763 resultados para childhood sexual abuse
Der Artikel untersucht anhand dreier exemplarisch ausgewählter Romane, inwieweit die Erzählerfunktionen zur Entlarvung und Verrätselung von Täterstrategien angesichts des Vorwurfs sexuellen Missbrauchs oder zu deren verzerrter Wahrnehmung beitragen. Er zeigt diejenigen ästhetischen Signaturen auf, die verschiedene Fokalisierungen der Reflexionen des Täterhandelns ermöglichen und knüpft an pädagogische Traditionen der Reflexionen literarischer Texte an, die klassische pädagogische Denkweisen provoziert, indem sie diese mit einem strukturalistischen Ansatz kontrastiert und sich darum bemüht, präskriptive pädagogische Ansätze zur Rekonstruktion von und Intervention in Täterstrategien um neue Fragestellungen und Erkenntnisinteresse zu bereichern. Das Interesse der Pädagogik an der gelingenden Prävention wird mit literarischen Modellen des negativen Gelingens der angewandten Täterstrategien konfrontiert. Mit Norbert Niemanns Roman „Schule der Gewalt“, Jakob Arjounis Roman „Hausaufgaben“ und Margaux Fragosos autobiographischem Roman „Tiger, Tiger“ werden drei Texte analysiert, die ein Täterhandeln und dessen Reflexion nicht nur unterschiedlichen perspektivieren und fokalisieren, sondern auch mit der ästhetischen Tradition eines am Genuss und der Raffinesse des gelingenden Missbrauchs brechenden Anleitungs-Diskurses in literarischen Texten brechen. Eine besondere Eigenschaft aller drei Texte ist zudem in der Parallelisierung schulischer und privater Missbrauchserfahrungen und der zugehörigen sozialen Räume zu sehen. (Orig.)
Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des Études Supérieures des arts et sciences, Département de criminologie, en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maîtrise (M. Sc.) en criminologie, option intervention
Background: Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a major social and public health problem affecting people across cultures, religions and societies. Much research has been undertaken to offer understanding and explanations of this phenomenon, its determinants, and its consequences in developed countries around the world. However, there is still a paucity of research on IPV in many areas of the developing world such as Pakistan. Although various studies have been conducted to demonstrate the prevalence of IPV in the country, none of the studies have tried to explore the meaning of IPV from the perspective of Pakistani people. Aim: This study aimed to explore understandings of Pakistani men and women of IPV. It aimed to develop a theory to explain the meaning of IPV and the process through which it occurs, from the perspective of Pakistani people. Methods: The study utilised a qualitative approach with constructivist grounded theory methods and analysis techniques. Data was collected from Karachi, Pakistan and Sheffield, UK. Forty one people (20 from Pakistan and 21 from UK) participated in the study. Findings: The participants identified IPV as a serious concern. Although verbal abuse is often included in definitions of IPV, the participants did not consider shouting, raising the voice or scolding as a type of violence. Hitting, beating, pushing, throwing objects, and pulling hair were identified as acts of physical violence, and non-consensual sex was identified as a form of sexual abuse. Participants identified failure to meet role expectations of a husband or wife as a key contributor to the development of conflict between partners which could lead to IPV. Examples of various expectations from a wife include completing household chores, looking after husband, looking after children, looking after in laws, respecting and adjusting to in-law's customs and traditions. Important expectation from a husband include provision of finances, acting as a bridge, maintaining a balance between his wife and other family members particularly his mother and sisters, and taking the responsibility for his wife and children. Failure to meet these expectations could contribute to conflict and subsequent violence. This appeared to be shaped by cultural issues such as common use of arranged marriages, the rarity of divorce and the centrality of the extended family to the intimate partnership. Implications: Any interventions aimed at reducing IPV in Pakistani people must consider the meaning and causes of IPV from the perspective of that group.
Objectifs: L’objectif principal de ce mémoire consiste à comprendre les caractéristiques des carrières criminelles d’individus connus de la police pour avoir perpétré une infraction de leurre d’enfants sur Internet. Aussi, par une analyse typologique à l’aide des antécédents criminels, il sera possible d’établir une typologie d’individus ayant leurré des enfants sur Internet. Également, il sera question de vérifier s’il y a un lien entre les caractéristiques des antécédents criminels de ces individus sur la perpétration de l’agression sexuelle hors ligne. Méthodologie: Provenant de données officielles de la communauté policière du Québec, l’échantillon comprend les parcours de criminels ayant perpétré une infraction de leurre d’enfants sur Internet. Des analyses descriptives en lien avec les différents paramètres de la carrière criminelle seront effectuées. Ensuite, des tests de moyenne et une analyse de régression Cox permettront de vérifier la présence ou non d’un lien statistique entre les caractéristiques des antécédents criminels des individus connus de la police pour leurre d’enfants sur Internet et le passage à l’acte physique. Résultats: Les analyses ont montré que la majorité des sujets n’avaient aucun antécédent judiciaire. Pour la plupart, le leurre d’enfants est le crime le plus grave perpétré au cours de leur carrière criminelle. Trois catégories d’individus ont été décelées : les amateurs, les spécialistes et les généralistes. Ce sont les individus polymorphes ayant une carrière criminelle plus grave et plus longue qui sont portés à agresser sexuellement avant le leurre. Cependant, ce sont des individus spécialisés ayant une importante proportion de délits sexuels dans leurs antécédents criminels qui ont plus de chance d’agresser sexuellement suite à l’exploitation sexuelle sur Internet.
Essai doctoral présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Docteur en psychologie (D.Psy.), option clinique
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário
As intervenções alternativas são medidas que não devem ser rechaçadas por nenhum governante. O sistema de encarceramento penal existente no Brasil, assim como em muitas nações mundo afora, vem mostrando há décadas, ser um sistema falido, vez que é impossível (res)socializar alguém em cadeias que são verdadeiras masmorras. Não há condições de melhoramento, nem na esfera física ou psíquica deste sistema nefasto, que só funciona para pegar pobres, pretos, analfabetos e moradores das periferias. Dentro dos maiores problemas apontados por pesquisas atuais, a superlotação, a violência, o tráfico de drogas, o abuso sexual e a falta de uma ocupação que garanta a (res)socialização, forma verdadeiras faculdades do crime, onde o preso ou o adolescente chega como estagiário e sai como mestre na arte da criminalidade delinquente. Esta pesquisa em Criminologia e direito comparado, com foco no Brasil (Recife) e na Alemanha (Freiburg), faz uma contextualização histórica do tema, de forma geral e mais focada nos países comparados. Após esta contextualização, o trabalho retrata e analisa a situação dos jovens em conflito com a Lei, e explana as intervenções alternativas à internação, aconselhando a solução do acolhimento por famílias madrinhas.
Objectifs: L’objectif principal de ce mémoire consiste à comprendre les caractéristiques des carrières criminelles d’individus connus de la police pour avoir perpétré une infraction de leurre d’enfants sur Internet. Aussi, par une analyse typologique à l’aide des antécédents criminels, il sera possible d’établir une typologie d’individus ayant leurré des enfants sur Internet. Également, il sera question de vérifier s’il y a un lien entre les caractéristiques des antécédents criminels de ces individus sur la perpétration de l’agression sexuelle hors ligne. Méthodologie: Provenant de données officielles de la communauté policière du Québec, l’échantillon comprend les parcours de criminels ayant perpétré une infraction de leurre d’enfants sur Internet. Des analyses descriptives en lien avec les différents paramètres de la carrière criminelle seront effectuées. Ensuite, des tests de moyenne et une analyse de régression Cox permettront de vérifier la présence ou non d’un lien statistique entre les caractéristiques des antécédents criminels des individus connus de la police pour leurre d’enfants sur Internet et le passage à l’acte physique. Résultats: Les analyses ont montré que la majorité des sujets n’avaient aucun antécédent judiciaire. Pour la plupart, le leurre d’enfants est le crime le plus grave perpétré au cours de leur carrière criminelle. Trois catégories d’individus ont été décelées : les amateurs, les spécialistes et les généralistes. Ce sont les individus polymorphes ayant une carrière criminelle plus grave et plus longue qui sont portés à agresser sexuellement avant le leurre. Cependant, ce sont des individus spécialisés ayant une importante proportion de délits sexuels dans leurs antécédents criminels qui ont plus de chance d’agresser sexuellement suite à l’exploitation sexuelle sur Internet.
Essai doctoral présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Docteur en psychologie (D.Psy.), option clinique
O estudo tem como objectivo avaliar a percepção da imagem do corpo e os problemas comportamentais em adolescentes vítimas de abuso sexual infantil, de Negligência e não vítimas de violência (NW). A amostra englobou 33 adolescentes do sexo feminino, entre os 11- 18 anos (M=15,21, SD=2,325). Destas, 22 estão institucionalizadas, onde 11 sofreram abusos sexuais e 11 negligência. As restantes residem com a família. Na recolha de dados utilizou-se o Questionário sobre Imagem do Corpo, de Bruchon-Schweitzer, o YSR, de Achenbach, e uma Ficha de caracterização, criada para o estudo, sobre os abusos. Na análise dos dados utilizou-se estatística não paramétrica. Os resultados sugerem que as adolescentes vítimas de violência avaliam e percepcionam o corpo mais negativamente que as adolescentes NW. Não se verificaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas na percepção da imagem do corpo e problemas comportamentais entre vítimas de violência. Esta parece influenciar a imagem corporal e os problemas comportamentais. Contudo, os resultados não são representativos. /ABSTRACT: The study aims to assess the perception of body image and behavior problems in adolescent victims of child sexual abuse, neglect and not victims of violence (NW). The sample comprised 33 adolescent females between 11-18 years (M= 15.21, SD = 2.325). Of these, 22 are institutionalized, where 11 had suffered sexual abuse and 11 neglect. The remaining living with the family. ln data collection we used the Questionnaire on Body lmage in Bruchon¬ Schweitzer, the YSR, Achenbach, and characterization of a sheet, created for the study, about the abuse. ln analyzing the data we used nonparametric statistical. The results suggest that adolescents who are victims of violence and assess the body more negatively perceived that adolescents NW. There were no statistically significant differences in perception of body image and behavior problems among victims of violence. This appears to influence body image and behavior problems. However, the results are not representative.
Early childhood teacher education programs have a responsibility, amongst many, to prepare teachers for decision-making on real world issues, such as child abuse and neglect. Their repertoire of skills can be enhanced by engaging with others, either face-to-face or online, in authentic problem-based learning. This paper draws on a study of early childhood student teachers who engaged in an authentic learning experience, which was to consider and to suggest how they would act upon a real-life case of child abuse encountered in an early childhood classroom in Queensland. This was the case of Toby (a pseudonym), who was suspected of being physically abused at home. Students drew upon relevant legislation, policy and resource materials to tackle Toby’s case. The paper provides evidence of students grappling with the complexity of a child abuse case and establishing, through collaboration with others, a proactive course of action. The paper has a dual focus. First, it discusses the pedagogical context in which early childhood student teachers deal with issues of child abuse and neglect in the course of their teacher education program. Second, it examines evidence of students engaging in collaborative problem-solving around issues of child abuse and neglect and teachers’ responsibilities, both legal and professional, to the children and families they work with. Early childhood policy-makers, practitioners and teacher educators are challenged to consider how early childhood teachers are best equipped to deal with child protection and early intervention.
Well over 50 picture books have been published for children on the topic of sexual child abuse (Lampert & Walsh, 2010) many with the aim of teaching their very young readers how to tell the difference between good and bad secrets. This paper looks at three recent picture books for how they focus on disclosure as an end point.
This study ascertained the extent to which abuse and neglect are identified and recorded by mental health services. A comprehensive audit of 250 randomly selected files from four community mental health centres in Auckland, New Zealand was conducted, using similar methodology to that of a 1997 audit in the same city so as to permit comparisons. Significant increases, compared to the 1997 audit, were found in the rates of child sexual and physical abuse, and adulthood sexual assault (but not adulthood physical assault) identified in the files. Identification of physical and emotional neglect, however, was poor. Male service users were asked less often than females; and male staff enquired less often than female staff. People with a diagnosis indicative of psychosis, such as ‘schizophrenia’, tended to be asked less often and had significantly lower rates of abuse/neglect identified. Despite the overall improvement, mental health services are still missing significant amounts of childhood and adulthood adversities, especially neglect. All services need clear policies that all service users be asked about both abuse and neglect, whatever their gender or diagnosis, and that staff receive training that address the barriers to asking and to responding therapeutically to disclosures.