999 resultados para enhanced prenatal perception
Value of PET/CT versus contrast-enhanced CT in identifying chest wall invasion (T3) by NSCLC [B-671]
Purpose: To determine the diagnostic value of 18F-FDG PET/CT versus contrastenhanced CT in identifying chest wall invasion by NSCLC. Methods and Materials: The primary selection criterion was a peripheral tumor of any size with contact to the chest wall. A total of 25 patients with pathologically proven NSCLC satisfied these criteria. Chest wall invasion was interpreted upon PET/CT when a frank costal or intercostal 18F-FDG uptake was identified with or without concomitant morphologic alterations. On the other hand, the existence of periosteal rib reaction/erosion, chest wall thickening or obliteration of the pleural fat layer either separately or combined were considered essential diagnostic criteria for disease extension into the chest wall upon contrast-enhanced CT. The results were correlated with the final histological analysis. Results: Among the studied cohort, 13/25 (52%) patients had chest wall invasion consistent with T3 disease. Both PET/CT and contrast-enhanced CT successfully identified 12/13 (92%) of these patients. The single false-negative result was due to parietal pleural invasion. On the other hand, one false-positive result was encountered by PET/CT in a dyspneic patient; whereas, CT analysis revealed false-positive results in six patients. In these patients, periosteal rib reaction (n = 2) or asymmetric enlargement of adjacent chest wall muscles (n = 1) were identified along with an obliterated pleural fat layer (n = 6). The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of PET/CT and contrast-enhanced CT were 92, 91 and 92% versus 92, 50 and 72%. Conclusion: 18F-FDG PET/CT is an accurate diagnostic modality in identifying.
To modulate alloreactivity after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, "suicide" gene-modified donor T cells (GMCs) have been administered with an allogeneic T-cell-depleted marrow graft. We previously demonstrated that such GMCs, generated after CD3 activation, retrovirus-mediated transduction, and G418 selection, had an impaired Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivity, likely to result in an altered control of EBV-induced lymphoproliferative disease. To further characterize the antiviral potential of GMCs, we compared the frequencies of cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific CD8+ T (CMV-T) cells and EBV-specific CD8+ T (EBV-T) cells within GMCs from CMV- and EBV-double seropositive donors. Unlike anti-EBV responses, the anti-CMV responses were not altered by GMC preparation. During the first days of culture, CMV-T cells exhibited a lower level of CD3-induced apoptosis than did EBV-T cells. In addition, the CMV-T cells escaping initial apoptosis subsequently underwent a higher expansion rate than EBV-T cells. The differential early sensitivity to apoptosis could be in relation to the "recent activation" phenotype of EBV-T cells as evidenced by a higher level of CD69 expression. Furthermore, EBV-T cells were found to have a CD45RA-CD27+CCR7- effector memory phenotype, whereas CMV-T cells had a CD45RA+CD27-CCR7- terminal effector phenotype. Such differences could be contributive, because bulk CD8+CD27- cells had a higher expansion than did bulk CD8+CD27+ cells. Overall, ex vivo T-cell culture differentially affects apoptosis, long-term proliferation, and overall survival of CMV-T and EBV-T cells. Such functional differences need to be taken into account when designing cell and/or gene therapy protocols involving ex vivo T-cell manipulation.
The association between prenatal care and infant health has been shown in many studies. Therefore, accurate information on prenatal care is required to assess the organization of preventive measures aiming at a reducing in neonatal mortality any morbidity. We retrospectively collected data on 854 pregnancies. According to a classification scheme developed by Kessner, 61.6% of women had access to adequate prenatal care. Overall, the proportion of adequate prenatal care was lower among multiparas, and in this subgroup we found a lower rate for women with base line insurance. In the primiparas subgroup we found a lower rate of adequate prenatal care for foreigners, women under 20 years or unmarried mothers, and for women without professional activity during pregnancy, besides preterm birth was more frequent amongst women in the group of prenatal care qualified as intermediate or inadequate. The frequency of pregnancy visits and the Kessner index are discussed in a literature review. The association between socio-economic indicators and prenatal care was unexpected considering the overall wealth of Switzerland. With a 6.8% infant mortality registered in 1989, this country can be considered to have one of the lowest rates in the world. These findings nevertheless suggest the way to possible additional gains by interventions targeted to specific socio-economic groups.
Résumé Une étude prospective ouverte a été menée parmi les patients venant pour la première fois, sans rendez-vous et en urgence, dans une policlinique urbaine (où plus de la moitié des patients sont d'origine étrangère) pour déterminer si les connaissances sur les méfaits du tabac sont identiques chez les immigrés et les Suisses, si le niveau d'intégration influence les connaissances et si les médecins du service donnent des conseils aussi souvent aux fumeurs Suisses qu'aux fumeurs étrangers. 226 fumeurs ont participé à l'étude, 105 Suisses (46.5%) et 121 étrangers (53,5%). 32.2% (95% IC [24.4%; 41.1%]) des migrants et 9.6% [5.3% ; 16.8%] des Suisses ne pouvaient pas mentionner un effet nocif du tabac. Après ajustement pour l'âge, l'analyse multivariée montre que le risque d'ignorer les méfaits du tabac est plus élevé pour les personnes ne maîtrisant pas la langue locale que pour celles la maîtrisant (odds ratio (OR)=7.5 [3.6; 15.8], p<0,001), et est plus élevé pour les hommes que pour les femmes (OR=4.3 [1.9 10.0], p<0.001). Un conseil pour arrêter de fumer a été donné avec une égale fréquence aux immigrants (31.9% [24.2% ; 40.1%]) et aux Suisses (29% [21.0% ; 38.5%]). Les patients ne maîtrisant pas la langue locale n'ont pas reçu moins de conseil que ceux la maîtrisant (0R-1.1 [0.6 ; 2.1], p=0.812). En conclusion, le niveau de connaissances des méfaits du tabac est moins bon chez les hommes immigrés non intégrés ou qui ne maîtrisent pas la langue locale. Un conseil sur l'arrêt du tabac n'est donné qu'à une minorité, mais à égale fréquence à tous les patients du service, quelle que soit leur nationalité. Abstract An open prospective study was conducted among the patients visiting an urban medical policlinic for the first time without an appointment to assess whether the immigrants (who represent more than half of our patients) are aware of the health effects of smoking, whether the level of acculturation influences knowledge, and whether doctors give similar advice to Swiss and foreign smokers. 226 smokers, 105 Swiss (46.5%), and 121 foreign-born (53.5%), participated in the study. 32.2% (95% CI [24.4%; 41.1%]) of migrants and 9.6% [5.3%; 16.8%] of Swiss patients were not aware of negative effects of smoking. After adjustment for age, the multivariate model showed that the estimated odds of "ignorance of health effects of smoking" was higher for people lacking mastery of the local language compared with those mastering it (odds ratio (OR) = 7.5 [3.6; 15.8], p <0.001), and higher for men (OR 4.3 [1.9; 10.0], p <0.001). Advice to stop smoking was given with similar frequency to immigrants (31.9% [24.2%; 40.8%] and Swiss patients (29.0% [21.0%; 38.5%]). Non-integrated patients did not appear to receive less counselling than integrated patients (OR = 1.1 [0.6; 2.1], p 0.812). We conclude that the level of knowledge among male immigrants not integrated or unable to speak the local language is lower than among integrated foreign-born and Swiss patients. Smoking cessation counselling by a doctor was only given to a minority of patients, but such counselling seemed irrespective of nationality.
Purpose: To describe low mechanical index grey scale contrast enhanced breast ultrasound in patients with intraductal echogenic material in the differentiation of papillomas from intraductal secretions. Methods and materials: In five patients with echographically detected ductal dilatation containing echogenic material low mechanical index grey scale contrast enhanced ultrasonography was performed. No patient had nipple discharge. The examination was performed with a 9 MHz linear transducer after injection of 4 ml of Sonovue. It was assessed if contrast enhancement was present or not. The results were correlated with histologic results after surgical resection or percutaneous biopsy when performed. Results: In 3 patients contrast enhancement was observed. These patients were operated and the papillomas confirmed by histology. In two patients no contrast enhancement was observed. In one of these two patients percutaneous biopsy was performed without evidence of a papillary lesion. The second patient presented with multiple dilated ducts containing echogenic material. No biopsy was performed but breast MRI showed no intraductal enhancement supporting the non papillary nature of the intraductal material. Conclusion: This pilot study shows that contrast enhanced ultrasound is able to detect the vascularisation of papillomas and that it may differentiate intraductal papillomas from secretions.
OBJECTIVES: We evaluated the prenatal detection of gastrointestinal obstruction (GIO, including atresia, stenosis, absence or fistula) by routine ultrasonographic examination in an unselected population all over Europe. METHODS: Data from 18 congenital malformation registries in 11 European countries were analysed. These multisource registries used the same methodology. All fetuses/neonates with GIO confirmed within 1 week after birth who had prenatal sonography and were born during the study period (1 July 1996 to 31 December 1998) were included. RESULTS: There were 670 793 births in the area covered and 349 fetuses/neonates had GIO. The prenatal detection rate of GIO was 34%; of these 40% were detected < or = 24 weeks of gestation (WG). A total of 31% (60/192) of the isolated GIO were detected prenatally, as were 38% (59/157) of the associated GIO (p=0.26). The detection rate was 25% for esophageal obstruction (31/122), 52% for duodenal obstruction (33/64), 40% for small intestine obstruction (27/68) and 29% for large intestine obstruction (28/95) (p=0.002). The detection rate was higher in countries with a policy of routine obstetric ultrasound. Fifteen percent of pregnancies were terminated (51/349). Eleven of these had chromosomal anomalies, 31 multiple malformations, eight non-chromosomal recognized syndromes, and one isolated GIO. The participating registries reflect the various national policies for termination of pregnancy (TOP), but TOPs after 24 WG (11/51) do not appear to be performed more frequently in countries with a liberal TOP policy. CONCLUSION: This European study shows that the detection rate of GIO depends on the screening policy and on the sonographic detectability of GIO subgroups.
Objectif: Évaluer la concordance entre l'évolution de la perception des patients diabétiques type 2 et l'évolution de mesures quantifiables, dans le contexte d'un programme d'activité physique adapté. Ce programme se base sur l'accompagnement interdisciplinaire dans un concept éducatif et motivationnel (36 séances d'activité physique et 6-8 h d'atelier). Matériels et méthodes: Évaluation de la perception des patients portant sur : activité physique, condition physique, contrôle métabolique, gestion des corrections hypo/hyperglycémie, autonomisation et bien-être. Nous avons utilisé une cible d'auto-évaluation, composée d'échelles de Likert de 1 à 10 (1 = mauvais 10 = excellent). Concernant la condition physique nous avons mesuré : endurance, vitesse de marche, force, équilibre et souplesse. En fin de programme un questionnaire de satisfaction comprenant 5 items a été distribué. Résultats: Analyse des données de 40 patients, âge 59 ± 10 ans, 60 % femmes. Avant programme, 60 % des patients s'estiment insuffisants (moyenne < 5/10) face à la pratique de l'activité, la condition physique et le contrôle métabolique. Le bien-être se situe en moyenne à 5,4/10. Après programme, 75 % des patients montrent une progression dans tous les domaines (moyenne 7,4/10). Une corrélation positive apparaît entre l'amélioration de la condition physique et le bienêtre. Tous les paramètres physiques mesurés se sont aussi améliorés. L'amélioration de la condition physique perçue est corrélée avec celle de la force (p = 0,006). Le travail interdisciplinaire réalisé a été perçu positivement par 87,9 % des patients. La communication était de bonne qualité pour 78,1 % ainsi que le climat d'apprentissage (82,4 %). La majorité des patients (64,7 %) est très satisfaite du programme. Conclusion: Ce programme est prometteur, il montre l'amélioration de la perception et de la condition physique avec une concordance entre les deux. Cette amélioration laisse imaginer que les plus confiants sur leur capacité à agir puissent s'impliquer d'avantage dans la gestion quotidienne et dans la poursuite d'un projet d'activité.
RESUMEDurant la phase de récupération d'un exercice de course à pied d'intensité maximale ou submaximale, une augmentation de la pression artérielle systolique centrale (aortique) résultant de la réflexion des ondes de pouls sur l'arbre vasculaire est constatée chez l'individu en bonne santé. En diastole cependant, l'impact de la réflexion de ces ondes de pouls sur la pression centrale demeure inconnu durant la récupération d'un exercice.Nous avons évalué les ondes de pouls centrales systolique et diastolique chez onze athlètes d'endurance durant la phase de récupération d'un exercice de course à pied dans des conditions d'effort maximal (sur tapis de course) et lors d'un effort submaximal lors d'une course à pied de 4000 mètres en plein air sur terrain mixte.Pour chaque sujet et lors des deux exercices, l'onde de pouls a été mesurée au niveau radial par tonométrie d'aplanation durant une phase de repos précédant l'exercice, puis à 5, 15, 25, 35 et 45 minutes après la fin de l'exercice. En utilisant une fonction mathématique de transfert, l'onde de pouls centrale a été extrapolée à partir de l'onde de pouls radiale. En compilant la forme de l'onde de pouls centrale avec une mesure simultanée de la pression artérielle brachiale, un index d'augmentation de l'onde de pouls en systole (Alx) et en diastole (Als) peut être calculé, reflétant l'augmentation des pressions résultant de la réflexion des ondes sur l'arbre vasculaire périphérique.A 5 minutes de la fin de l'exercice, les deux index ont été mesurés moindres que ceux mesurés lors de la phase précédant celui-ci. Lors des mesures suivantes, Alx est resté bas, alors que Aid a progressivement augmenté pour finalement dépasser la valeur de repos après 45 minutes de récupération. Le même phénomène a été constaté pour les deux modalités d'exercice (maximal ou submaximal). Ainsi, au-delà de quelques minutes de récupération après un exercice de course d'intensité maximale ou submaximale, nous avons montré par ces investigations que les ondes de pouls réfléchies en périphérie augmentent de façon sélective la pression centrale en diastole chez l'athlète d'endurance.ABSTRACTDuring recovery from a maximal or submaximal aerobic exercise, augmentation of central (aortic) systolic pressure by reflected pressure waves is blunted in healthy humans. However, the extent to which reflected pressure waves modify the central pulse in diastole in these conditions remains unknown. We evaluated systolic and diastolic central reflected waves in 11 endurance-trained athletes on recovery from a maximal running test on a treadmill (treadmill-max) and a 4000m run in field conditions. On both occasions in each subject, the radial pulse was recorded with applanation tonometry in the resting preexercise state and then 5, 15, 25, 35, and 45 minutes after exercise termination. From the central waveform, as reconstructed by application of a generalized transfer function, we computed a systolic (Alx) and a diastolic index (Aid) of pressure augmentation by reflections. At 5 minutes, both indices were below preexercise. At further time-points, Alx remained low, while Aid progressively increased, to overshoot above preexercise at 45 minutes. The same behavior was observed with both exercise types. Beyond the first few minutes of recovery following either maximal or submaximal aerobic exercise, reflected waves selectively augment the central pressure pulse in diastole, at least in endurance- trained athletes.
The EUROCAT website www.eurocat-network.eu publishes prenatal detection rates for major congenital anomalies using data from European population-based congenital anomaly registers, covering 28% of the EU population as well as non-EU countries. Data are updated annually. This information can be useful for comparative purposes to clinicians and public health service managers involved in the antenatal care of pregnant women as well as those interested in perinatal epidemiology.
Aim: To study the epidemiology and the impact of prenatal diagnosis on mortality and morbidity in infants with isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). Methods: Cases were identified in eight population-based registries of congenital malformations (Eurocat) in Europe. Results: A total of 183 live births were included in the study. Sixty per cent died and 67% of all deaths were during the first day of life. CDH was diagnosed prenatally in 39% of cases. Both mortality and morbidity were significantly higher for infants diagnosed prenatally compared to those diagnosed postnatally. The Apgar score was a very sensitive indicator for survival. Gestational age at birth was significantly lower for infants diagnosed prenatally compared to those diagnosed postnatally (37.6 weeks vs. 38.8 weeks, p < 0.01). At the end of follow-up, half of the survivors were leading a normal life. The most frequently reported health problems were respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms. Conclusions: In this population-based study, mortality for infants with CDH was high (60%) and early prenatal diagnosis was a risk factor for survival. Intervention at the time of birth seems too late for the majority of newborn infants with CDH.
OBJECTIVES: Ultrasound scan in the mid-trimester of pregnancy is now a routine part of prenatal care in most European countries. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prenatal diagnosis of dysmorphic syndromes by fetal ultrasound examination. METHODS: Data from 20 registries of congenital malformations in 12 European countries were included in the study. RESULTS: There were 2454 cases with congenital heart diseases, 479 of which were recognized syndromes, including 375 chromosomal anomalies and 104 syndromes without chromosomal anomalies. Fifty-one of the 104 were detected prenatally (49.0%). One hundred and ninety-two of 1130 cases with renal anomalies were recognized syndromes, including 128 chromosomal anomalies and 64 syndromes without chromosomal anomalies; 162 of them (84.4%) were diagnosed prenatally, including 109 chromosomal anomalies and 53 non-chromosomal syndromes. Fifty-four of the 250 cases with limb defects were recognized syndromes, including 16 chromosomal syndromes and 38 syndromes without chromosomal anomalies; 21 of these 54 syndromes were diagnosed prenatally (38.9%), including 9 chromosomal syndromes. There were 243 cases of abdominal wall defects including 57 recognizable syndromes, 48 with omphalocele and 9 with gastroschisis; 48 were diagnosed prenatally (84.2%). Twenty-six of the 187 cases with diaphragmatic hernia had recognized syndromes, including 20 chromosomal aberrations and 6 syndromes without chromosomal anomalies. Twenty-two of them (84.6%) were detected prenatally. Sixty-four of 349 cases with intestinal anomalies were recognized syndromes; 24 were diagnosed prenatally (37.5%). There were 553 cases of cleft lip and palate (CL(P)) and 198 of cleft palate (CP) including 74 chromosomal anomalies and 73 recognized non-chromosomal syndromes. Prenatal diagnosis was made in 51 cases of CL(P) (53.7%) and 7 of CP (13.7%). Twenty-two of 188 anencephalic cases were syndromic and all were diagnosed prenatally. Of 290 cases with spina bifida, 18 were recognized syndromes, and of them 17 were diagnosed prenatally. All 11 syndromic encephaloceles were diagnosed prenatally. CONCLUSIONS: Around 50% of the recognized syndromes which are associated with major congenital anomalies (cardiac, renal, intestinal, limb defects, abdominal wall defects and oral clefts) can be detected prenatally by the anomaly scan. However the detection rate varies with the type of syndrome and with the different countries' policies of prenatal screening.
Using immunohistochemistry in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy, we studied the ontogeny of neuropeptide Y-Y1 receptor (Y1-R) expression in the trigeminal system of the rat. The study was limited to the nerve fibers innervating the mystacial pad and the trigeminal ganglia. In the trigeminal ganglia, Y1-R-immunoreactive (IR) neurons were first observed at E16.5. At this same stage some nerve fibers in the trigeminal ganglia also exhibited Y1-R-like immunoreactivity (LI). Strongly Y1-R-IR nerve fibers innervating the follicles of the mystacial vibrissae were first observed at E18. After double labeling, the Y1-R-LI was found to be colocalized with the neuronal marker protein gene product 9.5. At P1 only weak labeling for the Y1-R was found around the vibrissae follicles, whereas the neurons in the trigeminal ganglia were intensely labeled. The same was true for the adult rat, but at this stage no Y1-R labeling at all was observed in nerve fibers around the vibrissal follicles. These results strongly support an axonal localization of the Y1-R at this developmental stage. The transient expression of the Y1-R during prenatal mystacial pad development suggests a role for the Y1-R in the functional development of the vibrissae.
Stress can cause damage and atrophy of neurons in the hippocampus by deregulating the expression of neurotrophic factors that promote neuronal plasticity. The endocannabinoid system represents a physiological substrate involved in neuroprotection at both cellular and emotional levels. The lack of CB1 receptor alters neuronal plasticity and originates an anxiety-like phenotype in mice. In the present study, CB1 knockout mice exhibited an augmented response to stress revealed by the increased despair behavior and corticosterone levels showed in the tail suspension test and decreased brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in the hippocampus. Interestingly, local administration of BDNF in the hippocampus reversed the increased despair behavior of CB1 knockout mice, confirming the crucial role played by BDNF on the emotional impairment of these mutants. The neurotrophic deficiency seems to be specific for BDNF since no differences were found in the levels of NGF and NT-3, two additional neurotrophic factors. Moreover, BDNF impairment is not related to the activity of its specific receptor TrkB or the activity of the transcription factor CREB. These results suggest that the lack of CB1 receptor originates an enhanced response to stress and neuronal plasticity by decreasing BDNF levels in the hippocampus that lead to impairment in the responses to emotional disturbances.