952 resultados para distribution structure


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Venom phospholipase A(2)s (PLA(2)s) display a wide spectrum of pharmacological activities and, based on the wealth of biochemical and structural data currently available for PLA(2)S, mechanistic models can now be inferred to account for some of these activities. A structural model is presented for the role played by the distribution of surface electrostatic potential in the ability of myotoxic D49/K49 PLA(2)s to disrupt multilamellar vesicles containing negatively charged natural and non-hydrolyzable phospholipids. Structural evidence is provided for the ability of K49 PLA(2)s to bind phospholipid analogues and for the existence of catalytic activity in K49 PLA(2)s. The importance of the existence of catalytic activity of D49 and K49 PLA(2)s in myotoxicity is presented. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Microhabitat distribution was investigated in three populations of C. coeruleus to determine the distributional patterns and their controlling factors, as well as morphometric adaptations to varying conditions on a scale of a few centimetres. Morphometric variations and their relations with physical variables (current velocity, irradiance, depth and type of substratum) revealed some particular characteristics for each population and indicate particular adaptations. However, some trends were clear: 1) larger plants (length and/or diameter) produced a higher quantity of monosporangia in the three populations; 2) plant length and diameter were positively correlated in two populations; 3) plant diameter was positively correlated with current velocity in two populations; 4) higher percent cover was associated with substrata composed of macrophytes in two populations. C. coeruleus occurred under relatively wide microhabitat conditions and had high niche width values, suggesting a tolerance to considerable variation in physical variables. These characteristics contribute to the species' wide distribution in Brazilian streams, both spatial (at distinct scales) and seasonal. (C) ADAC / Elsevier, Paris.


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We report the cloning and characterization of a long interspersed nucleotide element (LINE) fi-om a cichlid fish, Oreochromis niloticus, and show the distribution of this element, called CiLINE2 for cichlid LINE2, in the chromosomes of this species. The identification of an open reading frame in CiLINE2 with amino acid sequence similarity to reverse transcriptases encoded by LINE-like elements in Caenorhabditis elegans, Platemys spixii, Schistosoma mansoni, Gallus gallus (CRI), Drosophila melanogaster (I factor), and Homo sapiens (LINE2), as well as the structure of the element, suggest it is a member of this family of non-long terminal repeat-containing retrotransposons. Search of a DNA sequence database identified sequences similar to CiLINE2 in four other fish species (Haplotaxodon microlepis, Oreochromis mossambicus, Pseudotropheus zebra, and Fugu rubripes). Southern blot hybridization experiments revealed the presence of sequences similar to CiLINE2 in all Tilapiini species analyzed from the genera Oreochromis, Tilapia, and Sarotherodon, and gave an estimated copy number of about 5500 for the haploid genome of O. niloticus. Fluorescent in situ hybridization showed that CiLINE2 sequences were organized in small clusters dispersed over all chromosomes of O. niloticus, with a higher concentration near chromosome ends. Furthermore the long arm of chromosome 1 was strikingly enriched with this sequence. The distribution of LINE2-related elements might underlie the difference in chromosome banding patterns observed between cold-blooded vertebrates and mammals.


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In this work we study the electronic structure associated to a disordered distribution of bipolarons in polythiophene. The polymer chain is modelled by a tight-binding Hamiltonian with explicit treatment of electron-phonon coupling and the elastic energy of the sigma framework. The model also includes the electrostatic interaction due to the counterions. The density of states of the disordered system is obtained by the use of the Negative Factor Counting technique. Our results show that ion-induced conformational disorder can account for the closure of the gap and that the states around the Fermi level are extended. © 1993.


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Pore structure of dealuminated kaolin and metakaolin was studied by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Both parent kaolin and metakaolin have about 10% of the total pore volume provided by globular pores with 105 Å mean pore size. Their surface area is about 14 m2/g. Acid dealumination of kaolin causes an increase of its globular pore volume without an appreciable change in the mean pore size, its surface area increasing up to about 90 m2/g. Acid dealumination of metakaolin enhances the globular pore volume, although there is generation of slit-shaped pores with a narrow thickness distribution whose mean value is 14 Å. This interlayer spacing causes an increase in surface area of about 190 m2/g by SAXS. © 1994.


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The structural evolution during sintering of compacted SnO2 sol-gel powder was investigated using nitrogen adsorption isotherm analysis. Results show that for sintering temperatures up to 400°C the samples have a fractal pore size distribution. As the sintering temperature increases, a structural rearragement occurs, allowing an increase of the efficiency of particle packing and the reduction of fractality. Above 400°C, the pore size growth associated with grain coalescence is the main structural change observed as the sintering temperature increases. © 1995.


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Microhabitat and plant structure of seven Batrachospermum populations (four of Batrachospermum delicatulum (= Sirodotia delicatula), one of Batrachospermum macrosporum and two of the 'Chantransia' stage), including the influence of physical variables (current velocity, depth, irradiance and substratum), were investigated in four streams of São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. The populations of B. delicatulum and the 'Chantransia' stage occurred under very diverse microhabitat conditions, which probably contributes to their wide spatial and seasonal distribution in Brazilian streams. Results suggest branch reconfiguration as a probable mechanism of adaptation to current velocity based on the occurrence of: (i) B. macrosporum (a large mucilaginous form with presumably little ability for branch reconfiguration) under lower current velocity than B. delicatulum; (ii) only dense plants in populations with high current velocities (> 60 cm s-1), whereas 53-77% of dense plants were seen in populations exposed to lower currents (< 40 cm s-1); (iii) positive correlations of plant length with internode length in populations under low current velocities and negative correlation in a population with high velocity (132 cm s-1); and (iv) negative correlations of current velocity with plant diameter and internode length in a population under high flow. This study, involving mainly dioecious populations, revealed that B. delicatulum displayed higher fertilization rates than B. macrosporum. A complementary explanation for a dioecious species to increase fertilization success was proposed consisting of outcrossing among intermingled male and female adjacent plants within an algal spot.


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Classical Monte Carlo calculations have been performed in order to investigate the ability of the TIP4P, SPC, and SPCE water models to reproduce the structural features of liquid water. The simulations were carried out in the NPT ensemble at 4 thermodynamic conditions. The results are compared with recent neutron diffraction data. Essentially, the three models capture equally well the thermodynamic and structural features of water. Although they were parametrized to reproduce the water properties at ambient conditions, the agreement with the experimental pair correlation functions was even better at supercritical conditions. This is because the effective pair potentials have some difficulty to reproduce cooperative interactions, like hydrogen bonds. These interactions are less effective at supercritical conditions, where the liquid behaves roughly like a gas.


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The leading-twist valence-quark distribution function in the pion is obtained at a low normalization scale of an order of the inverse average size of an instanton pc. The momentum dependent quark mass and the quark-pion vertex are constructed in the framework of the instanton liquid model, using a gauge invariant approach. The parameters of instanton vacuum, the effective instanton radius and quark mass, are related to the vacuum expectation values of the lowest dimension quark-gluon operators and to the pion low energy observables. An analytic expression for the quark distribution function in the pion for a general vertex function is derived. The results are QCD evolved to higher momentum-transfer values, and reasonable agreement with phenomenological analyses of the data on parton distributions for the pion is found. ©2000 The American Physical Society.


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Jaú National Park is a large rain forest reserve that contains small populations of four caiman species. We sampled crocodilian populations during 30 surveys over a period of four years in five study areas. We found the mean abundance of caiman species to be very low (1.0 ± 0.5 caiman/km of shoreline), independent of habitat type (river, stream or lake) and season. While abundance was almost equal, the species' composition varied in different waterbody and study areas. We analysed the structure similarity of this assemblage. Lake and river habitats were the most similar habitats, and inhabited by at least two species, mainly Caiman crocodilus and Melanosuchus niger. However, those species can also inhabit streams. Streams were the most dissimilar habitats studied and also had two other species: Paleosuchus trigonalus and P. palpebrosus. The structure of these assemblage does not suggest a pattern of species associated and separated by habitat. Trends in species relationships had a negative correlation with species of similar size, C. crocodilus and P. trigonatus, and an apparent complete exclusion of M. niger and P. trigonatus. Microhabitat analysis suggests a slender habitat partitioning: P. trigonatus was absent from river and lake lgapo (flooded forest), but frequent in stream Igapó. This species was the most terrestrial and found in microhabitats similar to C crocodilus (shallow waters, slow current). Melanosuchus niger inhabits deep, fast moving waters in different study areas Despite inhabiting the same waterbodies in many surveys, M. niger and C. crocodilus did not share the same microhabitats. Paleosuchus palpebrosus was observed only in running waters and never in stagnant lake habitats. Cluster analysis revealed three survey groups: two constitute a mosaic in floodplains. (a) a cluster with both M. niger and C crocodilus, and another (b) with only C. crocodilus. A third cluster (c) included more species, and the presence of Paleosuchus species. There was no significant difference among wariness of caimans between disturbed and undisturbed localities. However, there was a clear trend to increase wariness during the course of consecutive surveys at four localities, suggesting that we, more than local inhabitants, had disturbed caimans. The factors that are limiting caiman populations can be independent of human exploitation. Currently in Amazonia, increased the pressure of hunting, habitat loss and habitat alteration, and there is no evidence of widespread recovery of caiman populations. In large reserves as Jaú without many disturbance, most caiman populations can be low density, suggesting that in blackwater environments their recovery from exploitation should be very slow.


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Longitudinal changes in composition, abundance, and distribution of copepods were studied at the transition zone of Paranapanema River-Jurumirim Reservoir (SP, Brazil). The interchange of biotic material between marginal lakes and the river system was also examined. Water samples were obtained from 6 stations along a stretch of 13 km of the Paranapanema River, from an upstream reach with high water velocity up to the river mouth into Jurumirim Reservoir. Two other sites in lateral lakes were also sampled. Nine copepod taxa were identified: 3 calanoids (Argyrodiaptomus furcatus Sars, Notodiaptomus iheringi Wright, and N. conifer Sars) and 6 cyclopoids (Eucyclops Claus, Microcyclops Claus, Mesocyclops longisetus Thiébaud, Thermocyclops decipiens Fischer, T. minutus Lowndes, and Paracyclops Claus). Harpacticoids were also collected. Calanoid and cyclopoid nauplii and copepodids, and harpacticoids were the most abundant organisms. In general, there was a longitudinal decrease in copepod abundance, whereas an increase was detected near the lakes. The abundance of most copepods was inversely correlated with current velocity and suspended solids. Higher abundance was observed in the river main course during the rainy season, during which there is a higher connectivity between the lakes and the main river. This promotes exportation of biologic material from marginal lakes to the river system, a biotic exchange reflecting the importance of marginal lakes to the river community structure.


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Monte Carlo simulations have been performed to investigate the structure and hydrogen bonds formation in liquid acetaldehyde. An all atom model for the acetaldehyde have been optimized in the present work. Theoretical values obtained for heat of vaporisation and density of the liquid are in good agreement with experimental data. Graphics of radial distribution function indicate a well structured liquid compared to other similar dipolar organic liquids. Molecular mechanics minimization in gas phase leads to a trimer of very stable structure. The geometry of this complex is in very good agreement with the rdf. The shortest site-site correlation is between oxygen and the carbonyl hydrogen, suggesting that this correlation play a important role in the liquid structure and properties. The O⋯H average distance and the C-H⋯O angle obtained are characteristic of weak hydrogen bonds.


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The aim of this work was to study the length distribution of some fish species from the Protected Area of São Pedro and Analândia, State of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil. Length distributions were correlated to environmental conditions at each sample site. For the most abundant species, length structure was compared among the streams of each basin and between basins. Differences in length structure were related to differences in growth, habitats, and even population.


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Network reconfiguration is an important tool to optimize the operating conditions of a distribution system. This is accomplished modifying the network structure of distribution feeders by changing the open/close status of sectionalizing switches. This not only reduces the power losses, but also relieves the overloading of the network components. Network reconfiguration belongs to a complex family of problems because of their combinatorial nature and multiple constraints. This paper proposes a solution to this problem, using a specialized evolutionary algorithm, with a novel codification, and a brand new way of implement the genetic operators considering the problem characteristics. The algorithm is presented and tested in a real distribution system, showing excellent results and computational efficiency. © 2007 IEEE.


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Within a QCD-based eikonal model with a dynamical infrared gluon mass scale we discuss how the small x behavior of the gluon distribution function at moderate Q 2 is directly related to the rise of total hadronic cross-sections. In this model the rise of total cross-sections is driven by gluon-gluon semihard scattering processes, where the behavior of the small x gluon distribution function exhibits the power law xg(x, Q 2) = h(Q 2)x( -∈). Assuming that the Q 2 scale is proportional to the dynamical gluon mass one, we show that the values of h(Q 2) obtained in this model are compatible with an earlier result based on a specific nonperturbative Pomeron model. We discuss the implications of this picture for the behavior of input valence-like gluon distributions at low resolution scales. © 2008 World Scientific Publishing Company.