998 resultados para indication


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INTRODUCTION: Chylothorax is a rare but serious postoperative condition in children with congenital heart disease. Conventional medical treatment consists of specific long-term dietary modification, and surgical reintervention, such as lymphatic duct ligation, may be indicated in refractory cases. In recent years, an additional conservative treatment, octreotide, a synthetic analog of somatostatin, has been used in management of congenital and postoperative chylothorax. METHODS: The objective of this work was to analyze the efficacy and safety of this treatment for chylothorax after congenital heart surgery. We reviewed the records of sixteen patients with chylothorax after surgery for congenital heart disease between January 1999 and December 2007, and collected the following data: demographic information; type of surgical procedure; onset, duration and management of chylothorax and treatment; and duration of hospital stay. To analyze efficacy we compared these parameters in children receiving conventional treatment only with those receiving octreotide. To analyze safety we compared the adverse effects of both treatments. Octreotide was administered at a dose of 4 to 10 microg/kg/hour, with monitoring of side effects. RESULTS: The incidence of chylothorax in our population was 1.6%. It occurred more often after Glenn and Fontan procedures (8 patients). Octreotide was begun three days after diagnosis of chylothorax and continued for a median of seventeen days (ranging from 4 to 26 days), until complete resolution. Side effects were frequent (in 3 of the 8 patients) but of no clinical relevance. All patients responded to the therapy and there was no indication for further surgical intervention. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Octreotide is safe and effective in the treatment of postoperative chylothorax in children with congenital heart disease. It is a useful adjunctive therapy to the conventional treatment of this complication.


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INTRODUCTION: Atrial septal defects (ASD) are among the most common congenital anomalies and account for 10% of congenital heart disease in the pediatric age-group and 30% in adults. Closure is indicated when there is evidence of hemodynamic significance or after a paradoxical embolic event. Ten years ago, percutaneous closure became the treatment of choice in our center for all patients with a clear indication and favorable anatomy. In this paper we report the experience of this first decade. OBJECTIVE: To assess the short- and long-term results of our ten-year experience with percutaneous closure of atrial septal defects. METHODS: We studied retrospectively all patients with ASD treated with a percutaneous approach between November 1998 and December 2008. The pediatric age-group consisted of patients younger than 19 years old. Demographic data, clinical indications, minor and major complication rates, success rate and long-term outcome were assessed. RESULTS: In the first ten years of experience 510 patients, of whom 166 were in the pediatric group, were treated in our center by a team of adult and pediatric cardiologists. The overall success rate of the procedure was 98% (97.5% in ASD and 99.5% in patent foramen ovale (PFO). The minor complication rate was 3% (3.4% in ASD and 2% in PFO). The most frequent complication was supraventricular tachycardia. The major complication rate was 1.2% (0.6% in ASD and 2% in PFO). Two patients developed cardiac tamponade due to hemopericardium that was resolved by pericardiocentesis, without need for surgery. One patient had an arterial pseudoaneurysm corrected by vascular surgery. There was no device embolization and no need for urgent surgery in this population. During follow-up two patients had recurrence of ischemic stroke, one had a transient ischemic attack and another had a hemorrhagic stroke. Mortality was 0.6% (0.6% in ASD and 0.5% in PFO). There were no in-hospital deaths. During follow-up there were two deaths, both in the adult group. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In this population the success rate was high and most of the complications were minor. The results of this collaboration between adult and pediatric cardiologists in the first ten years of activity confirm the safety and efficacy of percutaneous closure of septal defects, when there is careful patient selection and a standardized technique.


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The mortality rate is high and prognosis is worse among new-borns with prenatal diagnosis of heart malformation, mainly due to factors such as its association with other malformations, and a range of more severe diseases probably resulting from the predominance of the obstetric use of the four chamber view. In this study we retrospectively assessed the range of cardiopathies diagnosed by foetal echocardiography and their evolution, compared with previous years. From January 1994 to December 1995, 1173 foetal echocardiograms were performed at a gestation age of 24 weeks. Sixty-one foetuses (5.2%) had cardiac anomalies, structural in 56 and arrhythmia in 5. The risks and indications were maternal in 37%, foetal in 31%, familial in 17% and environmental in 15%. Three were false negatives (VSD:2; truncus arteriosus: 1). Five died in utero, and 18 were assessed after birth with a mean gestational age of 37 weeks and birth weight of 3 Kg, a caesarean section was performed in 9. All but one were born in central hospitals. Six children were operated on. Two children died, one after surgery. Compared with the four previous years of activity, indication due to foetal risk rose from 6 to 31%, the number of cases diagnosed with heart disease increased from 14 to 30 per year, and the mortality decreased from 59 to 11%. Despite this, we still observe that the vast majority of new-borns who are hospitalised due to a severe heart disease had no prenatal diagnosis, indicating the need to continue our educational policy in this field.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) share the same transmission mechanisms. The prevalence of HCV in the HIV-infected population varies from region to region, throughout the world, depending on different exposure factors to both viruses. Co-infection with HIV accelerates the progression of the disease caused by HCV, appears to worsen the progression of the HIV infection and increases HCV transmission. Therefore, clinical management and treatment of HCV is a priority in medical facilities that receive HIV-infected patients. Clinical management of these patients involves specific diagnostic procedures and appropriately trained medical staff. The indication of treatment should meet specific clinical and laboratory criteria. There are a number of drugs currently available to treat hepatitis C in co-infected patients.


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The Ross procedure has been used in children and young adults for aortic valve replacement and the correction of complex obstruction syndromes of the left ventricular outflow tract. We report the mid-term results of the Ross procedure in a single institution and performed by the same surgical team. Population: Between March 1999 and December 2005, 18 patients were operated on using the Ross procedure. The mean age at the time of surgery was 12 years, being 12 patients male (67%). The primary indication for surgery was isolated aortic valve disease, being the predominant abnormality in 58% of cases aortic regurgitation and in 42% left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. Associated lesions included sub-aortic membrane in 3 patients (16%), small VSD in 2 patients (11%), bicuspid aortic valve in 4 patients (22%) and severe left ventricular dysfunction and mitral valve regurgitation in 1 patient (6%). Ten of the 18 patients (56%) had been submitted to previous surgical procedures or percutaneous interventions. Results: Early post-operative mortality was not seen, but two patients (11%), had late deaths, one due to endocarditis, a year after the Ross procedure, and the other due to dilated cardiomiopathy and mitral regurgitation. The shortest time of follow-up is 6 months and the longest 72 months (median 38 months). Of the 16 survivors, 14 patients are in class I of the NYHA and 2 in class II, without significant residual lesions or need for re-intervention. The 12 patients with more than a year of follow up revealed normal coronary perfusion in all patients and no segmental wall motion abnormalities. Nevertheless, two of the 12 patients developed residual dynamic obstruction of LVOT and in three patients aortic regurgitation of a mild to moderate degree was evident. Significant gradients were not verified in the RVOT. Conclusions: The Ross procedure, despite its complexity, can be undertaken with excellent immediate results. Aspects such as the dilation of the neo aortic root and homograft evolution can not be considered in a study of this nature, seeing that the mean follow up time does not exceed 5 years.


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Cavopulmonary connections have been extensively used in the palliation of complex forms of congenital heart disease requiring some form of right heart bypass. We examine the mid term outcomes of pulmonary ventricle bypass operations in a single institution and performed by the same surgical team. POPULATION: Between March 1999 and April 2006, 62 patients underwent pulmonary ventricle bypass operations: bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis (Glenn procedure), total cavopulmonary connections (Fontan procedure) and one and a half ventricle correction in two cases. Age at operation averaged three years (range: 0.42-25 years) for the Glenn procedure and seven years (range: 3-14 years) for the Fontan procedure. There were 36 male patients (58%) and 26 female patients (42%). The most common indication for surgery was the single ventricle defect, present in 66% of patients. Associated lesions included: transposition of the great arteries in 16 patients (35.6%), bilateral superior vena cava in four patients (8.9%), situs ambigus in five patients (11%), situs inversus in another patient (2.2%), Ebstein disease in one patient (2.2) and coronary fistula in another patient (2.2%). Sub-aortic stenosis was present in one patient (2.2%). Palliative surgery was performed in all, but three patients (5%), before the Fontan procedure. RESULTS: Thirty two patients underwent bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis and thirty patients underwent cavopulmonary connections, total or 2nd stage. Mean cardiopulmonary bypass times were 50.6+/-21.9 minutes for the Glenn procedure and 88.5+/-26.3 minutes for the Fontan procedure. There was no intra-operative mortality, but two patients (3.2% (died in the first month after surgery; one due to failure of the Glenn circuit and sepsis and the other due to a low cardiac output syndrome and multi-organ dysfunction. Mean ventilation time was 5.2+/-1.7 hours for the Glenn operation and 6.2+/-3.2 hours for the Fontan operation. The mean length of stay in ICU was 3.4+/-2.8 days for patients undergoing the Glenn operation and 4.6+/-3.1 days for patients undergoing the Fontan operation and the mean length of hospital stay was 10.6+/-5.8 days for the Glenn operation and 19.1+/-12.6 days for the Fontan operation respectively. The mean follow up time was 4+/-2.1 years (minimum 0 years and maximum seven years), most patients being in NYHA class I. Epicardiac pacemakers were implanted in three patients due to arrhythmias. Two re-operations (6.7%) were needed, both in the same patient, after the Fontan procedure, this patient eventually died a few years after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: The immediate and mid term outcomes of pulmonary ventricle bypass operations can have excellent results. From our point of view there has been an improvement, namely in the use of the extracardiac conduit technique in the 2nd stage of the Fontan operation.


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INTRODUCTION: The use of drug-eluting stents in the context of mechanical reperfusion following ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (MI) was initially viewed with concern. The main fear was that the drugs' action in unstable lesions could increase the risk of thrombotic stent occlusion. Furthermore, there was no evidence that the proven benefit of reduced instent restenosis could be extended to such patients, since they were excluded from the initial clinical trials. OBJECTIVES: To assess the safety and long-term clinical outcomes of the use of drug-eluting stents in primary angioplasty. METHODS: The first 100 consecutive and non-selected patients admitted for MI and treated by primary angioplasty with drug-eluting stent implantation in the target lesion were analyzed retrospectively. The efficacy and safety of the procedure, in-hospital clinical evolution and the occurrence of major adverse cardiac events in the first year were assessed. RESULTS: Patients' mean age was 58.2 +/- 11.5 years, and 78 were male. The success rate of primary angioplasty was 99%. Stents coated with sirolimus were used in 67 patients, paclitaxel in 19 and dexamethasone in 16. In-hospital mortality was 3%. The follow-up rate at 12 months was 98%. During this period, the rate of target vessel revascularization was 1% (with no patient requiring target lesion revascularization), MI 2%, and overall mortality 3.9%. Fourteen patients had clinical indication for repeat coronary angiography, which showed no significant in-stent restenosis. One event was considered to be due to acute stent thrombosis. The incidence of major adverse events was 5.9%. CONCLUSION: The use of drug-eluting stents in MI patients undergoing primary mechanical revascularization is safe and is associated with a reduced incidence of major adverse events, thrombosis and clinical restenosis at one year.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the frequency and severity of the anomalous origin of the left coronary artery (ALCA) from the pulmonary artery (PA). DESIGN OF THE STUDY: Prospective study of case series between March 1991 and December 1994. SETTING: Referral-based Paediatric Cardiology Department of a Tertiary Care Center. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Five consecutive patients (pts) with anomalous origin of the LCA from the PA; there were three infants aged 4 months and two children one 8 year and one 9 year old. There were three girls and two boys. All pts had clinical and 2D-echo and Doppler investigation prior to cardiac catheterization (CC). Indication for CC was based in the association of symptoms and signs of myocarditis or dilated cardiomyopathy of acute or subacute onset and electrocardiographic (ECG) signs of ischemia in infants. In older patients (pts) diagnosis was suspected mainly from ECG. During CC in all pts, aortograms and when necessary selective coronary angiograms were performed. Surgical correction was performed in all children. In two pts stress exercise ECG and stress Thallium studies before and after surgery were performed. RESULTS: two pts had "adult" an three had "infantile" type of ALCA from the PA. CC was performed and diagnosis was confirmed at surgery in all cases. In one child, correct diagnosis was made by ECO prior to CC and in one case LCA to PA fistula was suspected on Colour-Doppler study. No complications were attributed to CC. Several types of surgery were performed: reimplantation of the ALCA from the PA to the aorta (three pts); tunnel connection of the aorta to the ALCA via the PA (one pt) and left internal mammary to LCA anastomosis (one pt). Two infants died intraoperatively due to extensive myocardial infarction and poor left ventricular function. All the three survivors are asymptomatic after a mean follow up of 34 months. Two oldest pts are currently in New York Heart Association functional class I with normal ECG and improved myocardial perfusion on Thallium scan despite almost total occlusion of LCA at the site of implantation in the aorta as diagnosed on coronary angiogram. CONCLUSIONS: ALCA from PA is associated with major morbidity and mortality. Diagnosis should be suspected in pts with unexplained myocardial ischemia on ECG and even more if it is associated to clinical signs of dilated cardiomyopathy or myocarditis. Careful assessment on ECO and pulsed Doppler and colour flow mapping should make the diagnosis in most cases. Although surgery can be performed based only on ECO diagnosis, we strongly advise for angiography in all cases as in our experience there are false negative diagnosis by ECO. Preoperative Thallium studies can be useful for the selection of the type of surgery as pts with very little viable myocardium will not survive the establishment of a direct systemic to coronary blood flow and may be candidates for heart transplantation.


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Exenteration of the orbit is a disfiguring and destructive procedure; it is generally performed for orbital malignancies and often provides a significant reconstructive challenge. Our purpose was to evaluate the clinical indications for orbital exenteration in a tertiary referral center and to assess the reconstructive options employed. A retrospective nonrandomized analysis was performed, selecting all patients undergoing orbital exenteration over a 5-year period, between January 2005 and January 2010. Patient demographics, tumor characteristics, and reconstructive techniques used were evaluated. Twenty patients with a mean age of 76.5 years underwent total orbital exenteration. Basal cell carcinoma was the main operative indication (45%), followed by squamous cell carcinoma (15%). Reconstructive techniques included cover of the raw orbital cavity with a temporal muscular flap in all cases followed with split skin grafting (25%), bilaterally pedicle V-Y advancement flap (10%) and a fasciocutaneous island flap of the retroauricular region (65%). Twenty percent of patients had local complications and all were treated in a satisfactory fashion. Eyelid skin tumors remain an important cause of orbital exenteration. Temporal muscle flap is a reliable and stable reconstructive solution after orbital exenteration and additional aid is supplied with skin grafts or local flaps. This technique ensures a good aesthetic outcome and better situation for later complementary treatments and minimal associated donor site morbidity.


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Introduction: Hysterectomy is the commonest gynecologic operation, performed for malignant and benign conditions. There are many approaches to hysterectomy for benign disease. Studies comparing the techniques have showed that vaginal hysterectomy has benefits in terms of reduced hospital stay, faster recovery and less operating time. Objective: The purpose of this study is to compare the surgical and immediate postoperative outcomes of Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy (LAVH) with those of Vaginal Hysterectomy (VH). Methods: Retrospective descriptive study, comparing two groups of women who underwent LAVH or VH in our department during a 24 months period, from January 2009 to December 2010. The two groups were compared regarding age, vaginal deliveries, previous abdominal surgery, uterine and adnexal pathology, intra-operative and post-operative complications, uterus weight, blood loss and number of days until discharge. Results: In our study 42 LAVH and 99 VH were included, with a patient mean age of 47 and 59, respectively. The most frequent indication for hysterectomy was fibroids (80%) for LAVH and POP(58.6%) for HV. In LAVH group 47.6% of patients had previous abdominal surgery, vs 28.2% in VH group. The medium operative time was 167 minutes for LAVH vs 99 minutes for HV. The intra-operative complications were one case (2%) of accidental incision of rectum in LAVH, and one bladder incision in the VH (1%). There were 3 conversions to laparotomy for difficult technique (7%) in LAVH group. There were no significant post-operative complications for LAVH. In VH group there were 2 cases of haemoperitoneum (2%) and 1 case requiring blood transfusion (1%). The mean time for discharge was 4.23 days for LAVH and 4.46 days for VH. Conclusions: In our study, the main advantage for VH was the reduced operative time. In terms of time to discharge there was no difference between the 2 groups. The main intra-operative complication of LAVH was the risk of conversion to laparotomy, but post-operatively this procedure had fewer complications than VH. In conclusion, LAVH is a safe option for women requiring hysterectomy in cases where VH is anticipated to be technically difficult.


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Background: Several studies suggest that nondiabetic renal disease (NDRD) is common in patients with diabetes mellitus. The aim of this analysis of renal biopsies in diabetic patients was (a) to assess the prevalence and type of NDRD and (b) to identify its clinical and laboratory predictors. Methods: This retrospective study analysed clinical and laboratory data and biopsy findings in diabetic patients observed by a single pathologist over the past 25 years. Based on biopsy findings, patients were categorised as (i) isolated diabetic nephropathy,(ii) isolated NDRD and (iii) NDRD superimposed on diabetic nephropathy. Results: Of the 236 patients studied, 60% were male and the mean age was 56.3 (±14.2) years. Of these, 91% had known diabetes mellitus at the time of biopsy (13% type 1 and 87% type 2). Isolated diabetic nephropathy was found in 125 (53%), isolated NDRD in 89 (38%) and NDRD superimposed on diabetic nephropathy in 22 (9%) patients. The main indication for biopsy in the three groups was nephrotic proteinuria. Patients with isolated NDRD and NDRD superimposed on diabetic nephropathy presented acute deterioration of renal function more frequently (p<0.001) and had more microhaematuria(p<0.001) as indications for renal biopsy. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and membranous nephropathy were the most frequent diagnoses in patients with NDRD. Patients with isolated diabetic nephropathy were younger (p=0.02), presented a longer duration of diabetes mellitus (p<0.001) and had more frequent retinopathy (p<0.001). The prevalence of microhaematuria was higher in patients with isolated or superimposed NDRD (p=0.01). Conclusion: The prevalence of NDRD (either isolated or superimposed on diabetes mellitus) is remarkably frequent in diabetic patients in whom nephrologists consider renal biopsy an appropriate measure. Predictors of NDRD were older age, shorter duration of diabetes mellitus, absence of retinopathy and presence of microhaematuria.


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Introduction. Peritubular capillary complement 4d staining is one of the criteria for the diagnosis of antibody-mediated rejection, and research into this is essential to kidney allograft evaluation. The immunofluorescence technique applied to frozen sections is the present gold-standard method for complement 4d staining and is used routinely in our laboratory. The immunohistochemistry technique applied to paraffin-embedded tissue may be used when no frozen tissue is available. Material and Methods. The aim of this study is to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of immunohistochemistry compared with immunofluorescence. We describe the advantages and disadvantages of the immunohistochemistry vs. the immunofluorescence technique. For this purpose complement 4d staining was performed retrospectively by the two methods in indication biopsies (n=143) and graded using the Banff 07 classification. Results. There was total classification agreement between methods in 87.4% (125/143) of cases. However, immunohistochemistry staining caused more difficulties in interpretation, due to nonspecific staining in tubular cells and surrounding interstitium. All cases negative by immunofluorescence were also negative by immunohistochemistry. The biopsies were classified as positive in 44.7% (64/143) of cases performed by immunofluorescence vs. 36.4% (52/143) performed by immunohistochemistry. Fewer biopsies were classified as positive diffuse in the immunohistochemistry group(25.1% vs. 31.4%) and more as positive focal (13.2% vs. 11.1%). More cases were classified as negative by immunohistochemistry (63.6% vs. 55.2%). Study by ROC curve showed immunohistochemistry has a specificity of 100% and a sensitivity of 81.2% in relation to immunofluorescence (AUC: 0.906; 95% confidence interval: 0.846-0.949; p=0.0001). Conclusions. The immunohistochemistry method presents an excellent specificity but lower sensitivity to C4d detection in allograft dysfunction. The evaluation is more difficult, requiring a more experienced observer than the immunofluorescence method. Based on these results, we conclude that the immunohistochemistry technique can safely be used when immunofluorescence is not available.


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Channa punctatus was exposed to four different concentrations of Rutin, Taraxerol and Apigenin. Changes in some hematological parameters of Channa punctatus were assessed to determine the influence of these compounds on test fish. Fish were exposed to sublethal concentrations (80% of LC50 of 24h) of these compounds for one week. Control fish were also administered for one week. Thereafter, blood samples were obtained from the control and experimental fish. Blood was assayed for selected hematological parameters (hematocrit, hemoglobin, red blood cell count, white blood cell count total plasma protein and plasma glucose concentration). The derived hematological indices of mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) were calculated. Sublethal concentrations of these compounds caused a dose dependent decrease in hemoglobin values coupled with a decrease in hematocrit values and red blood cell counts are an obvious indication of anemia. The total white blood cell counts and the differential white blood cell counts were decreased except for the lymphocytes, where there was a slight increase. Plasma protein and glucose were also lower in exposed fish when compared with control. The hematological indices MCH, MCHC, MCV were also lowered. The result from this study reveals high mortality rate and deleterious consequences on the health of fish subjected to acute exposure of Rutin, Taraxerol and Apigenin and therefore, should not be used directly in aquaculture without having the proper knowledge.


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HIV/AIDS-associated visceral leishmaniasis may display the characteristics of an aggressive disease or without specific symptoms at all, thus making diagnosis difficult. The present study describes the results of diagnostic tests applied to a series of suspected VL cases in HIV-infected/AIDS patients admitted in referral hospitals in Pernambuco, Brazil. From a total of 14 eligible patients with cytopenias and/or fever of an unknown etiology, and indication of bone marrow aspirate, 10 patients were selected for inclusion in the study. Diagnosis was confirmed by the following examinations: Leishmania detection in bone marrow aspirate, direct agglutination test, indirect immunofluorescence, rK39 dipstick test, polymerase chain reaction and latex agglutination test. Five out of the ten patients were diagnosed with co-infection. A positive direct agglutination test was recorded for all five co-infected patients, the Leishmania detection and latex agglutination tests were positive in four patients, the rK39 dipstick test in three, the indirect immunofluorescence in two and a positive polymerase chain reaction was recorded for one patient. This series of cases was the first to be conducted in Brazil using this set of tests in order to detect co-infection. However, no consensus has thus far been reached regarding the most appropriate examination for the screening and monitoring of this group of patients.


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Since 2000, the expansion of Sylvatic Yellow Fever (YF) has been observed in the southeast of Brazil, being detected in areas considered silent for decades. Epizootics in non-human primates (NHPs) are considered sentinel events for the detection of human cases. It is important to report epizootic events that could have impact on the conservation status of susceptible species. We describe the epizootics in NHPs, notified in state of São Paulo, Brazil, between September 2008 to August 2009. Ninety-one epizootic events, involving 147 animals, were reported in 36 counties. Samples were obtained from 65 animals (44.2%). Most of the epizootics (46.6%) were reported between March and April, the same period during which human cases of YF occurred in the state. Biological samples were collected from animals found dead and were sent to Instituto Adolfo Lutz, in São Paulo. Two samples, collected in two counties without an indication for YF vaccination, were positive for the virus. Another 48 animals were associated with YF by clinical-epidemiological linkage with laboratory confirmed cases. Because the disease in human and NHPs occurred in the same period, the detection of the virus in NHPs did not work as sentinel, but aided in the delineation of new areas of risk.