in a liquid, then allowing gravity-induced drainage until steady-state was reached and the liquid remaining in the metal foam sample was measured. Three different liquids, water, ethylene glycol, and 91% isopropyl alcohol, were employed. The behaviors of untreated samples were compared to samples subjected to a Beomite surface treatment process, and no significant differences in retention behavior were discovered. The dip test results revealed two distinct regions of condensate retention, each holding approximately half of the total liquid retained by the sample. As expected, condensate retention increased as the pores sizes decreased. A model based on surface tension was developed to predict the condensate retention in the metal foam samples and verified using a regular mesh. Applying the model to both the ideal and actual metal foam geometries showed good agreement with the dip test results in this study.
This executive order by Governor Nikki R. Haley declares that the seat held by Kelvin Emil Washington, Sr. of the office of County Council of the County of Richland was vacated and the vacancy shall be filled as is provided by law.
The purpose of this dissertation is to evaluate the potential downstream influence of the Indian Ocean (IO) on El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) forecasts through the oceanic pathway of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF), atmospheric teleconnections between the IO and Pacific, and assimilation of IO observations. Also the impact of sea surface salinity (SSS) in the Indo-Pacific region is assessed to try to address known problems with operational coupled model precipitation forecasts. The ITF normally drains warm fresh water from the Pacific reducing the mixed layer depths (MLD). A shallower MLD amplifies large-scale oceanic Kelvin/Rossby waves thus giving ~10% larger response and more realistic ENSO sea surface temperature (SST) variability compared to observed when the ITF is open. In order to isolate the impact of the IO sector atmospheric teleconnections to ENSO, experiments are contrasted that selectively couple/decouple the interannual forcing in the IO. The interannual variability of IO SST forcing is responsible for 3 month lagged widespread downwelling in the Pacific, assisted by off-equatorial curl, leading to warmer NINO3 SST anomaly and improved ENSO validation (significant from 3-9 months). Isolating the impact of observations in the IO sector using regional assimilation identifies large-scale warming in the IO that acts to intensify the easterlies of the Walker circulation and increases pervasive upwelling across the Pacific, cooling the eastern Pacific, and improving ENSO validation (r ~ 0.05, RMS~0.08C). Lastly, the positive impact of more accurate fresh water forcing is demonstrated to address inadequate precipitation forecasts in operational coupled models. Aquarius SSS assimilation improves the mixed layer density and enhances mixing, setting off upwelling that eventually cools the eastern Pacific after 6 months, counteracting the pervasive warming of most coupled models and significantly improving ENSO validation from 5-11 months. In summary, the ITF oceanic pathway, the atmospheric teleconnection, the impact of observations in the IO, and improved Indo-Pacific SSS are all responsible for ENSO forecast improvements, and so each aspect of this study contributes to a better overall understanding of ENSO. Therefore, the upstream influence of the IO should be thought of as integral to the functioning of ENSO phenomenon.
The first part of this thesis deals with the phenomenon of thermoelectricity. It involves the improvement of the thermoelectric properties of silicon using innovative nanostructures. My contribution was to help fabricate these thermoelectric devices, and is the focus of this part of the thesis.
The second part and primary focus of this thesis is the analysis of thin films using scanning probe techniques. These surface techniques include atomic force microscopy, electric force microscopy, Kelvin probe force microscopy, and scanning tunneling microscopy. The thin films studied are graphene and molybdenum disulfide, two remarkable materials that display unique two-dimensional qualities. These materials are shown to be useful in studying the properties of adsorbates trapped between them and the substrate on which they rest. Moreover, these adsorbed species are seen to affect the structural and electronic properties of the thin films themselves. Scanning probe analyses are particularly useful in elucidating the properties of these materials, as surface effects play a significant role in determining their characteristics.
The final part of this thesis is concerned with the study of Akt in live cells using protein capture agents previously developed by my colleagues. The activation and degradation of Akt is investigated using various biological assays, including Western blots, in vitro kinase assays, and cell viability assays. Finally, the usefulness of synthetic capture agents in perturbing protein pathways and as delivery agents is assessed and analyzed.
In recent years, the discovery of bulk metallic glasses with exceptional properties has generated much interest. One of their most intriguing features is their capacity for viscous flow above the glass transition temperature. This characteristic allows metallic glasses to be formed like plastics at modest temperatures. However, crystallization of supercooled metallic liquids in the best bulk metallic glass-formers is much more rapid than in most polymers and silicate glass-forming liquids. The short times to crystallization impairs experimentation on and processing of supercooled glass-forming metallic liquids. A technique to rapidly and uniformly heat metallic glasses at rates of 105 to 106 kelvin per second is presented. A capacitive discharge is used to ohmically heat metallic glasses to temperatures in the super cooled liquid region in millisecond time-scales. By heating samples rapidly, the most time-consuming step in experiments on supercooled metallic liquids is reduced orders of magnitude in length. This allows for experimentation on and processing of metallic liquids in temperature ranges that were previously inaccessible because of crystallization.
A variety of forming techniques, including injection molding and forging, were coupled with capacitive discharge heating to produce near net-shaped metallic glass parts. In addition, a new forming technique, which combines a magnetic field with the heating current to produce a forming force, was developed. Viscosities were measured in previously inaccessible temperature ranges using parallel plate rheometry combined with capacitive discharge heating. Lastly, a rapid pulse calorimeter was developed with this technique to investigate the thermophysical behavior of metallic glasses at these rapid heating rates.