942 resultados para geometric mean diameter


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BACKGROUND: Dislocation remains a difficult problem in total hip arthroplasty. Large-diameter femoral heads may lower the incidence of dislocation by enhancing the jump distance and decreasing impingement, but their performance against small-diameter heads has not been assessed. This study compared the mid-term radiographic and functional outcomes of two matched cohorts of patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty who had a high pre-operative risk for dislocation and who received either small-diameter (26- or 28-millimeters) or large-diameter (≥36-millimeters) femoral heads. METHODS: All patients who received large-diameter heads (≥36-millimeter) between 2002 and 2005, and who had pre-operative risk factors for dislocation, were identified in the institution's joint registry. Forty-one patients (52 hips) who received large-diameter heads were identified, and these patients were matched to 48 patients (52 hips) in the registry who received small-diameter femoral heads. RESULTS: At mean final follow-up of 62 months (range, 49 to 101 months), both groups achieved excellent functional outcomes as measured by Harris Hip scores, with slightly better final scores in the large-diameter group (90 vs. 83 points). No patient showed any radiographic signs of loosening. No patient dislocated in the large-diameter femoral head group; the smaller-diameter group had a greater rate of dislocation (3.8%, 2 out of 52). CONCLUSIONS: Large-diameter femoral head articulations may reduce dislocation rates in patients who have a high pre-operative risk for dislocation while providing the same functional improvements and safety as small-diameter bearings.


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Data from three forest sites in Sumatra (Batang Ule, Pasirmayang and Tebopandak) have been analysed and compared for the effects of sample area cut-off, and tree diameter cut-off. An 'extended inverted exponential model' is shown to be well suited to fitting tree-species-area curves. The model yields species carrying capacities of 680 for Batang Ule, 380 species for Pasirmayang, and 35 for Tebopandak (tree diameter >10cm). It would seem that in terms of species carrying capacity, Tebopandak and Pasirmayang are rather similar, and both less diverse than the hilly Batang Ule site. In terms of conservation policy, this would mean that rather more emphasis should be put on conserving hilly sites on a granite substratum. For Pasirmayang with tree diameter >3cm, the asymptotic species number estimate is 567, considerably higher than the estimate of 387 species for trees with diameter >10cm. It is clear that the diameter cut-off has a major impact on the estimate of the species carrying capacity. A conservative estimate of the total number of tree species in the Pasirmayang region is 632 species! In sampling exercises, the diameter cut-off should not be chosen lightly, and it may be worth adopting field sampling procedures which involve some subsampling of the primary sample area, where the diameter cut-off is set much lower than in the primary plots.


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An idealized jellium model of conducting nanowires with a geometric constriction is investigated by density functional theory (DFT) in the local spin density (LSD) approximation. The results reveal a fascinating variety of spin and charge patterns arising in wires of sufficiently low (r(s) >= 15) average electron density, pinned at the indentation by an apparent attractive interaction with the constriction. The spin-resolved frequency-dependent conductivity shows a marked asymmetry in the two spin channels, reflecting the spontaneous spin polarization around the wire neck. The relevance of the computational results is discussed in relation to the so-called 0.7 anomaly found by experiments in the low-frequency conductivity of nanowires at near-breaking conditions (see 2008 J. Phys.: Condens Matter 20, special issue on the 0.7 anomaly). Although our mean-field approach cannot account for the intrinsic many-body effects underlying the 0.7 anomaly, it still provides a diagnostic tool to predict impending transitions in the electronic structure.


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The overall aim of this study was to assess the accuracy, reproducibility and stability of a high resolution passive stereophotogrammetry system to image a female mannequin torso, to validate measurements made on the textured virtual surface compared with those obtained using manual techniques and to develop an approach to make objective measurements of the female breast. 3D surface imaging was carried out on a textured female torso and measurements made in accordance with the system of mammometrics. Linear errors in measurements were less than 0.5 mm, system calibration produced errors of less than 1.0 mm over 94% over the surface and intra-rater reliability measured by ICC = 0.999. The mean difference between manual and digital curved surface distances was 1.36 mm with maximum and minimum differences of 3.15 mm and 0.02 mm, respectively. The stereophotogrammetry system has been demonstrated to perform accurately and reliably with specific reference to breast assessment. (C) 2011 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Dissolution rates were calculated for a range of grain sizes of anorthite and biotite dissolved under far from equilibrium conditions at pH 3, T = 20 degrees C. Dissolution rates were normalized to initial and final BET surface area, geometric surface area, mass and (for biotite only) geometric edge surface area. Constant (within error) dissolution rates were only obtained by normalizing to initial BET surface area for biotite. The normalizing term that gave the smallest variation about the mean for anorthite was initial BET surface area. In field studies, only current (final) surface area is measurable. In this study, final geometric surface area gave the smallest variation for anorthite dissolution rates and final geometric edge surface area for biotite dissolution rates. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The applicability of BET model for calculation of surface area of activated carbons is checked by using molecular simulations. By calculation of geometric surface areas for the simple model carbon slit-like pore with the increasing width, and by comparison of the obtained values with those for the same systems from the VEGA ZZ package (adsorbate-accessible molecular surface), it is shown that the latter methods provide correct values. For the system where a monolayer inside a pore is created the ASA approach (GCMC, Ar, T = 87 K) underestimates the value of surface area for micropores (especially, where only one layer is observed and/or two layers of adsorbed Ar are formed). Therefore, we propose the modification of this method based on searching the relationship between the pore diameter and the number of layers in a pore. Finally BET; original andmodified ASA; and A, B and C-point surface areas are calculated for a series of virtual porous carbons using simulated Ar adsorption isotherms (GCMC and T = 87 K). The comparison of results shows that the BET method underestimates and not, as it was usually postulated, overestimates the surface areas of microporous carbons.


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We obtain sharp estimates for multidimensional generalisations of Vinogradov’s mean value theorem for arbitrary translation-dilation invariant systems, achieving constraints on the number of variables approaching those conjectured to be the best possible. Several applications of our bounds are discussed.


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In this paper, we proposed a new two-parameter lifetime distribution with increasing failure rate, the complementary exponential geometric distribution, which is complementary to the exponential geometric model proposed by Adamidis and Loukas (1998). The new distribution arises on a latent complementary risks scenario, in which the lifetime associated with a particular risk is not observable; rather, we observe only the maximum lifetime value among all risks. The properties of the proposed distribution are discussed, including a formal proof of its probability density function and explicit algebraic formulas for its reliability and failure rate functions, moments, including the mean and variance, variation coefficient, and modal value. The parameter estimation is based on the usual maximum likelihood approach. We report the results of a misspecification simulation study performed in order to assess the extent of misspecification errors when testing the exponential geometric distribution against our complementary one in the presence of different sample size and censoring percentage. The methodology is illustrated on four real datasets; we also make a comparison between both modeling approaches. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes a potentially faster and cheaper method of determining fibre scale frequencies. The method uses the single fibre analyser (SIFAN) to  determine the along the fibre diameter profile. This information is then analysed by the Fast Fourier Transform technique using computer software. The paper shows the close association between the mean scale frequencies determined by this method and the traditional approach using SEM.


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A retrospective assessment of exposure to benzene was carried out for a nested case control study of lympho-haematopoietic cancers, including leukaemia, in the Australian petroleum industry. Each job or task in the industry was assigned a Base Estimate (BE) of exposure derived from task-based personal exposure assessments carried out by the company occupational hygienists. The BEs corresponded to the estimated arithmetic mean exposure to benzene for each job or task and were used in a deterministic algorithm to estimate the exposure of subjects in the study. Nearly all of the data sets underlying the BEs were found to contain some values below the limit of detection (LOD) of the sampling and analytical methods and some were very heavily censored; up to 95% of the data were below the LOD in some data sets. It was necessary, therefore, to use a method of calculating the arithmetic mean exposures that took into account the censored data. Three different methods were employed in an attempt to select the most appropriate method for the particular data in the study. A common method is to replace the missing (censored) values with half the detection limit. This method has been recommended for data sets where much of the data are below the limit of detection or where the data are highly skewed; with a geometric standard deviation of 3 or more. Another method, involving replacing the censored data with the limit of detection divided by the square root of 2, has been recommended when relatively few data are below the detection limit or where data are not highly skewed. A third method that was examined is Cohen's method. This involves mathematical extrapolation of the left-hand tail of the distribution, based on the distribution of the uncensored data, and calculation of the maximum likelihood estimate of the arithmetic mean. When these three methods were applied to the data in this study it was found that the first two simple methods give similar results in most cases. Cohen's method on the other hand, gave results that were generally, but not always, higher than simpler methods and in some cases gave extremely high and even implausible estimates of the mean. It appears that if the data deviate substantially from a simple log-normal distribution, particularly if high outliers are present, then Cohen's method produces erratic and unreliable estimates. After examining these results, and both the distributions and proportions of censored data, it was decided that the half limit of detection method was most suitable in this particular study.


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Sources of variation in fibre diameter attributes of Australian alpacas and implications for fleece evaluation and animal selection were investigated using data collected in the years 1994–97, from 6 properties in southern Australia. Data were analysed using REML (multiple regression analysis) to determine the effect on mean fibre diameter (MFD) and coefficient of variation of MFD (CV(FD)) of age, origin (property), sex (entire male, female), breed (Huacaya, Suri), liveweight, fibre colour, individual, and interactions of these effects. The mean (n = 100) age (range) was 4.2 years (0.1–11.9), liveweight 72.0 kg (12.0–134 kg), MFD 29.1 μm (17.7–46.6 μm), CV(FD) 24.33% (15.0–36.7%).

A number of variables affected MFD and CV(FD). MFD increased to 7.5 years of age, and correlations between MFD at 1.5 and 2 years of age with the MFD at older ages were much higher than correlations at younger ages. Fibre diameter 'blowout' (increase with age) was positively correlated with the actual MFD at ages 2 years and older. There were important effects of farm, and these effects differed with year and shearing age. Suris were coarser than Huacayas with the effect reducing with increased liveweight; there was no effect of sex. Fleeces of light shade were 1 μm finer than dark fleeces. CV(FD) declined rapidly between birth and 2 years of age, reaching a minimum at about 4 years of age and then increasing; however, CV(FD) measurements on young animals were very poor predictors of CV(FD) at older ages, and the response of CV(FD) to age differed with farm and year. Suris had a higher CV(FD) than Huacayas on most properties, and MFD, liveweight, and sex did not affect CV(FD). Fleeces of dark shade had higher CV(FD) than fleeces of light shade in 2 of the years. It is concluded that there are large opportunities to improve the MFD and CV(FD) of alpaca fibre through selection and breeding. The potential benefit is greatest from reducing the MFD and CV(FD) of fibre from older alpacas, through reducing the between-animal variation in MFD and CV(FD). Sampling alpacas at ages <2 years is likely to substantially decrease selection efficiency for lifetime fibre diameter attributes.


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Wool fabrics are often treated under conditions of varying pH in dyeing and finishing processes. It is known that in air the dimensions of wool fabrics change with the amount of fiber swelling at different regain. In this work, it has been shown that a similar relationship between fiber swelling and fabric dimensions existed in water at different pH values. The diameters of Merino and Corriedale wool fibers in water at different pH values were measured with an OFDA 2000 fiber diameter analyzer, fitted with a specially constructed accessory liquid cell. The results showed that the mean diameters of swollen wool fibers in water varied with pH. Minimum swelling was obtained in the range pH 5-7. It was found that the dimensions of wool fabric in water were dependent on the pH. The changes in fiber diameter in water could be attributed to changes in ionic interactions between charged acid and basic groups in wool protein with variations in pH.


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The presentwork aimed to determine howthe average fibre diameter coefficient of variation (CVD) and fibre curvature (FC) differences between nine sampling sites vary between sex and flock, to identify differences in variability between sampling sites as a result of between animal and between sire variability and to determine correlations between sampling sites in between animal and between sire variability. Australian Angoras (n = 313) from two farms in southern Australia were sampled at 12 and 18 months of age at nine sites (mid side, belly, brisket, hind flank, hip, hock, mid back, neck, shoulder). Staples were taken prior to shearing at skin level and CVD and FC determined. For each shearing, differences in CVD and FC between sampling sites, how these differences were affected by farm, sex, and sire, and the covariance between sites for sire and individual animal effects were investigated by restricted maximum likelihood (REML) analyses. The median mid side CVD at 12 and 18 months of age ranged from 23.6 to 25.1% but the actual range was 16.8–34.2%. The median mid side FC at 12 and 18 months of age ranged from 14.4 to 18.6◦/mm but the actual range was 10.5–26.3◦/mm. The general pattern for CVDwas for the mid back, hip and neck sites to have similar CVD, the brisket, hind flank and hock sites to have larger CVD and the belly to have smaller CVD than the mid side site. The between animal variation for CVD was lowest at the mid back site. This implies that the mid back would be the most effective site for between animal selection for CVD. Heritabilities for CVD (range at 18 months 0.18–0.30) were only about half the heritabilities for mean fibre diameter in the same study. There was a marked anterior–posterior increase in FC at both farms and with both ages. The results give no clear indication of the best site for between animal selection for FC, other than that the hock should be avoided. Heritabilities for FC are moderate to high (range at 18 months 0.44–0.77) and the genetic correlations are high except for the hock. Thus genetic selection for FC at any site, other than the hock, should be effective for changing FC over the entire fleece. There was more variability between animals than between sites and sires. These results are put into context with associated research on variation in mean fibre diameter and staple length.


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Measurements have been made of the solvation forces between mica surfaces in the even-numbered n-alkanes from hexane to hexadecane. In all cases the force law is qualitatively very similar, characterized by a decaying oscillatory function of distance, as occurs for simple isotropic liquids. The spacing between successive minima in the force does not increase with carbon number, and is comparable to the width of a linear alkane molecule rather than its length or any average diameter. This suggests that the alkanes have some tendency towards a parallel orientation near the mica surfaces. The measurements give no indication of any strong repulsive component expected from mean-field theories of higher alkanes or polymers. The results of one such theory are presented, and the reasons for its failure to match the experimental data are discussed.