813 resultados para continuous representations


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In this paper we describe a new Mueller matrix (MM) microscope that generalizes and makes quantitative the polarized light microscopy technique. In this instrument all the elements of the MU are simultaneously determined from the analysis in the frequency domain of the time-dependent intensity of the light beam at every pixel of the camera. The variations in intensity are created by the two compensators continuously rotating at different angular frequencies. A typical measurement is completed in a little over one minute and it can be applied to any visible wavelength. Some examples are presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the instrument.


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Introducción. Uno de los paradigmas más utilizados en el estudio de la atención es el Continuous Performance Test (CPT). La versión de pares idénticos (CPT-IP) se ha utilizado ampliamente para evaluar los déficits de atención en los trastornos del neurodesarrollo, neurológicos y psiquiátricos. Sin embargo, la localización de la activación cerebral de las redes atencionales varía significativamente según el diseño de resonancia magnética funcional (RMf) usado. Objetivo. Diseñar una tarea para evaluar la atención sostenida y la memoria de trabajo mediante RMf para proporcionar datos de investigación relacionados con la localización y el papel de estas funciones. Sujetos y métodos. El estudio contó con la participación de 40 estudiantes, todos ellos diestros (50%, mujeres; rango: 18-25 años). La tarea de CPT-IP se diseñó como una tarea de bloques, en la que se combinaban los períodos CPT-IP con los de reposo. Resultados. La tarea de CPT-IP utilizada activa una red formada por regiones frontales, parietales y occipitales, y éstas se relacionan con funciones ejecutivas y atencionales. Conclusiones. La tarea de CPT-IP utilizada en nuestro trabajo proporciona datos normativos en adultos sanos para el estudio del sustrato neural de la atención sostenida y la memoria de trabajo. Estos datos podrían ser útiles para evaluar trastornos que cursan con déficits en memoria de trabajo y en atención sostenida.


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By appealing to renewal theory we determine the equations that the mean exit time of a continuous-time random walk with drift satisfies both when the present coincides with a jump instant or when it does not. Particular attention is paid to the corrections ensuing from the non-Markovian nature of the process. We show that when drift and jumps have the same sign the relevant integral equations can be solved in closed form. The case when holding times have the classical Erlang distribution is considered in detail.


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The thesis studies the representations of different elements of contemporary work as present in Knowledge Management (KM). KM is approached as management discourse that is seen to affect and influence managerial practices in organizations. As representatives of KM discourse four journal articles are analyzed, using the methodology of Critical Discourse Analysis and the framework of Critical Management Studies, with a special emphasis on the question of structure and agency. The results of the analysis reveal that structural elements such as information technology and organizational structures are strongly present in the most influential KM representations, making their improvement also a desirable course of action for managers. In contrast agentic properties are not in a central role, they are subjugated to structural constraints of varying kind and degree. The thesis claims that one such constraint is KM discourse itself, influencing managerial and organizational choices and decision making. The thesis concludes that the way human beings are represented, studied and treated in management studies such as KM needs to be re-examined. Pro gradu-tutkielmassa analysoidaan työhön ja sen tekijään liittyviä representaatioita Tietojohtamisen kirjallisuudessa. Tietojohtamista tarkastellaan liikkeenjohdollisena diskurssina, jolla nähdään olevan vaikutus organisaatioiden päätöksentekoon ja toimintaan. Tutkielmassa analysoidaan neljä Tietojohtamisen tieteellistä artikkelia, käyttäen metodina kriittistä diskurssianalyysiä. Tutkielman viitekehyksenä on kriittinen liikkeenjohdon tutkimus. Lisäksi työssä pohditaan kysymystä rakenteen ja toimijan välisestä vuorovaikutuksesta. Tutkielman analyysi paljastaa, että tietojohtamisen vaikutusvaltaisimmat representaatiot painottavat rakenteellisia tekijöitä, kuten informaatioteknologiaa ja organisaatiorakenteita. Tämän seurauksena mm. panostukset em. tekijöihin nähdään organisaatioissa toivottavana toimintana. Vastaavasti representaatiot jotka painottavat yksilöitä ja toimintaa ovat em. tekijöille alisteisessa asemassa. Tapaa, jolla yksilöitä kuvataan ja käsitellään Tietojohtamisen diskurssissa, tulisikin laajentaa ja monipuolistaa.


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In this paper we consider a stochastic process that may experience random reset events which suddenly bring the system to the starting value and analyze the relevant statistical magnitudes. We focus our attention on monotonic continuous-time random walks with a constant drift: The process increases between the reset events, either by the effect of the random jumps, or by the action of the deterministic drift. As a result of all these combined factors interesting properties emerge, like the existence (for any drift strength) of a stationary transition probability density function, or the faculty of the model to reproduce power-law-like behavior. General formulas for two extreme statistics, the survival probability, and the mean exit time, are also derived. To corroborate in an independent way the results of the paper, Monte Carlo methods were used. These numerical estimations are in full agreement with the analytical predictions.


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The small intestine is a dynamic and complex organ that is characterized by constant epithelium turnover and crosstalk among various cell types and the microbiota. Lymphatic capillaries of the small intestine, called lacteals, play key roles in dietary fat absorption and the gut immune response; however, little is known about the molecular regulation of lacteal function. Here, we performed a high-resolution analysis of the small intestinal stroma and determined that lacteals reside in a permanent regenerative, proliferative state that is distinct from embryonic lymphangiogenesis or quiescent lymphatic vessels observed in other tissues. We further demonstrated that this continuous regeneration process is mediated by Notch signaling and that the expression of the Notch ligand delta-like 4 (DLL4) in lacteals requires activation of VEGFR3 and VEGFR2. Moreover, genetic inactivation of Dll4 in lymphatic endothelial cells led to lacteal regression and impaired dietary fat uptake. We propose that such a slow lymphatic regeneration mode is necessary to match a unique need of intestinal lymphatic vessels for both continuous maintenance, due to the constant exposure to dietary fat and mechanical strain, and efficient uptake of fat and immune cells. Our work reveals how lymphatic vessel responses are shaped by tissue specialization and uncover a role for continuous DLL4 signaling in the function of adult lymphatic vasculature.


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The brain integrates multiple sensory inputs, including somatosensory and visual inputs, to produce a representation of the body. Spinal cord injury (SCI) interrupts the communication between brain and body and the effects of this deafferentation on body representation are poorly understood. We investigated whether the relative weight of somatosensory and visual frames of reference for body representation is altered in individuals with incomplete or complete SCI (affecting lower limbs' somatosensation), with respect to controls. To study the influence of afferent somatosensory information on body representation, participants verbally judged the laterality of rotated images of feet, hands, and whole-bodies (mental rotation task) in two different postures (participants' body parts were hidden from view). We found that (i) complete SCI disrupts the influence of postural changes on the representation of the deafferented body parts (feet, but not hands) and (ii) regardless of posture, whole-body representation progressively deteriorates proportionally to SCI completeness. These results demonstrate that the cortical representation of the body is dynamic, responsive, and adaptable to contingent conditions, in that the role of somatosensation is altered and partially compensated with a change in the relative weight of somatosensory versus visual bodily representations.


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Chromogenic immunohistochemistry (IHC) is omnipresent in cancer diagnosis, but has also been criticized for its technical limit in quantifying the level of protein expression on tissue sections, thus potentially masking clinically relevant data. Shifting from qualitative to quantitative, immunofluorescence (IF) has recently gained attention, yet the question of how precisely IF can quantify antigen expression remains unanswered, regarding in particular its technical limitations and applicability to multiple markers. Here we introduce microfluidic precision IF, which accurately quantifies the target expression level in a continuous scale based on microfluidic IF staining of standard tissue sections and low-complexity automated image analysis. We show that the level of HER2 protein expression, as continuously quantified using microfluidic precision IF in 25 breast cancer cases, including several cases with equivocal IHC result, can predict the number of HER2 gene copies as assessed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Finally, we demonstrate that the working principle of this technology is not restricted to HER2 but can be extended to other biomarkers. We anticipate that our method has the potential of providing automated, fast and high-quality quantitative in situ biomarker data using low-cost immunofluorescence assays, as increasingly required in the era of individually tailored cancer therapy.


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PURPOSE: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. We aimed at evaluating the effect of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment on coronary endothelium-dependent vasoreactivity in OSA patients by quantifying myocardial blood flow (MBF) response to cold pressure testing (CPT). METHODS: In the morning after polysomnography (PSG), all participants underwent a dynamic (82)Rb cardiac positron emitting tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scan at rest, during CPT and adenosine stress. PSG and PET/CT were repeated at least 6 weeks after initiating CPAP treatment. OSA patients were compared to controls and according to response to CPAP. Patients' characteristics and PSG parameters were used to determine predictors of CPT-MBF. RESULTS: Thirty-two untreated OSA patients (age 58 ± 13 years, 27 men) and 9 controls (age 62 ± 5 years, 4 men) were enrolled. At baseline, compared to controls (apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) = 5.3 ± 2.6/h), untreated OSA patients (AHI = 48.6 ± 19.7/h) tend to have a lower CPT-MBF (1.1 ± 0.2 mL/min/g vs. 1.3 ± 0.4 mL/min/g, p = 0.09). After initiating CPAP, CPT-MBF was not different between well-treated patients (AHI <10/h) and controls (1.3 ± 0.3 mL/min/g vs. 1.3 ± 0.4 mL/min/g, p = 0.83), but it was lower for insufficiently treated patients (AHI ≥10/h) (0.9 ± 0.2 mL/min/g vs. 1.3 ± 0.4 mL/min/g, p = 0.0045). CPT-MBF was also higher in well-treated than in insufficiently treated patients (1.3 ± 0.3 mL/min/g vs. 0.9 ± 0.2 mL/min/g, p = 0.001). Mean nocturnal oxygen saturation (β = -0.55, p = 0.02) and BMI (β = -0.58, p = 0.02) were independent predictors of CPT-MBF in OSA patients. CONCLUSIONS: Coronary endothelial vasoreactivity is impaired in insufficiently treated OSA patients compared to well-treated patients and controls, confirming the need for CPAP optimization.


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Living bacteria or yeast cells are frequently used as bioreporters for the detection of specific chemical analytes or conditions of sample toxicity. In particular, bacteria or yeast equipped with synthetic gene circuitry that allows the production of a reliable non-cognate signal (e.g., fluorescent protein or bioluminescence) in response to a defined target make robust and flexible analytical platforms. We report here how bacterial cells expressing a fluorescence reporter ("bactosensors"), which are mostly used for batch sample analysis, can be deployed for automated semi-continuous target analysis in a single concise biochip. Escherichia coli-based bactosensor cells were continuously grown in a 13 or 50 nanoliter-volume reactor on a two-layered polydimethylsiloxane-on-glass microfluidic chip. Physiologically active cells were directed from the nl-reactor to a dedicated sample exposure area, where they were concentrated and reacted in 40 minutes with the target chemical by localized emission of the fluorescent reporter signal. We demonstrate the functioning of the bactosensor-chip by the automated detection of 50 μgarsenite-As l(-1) in water on consecutive days and after a one-week constant operation. Best induction of the bactosensors of 6-9-fold to 50 μg l(-1) was found at an apparent dilution rate of 0.12 h(-1) in the 50 nl microreactor. The bactosensor chip principle could be widely applicable to construct automated monitoring devices for a variety of targets in different environments.


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Performance-based studies on the psychological nature of linguistic competence can conceal significant differences in the brain processes that underlie native versus nonnative knowledge of language. Here we report results from the brain activity of very proficient early bilinguals making a lexical decision task that illustrates this point. Two groups of SpanishCatalan early bilinguals (Spanish-dominant and Catalan-dominant) were asked to decide whether a given form was a Catalan word or not. The nonwords were based on real words, with one vowel changed. In the experimental stimuli, the vowel change involved a Catalan-specific contrast that previous research had shown to be difficult for Spanish natives to perceive. In the control stimuli, the vowel switch involved contrasts common to Spanish and Catalan. The results indicated that the groups of bilinguals did not differ in their behavioral and event-related brain potential measurements for the control stimuli; both groups made very few errors and showed a larger N400 component for control nonwords than for control words. However, significant differences were observed for the experimental stimuli across groups: Specifically, Spanish-dominant bilinguals showed great difficulty in rejecting experimental nonwords. Indeed, these participants not only showed very high error rates for these stimuli, but also did not show an error-related negativity effect in their erroneous nonword decisions. However, both groups of bilinguals showed a larger correctrelated negativity when making correct decisions about the experimental nonwords. The results suggest that although some aspects of a second language system may show a remarkable lack of plasticity (like the acquisition of some foreign contrasts), first-language representations seem to be more dynamic in their capacity of adapting and incorporating new information. &


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A continuous random variable is expanded as a sum of a sequence of uncorrelated random variables. These variables are principal dimensions in continuous scaling on a distance function, as an extension of classic scaling on a distance matrix. For a particular distance, these dimensions are principal components. Then some properties are studied and an inequality is obtained. Diagonal expansions are considered from the same continuous scaling point of view, by means of the chi-square distance. The geometric dimension of a bivariate distribution is defined and illustrated with copulas. It is shown that the dimension can have the power of continuum.


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Today´s organizations must have the ability to react to rapid changes in the market. These rapid changes cause pressure to continuously find new efficient ways to organize work practices. Increased competition requires businesses to become more effective and to pay attention to quality of management and to make people to understand their work's impact on the final result. The fundamentals in continmuois improvement are systematic and agile tackling of indentified individual process constraints and the fact tha nothin finally improves without changes. Successful continuous improvement requires management commitment, education, implementation, measurement, recognition and regeneration. These ingredients form the foundation, both for breakthrough projects and small step ongoing improvement activities. One part of the organization's management system are the quality tools, which provide systematic methodologies for identifying problems, defining their root causes, finding solutions, gathering and sorting of data, supporting decision making and implementing the changes, and many other management tasks. Organizational change management includes processes and tools for managing the people in an organizational level change. These tools include a structured approach, which can be used for effective transition of organizations through change. When combined with the understanding of change management of individuals, these tools provide a framework for managing people in change,