966 resultados para chagas disease
Dogs play a major role in the domestic cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi, acting as reservoirs. In a previous work we have developed a model of vaccination of dogs in captivity with nonpathogenic Trypanosoma rangeli epimastigotes, resulting in the production of protective antibodies against T. cruzi, with dramatic decrease of parasitaemia upon challenge with 100,000 virulent forms of this parasite. The aim of this work was to evaluate the immunogenicity of this vaccine in dogs living in a rural area. Domestic dogs, free from T. cruzi infection, received three immunisations with fixed T. rangeli epimastigotes. Dogs were not challenged with T. cruzi, but they were left in their environment. This immunisation induced antibodies against T. cruzi for more than three years in dogs in their natural habitat, while control dogs remained serologically negative.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Patologia Molecular, 2015.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Patologia Molecular, 2016.
Los estudios acerca del concepto actividad física (AF) son diversos, presentando diferentes concepciones; su relación con calidad de vida suele estar generada dentro del discurso médico, que propende por la ejecución de la Actividad Física desde una mirada netamente biológica. Si bien esta disertación es importante, se debe tener en cuenta que los estudios relacionados con calidad de vida y la AF se basan en la condición de bienestar y percepción frente al estado de salud; dichos estudios no se han realizado desde las condiciones de vida y del contexto social. Si bien es cierto que la mirada médica y lo estudios objetivos son relevantes, ya que arrojan estadísticas que permiten abordar recomendaciones en cuanto a la actividad física, en este documento se elaboró una investigación de tipo cualitativo por medio de la revisión documental del concepto de actividad física, sus prácticas y su relación con calidad de vida, que abordan diferentes autores. Para ello se elige la base de datos PubMed por su énfasis en las publicaciones de salud; se seleccionan artículos publicados del 2004 y 2014, que estudien el concepto de actividad física, sus prácticas y relaciones con calidad de vida, para finalmente hacer un análisis desde los modelos de determinación y determinantes sociales. De esta forma se analiza la posición de los autores con respecto al concepto, sus prácticas y las relaciones que puede llegar a surgir con la calidad de vida. En esta investigación se obtuvo como resultados tendencias biológicas, psicológicas, sociales y culturales, en los cuales los autores dejan clara la posición médica ya que en la mayoría de investigaciones centran sus relaciones en la funcionalidad, y es a través de la visión terapéutica donde buscan el bienestar, la satisfacción de los pacientes que padecen cualquier enfermedad. Además, aparecen categorías emergentes como: cuerpo como medio de publicidad, cibernética que avanza vertiginosamente y el papel del poder en la actividad física que pueden ser contempladas para otros estudios.
Background and purpose: The discovery of the pharmacological functions of nitric oxide has led to the development of NO donor compounds as therapeutic agents. A new generation of ruthenium NO donors, cis-[Ru(NO)(bpy)(2)L]X(n) , has been developed, and our aim was to show that these complexes are able to lyse Trypanosoma cruzi in vitro and in vivo. Experimental approach: NO donors were incubated with T. cruzi and their anti-T. cruzi activities evaluated as the percentage of lysed parasites compared to the negative control. In vivo, trypanocidal activity was evaluated by observing the levels of parasitaemia, survival rate and elimination of amastigotes in mouse myocardial tissue. The inhibition of GAPDH was monitored by the biochemical reduction of NAD+ to NADH. Key results: The NO donors cis-[Ru(NO)(bpy)(2)L]X(n) presented inhibitory effects on T. cruzi GAPDH (IC(50) ranging from 89 to 153 mu M). The crystal structure of the enzyme shows that the inhibitory mechanism is compatible with S-nitrosylation of the active cysteine (cys166) site. Compounds cis-[Ru(NO)(bpy)(2)imN](PF(6))(3) and cis-[Ru(NO)(bpy)(2)SO(3)]PF(6), at a dose of 385 nmol center dot kg-1, yielded survival rates of 80 and 60%, respectively, in infected mice, and eradicated any amastigotes from their myocardial tissue. Conclusions and implications: The ruthenium compounds exhibited potent in vitro and in vivo trypanocidal activities at doses up to 1000-fold lower than the clinical dose for benznidazole. Furthermore, one mechanism of action of these compounds is via the S-nitrosylation of Cys166 of T. cruzi GAPDH. Thus, these compounds show huge potential as candidates for the development of new drugs for the treatment of Chagas`s disease. This article is commented on by Machado et al., pp. 258-259 of this issue. To view this commentary visit http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1476-5381.2010.00662.x and to view a related paper in this issue by Guedes et al. visit http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1476-5381.2010.00576.x.
Assessing the efficacy of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD) in patients with Chagas' heart disease (ChHD) and identifying the clinical predictors of mortality and ICD shock during long-term follow-up. ChHD is associated with ventricular tachyarrhythmias and an increased risk of sudden cardiac death. Although ChHD is a common form of cardiomyopathy in Latin American ICD users, little is known about its efficacy in the treatment of this population. The study cohort included 116 consecutive patients with ChHD and an ICD implanted for secondary prevention. Of the 116 patients, 83 (72%) were men; the mean age was 54 +/- 10.7 years. Several clinical variables were tested in a multivariate Cox model for predicting long-term mortality. The average follow-up was 45 +/- 32 months. New York Heart Association class I-II developed in 83% of patients. The mean left ventricular ejection fraction was 42 +/- 16% at implantation. Of the 116 patients, 58 (50%) had appropriate shocks and 13 (11%) had inappropriate therapy. A total of 31 patients died (7.1% annual mortality rate). New York Heart Association class III (hazard ratio [HR] 3.09, 95% confidence interval 1.37 to 6.96, p = 0.0064) was a predictor of a worse prognosis. The left ventricular ejection fraction (HR 0.972, 95% confidence interval 0.94 to 0.99, p = 0.0442) and low cumulative right ventricular pacing (HR 0.23, 95% confidence interval 0.11 to 0.49, p = 0.0001) were predictors of better survival. The left ventricular diastolic diameter was an independent predictor of appropriate shock (I-ER 1.032, 95% confidence interval 1.004 to 1.060, p = 0.025). In conclusion, in a long-term follow-up, ICD efficacy for secondary sudden cardiac death prevention in patients with ChHD was marked by a favorable annual rate of all-cause mortality (7.1%); 50% of the cohort received appropriate shock therapy. New York Heart Association class III and left ventricular ejection fraction were independent predictors of worse prognosis, and low cumulative right ventricular pacing defined better survival. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (Am J Cardiol 2012;110:1040-1045)
The crystal structure and the vibrational spectrum of a potential drug for Chagas`s disease treatment, the (E)-isomer of phenylethenylbenzofuroxan 1 (5(6)(E)-[(2-phenylethenyl)]benzo[1,2-c]1,2,5-oxadiazole N-oxide), are reported. In order to provide insights into structural relationships, quantum mechanical calculations were employed starting from crystal structure. These results have given theoretical support to state interesting structural features, such as the effect of some intermolecular contacts on the molecule conformation and the electronic delocalization decreasing through atoms of the benzofuroxan moiety. Furthermore, the MOGUL comparative analysis in the Cambridge Structural Database provided additional evidences on these structural behaviors of compound 1. Intermolecular contacts interfere on the intramolecular geometry, as, for instance, on the phenyl group orientation, which is twisted by 12.32(6)A degrees from the ethenylbenzofuroxan plane. The experimental Raman spectrum of compound 1 presents unexpected frequency shift and also anomalous Raman activities. At last, the molecule skeleton deformation and the characteristic vibrational modes were correlated by matching the experimental Raman spectrum to the calculated one.
A febre tifóide é doença infecciosa de distribuição mundial e, estando estreitamente relacionada com baixos níveis sócio-econômicos, ocorre com maior freqüência nos países em desenvolvimento. Neste trabalho é apresentada a experiência do Instituto Evandro Chagas (IEe) com essa doença desde 1987 até 2004, período no qual se construiu uma casuística de 443 casos, todos diagnosticados por meio do isolamento da Salmonella Typhi no sangue e/ou nas fezes, sendo alguns deles complementados com a reação soro lógica de Widal. Os casos foram procedentes de Belém e do interior do Estado, ora encaminhados ao IEC pelas respectivas unidades do Sistema Único de Saúde para esclarecimento diagnóstico de síndrome febril, a maioria de curso prolongado, aqui designados como "demanda espontânea", ora detectados por ocasião da investigação de surtos ocorridos em localidades do interior. Discutiram-se aspectos relacionados à apresentação clínica, com ênfase às manifestações atípicas; à distribuição por gênero e faixa etária; à sazonalidade; e à distribuição por área de procedência, identificando-se os municípios de maior prevalência, e a distribuição por bairros, em relação aos casos procedentes de Belém. Foram discutidos, também, aspectos relacionados ao diagnóstico laboratorial com ênfase à aplicação dos métodos de cultivo (coprocultura e hemocultura) comparando o rendimento delas em relação ao tempo de doença e a relação dessas provas com a reação de Widal, comparando o valor desta como método auxiliar ou complementar no diagnóstico da doença. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas por meio do programa Bio Estat versão 3.0, aplicando-se o teste do qui-quadrado e teste "G" e a significância estatística foi aceita ao nível de 95%. Os resultados nos permitiram tirar as seguintes conclusões: 1) em situações de normalidade epidemiológica a febre tifóide acomete mais a faixa etária do adulto jovem, enquanto que, nas situações epidêmicas, a faixa etária mais atingida é a infantil; 2) existem homogeneidade entre as amostras provenientes dos casos de surtos e da demanda espontânea quanto à distribuição dos gêneros, sendo que o masculino está mais exposta à febre tifóide; 3) no interior do Estado a doença se mostrou mais freqüente nas regiões onde se concentra maior número de populações ribeirinhas e, em relação à capital, ela mostra a maior prevalência no bairro do Jurunas; 4) a enfermidade tem um perfil sazonal, que mostra a maior ocorrência na segunda metade do ano, favorecida provavelmente por fatores geo-climáticos e culturais; 5) a febre tifóide constitui sério problema de saúde pública no Estado do Pará, confirmando sua estreita relação com os elevados níveis de pobreza; 6) a fórmula leucocitária revelou padrão normal ou leucocitose em maior percentual em relação à leucopenia; 7) na abordagem laboratorial não se deve prescindir dos ensaios que visam ao isolamento em detrimento do teste sorológico, e a coprocultura e a hemocultura devem ser solicitadas em todos os casos sem se levar em conta o tempo de evolução do quadro clínico; 8) em nossa região, nas áreas onde não há disponibilidade das provas de cultivo a reação de Widal pode ser uma alternativa de valor diagnóstico; 9) é enfermidade de curso clínico prolongado e com manifestações clínicas atípicas (pneumonias e hepatite colestática) cujos sinais/sintomas, quando presentes, devem suscitar a suspeita por parte do investigador; 10) nas regiões de elevada endemicidade, a febre tifóide pode causar um impacto negativo na economia tanto pelos custos gerados com exames laboratoriais, tratamento, hospitalizações e eventuais intervenções cirúrgicas, como por afastar o trabalhador do seu posto de trabalho por um período de tempo prolongado.
Using ELISA technique, natural antibodies against self and non self antigens were determined in 80 patients chronically intected by T. cruzi and 40 individuals suffering from a deep mycosis frequentely found in Latin Amarica (Paracoccidioidomycosis - PCM). Two forms of PCM were investigated: adult forms and juvenil type of disease. Eighty percent (80%) of the former group had significantly elevated anti-laminin antibody levels (M=4.7,SD±1.8) compared with healthy controls and different specificities of antibody were associated with anti-laminin in pathological sera. A notable binding to cytoskeletal proteins was observed, specially with band 3 and their peptides derivates, such as 62 kDa peptide. By means of Protein A chromatography we were able to show that natural anti-Gal antibodies may be bound by their Fab region to other immunoglobulins and/or to Protein A by alternative sites of binding. The finding of lgG anti-Gal antibodies in circulating immune complexes isolated from chagasic sera supported the first alternative. However, it is possible that some of lgG anti-Gal antibodies, belong to VH111 subgroup of immunoglobulins, that bind directly to Protein A. Among the 40 sera from PCM examined, the majority was considered as not exhibiting a signilicantly higher binding than normal sera to antigens tested. However thirty percent (30%) of the chronic patients had an increased levels of natural antibodies at least for one specificity such as actyn, myosin and Gala1,3Gal epitopes. ln juvenil type of PCM the mean value found for actyn was also increased 2,42 (range 1,0 to 5,3). Utilizing the polyethylene glicol precipitation the presence of circulating immune complexes was investigated in PCM sera. Specific antibodies for soluble antigens from P. brasiliensis and natural antibodies against myoglobin, myosin and Gala1,3 Gal epitopes were characterized
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp cubense (Foc), the causal agent of Panama disease, is responsible for economic losses in banana crops worldwide. The identification of genes that effectively act on pathogenicity and/or virulence may contribute to the development of different strategies for disease control and the production of resistant plants. The objective of the current study was to analyze the importance of SGE1 gene expression in Foc virulence through post-transcriptional silencing using a double-stranded RNA hairpin.
In this study we examined the impact of weather variability and tides on the transmission of Barmah Forest virus (BFV) disease and developed a weather-based forecasting model for BFV disease in the Gladstone region, Australia. We used seasonal autoregressive integrated moving-average (SARIMA) models to determine the contribution of weather variables to BFV transmission after the time-series data of response and explanatory variables were made stationary through seasonal differencing. We obtained data on the monthly counts of BFV cases, weather variables (e.g., mean minimum and maximum temperature, total rainfall, and mean relative humidity), high and low tides, and the population size in the Gladstone region between January 1992 and December 2001 from the Queensland Department of Health, Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland Department of Transport, and Australian Bureau of Statistics, respectively. The SARIMA model shows that the 5-month moving average of minimum temperature (β = 0.15, p-value < 0.001) was statistically significantly and positively associated with BFV disease, whereas high tide in the current month (β = −1.03, p-value = 0.04) was statistically significantly and inversely associated with it. However, no significant association was found for other variables. These results may be applied to forecast the occurrence of BFV disease and to use public health resources in BFV control and prevention.