908 resultados para image processing--digital techniques
The skin cancer is the most common of all cancers and the increase of its incidence must, in part, caused by the behavior of the people in relation to the exposition to the sun. In Brazil, the non-melanoma skin cancer is the most incident in the majority of the regions. The dermatoscopy and videodermatoscopy are the main types of examinations for the diagnosis of dermatological illnesses of the skin. The field that involves the use of computational tools to help or follow medical diagnosis in dermatological injuries is seen as very recent. Some methods had been proposed for automatic classification of pathology of the skin using images. The present work has the objective to present a new intelligent methodology for analysis and classification of skin cancer images, based on the techniques of digital processing of images for extraction of color characteristics, forms and texture, using Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) and learning techniques called Support Vector Machine (SVM). The Wavelet Packet Transform is applied for extraction of texture characteristics in the images. The WPT consists of a set of base functions that represents the image in different bands of frequency, each one with distinct resolutions corresponding to each scale. Moreover, the characteristics of color of the injury are also computed that are dependants of a visual context, influenced for the existing colors in its surround, and the attributes of form through the Fourier describers. The Support Vector Machine is used for the classification task, which is based on the minimization principles of the structural risk, coming from the statistical learning theory. The SVM has the objective to construct optimum hyperplanes that represent the separation between classes. The generated hyperplane is determined by a subset of the classes, called support vectors. For the used database in this work, the results had revealed a good performance getting a global rightness of 92,73% for melanoma, and 86% for non-melanoma and benign injuries. The extracted describers and the SVM classifier became a method capable to recognize and to classify the analyzed skin injuries
This work proposes the development of a Computer System for Analysis of Mammograms SCAM, that aids the doctor specialist in the identification and analysis of existent lesions in digital mammograms. The computer system for digital mammograms processing will make use of a group of techniques of Digital Image Processing (DIP), with the purpose of aiding the medical professional to extract the information contained in the mammogram. This system possesses an interface of easy use for the user, allowing, starting from the supplied mammogram, a group of processing operations, such as, the enrich of the images through filtering techniques, the segmentation of areas of the mammogram, the calculation the area of the lesions, thresholding the lesion, and other important tools for the medical professional's diagnosis. The Wavelet Transform will used and integrated into the computer system, with the objective of allowing a multiresolution analysis, thus supplying a method for identifying and analyzing microcalcifications
Sistema inteligente para detecção de manchas de óleo na superfície marinha através de imagens de SAR
Oil spill on the sea, accidental or not, generates enormous negative consequences for the affected area. The damages are ambient and economic, mainly with the proximity of these spots of preservation areas and/or coastal zones. The development of automatic techniques for identification of oil spots on the sea surface, captured through Radar images, assist in a complete monitoring of the oceans and seas. However spots of different origins can be visualized in this type of imaging, which is a very difficult task. The system proposed in this work, based on techniques of digital image processing and artificial neural network, has the objective to identify the analyzed spot and to discern between oil and other generating phenomena of spot. Tests in functional blocks that compose the proposed system allow the implementation of different algorithms, as well as its detailed and prompt analysis. The algorithms of digital image processing (speckle filtering and gradient), as well as classifier algorithms (Multilayer Perceptron, Radial Basis Function, Support Vector Machine and Committe Machine) are presented and commented.The final performance of the system, with different kind of classifiers, is presented by ROC curve. The true positive rates are considered agreed with the literature about oil slick detection through SAR images presents
There has been an increasing tendency on the use of selective image compression, since several applications make use of digital images and the loss of information in certain regions is not allowed in some cases. However, there are applications in which these images are captured and stored automatically making it impossible to the user to select the regions of interest to be compressed in a lossless manner. A possible solution for this matter would be the automatic selection of these regions, a very difficult problem to solve in general cases. Nevertheless, it is possible to use intelligent techniques to detect these regions in specific cases. This work proposes a selective color image compression method in which regions of interest, previously chosen, are compressed in a lossless manner. This method uses the wavelet transform to decorrelate the pixels of the image, competitive neural network to make a vectorial quantization, mathematical morphology, and Huffman adaptive coding. There are two options for automatic detection in addition to the manual one: a method of texture segmentation, in which the highest frequency texture is selected to be the region of interest, and a new face detection method where the region of the face will be lossless compressed. The results show that both can be successfully used with the compression method, giving the map of the region of interest as an input
This article describes the development of a method for analysis of the shape of the stretch zone surface based on parallax measurement theory and using digital image processing techniques. Accurate criteria for the definition of the boundaries of the stretch zone are established from profiles of fracture surfaces obtained from crack tip opening displacement tests on Al-7050 alloy samples. The elevation profiles behavior analysis is based on stretch zone width and height parameters. It is concluded that the geometry of the stretch zone profiles under plane strain conditions can be described by a semi-parabolic relationship. (C) Elsevier B.V., 1999. All rights reserved.
The studied region, named Forquilha and localized in northwestern Central Ceará domain (northern portion of Borborema Province), presents a lithostratigraphic framework constituted by paleoproterozoic metaplutonics, metasedimentary sequences and neoproterozoic granitoids. The metasedimentary rocks of Ceará group occupy most part of the area. This group is subdivided in two distinct units: Canindé and Independência. Canindé unit is represented basically by biotite paragneisses and muscovite paragneisses, with minor metabasic rocks (amphibolite lens). Independência sequence is composed by garnetiferous paragneisses, sillimanite-garnet-quartz-muscovite schists and quartz-muscovite schists, pure or muscovite quartzites and rare marbles. At least three ductile deformation events were recognized in both units of Ceará group, named D1, D2 and D3. The former one is interpreted as related to a low angle tangential tectonics which mass transport is southward. D2 event is marked by the development of close/isoclinal folds with a N-S oriented axis. Refolding patterns generated by F1 and F2 superposition are found in several places. The latest event (D3) corresponds to a transcurrent tectonics, which led to development of mega-folds and several shear zones, under a transpressional regime. The mapped shear zones are Humberto Monte (ZCHM), Poço Cercado (ZCPC) and Forquilha (ZCF). Digital image processing of enhanced Landsat 7-ETM+ satellite images, combined with field data, demonstrate that these penetrative structures are associated with positive and negative geomorphologic patterns, distributed in linear and curvilinear arrangements with tonal banding, corresponding to the ductile fabric and to crests. Diverse color composites were tested and RGB-531 and RGB-752 provided the best results for lineament analysis of the most prominent shear zones. Spatial filtering techniques (3x3 and 5x5 filters) were also used and the application of Prewitt filters generated the best products. The integrated analysis of morphological and textural aspects from filtered images, variation of tonalities related to the distribution of geologic units in color composites and the superposition over a digital elevation model, contributed to a characterization of the structural framework of the study area. Kinematic compatibility of ZCHM, ZCPC, ZCF shear zones, as well as Sobral-Pedro II (ZCSPII) shear zone, situated to the west of the study area, was one of the goal of this work. Two of these shear zones (ZCHM, ZCPC) display sinistral movements, while the others (ZCSPII, ZCF) exhibit dextral kinematics. 40Ar/39Ar ages obtained in this thesis for ZCSPII and ZCPC, associated with other 40Ar/39Ar data of adjacent areas, indicate that all these shear zones are related to Brasiliano orogeny. The trend of the structures, the opposite shear senses and the similar metamorphic conditions are fitted in a model based on the development of conjugate shear zones in an unconfined transpression area. A WNW-ESE bulk shortening direction is infered. The geometry and kinematic of the studied structures suggest that shortening was largely accommodated by lateral extrusion, with only minor amounts of vertical stretch
The fundamental senses of the human body are: vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell. These senses are the functions that provide our relationship with the environment. The vision serves as a sensory receptor responsible for obtaining information from the outside world that will be sent to the brain. The gaze reflects its attention, intention and interest. Therefore, the estimation of gaze direction, using computer tools, provides a promising alternative to improve the capacity of human-computer interaction, mainly with respect to those people who suffer from motor deficiencies. Thus, the objective of this work is to present a non-intrusive system that basically uses a personal computer and a low cost webcam, combined with the use of digital image processing techniques, Wavelets transforms and pattern recognition, such as artificial neural network models, resulting in a complete system that performs since the image acquisition (including face detection and eye tracking) to the estimation of gaze direction. The obtained results show the feasibility of the proposed system, as well as several feature advantages.
Purpose: To evaluate reproducibility and precision of ocular measurements by digital photograph analysis, in addition to the transformation of the measures according to the individual iris diameter as an oculometric reference. Methods: Twenty-four eyes have been digitally photographed in a standardized way at two distances. Two researchers have analyzed these printed images using a caliper and these digital forms by ImageJ 1.37 (TM). Several external ocular parameters were estimated (mm and as iris diameter) and methods of measurement compared regarding their precision, agreement and correlation. Results: Caliper and digital analysis of oculometric measures provided significant agreement and correlation, nevertheless the precision of digital measures was higher. The estimates of numeric transformation from oculometric measures according to individual iris diameter resulted in great correlation to caliper measures and high agreement when compared to different distances of taking the photographs. Conclusions: Facial digital photographs allowed oculometric precise and reproducible estimates, endorsing clinical research usefulness. Using iris diameter as individual oculometric reference disclosed high reproducibility when facial photographs were taken at different distances.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o desempenho da análise de imagem digital na estimativa da área acometida pelas úlceras crônicas dos membros inferiores. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo em que foram mensuradas úlceras empregando o método planimétrico clássico, utilizando desenho dos seus contornos em filme plástico transparente, medida sua área posteriormente por folha milimetrada. Esses valores foram utilizados como padrão para a comparação com a estimativa de área pelas fotografias digitais padronizadas das úlceras e dos desenhos das mesmas em filme plástico. Para criar um referencial de conversão dos pixels em milímetros, foi empregado um adesivo com tamanho conhecido, adjacente à úlcera. RESULTADOS: foram avaliadas 42 lesões em 20 pacientes portadores de úlceras crônicas de membros inferiores. As áreas das úlceras variaram de 0,24 a 101,65cm². Observou-se forte correlação entre as medidas planimétricas e as fotos das úlceras (R²=0,86 p<0,01), porém a correlação das medidas planimétricas com as fotos digitais dos desenhos das úlceras foi ainda maior (R²=0,99 p<0,01). CONCLUSÃO: A fotografia digital padronizada revelou-se método rápido, preciso e não-invasivo capaz de estimar a área afetada por úlceras. A avaliação das medidas fotográficas dos contornos das úlceras deve ser preferida em relação à análise de sua fotografia direta.
This study had to aimed to characterize the sediments of shallow continental shelf and realize the mapping of features visible for satellite images by using remote sensing techniques, digital image processing and analysis of bathymetry between Maxaranguape and Touros - RN. The study s area is located in the continental shallow shelf of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, and is part of the Environmental Protection Area (APA) of Coral Reefs. A total of 1186 sediment samples were collected using a dredge type van veen and positioning of the vessel was made out with the aid of a Garmin 520s. The samples were treated In the laboratory to analyze particle size of the sediment, concentration of calcium carbonate and biogenic composition. The digital images from the Landsat-5 TM were used to mapping of features. This stage was used the band 1 (0,45-1,52 μm) where the image were georeferenced, and then adjusting the histogram, giving a better view of feature bottom and contacts between different types of bottom. The results obtained from analysis of the sediment showed that the sediments of the continental shelf east of RN have a dominance of carbonate facies and a sand-gravelly bottom because the region is dominated by biogenic sediments, that are made mainly of calcareous algae. The bedform types identified and morphological features found were validated by bathymetric data and sediment samples examined. From the results obtained a division for the shelf under study is suggested, these regions being subdivided, in well characterized: (1) Turbid Zone, (2) Coral Patch Reefs Zone, (3) Mixed Sediments Carbonates Zone, ( 4) Algae Fouling Zone, (5) Alignment Rocky Zone, (6) Sand Waves Field (7) Deposit siliciclastic sands
OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o posicionamento palpebral em portadores de cavidade anoftálmica com e sem prótese ocular externa, utilizando o processamento de imagem digital. MÉTODOS: Dezoito pacientes foram avaliados qualitativa e quantitativamente na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP, com e sem a prótese externa. Usando imagens obtidas por filmadora e processadas usando o programa Scion Image, mediu-se a altura do sulco palpebral superior, a altura da fenda palpebral e os ângulos palpebrais dos cantos interno e externo. RESULTADOS: Pseudo-estrabismo e sulco palpebral superior profundo foram as alterações mais freqüentes ao exame externo. Houve diferença significativa em todas as variáveis estudadas, com diminuição da altura do sulco palpebral superior, aumento da área da fenda palpebral e aumento dos ângulos palpebrais interno e externo quando o paciente estava usando a prótese externa. CONCLUSÃO: Todos os pacientes avaliados apresentaram algum tipo de anormalidade órbito-palpebral, o que reflete a dificuldade em se proporcionar ao portador de cavidade anoftálmica um aspecto idêntico ao que existe na órbita normal. O processamento de imagens digitais permitiu avaliação objetiva das dimensões óculo-palpebrais, o que poderá contribuir nas avaliações seqüenciais dos portadores de cavidade anoftálmica.
The aim of this study was to analyze the color alterations performed by the CIE L*a*b* system in the digital imaging of shade guide tabs, which were obtained photographically according to the automatic and manual modes. This study also sought to examine the observers' agreement in quantifying the coordinates. Four Vita Lumin Vaccum shade guide tabs were used: A3.5, B1, B3 and C4. An EOS Canon digital camera was used to record the digital images of the shade tabs, and the images were processed using Adobe Photoshop software. A total of 80 observations (five replicates of each shade according to two observers in two modes, specifically, automatic and manual) were obtained, leading to color values of L*, a* and b*. The color difference (AE) between the modes was calculated and classified as either clinically acceptable or unacceptable. The results indicated that there was agreement between the two observers in obtaining the L*, a* and b* values related to all guides. However, the B1, B3, and C4 shade tabs had AE values classified as clinically acceptable (Delta E = 0.44, Delta E = 2.04 and Delta E = 2.69, respectively). The A3.5 shade tab had a AE value classified as clinically unacceptable (Delta E = 4.17), as it presented higher values for luminosity in the automatic mode (L* = 54.0) than in the manual mode (L* = 50.6). It was concluded that the B1, B3 and C4 shade tabs can be used at any of the modes in digital camera (manual or automatic), which was a different finding from that observed for the A3.5 shade tab.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A body of research has developed within the context of nonlinear signal and image processing that deals with the automatic, statistical design of digital window-based filters. Based on pairs of ideal and observed signals, a filter is designed in an effort to minimize the error between the ideal and filtered signals. The goodness of an optimal filter depends on the relation between the ideal and observed signals, but the goodness of a designed filter also depends on the amount of sample data from which it is designed. In order to lessen the design cost, a filter is often chosen from a given class of filters, thereby constraining the optimization and increasing the error of the optimal filter. To a great extent, the problem of filter design concerns striking the correct balance between the degree of constraint and the design cost. From a different perspective and in a different context, the problem of constraint versus sample size has been a major focus of study within the theory of pattern recognition. This paper discusses the design problem for nonlinear signal processing, shows how the issue naturally transitions into pattern recognition, and then provides a review of salient related pattern-recognition theory. In particular, it discusses classification rules, constrained classification, the Vapnik-Chervonenkis theory, and implications of that theory for morphological classifiers and neural networks. The paper closes by discussing some design approaches developed for nonlinear signal processing, and how the nature of these naturally lead to a decomposition of the error of a designed filter into a sum of the following components: the Bayes error of the unconstrained optimal filter, the cost of constraint, the cost of reducing complexity by compressing the original signal distribution, the design cost, and the contribution of prior knowledge to a decrease in the error. The main purpose of the paper is to present fundamental principles of pattern recognition theory within the framework of active research in nonlinear signal processing.
We outline a method for registration of images of cross sections using the concepts of The Generalized Hough Transform (GHT). The approach may be useful in situations where automation should be a concern. To overcome known problems of noise of traditional GHT we have implemented a slight modified version of the basic algorithm. The modification consists of eliminating points of no interest in the process before the application of the accumulation step of the algorithm. This procedure minimizes the amount of accumulation points while reducing the probability of appearing of spurious peaks. Also, we apply image warping techniques to interpolate images among cross sections. This is needed where the distance of samples between sections is too large. Then it is suggested that the step of registration with GHT can help the interpolation automation by simplifying the correspondence between points of images. Some results are shown.