938 resultados para firma digitale, dematerializzazione, timbro digitale


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The dataset is composed of 41 samples from 10 stations. The phytoplankton samples were collected by 5l Niskin bottles attached to the CTD system. The sampling depths were selected according to the CTD profile and the in situ fluorometer readings: surface, temperature, salinity and fluorescence gradients and 1 m above the bottom. At some stations phytoplankton net samples (20 µm mesh-size) were collected to assist species biodiversity examination. The samples (1l sea water) were preserved in 4% buffered to pH 8-8.2 with disodiumtetraborate formaldehyde solution and stored in plastic containers. On board at each station few live samples were qualitatively examined under microscope for preliminary analysis of taxonomic composition and dominant species. The taxon-specific phytoplankton abundance samples were concentrated down to 50 cm**3 by slow decantation after storage for 20 days in a cool and dark place. The species identification was done under light microscope OLIMPUS-BS41 connected to a video-interactive image analysis system at magnification of the ocular 10X and objective - 40X. A Sedgwick-Rafter camera (1ml) was used for counting. 400 specimen were counted for each sample, while rare and large species were checked in the whole sample (Manual of phytoplankton, 2005). Species identification was mainly after Carmelo T. (1997) and Fukuyo, Y. (2000). Total phytoplankton abundance was calculated as sum of taxon-specific abundances. Total phytoplankton biomass was calculated as sum of taxon-specific biomasses. The cell biovolume was determined based on morpho-metric measurement of phytoplankton units and the corresponding geometric shapes as described in detail in (Edier, 1979).


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The samples were concentrated down to 50 cm**3 by slow decantation after storage for 20 days in a cool and dark place. The species identification was done under light microscope OLIMPUS-BS41 connected to a video-interactive image analysis system at magnification of the ocular 10X and objective - 40X. A Sedgwick-Rafter camera (1ml) was used for counting. 400 specimen were counted for each sample, while rare and large species were checked in the whole sample (Manual of phytoplankton, 2005). Species identification was mainly after Carmelo T. (1997) and Fukuyo, Y. (2000). Taxon-specific phytoplankton abundance and biomass were analysed by Moncheva S., B. Parr, 2005. Manual for Phytoplankton Sampling and Analysis in the Black Sea. The cell biovolume was determined based on morpho-metric measurement of phytoplankton units and the corresponding geometric shapes as described in detail in (Edier, 1979).


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En esta tesis doctoral se propone una técnica biométrica de verificación en teléfonos móviles consistente en realizar una firma en el aire con la mano que sujeta el teléfono móvil. Los acelerómetros integrados en el dispositivo muestrean las aceleraciones del movimiento de la firma en el aire, generando tres señales temporales que pueden utilizarse para la verificación del usuario. Se proponen varios enfoques para la implementación del sistema de verificación, a partir de los enfoques más utilizados en biometría de firma manuscrita: correspondencia de patrones, con variantes de los algoritmos de Needleman-Wusch (NW) y Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), modelos ocultos de Markov (HMM) y clasificador estadístico basado en Máquinas de Vector Soporte (SVM). Al no existir bases de datos públicas de firmas en el aire y con el fin de evaluar los métodos propuestos en esta tesis doctoral, se han capturado dos con distintas características; una con falsificaciones reales a partir del estudio de las grabaciones de usuarios auténticos y otra con muestras de usuarios obtenidas en diferentes sesiones a lo largo del tiempo. Utilizando estas bases de datos se han evaluado una gran cantidad de algoritmos para implementar un sistema de verificación basado en firma en el aire. Esta evaluación se ha realizado de acuerdo con el estándar ISO/IEC 19795, añadiendo el caso de verificación en mundo abierto no incluido en la norma. Además, se han analizado las características que hacen que una firma sea suficientemente segura. Por otro lado, se ha estudiado la permanencia de las firmas en el aire a lo largo del tiempo, proponiendo distintos métodos de actualización, basados en una adaptación dinámica del patrón, para mejorar su rendimiento. Finalmente, se ha implementado un prototipo de la técnica de firma en el aire para teléfonos Android e iOS. Los resultados de esta tesis doctoral han tenido un gran impacto, generando varias publicaciones en revistas internacionales, congresos y libros. La firma en el aire ha sido nombrada también en varias revistas de divulgación, portales de noticias Web y televisión. Además, se han obtenido varios premios en competiciones de ideas innovadoras y se ha firmado un acuerdo de explotación de la tecnología con una empresa extranjera. ABSTRACT This thesis proposes a biometric verification technique on mobile phones consisting on making a signature in the air with the hand holding a mobile phone. The accelerometers integrated in the device capture the movement accelerations, generating three temporal signals that can be used for verification. This thesis suggests several approaches for implementing the verification system, based on the most widely used approaches in handwritten signature biometrics: template matching, with a lot of variations of the Needleman- Wusch (NW) and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithms, Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and Supported Vector Machines (SVM). As there are no public databases of in-air signatures and with the aim of assessing the proposed methods, there have been captured two databases; one. with real falsification attempts from the study of recordings captured when genuine users made their signatures in front of a camera, and other, with samples obtained in different sessions over a long period of time. These databases have been used to evaluate a lot of algorithms in order to implement a verification system based on in-air signatures. This evaluation has been conducted according to the standard ISO/IEC 19795, adding the open-set verification scenario not included in the norm. In addition, the characteristics of a secure signature are also investigated, as well as the permanence of in-air signatures over time, proposing several updating strategies to improve its performance. Finally, a prototype of in-air signature has been developed for iOS and Android phones. The results of this thesis have achieved a high impact, publishing several articles in SCI journals, conferences and books. The in-air signature deployed in this thesis has been also referred in numerous media. Additionally, this technique has won several awards in the entrepreneurship field and also an exploitation agreement has been signed with a foreign company.


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