902 resultados para dialysis
Background: Transcatheter aortic valve implantations (TAVI) are indicated in high risk patients requiring aortic valve replacement (AVR). However, CT-scans, coronary angiograms and intraoperative aortographies can induce contrast-related nephro-toxicity with a concrete risk of acute postoperative renal failure, especially in severely diseased patients. To prevent this complication, we routinely perform transapical (TA) TAVI guided by transesophageal echocardiogram and fluoroscopy without angiography. Material and Methods: From November 2008 to December 2009, 31 high-risk patients suffering from severe symptomatic aortic stenosis underwent TA-TAVI in our institution. The preoperative imaging assessment (cardiac CT-scan and coronary angiogram) was performed no less than 10 days before the TA-TAVI in all patients (to recover the renal function) with a low-dose protocol for injected contrast medium (equivalent to the patient's weight for the CT-scan). During the TA-TAVI, the stent-valve positioning was performed without any contrast injection. Results: 32 consecutive stent-valve were successfully positioned in 31 patients (mean age 80.76 8 8.3 years; mean EuroSCORE: 32.2 8 12.9%) through a transapical access (1 patient required 2 valves for valve embolisation). The mean preoperative creatinine and urea blood levels were 102.6 8 67.7 _ g/dl (range 53-339 _ g/dl) and 8.45 8 4.9 mmol/l, respectively. A chronic renal insufficiency affected 12 patients (38.7%) with 1 patient in pre-dialysis. Postoperatively, no patient developed acute myocardial infarction, atrio-ventricular block or acute renal insufficiency (mean creatinine level: 89.7 8 64.55 _ g/dl; urea level: 7.11 8 3.47 mmol/l) and the 30-days mortality was 9.67% (3 patients). Conclusion: Specific preoperative and intraoperative protocols that require lowdoses or absence of contrast medium are useful to preserve the renal function in high risk patients operated for TAVI.
Low-pressure environment and remodelling of the forearm vein in Brescia-Cimino haemodialysis access.
BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to determine which, and to what extent, haemodynamic parameters contribute to the remodelling of the venous limb of the Brescia-Cimino haemodialysis access. METHODS: The dimensions of the radial artery and the venous limb of the haemodialysis access were measured by an echo-tracking technique. In six ESRD patients undergoing primary arteriovenous fistula (AVF) formation, vessel diameter, wall thickness, blood pressure and blood flow were measured after the operation, and at 1 and 3 months follow-up. The contralateral forearm vessels in their native position served as baseline values for comparison. RESULTS: The diameter of the proximal antecubital vein progressively increased over the study period without reaching significant differences (4430, 5041 and 6620 microm at weeks 1, 4 and 12 respectively), whereas the intima-media thickness remained unchanged. The venous dilatation was associated with a reduction of the mean shear stress that culminated after the operation and progressively returned to normal venous values at 3 months (24.5 vs 10.4 dyne/cm(2), P<0.043). Thus the venous limb of the AVF undergoes eccentric hypertrophy as demonstrated by the increase in wall cross-sectional area (4.42 vs 6.32 mm(2) at week 1 vs week 12, P<0.028). At the time of the operation, the blood pressure in the AVF was 151+/-14/92.4+/-11 mmHg vs 49+/-19/24.5+/-6 mmHg (means+/-SEM) for the radial artery and the venous limb of the vascular access, respectively. One year after the operation the blood pressure in the venous limb had not changed: 42+/-14/25.3+/-7 mmHg (means+/-SEM). Under these conditions, the systolo-diastolic diameter changes observed in the radial artery and the antecubital vein were within a similar range at all time points: 56+/-17 vs 90+/-26 microm (means+/-SEM) at week 12. CONCLUSIONS: The increased circumferential stress resulting from the flow-mediated dilatation rather than the elevation of blood pressure appears to represent the main contributing factor to the eccentric hypertrophy of the venous limb of Brescia-Cimino haemodialysis access.
BACKGROUND: A concentrate for bicarbonate haemodialysis acidified with citrate instead of acetate has been marketed in recent years. The small amount of citrate used (one-fifth of the concentration adopted in regional anticoagulation) protects against intradialyser clotting while minimally affecting the calcium concentration. The aim of this study was to compare the impact of citrate- and acetate-based dialysates on systemic haemodynamics, coagulation, acid-base status, calcium balance and dialysis efficiency. METHODS: In 25 patients who underwent a total of 375 dialysis sessions, an acetate dialysate (A) was compared with a citrate dialysate with (C+) or without (C) calcium supplementation (0.25 mmol/L) in a randomised single-blind cross-over study. Systemic haemodynamics were evaluated using pulse-wave analysis. Coagulation, acid-base status, calcium balance and dialysis efficiency were assessed using standard biochemical markers. RESULTS: Patients receiving the citrate dialysate had significantly lower systolic blood pressure (BP) (-4.3 mmHg, p < 0.01) and peripheral resistances (PR) (-51 dyne.sec.cm-5, p < 0.001) while stroke volume was not increased. In hypertensive patients there was a substantial reduction in BP (-7.8 mmHg, p < 0.01). With the C+ dialysate the BP gap was less pronounced but the reduction in PR was even greater (-226 dyne.sec.cm-5, p < 0.001). Analyses of the fluctuations in PR and of subjective tolerance suggested improved haemodynamic stability with the citrate dialysate. Furthermore, an increase in pre-dialysis bicarbonate and a decrease in pre-dialysis BUN, post-dialysis phosphate and ionised calcium were noted. Systemic coagulation activation was not influenced by citrate. CONCLUSION: The positive impact on dialysis efficiency, acid-base status and haemodynamics, as well as the subjective tolerance, together indicate that citrate dialysate can significantly contribute to improving haemodialysis in selected patients.
BACKGROUND: Renal calcium stones and hypercalciuria are associated with a reduced bone mineral density (BMD). Therefore, the effect of changes in calcium homeostasis is of interest for both stones and bones. We hypothesized that the response of calciuria, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and 1.25 vitamin D to changes in dietary calcium might be related to BMD. METHODS: A single-centre prospective interventional study of 94 hyper- and non-hypercalciuric calcium stone formers consecutively retrieved from our stone clinic. The patients were investigated on a free-choice diet, a low-calcium diet, while fasting and after an oral calcium load. Patient groups were defined according to lumbar BMD (z-score) obtained by dual X-ray absorptiometry (group 1: z-score <-0.5, n = 30; group 2: z-score -0.5-0.5, n = 36; group 3: z-score >0.5, n = 28). The effect of the dietary interventions on calciuria, 1.25 vitamin D and PTH in relation to BMD was measured. RESULTS: An inverse relationship between BMD and calciuria was observed on all four calcium intakes (P = 0.009). On a free-choice diet, 1.25 vitamin D and PTH levels were identical in the three patient groups. However, the relative responses of 1.25 vitamin D and PTH to the low-calcium diet were opposite in the three groups with the highest increase of 1.25 vitamin D in group 1 and the lowest in group 3, whereas PTH increase was most pronounced in group 3 and least in group 1. CONCLUSION: Calcium stone formers with a low lumbar BMD exhibit a blunted response of PTH release and an apparently overshooting production of 1.25 vitamin D following a low-calcium diet.
Diabetic nephropathy is the first cause of endstage renal disease. The demographic expansion, the increase in the incidence of diabetes and the prolonged survival rates explain the steep increase observed these last 30 years. In the United States, improved treatment has brought to a decline in the incidence of end-stage renal disease in the diabetic population since the mid nineties. We examined the change in prevalence of diabetics on dialysis from 2001 and 2009 in the Canton de Vaud, Switzerland. The prevalence of diabetics on dialysis increased from 18% to 31% in dialysis centers and increased from 1.1/1000 to 1.9/1000 in the diabetic population. These are strong indicators that efforts are needed to improve the renal outcome of patients with diabetic nephropathy.
BACKGROUND: Hyperoxaluria is a major risk factor for kidney stone formation. Although urinary oxalate measurement is part of all basic stone risk assessment, there is no standardized method for this measurement. METHODS: Urine samples from 24-h urine collection covering a broad range of oxalate concentrations were aliquoted and sent, in duplicates, to six blinded international laboratories for oxalate, sodium and creatinine measurement. In a second set of experiments, ten pairs of native urine and urine spiked with 10 mg/L of oxalate were sent for oxalate measurement. Three laboratories used a commercially available oxalate oxidase kit, two laboratories used a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-based method and one laboratory used both methods. RESULTS: Intra-laboratory reliability for oxalate measurement expressed as intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) varied between 0.808 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.427-0.948] and 0.998 (95% CI: 0.994-1.000), with lower values for HPLC-based methods. Acidification of urine samples prior to analysis led to significantly higher oxalate concentrations. ICC for inter-laboratory reliability varied between 0.745 (95% CI: 0.468-0.890) and 0.986 (95% CI: 0.967-0.995). Recovery of the 10 mg/L oxalate-spiked samples varied between 8.7 ± 2.3 and 10.7 ± 0.5 mg/L. Overall, HPLC-based methods showed more variability compared to the oxalate oxidase kit-based methods. CONCLUSIONS: Significant variability was noted in the quantification of urinary oxalate concentration by different laboratories, which may partially explain the differences of hyperoxaluria prevalence reported in the literature. Our data stress the need for a standardization of the method of oxalate measurement.
BACKGROUND: In a previous study we demonstrated that mild metabolic alkalosis resulting from standard bicarbonate haemodialysis induces hypotension. In this study, we have further investigated the changes in systemic haemodynamics induced by bicarbonate and calcium, using non-invasive procedures. METHODS: In a randomized controlled trial with a single-blind, crossover design, we sequentially changed the dialysate bicarbonate and calcium concentrations (between 26 and 35 mmol/l for bicarbonate and either 1.25 or 1.50 mmol/l for calcium). Twenty-one patients were enrolled for a total of 756 dialysis sessions. Systemic haemodynamics was evaluated using pulse wave analysers. Bioimpedance and BNP were used to compare the fluid status pattern. RESULTS: The haemodynamic parameters and the pre-dialysis BNP using either a high calcium or bicarbonate concentration were as follows: systolic blood pressure (+5.6 and -4.7 mmHg; P < 0.05 for both), stroke volume (+12.3 and +5.2 ml; P < 0.05 and ns), peripheral resistances (-190 and -171 dyne s cm(-5); P < 0.05 for both), central augmentation index (+1.1% and -2.9%; ns and P < 0.05) and BNP (-5 and -170 ng/l; ns and P < 0.05). The need of staff intervention was similar in all modalities. CONCLUSIONS: Both high bicarbonate and calcium concentrations in the dialysate improve the haemodynamic pattern during dialysis. Bicarbonate reduces arterial stiffness and ameliorates the heart tolerance for volume overload in the interdialytic phase, whereas calcium directly increases stroke volume. The slight hypotensive effect of alkalaemia should motivate a probative reduction of bicarbonate concentration in dialysis fluid for haemodynamic reasons, only in the event of failure of classical tools to prevent intradialytic hypotension.
Subclavian steal phenomenon due to proximal subclavian artery stenosis or occlusion is not un-common but often remains asymptomatic. We describe the case of a 66-year-old man with end-stage renal disease hemodialysed through a brachio-brachial loop graft of the left forearm. Echo-Doppler precerebral examination showed a high reversed flow of 570 ml/min in the ipsilateral vertebral artery. After successful endovascular recanalization of the subclavian artery, access blood flow increased and vertebral flow decreased to 30 ml/min. Complete neurological examination was normal both before and after endovascular treatment. This case demonstrates how high a subclavian steal can be without causing symptoms and how well precerbral and cerebral circulation can adapt to hemodynamic changes.
OBJECTIVES: Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) provides good results in selected high-risk patients. However, it is unclear whether this procedure carries advantages in extreme-risk profile patients with logistic EuroSCORE above 35%. METHODS: From January 2009 to July 2011, of a total number of 92 transcatheter aortic valve procedures performed, 40 'extreme-risk' patients underwent transapical TAVR (TA-TAVR) (EuroSCORE above 35%). Variables were analysed as risk factors for hospital and mid-term mortality, and a 2-year follow-up (FU) was obtained. RESULTS: The mean age was: 81 ± 10 years. Twelve patients (30%) had chronic pulmonary disease, 32 (80%) severe peripheral vascular disease, 14 (35%) previous cardiac surgery, 19 (48%) chronic renal failure (2 in dialysis), 7 (17%) previous stroke (1 with disabilities), 3 (7%) a porcelain aorta and 12 (30%) were urgent cases. Mean left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) was 49 ± 13%, and mean logistic EuroSCORE was 48 ± 11%. Forty stent-valves were successfully implanted with six Grade-1 and one Grade-2 paravalvular leakages (success rate: 100%). Hospital mortality was 20% (8 patients). Causes of death following the valve academic research consortium (VARC) definitions were: life-threatening haemorrhage (1), myocardial infarction (1), sudden death (1), multiorgan failure (2), stroke (1) and severe respiratory dysfunction (2). Major complications (VARC definitions) were: myocardial infarction for left coronary ostium occlusion (1), life-threatening bleeding (2), stroke (2) and acute kidney injury with dialysis (2). Predictors for hospital mortality were: conversion to sternotomy, life-threatening haemorrhage, postoperative dialysis and long intensive care unit (ICU) stay. Variables associated with hospital mortality were: conversion to sternotomy (P = 0.03), life-threatening bleeding (P = 0.02), acute kidney injury with dialysis (P = 0.03) and prolonged ICU stay (P = 0.02). Mean FU time was 24 months: actuarial survival estimates for all-cause mortality at 6 months, 1 year, 18 months and 2 years were 68, 57, 54 and 54%, respectively. Patients still alive at FU were in good clinical condition, New York Heart Association (NYHA) class 1-2 and were never rehospitalized for cardiac decompensation. CONCLUSIONS: TA-TAVR in extreme-risk patients carries a moderate risk of hospital mortality. Severe comorbidities and presence of residual paravalvular leakages affect the mid-term survival, whereas surviving patients have an acceptable quality of life without rehospitalizations for cardiac decompensation.
BACKGROUND. Glomerular hyperfiltration (GHF) is a well-recognized early renal alteration in diabetic patients. As the prevalence of GHF is largely unknown in populations in the African region with respect to normal fasting glucose (NFG), impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and type 2 diabetes [diabetes mellitus (DM)], we conducted a cross-sectional study in the Seychelles islands among families including at least one member with hypertension. METHODS. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR), effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) and proximal tubular sodium reabsorption were measured using inulin, p-aminohippurate (PAH) and endogenous lithium clearance, respectively. Twenty-four-hour urine was collected on the preceding day. RESULTS. Of the 363 participants (mean age 44.7 years), 6.6% had IFG, 9.9% had DM and 63.3% had hypertension. The prevalence of GHF, defined as a GFR >140 ml/min, was 17.2%, 29.2% and 52.8% in NFG, IFG and DM, respectively (P trend <0.001). Compared to NFG, the adjusted odds ratio for GHF was 1.99 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.73-5.44] for IFG and 5.88 (2.39-14.45) for DM. Lithium clearance and fractional excretion of lithium were lower in DM and IFG than NFG (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION. In this population of African descent, subjects with impaired fasting glucose or type 2 diabetes had a high prevalence of GHF and enhanced proximal sodium reabsorption. These findings provide further insight on the elevated incidence of nephropathy reported among African diabetic individuals.
MHC-peptide multimers containing biotinylated MHC-peptide complexes bound to phycoerythrin (PE) streptavidin (SA) are widely used for analyzing and sorting antigen-specific T cells. Here we describe alternative T cell-staining reagents that are superior to conventional reagents. They are built on reversible chelate complexes of Ni(2+)-nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) with oligohistidines. We synthesized biotinylated linear mono-, di-, and tetra-NTA compounds using conventional solid phase peptide chemistry and studied their interaction with HLA-A*0201-peptide complexes containing a His(6), His(12), or 2×His(6) tag by surface plasmon resonance on SA-coated sensor chips and equilibrium dialysis. The binding avidity increased in the order His(6) < His(12) < 2×His(6) and NTA(1) < NTA(2) < NTA(4), respectively, depending on the configuration of the NTA moieties and increased to picomolar K(D) for the combination of a 2×His(6) tag and a 2×Ni(2+)-NTA(2). We demonstrate that HLA-A2-2×His(6)-peptide multimers containing either Ni(2+)-NTA(4)-biotin and PE-SA- or PE-NTA(4)-stained influenza and Melan A-specific CD8+ T cells equal or better than conventional multimers. Although these complexes were highly stable, they very rapidly dissociated in the presence of imidazole, which allowed sorting of bona fide antigen-specific CD8+ T cells without inducing T cell death as well as assessment of HLA-A2-peptide monomer dissociation kinetics on CD8+ T cells.
BACKGROUND: Intrathecal analgesia and avoidance of perioperative fluid overload are key items within enhanced recovery pathways. Potential side effects include hypotension and renal dysfunction. STUDY DESIGN: From January 2010 until May 2010, all patients undergoing colorectal surgery within enhanced recovery pathways were included in this retrospective cohort study and were analyzed by intrathecal analgesia (IT) vs none (noIT). Primary outcomes measures were systolic and diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure, and heart rate for 48 hours after surgery. Renal function was assessed by urine output and creatinine values. RESULTS: One hundred and sixty-three consecutive colorectal patients (127 IT and 36 noIT) were included in the analysis. Both patient groups showed low blood pressure values within the first 4 to 12 hours and a steady increase thereafter before return to baseline values after about 24 hours. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure were significantly lower until 16 hours after surgery in patients having IT compared with the noIT group. Low urine output (<0.5 mL/kg/h) was reported in 11% vs 29% (IT vs noIT; p = 0.010) intraoperatively, 20% vs 11% (p = 0.387), 33% vs 22% (p = 0.304), and 31% vs 21% (p = 0.478) for postanesthesia care unit and postoperative days 1 and 2, respectively. Only 3 of 127 (2.4%) IT and 1 of 36 (2.8%) noIT patients had a transitory creatinine increase >50%; no patients required dialysis. CONCLUSIONS: Postoperative hypotension affects approximately 10% of patients within an enhanced recovery pathway and is slightly more pronounced in patients with IT. Hemodynamic depression persists for <20 hours after surgery; it has no measurable negative impact and therefore cannot justify detrimental postoperative fluid overload.
BACKGROUND: Many factors affect survival in haemodialysis (HD) patients. Our aim was to study whether quality of clinical care may affect survival in this population, when adjusted for demographic characteristics and co-morbidities. METHODS: We studied survival in 553 patients treated by chronic HD during March 2001 in 21 dialysis facilities in western Switzerland. Indicators of quality of care were established for anaemia control, calcium and phosphate product, serum albumin, pre-dialysis blood pressure (BP), type of vascular access and dialysis adequacy (spKt/V) and their baseline values were related to 3-year survival. The modified Charlson co-morbidity index (including age) and transplantation status were also considered as a predictor of survival. RESULTS: Three-year survival was obtained for 96% of the patients; 39% (211/541) of these patients had died. The 3-year survival was 50, 62 and 69%, respectively, in patients who had 0-2, 3 and >or=4 fulfilled indicators of quality of care (test for linear trend, P < 0.001). In a Cox multivariate analysis model, the absence of transplantation, a higher modified Charlson's score, decreased fulfilment of indicators of good clinical care and low pre-dialysis systolic BP were independent predictors of death. CONCLUSION: Good clinical care improves survival in HD patients, even after adjustment for availability of transplantation and co-morbidities.