994 resultados para corn plantation
Trade liberalization policies in Guatemala have impacted agricultural production. This thesis focuses on how trade liberalization has happened, what have been the impacts at a national level and describes how a community has adapted to the implementation of these policies. The implementation of trade was influenced by several, international and national institutions. Among the international institutions are the World Bank, the World Trade Organization and the United States Agency for International Development. At the national level the institutions that have partaken in shaping the trade policies are the military and the owners of capital and labor. The implementation of trade policies at a national level has affected national corn prices, population level diets and to some extent reduced poverty levels. At a local level trade liberalization policies have impacted land holdings, increased intensification of agriculture, including agrochemical, machinery and crop plantations per year, and consumption rates of corn have been affected. Maximization of the benefits and minimization of the detrimental effects can happen with the implementation of policies that promote food security, improve access to health and education, and prevent environmental and human health consequences from the intensification of agriculture and at the same time continue with the production of non-traditional agricultural products.
Corn Suitability ratings have been used for many years in other parts of the Corn Belt as an agronomic measure of soil productivity, and in turn, some correlation with associated cropland values. For example, in Iowa the Corn Suitability Rating (CSR) is used extensively as a measure of soil productivity across regions and counties, and even down to parcel levels. Google on Iowa CSR, and you will find weighted average CSRs for each county, as well as private firms offering detailed analysis of CSR for any parcel of land in the state. The intent is to provide an index (between 5 and 100) of potential yields for row crop production.
This NebGuide describes the two common spider mites found in Nebraska corn and soybeans, their natural enemies and management. Two species of spider mites, the Banks grass mite and twospotted spider mite, commonly feed on Nebraska corn. Banks grass mites (BGM) feed almost exclusively on grasses, including corn and sorghum. Twospotted spider mites (TSM) not only feed on many species of grasses, but also on soybeans, fruit trees and a variety of vegetables and ornamental plants. Although these two species are somewhat similar in appearance, they differ in several biological characteristics and in their susceptibility to pesticides. Banks grass mites usually appear earlier in the season, feed mostly on the lower leaves of the corn plant, and in Nebraska are moderately susceptible to many of the commonly used miticides. On the other hand, TSM tend to appear in mid to late season, increase rapidly, feed over the entire plant, and often are not consistently controlled by available pesticides.
"How large a sample is needed to survey the bird damage to corn in a county in Ohio or New Jersey or South Dakota?" Like those in the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife and the U.S.D.A. who have been faced with a question of this sort we found only meager information on which to base an answer, whether the problem related to a county in Ohio or to one in New Jersey, or elsewhere. Many sampling methods and rates of sampling did yield reliable estimates but the judgment was often intuitive or based on the reasonableness of the resulting data. Later, when planning the next study or survey, little additional information was available on whether 40 samples of 5 ears each or 5 samples of 200 ears should be examined, i.e., examination of a large number of small samples or a small number of large samples. What information is needed to make a reliable decision? Those of us involved with the Agricultural Experiment Station regional project concerned with the problems of bird damage to crops, known as NE-49, thought we might supply an ans¬wer if we had a corn field in which all the damage was measured. If all the damage were known, we could then sample this field in various ways and see how the estimates from these samplings compared to the actual damage and pin-point the best and most accurate sampling procedure. Eventually the investigators in four states became involved in this work1 and instead of one field we were able to broaden the geographical base by examining all the corn ears in 2 half-acre sections of fields in each state, 8 sections in all. When the corn had matured well past the dough stage, damage on each corn ear was assessed, without removing the ear from the stalk, by visually estimating the percent of the kernel surface which had been destroyed and rating it in one of 5 damage categories. Measurements (by row-centimeters) of the rows of kernels pecked by birds also were made on selected ears representing all categories and all parts of each field section. These measurements provided conversion factors that, when fed into a computer, were applied to the more than 72,000 visually assessed ears. The machine now had in its memory and could supply on demand a map showing each ear, its location and the intensity of the damage.
In 1966, when the annual damage survey was initiated, Dr. C. R. Weaver, Statistician at the Ohio Agriculture Research and Development Center, Wooster, Ohio, drew up a sampling plan, balancing costs against desired precision. The plan included three combinations of fields to be sampled and stations per field for high damage areas, three combinations for moderate damage areas, and two combinations for light damage areas. Alternatives for the high damage area included (1) 497 fields with two stations per field (± .48), (2) 775 fields with two stations per field (± .26), and (3) 235 fields with ten stations per field (— .68). For the moderate damage areas, the alternatives were (1) 441 fields with three stations per field (± .26), (2) 155 fields with three stations per field (± .50), and (3) 235 fields with ten stations per field (± .32). The light dam¬age area alternatives were (1) 297 fields with three stations per field (- .26), and (2) 81 fields with three stations per field (± .50). The original survey in 1966 sampled eight counties in three regions. In 1967, 14 counties in the same three regions were sampled. Two new counties were added to one region and two new regions with two counties each (treated as one region for sampling purposes) were added to the 1968 survey. The 1968 survey was of sufficient size to be representative of the corn damage picture in Ohio and Southeast Michigan. The 1969 survey was identical to the 1968 survey.
A qualidade física do solo é um dos fatores determinantes da sustentabilidade agronômica, econômica e ambiental no sistema plantio direto (SPD). A compactação do solo tem sido apontada como um dos fatores de redução da qualidade física em solos sob SPD. Contudo, com a utilização do SPD, pode haver o incremento de matéria orgânica do solo e o desenvolvimento de um sistema poroso contínuo e estável, que atenuam os impactos negativos da compactação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade física de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico sob SPD durante 30 anos, utilizando o intervalo hídrico ótimo (IHO) e o grau de compactação do solo (GC). Em uma área comercial com histórico de altas produtividades sob SPD, foram coletadas amostras de solo com estrutura preservada e deformada, para determinação da densidade do solo (Ds), do IHO e do GC. As amostras com estrutura preservada foram obtidas em três posições, relativas às linhas (L), entrelinhas (E) e posição intermediária entre as linhas e entrelinhas (PI) da cultura do milho. Foram determinadas as curvas de retenção de água e resistência do solo à penetração, bem como a Ds. A amostra de solo com estrutura deformada foi usada para obter a curva de compactação, utilizando o teste de Proctor. A Dmax foi obtida a partir da curva de compactação, e o GC foi determinado pela razão entre a Ds e a Dmax. Independentemente dos limites críticos de resistência à penetração (RP), verifica-se redução do IHO com o aumento da Ds. Os maiores valores do IHO foram verificados na posição de amostragem L, e a utilização de RP crítica maior que 2,0 MPa resultou em IHO condizente com a qualidade física desse solo sob SPD de longo tempo. A Dmax foi de 1,52 kg dm-3, e o GC variou de 64 a 87 %, sendo os maiores valores obtidos nas posições E e PI. Os valores de IHO e GC obtidos neste estudo indicam que a qualidade física desse solo não é limitante à produção das culturas após 30 anos de utilização do SPD.
This study investigated the ability of weevils to transmit Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium verticillioides fungal spores and the consequent production of mycotoxins. For this purpose, corn grain samples were stored in flasks connected to a hose to form a closed system (flasks A and B). Flasks A were inoculated with the following groups: group 1 (corn + weevil); group 2 (corn + A. flavus); group 3 (corn + A. flavus + weevil); group 4 (corn + F. verticillioides); group 5 (corn + E verticillioides + weevil), and group 6 (corn + A. flavus + E verticillioides + weevil). Flasks B contained sterile grains. The samples were incubated for 10, 20 and 30 days, posteriorly, weight, water activity, mycoflora, aflatoxins and fumonisins. The corn grain samples were also submitted to scanning electron microscopy. Our results showed that weevils could enhance corn grains contamination by these fungi, hence, could increase mycotoxins production. These findings demonstrate the importance of weevils as fungal vectors and the need for good manipulation and storage practices of grains. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the utilization by corn plants of P from triple superphosphate fertilizer labeled with P-32 (P-32-TSP), and of P from soil as affected by N rates and by the green manures (GM) sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea) and millet (Pennisetum glaucum). The experiment was carried out using pots filled with 5 kg Oxisol (Rhodic Hapludox). A completely randomized design was used, in a 4x4x2 factorial arrangement, with four replicates. The treatments were: four P rates as TSP (0, 0.175, 0.350, and 0.700 g P per pot); four N rates as urea (0, 0.75, 1.50, and 2.25 g N per pot); and sunn hemp or millet as green manure. The additions of N and P by the GM were taken into account. After grain physiologic maturation, corn dry matter, P contents, accumulated P, and P recovery in the different treatments were measured. P-32-TSP recovery by corn increased with N increasing rates, and decreased with increasing rates of P-32-TSP. The mineral fertilizer provides most of the accumulated P by corn plants. The recovery of P-32-TSP by corn was 13.12% in average. The green manure species influence the assimilation of P-32-TSP by the plants.
Syntesis of carbon nanomaterials from corn waste (DDGS). The world's largest ethanol producer (USA) uses corn as feedstock. DDGS (distillers dried grains with solubles) is the main waste generated from this process (around 32 million t/year). DDGS samples were pyrolyzed at 1000 degrees C in a furnace with controlled atmosphere. The effluent was channeled to a second furnace, in which catalyst substrates were placed. Chromatographic analysis was used to evaluate the gaseous effluents, showing that the catalyst reduced hydrocarbon emissions. The solid products formed were analyzed by SEM and TEM. Graphitic structures and carbon nanofibers, 50 mu m in length and with diameters of 80-200 nm, were formed.
In response to herbivore attack, plants release herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) that represent important chemical cues for herbivore natural enemies. Additionally, HIPVs have been shown to mediate other ecological interactions with herbivores. Differently from natural enemies that are generally attracted to HIPVs, herbivores can be either attracted or repelled depending on several biological and ecological parameters. Our study aimed to assess the olfactory response of fall armyworm-mated female moths toward odors released by mechanically and herbivore-induced corn at different time intervals. Results showed that female moths strongly respond to corn volatiles, although fresh damaged corn odors (0-1 h) are not recognized by moths. Moreover, females preferred volatiles released by undamaged plant over herbivore-induced plants at 5-6 h. This preference for undamaged plants may reflect an adaptive strategy of moths to avoid competitors and natural enemies for their offspring. We discussed our results based on knowledge about corn volatile release pattern and raise possible explanations for fall armyworm moth behavior.
Objective: To estimate the frequency of anaemia in pregnant women before and after the fortification of flours with Fe. Design: Retrospective study developed from secondary data obtained from medical records. Setting: Two health units in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Subjects: Socio-economic, demographic, obstetric and Hb concentration data were collected of 778 pregnant women attending prenatal care. Two study groups were created: the first referred to the period before fortification (G1, n 391), including women whose parturition happened before June 2004; and the second referred to the period after fortification (G2, n 387), including women whose last menstrual cycle happened after June 2005. The Hb cut-off point adopted for anaemia diagnosis was <11.0 g/dl. Results: In linear regression models, when Hb concentration was expressed as a dependent variable, women in G2 presented Hb concentration 0.26 g/dl and 0.36 g/dl higher during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, respectively, compared with G1. In logistic regression models where the dependent variable was anaemia during the second and third trimesters, it was verified that being a member of G2 was a protective factor against anaemia in the third trimester. Regarding the presence of anaemia at any gestational moment, it was verified that being a member of G2 represented a protective factor against anaemia during pregnancy. Conclusions: Results indicate the protective effect of the fortification of flours with Fe in the fight against gestational anaemia, contributing to prevention and control of this nutritional disorder among pregnant women.
Aflatoxins can cause great economic losses and serious risks to humans and animals health. The largest aflatoxin producers belong to Aspergillus section Flavi and can occur naturally in food commodities. Studies showed that molecular tools as well as the type of sclerotia produced by the strains could be helpful for identification of Aspergillus species and could be correlated with levels of toxin production. The purpose of this work was to characterize the genetic diversity using AFLP technique, the type of sclerotia and the ability of aflatoxin production by isolated strains from corn of different origins in Brazil, and to verify whether qPCR based on aflR and aflP genes is appropriate for estimating the level of aflatoxin production. All the 75 strains were classified as A. flavus and the AFLP technique showed a wide intraspecific variability within them. Regarding sclerotia production, 34% were classified as S and 66% as L type. Among the aflatoxin-producers, 52.8% produced aflatoxin B-1, while 47.2% aflatoxins B-1 and B-2. Statistical analysis showed no correlation between sclerotia production and aflatoxigenicty, and no correlation between the phylogenetic clusters and aflatoxin production. Concerning the relative expression of aflR and aflP, Pearson's correlation test demonstrated low positive correlation between the expression of the aflR and aflP genes and the production of AFB(1) and AFB(2), but showed high positive correlation between aflR and aflP expression. In contrast to the other reference strains, A. oryzae ATCC 7282 showed no amplification of aflR and aflP. The results highlight the need for detection of reliable and reproducible markers with a high positive correlation with aflatoxin production.
The evapotranspiration (E) from a sugarcane plantation in the southeast Brazil was measured by the eddy-covariance method during two consecutive cycles. These represented the second (393 similar to days) and third year (374 similar to days) re-growth (ratoon). The total E in the first cycle was 829 similar to mm, accounting for 69% of rainfall, whereas in the second cycle, it was 690 similar to mm, despite the total rainfall (1353 similar to mm) being 13% greater. The ratio of E to available energy, the evaporative fraction, exhibited a smaller variation between the first and second cycles: 0.58 and 0.51, respectively. The estimated interception losses were 88 and 90 similar to mm, respectively, accounting for approximately 7% of the total rainfall. The sugarcane yield in the second cycle (61.5 similar to +/-similar to 4.0 similar to t similar to ha-1) was 26% lower than the first cycle, as well as lower than the regional average for the third ratoon (76 similar to t similar to ha-1). The below average yield was associated with less available soil water at the beginning of the cycle, with the amount of rainfall recorded during the first 120 similar to days of re-growth in the second cycle being 16% of that recorded in the first (203 similar to mm).
Wood production represents a large but variable fraction of gross primary production (GPP) in highly productive Eucalyptus plantations. Assessing patterns of carbon (C) partitioning (C flux as a fraction of GPP) between above- and belowground components is essential to understand mechanisms driving the C budget of these plantations. Better knowledge of fluxes and partitioning to woody and non-woody tissues in response to site characteristics and resource availability could provide opportunities to increase forest productivity. Our study aimed at investigating how C allocation varied within one apparently homogeneous 90 ha stand of Eucalyptus grandis (W. Hill ex Maiden) in Southeastern Brazil. We assessed annual above-ground net primary production (ANPP: stem, leaf, and branch production) and total belowground C flux (TBCF: the sum of root production and respiration and mycorrhizal production and respiration), GPP (computed as the sum of ANPP, TBCF and estimated aboveground respiration) on 12 plots representing the gradient of productivity found within the stand. The spatial heterogeneity of topography and associated soil attributes across the stand likely explained this fertility gradient. Component fluxes of GPP and C partitioning were found to vary among plots. Stem NPP ranged from 554 g C m(-2) year(-1) on the plot with lowest GPP to 923 g C m(-2) year(-1) on the plot with highest GPP. Total belowground carbon flux ranged from 497 to 1235 g C m(-2) year(-1) and showed no relationship with ANPP or GPP. Carbon partitioning to stem NPP increased from 0.19 to 0.23, showing a positive trend of increase with GPP (R-2 = 0.29, P = 0.07). Variations in stem wood production across the gradient of productivity observed at our experimental site were a result of the variability in C partitioning to different forest system components.
Corn grits that were supplemented with isovaleraldehyde, ethyl butyrate, butyric acid and flavour enhancers were extruded under different processing conditions. Volatile compounds retained in the extrudates were isolated by dynamic headspace and analysed using gas chromatographymass spectrometry. The expansion ratio, density and cut force to break down the extrudates were evaluated and aroma intensity was assessed using a multisample difference test. Butyric acid showed the greatest retention (96.4%), regardless of the extrusion conditions. All compounds were better retained when samples were extruded at 20% feed moisture and 90 degrees C processing temperature (2.981.0%), conditions that also resulted in greater aromatic intensity (moderate to moderate-strong intensity). The addition of volatile compounds reduced the expansion ratio and cut force, whereas the addition of flavour enhancers increased the expansion ratio but reduced ethyl butyrate and butyric acid retention.