998 resultados para charge air


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In the last 15 years, the therapeutical options for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases in rheumatology have increased a lot. Nevertheless, some patients do not respond or respond partially to the current therapies--including to the biologics therapy. Tofacitinib (Xeljanz) is now on the Swiss market. It inhibits the JAK pathway. Tofacitinib--as monotherapy or with methotrexate--improves the control of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In a comparative study, tofacitinib was as effective as adalimumab. Further, tofacitinib reduced structural damages in RA and is considered as an alternative, in case of non-response, to anti-TNF and probably to other biologics therapy. The side effects are upper respiratory tract and opportunist infections and tuberculosis. Blood count, lipids, kidney function, liver tests, CK and blood pressure have to be monitored.


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Acute exacerbation of COPD is one of the most common causes of hospital admission in patients affected with this disease. In most cases, consideration of differential diagnoses and assessment of important comorbidities will allow to make the decision whether or not the patient needs to be hospitalized. A decision to hospitalize will be based on specific symptoms and signs, as well on the patient's history. Contrary to bronchial asthma, a systematic action plan strategy is lacking for COPD. However, a disease management plan involving all the health care providers may have the potential to improve the patient's well being and to decrease costs related to these exacerbations.


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In the absence of works which would significantly change the perspective on the management of diabetes in the elapsed year, this article proposes a reflection on the integration of the evolving knowledge over the past decade into clinical practice. The major preventive impact of an approach targeting all the cardiovascular risk factors in diabetic patients will remain as the main lesson of this decade. The therapeutic goals need to be tailored to the individual patient's situation based on the evaluation of the benefit: inconvenience-ratio of the treatments. The process of their choice has to include the quest for a shared vision with the patient who is in charge of diabetes management in daily life.


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Protozoan and helminthes are frequently associated with persistent digestive complaints, not only in returning travelers from the tropics, but also in industrialized countries. The symptoms are often more vague than those associated to bacterial or viral infections and diarrhea is not always a key feature of the clinical presentation. Three stool examinations and a full blood cells count looking for eosinophilia is the comer stone of the investigations looking for digestive parasites. This article reviews the epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic and management of digestive protozoans and helminthes.


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A majority of smokers and non-smokers mind tobacco smoke. Passive smoking causes death by sudden infant death, lung cancer and coronary heart disease. 3000 to 6000 persons are killed every year in France. The lack of implementation of the Evin's law published in 1991 explains why non-smokers are not given the protection they can expect. The trend of scientific knowledge and of French and international public opinions support a growing demand for a complete protection of non-smokers with a total ban of smoking in all public or working places.


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Health literacy is defined as "the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions." Low health literacy mainly affects certain populations at risk limiting access to care, interaction with caregivers and self-management. If there are screening tests, their routine use is not advisable and recommended interventions in practice consist rather to reduce barriers to patient-caregiver communication. It is thus important to include not only population's health literacy but also communication skills of a health system wich tend to become more complex.


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L'embolie gazeuse représente une pathologie rare, potentiellement létale, rencontrée le plus souvent comme complication iatrogène d'un geste invasif chirurgical ou médical (insertion de voie veineuse centrale), mais également dans d'autres situations (accidents de plongée, traumatismes, ventilation non invasive) ou même intentionnelle suicidaire. Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente de 31 ans connue pour des troubles de la personnalité, avec de multiples antécédents de tentamens médicamenteux, par ingestion de débris de verre ou de solution désinfectante pour les mains (Sterilium®), ayant nécessité plus d'une centaine d'hospitalisations dans le milieu psychiatrique. Cette patiente est admise aux urgences pour un nouvel abus médicamenteux par 20 comprimés de Détensor® (chlorhydrate de diphénhydramine et 8-chlor-théophylline), médicament sédatif et hypnotique en vente libre. Environ 16 heures après l'admission, la patiente s'injecte par le cathéter veineux du pli du coude gauche une quantité inconnue d'air à l'aide d'une seringue de 10 ml dérobée dans le service. L'examen clinique révèle une patiente normotendue, normocarde, avec une saturation de 95% à l'air ambiant et un status sans particularité. La gazométrie montre une insuffisance respiratoire partielle avec légère hypoxémie (pression artérielle d'oxygène (PaO2) à 73,1 mm Hg; borne inférieure prédite pour l'âge à 80,2 mm Hg). L'électrocardiogramme est sans particularité et la radiographie du thorax ne montre pas d'anomalie décelable, en l'occurrence pas d'air dans les troncs pulmonaires. La patiente est mise immédiatement sous oxygénothérapie à haute concentration de 100% et gardée en position couchée et monitorée. L'adhérence au traitement est limitée, de seulement 20 minutes. Nous n'avons pas recours à la manoeuvre de Durant (décubitus latéral gauche). La voie veineuse périphérique est rapidement enlevée. L'évolution est favorable, la gazométrie se normalisant après 4 heures (PaO2 à 94 mm Hg à l'air ambiant). La patiente est transférée en milieu psychiatrique pour suite de prise en charge de sa pathologie psychiatrique. Conclusions: Ce cas clinique illustre une pathologie rare, un tentamen par embolie gazeuse dans un contexte hospitalier et nous a déterminé à revoir la littérature sur l'épidémiologie, la présentation clinique, l'évolution, les tests diagnostiques, les complications, le traitement et le pronostic de l'embolie gazeuse qu'elle soit iatrogène, accidentelle ou auto-infligée.