916 resultados para group tacit knowledge


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This paper presents a micro-model of knowledge creation and transfer in a small group of people. Our model incorporates two key aspects of the cooperative process of knowledge creation: (i) heterogeneity of people in their state of knowledge is essential for successful cooperation in the joint creation of new ideas, while (ii) the very process of cooperative knowledge creation a¤ects the heterogeneity of people through the accumulation of knowledge in common. The model features myopic agents in a pure externality model of interaction. In the two person case, we show that the equilibrium process tends to result in the accumulation of too much knowledge in common compared to the most productive state. Unlike the two-person case, in the four person case we show that the equilibrium process of knowledge creation may converge to the most productive state. Equilibrium paths are found analytically, and they are a discontinuous function of initial heterogeneity.


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Performing three-dimensional pin-by-pin full core calculations based on an improved solution of the multi-group diffusion equation is an affordable option nowadays to compute accurate local safety parameters for light water reactors. Since a transport approximation is solved, appropriate correction factors, such as interface discontinuity factors, are required to nearly reproduce the fully heterogeneous transport solution. Calculating exact pin-by-pin discontinuity factors requires the knowledge of the heterogeneous neutron flux distribution, which depends on the boundary conditions of the pin-cell as well as the local variables along the nuclear reactor operation. As a consequence, it is impractical to compute them for each possible configuration; however, inaccurate correction factors are one major source of error in core analysis when using multi-group diffusion theory. An alternative to generate accurate pin-by-pin interface discontinuity factors is to build a functional-fitting that allows incorporating the environment dependence in the computed values. This paper suggests a methodology to consider the neighborhood effect based on the Analytic Coarse-Mesh Finite Difference method for the multi-group diffusion equation. It has been applied to both definitions of interface discontinuity factors, the one based on the Generalized Equivalence Theory and the one based on Black-Box Homogenization, and for different few energy groups structures. Conclusions are drawn over the optimal functional-fitting and demonstrative results are obtained with the multi-group pin-by-pin diffusion code COBAYA3 for representative PWR configurations.


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More children with different versions of speech disorders appear in Russia last decades. This situation reflects general tendency of national health deterioration. Our practical experience shows that close grownups can?t communicate to children with limited health capacity. As a result there arise social disabilities in child development. Speech communication is one of the forms of global communicative interaction process between close grownups and young child in the course of which there is a redistribution of knowledge and ignorance (Nikas Luman,2005). Within a framework of sociocultiral theory of mental growth we consider the appearance of speech communication under any cases of physical illness is possible only under conditions of correctly- organized communication between grownups and young children. (L.S. Vigotski ,2000). The special value in this aspect acquires the study of communication between grownups and young children. For five years we have been conducting the surveys on the problem of communicative contacts between parents and non-verbal children. Analysis of received data gave us the opportunity to systematize peculiar communicative interaction of adults and children who have some lapses in acquiring speech form communication. We have revealed four versions of situational- business communication between close grownups and young children with disabilities in acquiring speech. We have assumed that four versions of situational- business communication negatively affect speech form communication formation.


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El taller de proyectos constituye el núcleo de la enseñanza arquitectónica. Estudiar sus procesos educativos en la actualidad implica la contextualización teórica del acto educativo y la revisión histórica de la evolución de su estructura social. Esta estructura, es heredera de la larga tradición del taller donde los maestros de obra, artesanos, arquitectos y artistas, se ocupaban desde siempre de la enseñanza de la construcción, de la artesanía, del diseño arquitectónico y del arte. Los aprendices se sometían a la autoridad de sus maestros y pasaban horas practicando, produciendo y aprendiendo junto a ellos. Con la aparición de las primeras Academias de arte y posteriormente de arquitectura, se evidenció un progresivo interés de los Estados hacía los productos artísticos y arquitectónicos. La consideración de las artes y de la arquitectura como proyecto estatal, supuso la construcción lenta, pero consolidable, de un proyecto educativo paralelo, coexistiendo simultáneamente con los talleres de los maestros, pero sin posibilidad de integración, hasta mucho más tarde. La “teoría”, que es de lo que se ocupaba la academia, con la “práctica” que es lo que se desarrollaba en el taller, no encontraban fácilmente la manera de encajarse y complementarse mutuamente en un proyecto educativo común. Las concepciones educativas de ambos, afrontaban la enseñanza y el aprendizaje desde puntos de vista también diferentes; mientras la Academia representaba el conocimiento validado y explicitado, en el taller se trabajaba con un conocimiento tácito e implícito. En la práctica artística del taller era donde se producía el aprendizaje mientras que en la Academia es donde se validaba. Esta estructura llegó en muchas ocasiones a situaciones extremas, no siendo casual que las más grandes crisis registradas en la historia de la enseñanza de las artes, coincidieran con un aumento de la distancia entre estas dos “instituciones”, talleres y academias. Por otra parte, parece que cualquier proyecto o concepto innovador, se ha fundado sobre la redistribución de estos equilibrios perdidos. En dicho contexto, en el campo de la educación y especialmente en el siglo XX, surge un debate que se estructura en base a los fines de la educación, contemplando dos posturas bien diferenciadas. Una de ellas sostiene como fin primordial de la educación, el desarrollo de la conciencia y la reciprocidad social del individuo. La otra, fija como fin el desarrollo de su singularidad. La búsqueda del equilibrio entre ambas, parte del interés por fomentar el crecimiento de lo que cada ser humano posee de individual, armonizándolo con la unidad orgánica del grupo social al que pertenece (Read 2010, 33). Sobre esta tensión se han basado muchos de los discursos pedagógicos y especialmente los aquí usados. La estructura social en los talleres de proyectos arquitectónicos, presenta hoy día una máxima integración entre las dos instituciones, el taller y la Academia, tanto a nivel del espacio, donde tiene lugar la enseñanza, como a nivel conceptual y pedagógico. Los talleres de proyectos poseen un formato de enseñanza y aprendizaje que constituye un paradigma (Schön, 2008) no solo dentro, sino también fuera del campo arquitectónico. Bajo este formato se complementa el aprendizaje práctico con el teórico y la producción, con la validación del conocimiento. Aunque tal estructura pedagógica presenta importantes variaciones entre unas escuelas de arquitectura y otras, los principales procesos que tienen lugar, son lo suficientemente similares, como para poder ser examinados desde una perspectiva común. Esta investigación, estudia el taller de proyectos desde un aspecto pedagógico, que contempla tanto los discursos educativos, como la historia de la evolución del taller como constructo social. El análisis se estructura sobre los elementos fundantes del acto didáctico: un sujeto que aprende, un sujeto que enseña, un método, la estrategia o procedimiento a través del que se enseña, un contenido y el propio acto docente (Sánchez Cerezo, 1994, 530). Además, se han añadido otros dos elementos que se consideran fundamentales para llevar a cabo el estudio: el contexto de la enseñanza, tanto el tangible como el intangible y la evaluación de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje. El caso de estudio de la presente investigación se sitúa en la Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid en la actualidad. Sin embargo, no se pretende generar un retrato exacto de esta institución sino utilizarla como ejemplo principal en el desarrollo de los capítulos del método, contenido, acto docente y contexto, en los que también se introducen ejemplos de otras escuelas de arquitectura que amplían los argumentos presentados que constituyen la contextualización teórica del acto pedagógico en los talleres de proyectos arquitectónicos. ABSTRACT Design studio constitutes the core of architectural education. To study its current educational processes involves a theoretical approach of its educational praxis and an historic revision of how its social structure evolved. This structure is inherited from the long tradition of the workshop in which master masons, craftsmen, architects and artists have always been in charge of teaching construction, crafts, architectural design and art. Apprentices were subjected to the authority of their teachers and spent hours practicing, producing and learning along with them. With the establishment of the first Academies of Art and later of Architecture, the interest of the State in artistic and architectural products started growing. The understanding of arts and architecture as a state project entailed the slow, but robust development of a parallel education project. This project coexisted with the masters’ workshops, without the possibility of integration between two, until much later. It was difficult to find a way to synthesize academic “theory” with workshop “practice”. The workshops’ and the Academy's conception about teaching and learning differed significantly. While the Academy represented a verified and explicit knowledge, the workshop worked with a tacit and implicit knowledge. The workshops produced education through artistic practice, while the the Academy organized and verified knowledge. This dual framework has on occasions reached extremes. It is no accident that the biggest known crises in the history of arts education coincide with an increase in the distance between these two "institutions", the workshops and Academies. Furthermore, it seems that most innovative concepts or projects have been founded on restoring the lost balance between the two. In this context, in the field of education, and especially during the 20th century, a debate that contemplated the purpose of education and resulted in two quite differentiated approaches, emerged,. One position claims as the primary purpose of education the development of social awareness and mutuality in individuals. The other approach sets as a purpose developing each student's uniqueness. The quest for the right balance between these two positions is based on the assumption that the general purpose of education is to foster the growth of what is individual in each human being, at the same time harmonizing the individuality thus educed with the organic unity of the social group to which the individual belongs (Read, 2010, 33). This tension forms the basis for many pedagogical discourses, especially the ones utilized in this dissertation. The social structure of architecture studios today demonstrates a very high level of integration between the two institutions, the workshop and the Academy, both in terms of space —where the teaching takes place— as well as on a conceptual and pedagogical level. Architecture studios today have developed a format for teaching and learning that has established a paradigm (Schön, 2008) , not only in architecture, but also in other fields. Under this paradigm, practical and theoretical learning, as well as production and verification of knowledge, complement each other. And although this pedagogical structure presents important variations among different schools of architecture, the principal processes that take place in the studio are sufficiently similar so as to be examined from a common perspective. This research examines the architecture studio from a pedagogical point of view, that takes into account both the educational discourses, as well as the historical evolution of the workshop as a social structure. The analysis presented here is structured on the fundamentals of the teaching act: an individual learning, an individual teaching, a method, strategy or procedure for teaching and learning, the content and the teaching act itself (Sánchez Cerezo, 1994, 530). Two extra elements that were considered essential for carrying out this study have also been added: the context in which teaching takes place, tangible as well as intangible, and the evaluation of teaching and learning. The Madrid School of Architecture in the present day served as a case study. However the aim is not to generate an accurate portrayal of this school but to use it as the principal example for the development of the chapters of method, content, teaching act and context. In addition to that, examples from other schools of architecture are introduced in order to further the presented arguments that constitute the theoretical contextualization of the pedagogical act in architecture studios.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo principal analisar a relação entre a Liderança Transformacional, a Conversão do Conhecimento e a Eficácia Organizacional. Foram considerados como pressupostos teóricos conceitos consolidados sobre os temas desta relação, além de recentes pesquisas já realizadas em outros países e contextos organizacionais. Com base nisto identificou-se potencial estudo de um modelo que relacionasse estes três conceitos. Para tal considera-se que as organizações que buscam atingir Vantagem Competitiva e incorporam a Knowledge-Based View possam conquistar diferenciação frente a seus concorrentes. Nesse contexto o conhecimento ganha maior destaque e papel protagonista nestas organizações. Dessa forma criar conhecimento através de seus colaboradores, passa a ser um dos desafios dessas organizações ao passo que sugere melhoria de seus indicadores Econômicos, Sociais, Sistêmicos e Políticos, o que se define por Eficácia Organizacional. Portanto os modos de conversão do conhecimento nas organizações, demonstram relevância, uma vez que se cria e se converte conhecimentos através da interação entre o conhecimento existente de seus colaboradores. Essa conversão do conhecimento ou modelo SECI possui quatro modos que são a Socialização, Externalização, Combinação e Internalização. Nessa perspectiva a liderança nas organizações apresenta-se como um elemento capaz de influenciar seus colaboradores, propiciando maior dinâmica ao modelo SECI de conversão do conhecimento. Se identifica então na liderança do tipo Transformacional, características que possam influenciar colaboradores e entende-se que esta relação entre a Liderança Transformacional e a Conversão do Conhecimento possa ter influência positiva nos indicadores da Eficácia Organizacional. Dessa forma esta pesquisa buscou analisar um modelo que explorasse essa relação entre a liderança do tipo Transformacional, a Conversão do Conhecimento (SECI) e a Eficácia Organizacional. Esta pesquisa teve o caráter quantitativo com coleta de dados através do método survey, obtendo um total de 230 respondentes válidos de diferentes organizações. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi composto por afirmativas relativas ao modelo de relação pesquisado com um total de 44 itens. O perfil de respondentes concentrou-se entre 30 e 39 anos de idade, com a predominância de organizações privadas e de departamentos de TI/Telecom, Docência e Recursos Humanos respectivamente. O tratamento dos dados foi através da Análise Fatorial Exploratória e Modelagem de Equações Estruturais via Partial Least Square Path Modeling (PLS-PM). Como resultado da análise desta pesquisa, as hipóteses puderam ser confirmadas, concluindo que a Liderança Transformacional apresenta influência positiva nos modos de Conversão do Conhecimento e que; a Conversão do Conhecimento influencia positivamente na Eficácia Organizacional. Ainda, concluiu-se que a percepção entre os respondentes não apresenta resultado diferente sobre o modelo desta pesquisa entre quem possui ou não função de liderança.


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A number of neuroimaging findings have been interpreted as evidence that the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) subserves retrieval of semantic knowledge. We provide a fundamentally different interpretation, that it is not retrieval of semantic knowledge per se that is associated with left IFG activity but rather selection of information among competing alternatives from semantic memory. Selection demands were varied across three semantic tasks in a single group of subjects. Functional magnetic resonance imaging signal in overlapping regions of left IFG was dependent on selection demands in all three tasks. In addition, the degree of semantic processing was varied independently of selection demands in one of the tasks. The absence of left IFG activity for this comparison counters the argument that the effects of selection can be attributed solely to variations in degree of semantic retrieval. Our findings suggest that it is selection, not retrieval, of semantic knowledge that drives activity in the left IFG.


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A study of women leaders in the Colorado Mountain Club (CMC) demonstrated that this group perceived pace as an impediment to leadership growth. This study is an exploratory-quantitative inquiry that assessed the views of 20 of the active women hike leaders in the Denver group. The author designed a survey of factors women hike leaders would rate according to their CMC experiences. Although there are more women members of the Denver group, women leaders comprise only 30% of the leadership group The results from this first ever survey of CMC's women leaders provides a knowledge base for CMC and other interested parties. This study clearly demonstrated the need for more research into its topic of women in leadership positions.


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Since its post-Lisbon increase in (legislative and non-legislative) powers, the European Parliament (EP) is more relevant than ever in the geographically diversified multilevel system of the EU. Party group coordinators occupy a crucial position in collective decision-making within the EP. However, knowledge about these pivotal actors is absent. This raises the question as to who these party group coordinators are, what they do, and what indeed makes a good coordinator. A new data set shows that in 2012, more than one-fifth of coordinators of the three largest and most influential groups are German, with British and Spanish coordinators ranking a distant second before Romanians. Among coordinators from NMS, only one-eighth were newcomers.


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Traditionally political knowledge was regarded as an important potential outcome for civic education efforts. Most of the currently available research, however, tends to focus on non-cognitive goals, despite the fact that studies repeatedly have shown that political knowledge is an important resource for enlightened and engaged citizenship. In this article, we investigate whether civic education contributes to political knowledge levels. The analysis is based on the Belgian Political Panel Survey, a two year panel study among 2,988 Belgian late adolescents. The analysis shows that experiences with group projects at school contribute significantly to political knowledge levels two years later on. Furthermore, we can observe an interaction effect as those who are already most knowledgeable about politics, gain most from these group projects. Classes about politics, on the other hand, did not have an effect on knowledge levels. In the discussion, it is argued that civic education can have strong cognitive effects, but that these effects are not always related to classical civic education efforts.


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BACKGROUND The application of therapeutic hypothermia (TH) for 12 to 24 hours following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) has been associated with decreased mortality and improved neurological function. However, the optimal duration of cooling is not known. We aimed to investigate whether targeted temperature management (TTM) at 33 ± 1 °C for 48 hours compared to 24 hours results in a better long-term neurological outcome. METHODS The TTH48 trial is an investigator-initiated pragmatic international trial in which patients resuscitated from OHCA are randomised to TTM at 33 ± 1 °C for either 24 or 48 hours. Inclusion criteria are: age older than 17 and below 80 years; presumed cardiac origin of arrest; and Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) <8, on admission. The primary outcome is neurological outcome at 6 months using the Cerebral Performance Category score (CPC) by an assessor blinded to treatment allocation and dichotomised to good (CPC 1-2) or poor (CPC 3-5) outcome. Secondary outcomes are: 6-month mortality, incidence of infection, bleeding and organ failure and CPC at hospital discharge, at day 28 and at day 90 following OHCA. Assuming that 50 % of the patients treated for 24 hours will have a poor outcome at 6 months, a study including 350 patients (175/arm) will have 80 % power (with a significance level of 5 %) to detect an absolute 15 % difference in primary outcome between treatment groups. A safety interim analysis was performed after the inclusion of 175 patients. DISCUSSION This is the first randomised trial to investigate the effect of the duration of TTM at 33 ± 1 °C in adult OHCA patients. We anticipate that the results of this trial will add significant knowledge regarding the management of cooling procedures in OHCA patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION NCT01689077.


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"College of Engineering, UILU-ENG-89-1757."


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Cooperative, small-group learning is widely recognised as a pedagogical practice that promotes learning and socialisation across a range of curriculum areas from primary school through to high school and college. When children work cooperatively together, they learn to give and receive help, share their ideas and listen to other students’ perspectives, seek new ways of clarifying differences, resolving problems, and constructing new understandings and knowledge. The result is that students attain higher academic outcomes and are more motivated to achieve than they would be if they worked alone. This paper provides an overview of five different studies that the author has conducted that demonstrate clearly the importance of explicitly structuring cooperative small-group work in classrooms if children are to derive the benefits widely attributed to this pedagogical practice.


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The potential of online learning has long afforded the hope of providing quality education to anyone, anywhere in the world. The recent development of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) heralded an exciting new breakthrough by providing free academic instruction and professional skills development from the world’s leading universities to anyone with the sufficient resources to access the internet. The research in Advancing MOOCs for Development Initiative study was designed to analyze the MOOC landscape in developing countries and to better understand the motivations of MOOC users and afford insights on the advantages and limitations of MOOCs for workforce development outcomes. The key findings of this study challenge commonly held beliefs about MOOC usage in developing countries, defying typical characterizations of how people in resource constrained settings use technology for learning and employment. In fact, some of the findings are so contrary to what has been reported in the U.S. and other developed environments that they raise new questions for further investigation.


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Purpose/Objectives: To evaluate the impact of a cancer nursing education course on RNs. Design: Quasi-experimental, longitudinal, pretest/post-test design, with a follow-up assessment six weeks after the completion of the nursing education course. Setting: Urban, nongovernment, cancer control agency in Australia. Sample: 53 RNs, of whom 93% were female, with a mean age of 44.6 years and a mean of 16.8 years of experience in nursing; 86% of the nurses resided and worked in regional areas outside of the state capital. Methods: Scales included the Intervention With Psychosocial Needs: Perceived Importance and Skill Level Scale, Palliative Care Quiz for Nurses, Breast Cancer Knowledge, Preparedness for Cancer Nursing, and Satisfaction With Learning. Data were analyzed using multiple analysis of variance and paired t tests. Main Research Variables: Cancer nursing-related knowledge, preparedness for cancer nursing, and attitudes toward and perceived skills in the psychosocial care of patients with cancer and their families. Findings: Compared to nurses in the control group, nurses who attended the nursing education course improved in their cancer nursing-related knowledge, preparedness for cancer nursing, and attitudes toward and perceived skills in the psychosocial care of patients with cancer and their families. Improvements were evident at course completion and were maintained at the six-week follow-up assessment. Conclusions: The nursing education course was effective in improving nurses' scores on all outcome variables. Implications for Nursing: Continuing nursing education courses that use intensive mode timetabling, small group learning, and a mix of teaching methods, including didactic and interactive approaches and clinical placements, are effective and have the potential to improve nursing practice in oncology.


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The Codex Alimentarius Commission of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) develops food standards, guidelines and related texts for protecting consumer health and ensuring fair trade practices globally. The major part of the world's population lives in more than 160 countries that are members of the Codex Alimentarius. The Codex Standard on Infant Formula was adopted in 1981 based on scientific knowledge available in the 1970s and is currently being revised. As part of this process, the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses asked the ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition to initiate a consultation process with the international scientific community to provide a proposal on nutrient levels in infant formulae, based on scientific analysis and taking into account existing scientific reports on the subject. ESPGHAN accepted the request and, in collaboration with its sister societies in the Federation of International Societies on Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, invited highly qualified experts in the area of infant nutrition to form an International Expert Group (IEG) to review the issues raised. The group arrived at recommendations on the compositional requirements for a global infant formula standard which are reported here.