915 resultados para gestão integrada da água


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The objective of this research was to conduct an analysis of multitemporal landscape Ipanema National Forest, located in the municipalities of Iperó, Capela do Alto and Araçoiaba da Serra – São Paulo estate, Brazil, considering the scenarios of 1965, 2007 and 2011. The multitemporal analysis, using aerial photographs and satellite images, contributed to the contextualization and spatialization of the evolution of the landscape area. Through analysis interpretation of the images, performed by means of supervised classification were obtained thematic maps of the area, equivalent to approximately 53 km2. Through geoprocessing techniques, especially Geographic Information Systems, it was possible the integration and manipulation of data, both spatial and statistical, allowing integrated analysis of data from the entire area of the National Forest of Ipanema. As the main result, we found that the Ipanema National Forest is in landscape evolution positive, with those 46 years examined the increase of native heavy foliage areas. Increasing from 7.1 km2 of the total area of dense vegetation in 1965 to 35.9 km2 in 2011. Overall, it was possible to realize a scenario landscape quite optimistic about the evolution of forest conservation area


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Brazil has about 12 % of a life´s essential resource: the superficial fresh water of the planet. However, today it is possible to observe the bad management of this resource, generating serious consequences on the quality that results in the loss of the use´s availability. In this scenario, the catchment of rainwater for undrinkable use is an alternative that has been broadly studied for the scientific community. When planning a system of rainwater catchment, the sizing of the required volume of the tank that will keep the water has a fundamental importance for the project, seeing that the supersizing of the tank can bring high costs and the undersizing can bring shortage in the water supply. This paper used a methodology based on two concepts: the harvesting efficiencies and the attending efficiencies of the system. This method takes as principle that exist a perfect demand that minimize the repayment time, condition that happened when the efficiencies are equal. Brazilian’s cities with different weathers and different rainfalls where chosen to simulate the attending for different demands for a typical residence. The data where parameterized according to the roof area and the number of residents, that way is possible that a future conference can be easily done and it also ensure results closer to the reality. The results showed that cities with a lower period of drought, even those with high level of rainfall on the raining mouths, have lower potential of water supply. The cities where the rainfall is more constant and also more high, even small roofs areas and small tank´s volumes – about half of the size compare to the cities with less propitious conditions – can generate high levels of water saving. With an eye to promote the environmental sustainability, the investment on projects for the catchment of rainwater is a good alternative


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Understanding the linkages between the natural elements is essential for being promoted the land use, occupation and sustainable management of environmental systems. Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), as a predictive model of erosion, is important to allowing the prevention of possible environmental impacts which may drastically interfere in natural or anthropic environments, as well as prevent potential financial wastes and even contribute to greater efficiency of agricultural production. This research will be working some USLE parameters, emphasizing topographic factor from Ribeirão Monjolo Grande watershed. Among the factors considered by the USLE, the Topographic Factor interferes directly in the erosive dynamic of a watershed because it involves variables related to hydrological processes that occur on it. In this research, were discussed different methods for obtaining the Topographic Factor (BERTONI e LOMBARDI NETO, 1985; MOORE e BURCH, 1986; DESMET E GOVERS, 1996) in GIS environment. After comparison between the methods, was indicated that best represents the conditions of geometry strand of the study area. Finally, other factors (R, K, C, P) considered by the USLE were obtained. The attainment of these parameters were guided by the use of geotechnologies, especially in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), with the assistance of secondary data and periodic field visits. The results obtained contributed to the understanding of hydrosedimentological dynamic in this area and serve as a viable strategy for studies of soil loss, aiming at developing consistent material for future researches about environmental planning and land management


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The programs Water Producer and Water Mine are the starting point for the research, whose the main objective is to develop a study on the necessity and possibility to forming water producers in the Veado Creek Watershed Deer, located in Presidente Venceslau - Sao Paulo, in order to improve the quality and quantity of water from the spring. To this end, the implementation of programs in the spring, especially the Water Mine, developed by the State of Sao Paulo, could help change the situation in which degradation is the area of the watershed. The main methodological procedures were performed: survey and literature review, interviews with employees SEAAMA, CATI, interview with the president of the Association of Owners of Rural Watershed of Deer Creek; interview with landowners of the Fountain Creek Watershed Deer; work in the search field at the landfill to the DAE and the Association of Collectors of Recycled. We are dealing with issues such as the importance of the Code of forests with regard to the protection of water resources, decentralized management and participatory of water resources, Payment by Environmental Services, production of water, characterization and diagnosis of the environmental Microbacia of Wealth Córrego do Veado, sanitation of the municipality of Presidente Venceslau. Analyzed the current situation of the watershed of the spring, highlighting the main actions that have been performed by the municipality through the watershed program of the State of São Paulo City Hall and through the resources FEHIDRO. The obtained results allowed to demonstrate the need and the possibility of setting up the Project Mine Of Water in the watershed of the fountain and the interest of owners interviewed by adherence to the Project and the protection of the source


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The water resources scarceness in world become more evident and worried everyday, because the occurrence of water waste, without consider context of potable water deficit, period of long dryness, resource distribution and population density, urban concentration, industrial and rural areas, pollution process, contamination, beyond aspect related to sanitation and public health affect an entire population. At Itu city, this problem is already real, the population face the lack of water risk in dryness period, damaging their life quality and the city economic development, because Itu is a touristic city that has a mixed economy with activities in business dealing, agriculture and industrial department, all conect to water consumption.


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The expansion of urban in medium-sized citie, increase the importance of action planning and management of natural resources, among which water is the most important. Such action should include the integration of physical and man-made elements involved. In this context, it becomesimportant for watershed analysis and the use of geotecnologies. Thus, the objective was to demonstrate the contribution of the geo, as a tool for managing a river basin, allowing the integration of physical data and the analysis of anthropogenic environmental scenarios in urban areas. The area chosen, the basin of the Wenzel, is located in Rio Claro / SP, a city whose urbanization process has been intense and continuous. Thematic maps were generated from the physical environment: soil, slope and geological, as well as maps of land use. With regard to land use maps, these were drawn from the visual interpretation of material aerophotogrammetric, considering the years 1995 and 2010, performing an evolutionary analysis. It was observed that the area presents small variation in the physical and structural aspects, with lithological and geomorphological formation favoring the occurrence of floods, erosion and siltation. These processes are accelerated by the forms of land use, with intense urbanization during the period between 1995 and 2010, and poor preservation of permanent preservation areasand. In the floodplain areas there is a high waste disposal is the most notable environmental problem


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The present study addresses the application of the Environmental Management System in chicken production on a farm owned by the Nardo brothers, located in the city of Guapiaçu/SP (Brazil). The objectives were to analyze the process of solid waste generation, destination and forms of treatment in this activity; propose measures to reduce the use of potable water for non-potable ends; determine other measures identified through a questionnaire drafted by Embrapa (Brazilian Agriculture Research Cooperative) and administered to employees who have direct involvement in the productive process; pay visits to chicken production enterprises; and employ the guidelines proposed by the National Fowl-Breeding Sanitation Program that guide the application of the Environmental Management System. Adequate management of waste was put into effect through the construction of a compost shed capable of meeting current production demands, in which all procedures were accompanied – from civil construction to the commercialization process of the organic fertilizer generated. The rain-gathering system for the roofs of the pens proposed to reduce the consumption of potable ground water destined for washing the floors of the pens was completely dimensioned and budgeted, allowing the motivated owners to place the project into effect in a timely fashion. Other simpler but no less important proposals were also made in order to bring the production up to the required quality standards.


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The present study sought to develop a methodology to analyze the water quality based on concepts and methods of climate and climatology respectively. In this way, it was tried to relate techniques and methodologies hydro and limno-meteorological with a rhythmic analysis technique developed within the Brazilian geographical climatology to assess and analyze the blooms of cyanobacteria, the main index of water quality found in reservoirs of “Alto Tietê” Basin and consequently the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, an area of high environmental complexity due to its high degree of development and high population density. The meteorological data used to develop the study were collected from the meteorological station of the IAG / USP and the limnological data were collected from the Hydrological Monitoring System implemented by SABESP in Billings and Guarapiranga reservoirs as well as data laboratory of the same entity. The results obtained by the rhythmic and integrated analyze showed that the process of blooms of cyanobacteria is dependent not only on one specific factor, but a combination of meteorological factors that may disrupt the stability of reservoir and which can, during the stabilization process, provides the necessary conditions to the development of cyanobacteria. It was also shown by the results that the pace of Atlantic Polar Front Entrance during the winter in São Paulo, is a limiting factor to the growth of cyanobacteria due to their high frequency, keeping the reservoir balance throughout the period. Furthermore, another importance of this study is the possibility of prevention and forecasting periods which are inappropriate for the use of these reservoirs mainly for recreational activities


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A escassez de água para a manutenção dos processos naturais ou para abastecimento humano e em empreendimentos seja em quantidade ou qualidade, corrobora a necessidade e a urgência de comprometimento efetivo de responsabilidade do ser humano com os recursos hídricos e com o ambiente. Falar em Gestão Ambiental (GA), entretanto, especialmente no Brasil, tornou-se lugar comum no discurso de diversos segmentos da sociedade, e em muitos casos desprovido de sentido efetivo. No meio empresarial, ações e discurso ambiental veiculados são reflexo da atuação de diferentes perfis de profissionais, com diferentes tipos de treinamento, e regidos por interesses que nem sempre remontam preocupação com o meio. A regulamentação sobre como devem ser exercida a atuação na área de ambiental, entretanto, bem como monitoramento institucional desta atuação, ainda se encontram em estágio de construção. Mas, a crescente pressão da demanda socioeconômica na iniciativa privada responde por crescente consumo de água e produção de águas residuárias. Para que o desenvolvimento atingido seja sustentável nestes empreendimentos é, portanto, urgente que haja disseminação de informação a gestores ambientais e a comunidade, disponibilizando ferramentas para um gerenciamento mais adequado – com entendimento da situação, de alternativas para amenizar impactos gerados, de como o empreendimento se insere neste cenário e com acompanhamento do desenvolvimento institucional. Assim, este trabalho tem como proposta a produção de material de referência na contextualização da situação dos mecanismos da gestão de recursos hídricos superficiais no estado de São Paulo para empreendimentos, dentro do foco do saneamento básico. Isso foi realizado através de revisão bibliográfica em livros e artigos científicos, teses acadêmicas, levantamento...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Nosso organismo constantemente perde água e eletrólitos para o meio ambiente, principalmente pela excreção urinária.Porém, a osmolaridade e o volume de líquidos do organismo devem permanecer dentro de uma pequena faixa de variação para que nossas células funcionem perfeitamente e haja manutenção da pressão arterial. A regulação da osmolaridade e do volume dos líquidos corporais exige que a entrada de água e eletrólitos seja igual à perda pelo corpo e, para tanto, a regulação envolve a ação integrada dos rins e do comportamento de ingestão de água e sódio que é o principal íon extracelular. A ingestão de água e sódio é regulada por mecanismos centrais excitatórios e inibitórios. Os mecanismos excitatórios que desencadeiam a ingestão de água e sódio são ativados principalmente pelo peptídeo angiotensina II (ANG II), cuja produção apresenta-se aumentada em situações de hipovolemia e hipotensão. Por outro lado, destacam-se importantes mecanismos inibitórios da ingestão de água e sódio descobertos recentemente no núcleo parabraquial lateral (NPBL). O NPBL é uma estrutura pontina que recebe projeções aferentes da área postrema (AP) e da porção medial do núcleo do trato solitário (NTSm) e que faz conexões com áreas prosencefálicas envolvidas no controle do balanço hidroeletrolítico. Estudos prévios mostraram que injeções bilaterais do agonista opióide inespecífico β-endorfina no NPBL induziram ingestão de água e sódio em ratos saciados e aumentaram a ingestão de água e sódio induzida pelo tratamento com o diurético furosemida (FURO) combinado com baixas doses do bloqueador da enzima conversora de angiotensina captopril (CAP) injetados subcutaneamente (sc)... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Water is one of the main inputs in agribusiness and is traded indirectly through the sale of agricultural products such as orange (juice or fresh) and cane sugar (ethanol and refined sugar). This study aims to estimate the proportional mass of water present in the products exported in the form of agricultural commodities considering the amount of water incorporated into the product in its genesis by plant photosynthesis, reinforcing a reflection on virtual and real water export, as well to indicate subsidies to management, planning and taxing of water resources


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The minimization and mitigation of environmental impacts caused by the activities of organizations is increasingly becoming a key concern due to factors such as market demand, including suppliers and consumer markets, quality standards and even marketing strategies. The implementation of an EMS - Environmental Management System - allows the organization to achieve the level of environmental performance for its determined and promotes continuous improvement over time. This system consists of a schedule of activities, so as to eliminate or minimize impacts to the environment through preventive actions. It also provides a structured approach to set and achieve goals and objectives, and to establish procedures, work instructions and control, ensuring that the implementation of the policy can become reality. The objective of this work consists in planning a system using environmental management based on the ISO 14001 - standard internationally more widespread and accepted in the requirements to establish and operate an EMS - the Central Library, UNESP, Rio Claro / SP to stimulate the quest for continuous improvement and sustainability in the educational institution. For making the diagnosis of this planning was used the PDCA methodology, suggested by the standard, as well as all requirements for compliance. The results show that the benefits that the organization will receive involve reducing expenses and cost of energy and water, and improve the organization's reputation before the whole university and other educational institutions, reaching about three thousand people on university


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The objective of this work is to accomplish studies of mathematical modeling and computational simulation of oil spills in water bodies. For this reason, a case study in the region of the Port of Santos was developed using the softwares SisBAHIA and ADIOS2 for the simulation of different hypothetical scenarios of oil spilling on the surface of water, aiming to obtain information that contribute to the reduction of the possible environmental impacts that can be caused by such accidents. The results generated in the different simulations had shown that the obtained data can be extremely useful to subsidize the elaboration of mitigation plans, the mapping of risk areas or even the proposal of emergencial strategies in cases of real accidents, configuring the modeling and the simulation as important and modern tools for the environmental planning and management.


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La performance desentreprises ça dépend, engrande partie, deses chaînesd’approvisionnement. Celas peuvent entretrès complexe, car elle implique tout le processus avant, pendant et après l’assemblage duproduit fini. Ce travaila donc comme objectifl’amélioration de lagestion des imprévus qu’arrivent audébutdela chaîne d’approvisionnement et lesimpacts sur l’approvisionnement de la ligne d’assemblage d’une usine. L’approche méthodologique utilisée est la recherche-action. De cette façon, ce travail présente une standardisation des processusquechaque département doit fairedans uncas de rupture dans la chaîne. D’après entretiens, analyses de document, standardisation des organigrammes et graphiques croisés dynamiques, ila été possible proposer un moyen plus critique d’analyser et résoudre certains problèmes. En tant que résultats, viennent un organigramme défini, une divulgation des informations plus précises pour la prise en décision et unes l’analyse critique de l’historique des imprévus. Il s’agit d’un ensemble des processus meilleur pour une bonne prise en décision de court, moyen et long terme pour les dépenses avec des imprévus dans l’approvisionnement de matière-première de l’usine


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The neoliberalism based on the Washington Consensus advised privatization as the most effective alternative for the management of natural resources. The question is what is prioritizing efficiency, market or welfare? The growing concern about the water issue has been highlighted in discussions in international policy debates, and what it turns out is the prominence of corporate and economic interests over social and environmental. The water is in crisis, there are several sources of popular conflicts around the world contrary to how this resource is being offered, as the Water War occurred in 2000 in the city of Cochabamba. It is necessary to respect its limitations to ensure their future availability and choose the best development model that favors the effectiveness of their control. The international proliferation of commercial vision concerning water stipulated privatization of their management as ideal rule, which increased rates, concentrated income, has not improved the quality nor promoted the conquest of equal access to water for most systems that provides these services, this is, privatization has not brought positive results that outweigh the harm of its implementation. Water is an essential commodity for life of living beings, in all its stages, basic reason to develop plans, rules and commitments that ensure its conservation and provide, as soon as possible, a valid alternative for the sustainable management in long term