404 resultados para biosensori OECT tessile serigrafia PEDOT:PSS
Abstract : Images acquired from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can provide data with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution for three-dimensional (3D) modeling. Solutions developed for this purpose are mainly operating based on photogrammetry concepts, namely UAV-Photogrammetry Systems (UAV-PS). Such systems are used in applications where both geospatial and visual information of the environment is required. These applications include, but are not limited to, natural resource management such as precision agriculture, military and police-related services such as traffic-law enforcement, precision engineering such as infrastructure inspection, and health services such as epidemic emergency management. UAV-photogrammetry systems can be differentiated based on their spatial characteristics in terms of accuracy and resolution. That is some applications, such as precision engineering, require high-resolution and high-accuracy information of the environment (e.g. 3D modeling with less than one centimeter accuracy and resolution). In other applications, lower levels of accuracy might be sufficient, (e.g. wildlife management needing few decimeters of resolution). However, even in those applications, the specific characteristics of UAV-PSs should be well considered in the steps of both system development and application in order to yield satisfying results. In this regard, this thesis presents a comprehensive review of the applications of unmanned aerial imagery, where the objective was to determine the challenges that remote-sensing applications of UAV systems currently face. This review also allowed recognizing the specific characteristics and requirements of UAV-PSs, which are mostly ignored or not thoroughly assessed in recent studies. Accordingly, the focus of the first part of this thesis is on exploring the methodological and experimental aspects of implementing a UAV-PS. The developed system was extensively evaluated for precise modeling of an open-pit gravel mine and performing volumetric-change measurements. This application was selected for two main reasons. Firstly, this case study provided a challenging environment for 3D modeling, in terms of scale changes, terrain relief variations as well as structure and texture diversities. Secondly, open-pit-mine monitoring demands high levels of accuracy, which justifies our efforts to improve the developed UAV-PS to its maximum capacities. The hardware of the system consisted of an electric-powered helicopter, a high-resolution digital camera, and an inertial navigation system. The software of the system included the in-house programs specifically designed for camera calibration, platform calibration, system integration, onboard data acquisition, flight planning and ground control point (GCP) detection. The detailed features of the system are discussed in the thesis, and solutions are proposed in order to enhance the system and its photogrammetric outputs. The accuracy of the results was evaluated under various mapping conditions, including direct georeferencing and indirect georeferencing with different numbers, distributions and types of ground control points. Additionally, the effects of imaging configuration and network stability on modeling accuracy were assessed. The second part of this thesis concentrates on improving the techniques of sparse and dense reconstruction. The proposed solutions are alternatives to traditional aerial photogrammetry techniques, properly adapted to specific characteristics of unmanned, low-altitude imagery. Firstly, a method was developed for robust sparse matching and epipolar-geometry estimation. The main achievement of this method was its capacity to handle a very high percentage of outliers (errors among corresponding points) with remarkable computational efficiency (compared to the state-of-the-art techniques). Secondly, a block bundle adjustment (BBA) strategy was proposed based on the integration of intrinsic camera calibration parameters as pseudo-observations to Gauss-Helmert model. The principal advantage of this strategy was controlling the adverse effect of unstable imaging networks and noisy image observations on the accuracy of self-calibration. The sparse implementation of this strategy was also performed, which allowed its application to data sets containing a lot of tie points. Finally, the concepts of intrinsic curves were revisited for dense stereo matching. The proposed technique could achieve a high level of accuracy and efficiency by searching only through a small fraction of the whole disparity search space as well as internally handling occlusions and matching ambiguities. These photogrammetric solutions were extensively tested using synthetic data, close-range images and the images acquired from the gravel-pit mine. Achieving absolute 3D mapping accuracy of 11±7 mm illustrated the success of this system for high-precision modeling of the environment.
We compare the optical properties and device performance of unpackaged InGaN/GaN multiple-quantum-well light-emitting diodes (LEDs) emitting at ∼430 nm grown simultaneously on a high-cost small-size bulk semipolar (11 2 - 2) GaN substrate (Bulk-GaN) and a low-cost large-size (11 2 - 2) GaN template created on patterned (10 1 - 2) r-plane sapphire substrate (PSS-GaN). The Bulk-GaN substrate has the threading dislocation density (TDD) of ∼ and basal-plane stacking fault (BSF) density of 0 cm-1, while the PSS-GaN substrate has the TDD of ∼2 × 108cm-2 and BSF density of ∼1 × 103cm-1. Despite an enhanced light extraction efficiency, the LED grown on PSS-GaN has two-times lower internal quantum efficiency than the LED grown on Bulk-GaN as determined by photoluminescence measurements. The LED grown on PSS-GaN substrate also has about two-times lower output power compared to the LED grown on Bulk-GaN substrate. This lower output power was attributed to the higher TDD and BSF density.
La fin du traitement actif et le début de la phase de survie correspondent à une période de transition qui présente de nombreux défis pour la personne survivante au cancer, les soignants et le système de santé. La phase de survie au cancer est une phase distincte mais négligée du continuum de soins. Pour faciliter la transition de la fin du traitement actif vers la survie et optimiser la coordination des soins de suivi, la mise en place d’un plan de soins de suivi (PSS) est proposée. Le but de cette recherche est de développer, de mettre en place et d’évaluer si un plan de soins de suivi (PSS) permet de répondre aux besoins globaux, de diminuer la détresse émotionnelle et de favoriser les comportements d’autogestion de santé de femmes atteintes du cancer de l’endomètre (FACE) lors de la transition de la fin du traitement actif vers la survie au cancer. Elle comprend deux phases distinctes. La première phase visait d’abord le développement d’un plan de soins de suivi (PSS) pour des femmes atteintes du cancer de l’endomètre avec traitements adjuvants. La sélection du contenu du PSS a été faite à partir de la recension des écrits et des données recueillies lors d’entrevues individuelles avec 19 FACE, 24 professionnels de la santé travaillant avec cette clientèle et quatre gestionnaires de proximité en oncologie. Cette première phase avait également pour but la validation du contenu du PSS auprès de dix professionnels de la santé impliqués dans l’étude. La seconde phase consistait à évaluer la faisabilité, l’acceptabilité du PSS et à en pré-tester l’utilité à répondre aux besoins globaux, à diminuer la détresse émotionnelle (peur de la récidive) et à favoriser l’autogestion de santé auprès d’un groupe de 18 femmes atteintes du cancer de l’endomètre avec traitements adjuvants à la fin du traitement actif vers la survie. Sur le plan de la faisabilité, les résultats suggèrent que la mise en place du PSS comporte des défis en termes de temps, de ressources et de coordination pour l’infirmière pivot en oncologie (IPO). Concernant l’acceptabilité du PSS, les FACE le perçoivent comme un outil d’information utile qui favorise la communication avec le médecin de famille ou d’autres professionnels de la santé. Les IPO soutiennent sa valeur ajoutée à la fin du traitement et soulignent que la discussion du contenu du PSS fait ressortir des éléments de surveillance et de suivi essentiels à prendre en compte pour la phase de survie et permet de mettre l’emphase sur l’autogestion de sa santé. Pour les médecins de famille, le PSS est un outil d’information pour les survivantes qui favorise la réassurance, la communication et la continuité des soins entre professionnels de la santé. Enfin, pour ce qui est de l’utilité du PSS à répondre aux besoins globaux, les résultats suggèrent que l’ensemble des besoins sont plus satisfaits trois mois après la fin des traitements pour le groupe ayant reçu un PSS. Bien que la peur de récidive du cancer (PRC) s’améliore au suivi de trois mois pour le groupe exposé au PSS, 55% des FACE conservent un score cliniquement significatif de 13 à la sous-échelle de sévérité de peur de récidive à la fin du traitement et 42% au suivi de trois mois. Les comportements d’autogestion de santé s’améliorent entre la fin du traitement et le suivi de trois mois pour le groupe exposé un PSS. Considérant ces résultats, la démarche soutient la pertinence de mettre en place un PSS à la fin du traitement actif pour les FACE pour répondre à des besoins d’information, favoriser la communication et la continuité des soins avec les professionnels de la santé et les comportements d’autogestion de santé dans la phase de survie. Cependant, des contraintes de temps, de ressources et de coordination doivent être prises en compte pour sa mise en place dans le milieu clinique. Mots-clés : Transition, fin du traitement actif, besoins, survie au cancer, plan de soins de suivi.
Les objectifs de ce mémoire sont, d'une part, de vérifier la perception du soutien social face au réseau des pairs et face à la famille chez les élèves en difficultés d'apprentissage et les décrocheurs au secondaire. D'autre part, cette étude cherche à vérifier les différences entre les filles et les garçons. Un échantillon de 115 adolescentes et adolescents provenant de la polyvalente St-Jérôme de la région des Laurentides sont les sujets à l'étude (45 filles et 70 garçons). Parmi ceux-ci, on dénombre trois groupes. Tout d'abord, on retrouve les élèves faisant partie d'un groupe d'insertion sociale et professionnelle au marché du travail et présentant un retard scolaire d'au moins deux ans (groupe I. S. P. M. T.) (n=37). Un deuxième groupe est constitué d'élèves ayant doublé une année et présentant un retard scolaire d'une année (groupe des doubleurs) (n=32). Enfin, un dernier groupe comprend des élèves fréquentant le secondaire trois et faisant partie du cheminement régulier (groupe régulier) (n=46). Les sujets ont été évalués avec le Questionnaire de perception du soutien social face au réseau des pairs et face à la famille (traduction du Perceived Social Support From Friends and From Family (PSS-Fr, PSS-Fa) (Procidano & Heller, 1983). Une analyse de la variance (ANOVA) révèle un effet principal au niveau du groupe. L'analyse post-hoc (Tuckey A-LSD) indique que les élèves du groupe des doubleurs (difficultés légères d'apprentissage) présentent une perception du soutien social significativement plus élevée face au réseau des pairs que les élèves du groupe I. S. P. M. T. (difficultés graves d'apprentissage) (F = 3,558, p < ,05). Toutefois, le groupe I. S. P. M. T. ne se distingue pas du groupe régulier. L'interprétation des résultats permet de considérer les variables troubles du comportement et habiletés sociales pouvant jouer un rôle déterminant auprès du groupe des doubleurs. L'effet d'interaction de l'ANOVA (Sexe X Décrochage) infirme la deuxième hypothèse. À titre exploratoire, nous avons introduit, dans le cadre des analyses, la variable groupe. L'effet d'interaction à trois dimensions de l'ANOVA (Sexe X Groupe X Décrochage) indique que les décrocheuses du groupe I. S. P. M. T. présentent, d'une façon significative, la perception du soutien social face au réseau des pairs la plus élevée (F = 5,936, p < ,01). Afin d'expliquer ce résultat, l'interprétation permet de mettre en lumière les différences concernant les relations interpersonnelles et le rôle du réseau des pairs chez les filles et les garçons. Enfin, les décrocheurs présentent une perception du soutien social face à la famille significativement plus faible que les décrocheuses (F = 10,784, p < ,001). Ce résultat amène un aspect nouveau dans la compréhension de la problématique du décrochage scolaire par l'entremise, une fois de plus, des différences entre les filles et les garçons en ce qui a trait à la famille.
A Síndrome de Sjögren (SS) é uma das três patologias autoimunes mais frequentes na população mundial, ainda assim frequentemente infradiagnosticada. Esta síndrome é uma doença autoimune crónica que afeta as glândulas exócrinas, particularmente as glândulas salivares e lacrimais. A SS primária (SSp) afeta especificamente as glândulas exócrinas, enquanto que a SS secundária (SSs) aparece associada a outras patologias autoimunes sistémicas. A SS é caracterizada, histopatologicamente, por um infiltrado inflamatório linfocitário que interfere com a função glandular normal. Afeta 0,5% da população mundial, sendo claramente mais predominante em mulheres (9:1 versus homens), principalmente por volta dos 50 anos (após a menopausa), ainda que também possa aparecer depois da menarca (entre os 20 e os 30 anos). Considera se que a etiologia da SS é multifatorial. Fatores genéticos, ambientais, hormonais e virais estão implicados na sua etiopatogénese. É muito importante o papel dos Médicos Dentistas no diagnóstico da SSp, uma vez que na maior parte dos casos são eles quem detetam os primeiros sintomas, mais propriamente a boca seca. Diversos testes auxiliares são utilizados para o diagnóstico desta doença, tais como: o teste de Schimer, o teste de Rosa Bengala, a Sialometria, a Sialografia, a Biópsia das glândulas salivares, entre outros. A SSp, regra geral, tem um curso não doloroso, sendo a boca seca e a secura ocular as suas duas características clínicas mais salientes. A maior parte das manifestações orais que se apresentam nestes pacientes são resultado de hipofunção das glândulas salivares (da boca seca), tais como: a cárie dentária, a doença periodontal, as infeções fúngicas, entre outras. Esta doença também se pode associar a problemas a nível sistémico, que podem ser subdivididos em não viscerais (pele, artralgia, mialgia) e viscerais (pulmão, coração, rim, sistema gastrointestinal, sistema endócrino e sistema nervoso central e periférico). O tratamento é empírico, sintomático e direcionado a tratar as complicações da doença mais inicial, que consiste em limitar os danos da xerostomia e da queratoconjuntivite. A prevenção dos sintomas a nível oral e ocular é fundamental em pacientes com SSp, para assim terem maior qualidade de vida.
Relatório EPE - Relatório de estágio em Educação Pré-Escolar: O presente relatório de estágio tem como propósito principal refletir, criticamente, acerca de todo o percurso realizado no contexto educativo de Educação Pré-Escolar, no âmbito da Unidade Curricular (UC) de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada (PPS), inserida no Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar (PE) e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1ºCEB). O trabalho desenvolvido teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais associadas ao saber agir em ação, exigindo um quadro concetual rigoroso, adaptado às características do nível educativo e do contexto. Para tal, foi necessária uma atitude profissional indagadora e investigativa, critica e reflexiva, que permitisse agir com intencionalidade pedagógica. Neste sentido, os processos educativos e formativos desenvolvidos ao longo de todo o semestre, centraram-se numa metodologia de investigação-ação, caracterizada por uma espiral de ciclos de observação, planificação, ação, avaliação e reflexão, tendo em conta diferentes dimensões pedagógicas. Todos estes processos foram devidamente articulados com referentes teóricos e legais, sendo feito um enquadramento a esse nível, com vista a compreender a base de sustentação das práticas da mestranda. Evidencia-se a conceção de criança e o papel fundamental, não só do educador, mas também de todos os intervenientes do processo educativo, no sentido de estimular e motivar a criança para a construção das suas próprias aprendizagens, destacando-se, assim, uma visão socio construtivista da aprendizagem, transversal a todos os processos referidos. Todas as ações desenvolvidas permitiram analisar o percurso da formanda e o desenvolvimento das suas competências profissionais, não só relacionadas com a prática, mas também direcionadas para quadros concetuais mais alargados.
This thesis is an investigation of structural brain abnormalities, as well as multisensory and unisensory processing deficits in autistic traits and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). To achieve this, structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and psychophysical techniques were employed. ASD is a neurodevelopmental condition which is characterised by the social communication and interaction deficits, as well as repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests and activities. These traits are thought to be present in a typical population. The Autism Spectrum Quotient questionnaire (AQ) was developed to assess the prevalence of autistic traits in the general population. Von dem Hagen et al. (2011) revealed a link between AQ with white matter (WM) and grey matter (GM) volume (using voxel-based-morphometry). However, their findings revealed no difference in GM in areas associated with social cognition. Cortical thickness (CT) measurements are known to be a more direct measure of cortical morphology than GM volume. Therefore, Chapter 2 investigated the relationship between AQ scores and CT in the same sample of participants. This study showed that AQ scores correlated with CT in the left temporo-occipital junction, left posterior cingulate, right precentral gyrus and bilateral precentral sulcus, in a typical population. These areas were previously associated with structural and functional differences in ASD. Thus the findings suggest, to some extent, autistic traits are reflected in brain structure - in the general population. The ability to integrate auditory and visual information is crucial to everyday life, and results are mixed regarding how ASD influences audiovisual integration. To investigate this question, Chapter 3 examined the Temporal Integration Window (TIW), which indicates how precisely sight and sound need to be temporally aligned so that a unitary audiovisual event can be perceived. 26 adult males with ASD and 26 age and IQ-matched typically developed males were presented with flash-beep (BF), point-light drummer, and face-voice (FV) displays with varying degrees of asynchrony and asked to make Synchrony Judgements (SJ) and Temporal Order Judgements (TOJ). Analysis of the data included fitting Gaussian functions as well as using an Independent Channels Model (ICM) to fit the data (Garcia-Perez & Alcala-Quintana, 2012). Gaussian curve fitting for SJs showed that the ASD group had a wider TIW, but for TOJ no group effect was found. The ICM supported these results and model parameters indicated that the wider TIW for SJs in the ASD group was not due to sensory processing at the unisensory level, but rather due to decreased temporal resolution at a decisional level of combining sensory information. Furthermore, when performing TOJ, the ICM revealed a smaller Point of Subjective Simultaneity (PSS; closer to physical synchrony) in the ASD group than in the TD group. Finding that audiovisual temporal processing is different in ASD encouraged us to investigate the neural correlates of multisensory as well as unisensory processing using functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI. Therefore, Chapter 4 investigated audiovisual, auditory and visual processing in ASD of simple BF displays and complex, social FV displays. During a block design experiment, we measured the BOLD signal when 13 adults with ASD and 13 typically developed (TD) age-sex- and IQ- matched adults were presented with audiovisual, audio and visual information of BF and FV displays. Our analyses revealed that processing of audiovisual as well as unisensory auditory and visual stimulus conditions in both the BF and FV displays was associated with reduced activation in ASD. Audiovisual, auditory and visual conditions of FV stimuli revealed reduced activation in ASD in regions of the frontal cortex, while BF stimuli revealed reduced activation the lingual gyri. The inferior parietal gyrus revealed an interaction between stimulus sensory condition of BF stimuli and group. Conjunction analyses revealed smaller regions of the superior temporal cortex (STC) in ASD to be audiovisual sensitive. Against our predictions, the STC did not reveal any activation differences, per se, between the two groups. However, a superior frontal area was shown to be sensitive to audiovisual face-voice stimuli in the TD group, but not in the ASD group. Overall this study indicated differences in brain activity for audiovisual, auditory and visual processing of social and non-social stimuli in individuals with ASD compared to TD individuals. These results contrast previous behavioural findings, suggesting different audiovisual integration, yet intact auditory and visual processing in ASD. Our behavioural findings revealed audiovisual temporal processing deficits in ASD during SJ tasks, therefore we investigated the neural correlates of SJ in ASD and TD controls. Similar to Chapter 4, we used fMRI in Chapter 5 to investigate audiovisual temporal processing in ASD in the same participants as recruited in Chapter 4. BOLD signals were measured while the ASD and TD participants were asked to make SJ on audiovisual displays of different levels of asynchrony: the participants’ PSS, audio leading visual information (audio first), visual leading audio information (visual first). Whereas no effect of group was found with BF displays, increased putamen activation was observed in ASD participants compared to TD participants when making SJs on FV displays. Investigating SJ on audiovisual displays in the bilateral superior temporal gyrus (STG), an area involved in audiovisual integration (see Chapter 4), we found no group differences or interaction between group and levels of audiovisual asynchrony. The investigation of different levels of asynchrony revealed a complex pattern of results indicating a network of areas more involved in processing PSS than audio first and visual first, as well as areas responding differently to audio first compared to video first. These activation differences between audio first and video first in different brain areas are constant with the view that audio leading and visual leading stimuli are processed differently.
Polymer aluminum electrolytic capacitors were introduced to provide an alternative to liquid electrolytic capacitors. Polymer electrolytic capacitor electric parameters of capacitance and ESR are less temperature dependent than those of liquid aluminum electrolytic capacitors. Furthermore, the electrical conductivity of the polymer used in these capacitors (poly-3,4ethylenedioxithiophene) is orders of magnitude higher than the electrolytes used in liquid aluminum electrolytic capacitors, resulting in capacitors with much lower equivalent series resistance which are suitable for use in high ripple-current applications. The presence of the moisture-sensitive polymer PEDOT introduces concerns on the reliability of polymer aluminum capacitors in high humidity conditions. Highly accelerated stress testing (or HAST) (110ºC, 85% relative humidity) of polymer aluminum capacitors in which the parts were subjected to unbiased HAST conditions for 700 hours was done to understand the design factors that contribute to the susceptibility to degradation of a polymer aluminum electrolytic capacitor exposed to HAST conditions. A large scale study involving capacitors of different electrical ratings (2.5V – 16V, 100µF – 470 µF), mounting types (surface-mount and through-hole) and manufacturers (6 different manufacturers) was done to determine a relationship between package geometry and reliability in high temperature-humidity conditions. A Geometry-Based HAST test in which the part selection limited variations between capacitor samples to geometric differences only was done to analyze the effect of package geometry on humidity-driven degradation more closely. Raman spectroscopy, x-ray imaging, environmental scanning electron microscopy, and destructive analysis of the capacitors after HAST exposure was done to determine the failure mechanisms of polymer aluminum capacitors under high temperature-humidity conditions.
Part 4: Transition Towards Product-Service Systems
Part 3: Product-Service Systems
We present a new radiation scheme for the Oxford Planetary Unified Model System for Venus, suitable for the solar and thermal bands. This new and fast radiative parameterization uses a different approach in the two main radiative wavelength bands: solar radiation (0.1-5.5 mu m) and thermal radiation (1.7-260 mu m). The solar radiation calculation is based on the delta-Eddington approximation (two-stream-type) with an adding layer method. For the thermal radiation case, a code based on an absorptivity/emissivity formulation is used. The new radiative transfer formulation implemented is intended to be computationally light, to allow its incorporation in 3D global circulation models, but still allowing for the calculation of the effect of atmospheric conditions on radiative fluxes. This will allow us to investigate the dynamical-radiative-microphysical feedbacks. The model flexibility can be also used to explore the uncertainties in the Venus atmosphere such as the optical properties in the deep atmosphere or cloud amount. The results of radiative cooling and heating rates and the global-mean radiative-convective equilibrium temperature profiles for different atmospheric conditions are presented and discussed. This new scheme works in an atmospheric column and can be easily implemented in 3D Venus global circulation models. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Part 4: Transition Towards Product-Service Systems
"A perceção de suporte social familiar e dos amigos tem uma grande influência no desenvolvimento psicossocial saudável dos adolescentes. Desta forma, propusemo-nos adaptar e aferir para a população portuguesa as escalas de medida Perceção do Suporte Social da Família (PSS-Fam) e dos Amigos (PSS-Am) de Procidado e Heller (1983). Apresentamos os resultados obtidos a partir de uma amostra de 851 adolescentes com idades compreendidas entre os 11 e os 19 anos. Os resultados estão de acordo com os obtidos por Procidano e Heller (1983) que obtiveram uma solução com apenas um fator para cada escala. Os estudos psicométricos revelam, de forma global, bons índices de fiabilidade e validade dos instrumentos. Concluímos contribuindo com duas medidas adequadas para avaliar o suporte social percebido na população adolescente."
Introducción: La conducción de vehículos por personas mayores es una realidad creciente y una de las actividades que ayuda a mantener la sensación de autonomía personal. Sin embargo, la calidad de la conducción puede verse afectada por el envejecimiento. Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio es comparar la percepción de un grupo de conductores sobre los cambios asociados a la edad y los ajustes utilizados en la conducción en función de la edad. Material y método: Se reclutó una muestra de 312 conductores de 20 a 80 años de edad procedentes de centros de reconocimiento médico para la renovación del carné de conducir, así como de centros de recuperación de puntos. A los participantes se les administró un cuestionario sobre características de la conducción y el cuestionario de adaptación a la conducción. Resultados: Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas tanto en los declives percibidos como en los ajustes compensatorios, observándose que los conductores mayores de 65 años indicaron medias más elevadas que el resto de rangos de edad. El grupo de 70 a 80 años es el que usa estrategias compensatorias: «no conducir si llueve», «evitar adelantar», «no conducir de noche», «conducir solo por determinadas zonas» o «aparcar en línea». Conclusiones: Dado que la edad influye en la conducción de vehículos, los mayores usan estrategias de compensación para aminorar el impacto que el envejecimiento provoca sobre esta habilidad.
Freestanding semipolar (11–22) indium gallium nitride (InGaN) multiplequantum-well light-emitting diodes (LEDs) emitting at 445 nm have been realized by the use of laser lift-off (LLO) of the LEDs from a 50- m-thick GaN layer grown on a patterned (10–12) r -plane sapphire substrate (PSS). The GaN grooves originating from the growth on PSS were removed by chemical mechanical polishing. The 300 m × 300 m LEDs showed a turn-on voltage of 3.6 V and an output power through the smooth substrate of 0.87 mW at 20 mA. The electroluminescence spectrum of LEDs before and after LLO showed a stronger emission intensity along the [11–23]InGaN/GaN direction. The polarization anisotropy is independent of the GaN grooves, with a measured value of 0.14. The bandwidth of the LEDs is in excess of 150 MHz at 20 mA, and back-to-back transmission of 300 Mbps is demonstrated, making these devices suitable for visible light communication (VLC) applications.