942 resultados para beat the clock


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Le terme beat deafness désigne une forme d’amusie congénitale spécifique à l’aspect temporel en musique qui a été découverte récemment par l’étude d’un cas unique (Phillips-Silver et al., 2011). L’objectif principal de ce mémoire était d’identifier de nouveaux cas. Nous avons évalué, chez 100 étudiants universitaires, les capacités à percevoir le beat à se synchroniser sur celui-ci. Les capacités de perception ont été évaluées au moyen de deux tests: un test de détection de perturbations rythmiques et un test de classification de courts extraits musicaux en marches et valses. Les capacités de synchronisation ont été évaluées au moyen d’une tâche consistant à taper du doigt sur les temps forts des mêmes marches et valses. Quatre personnes se sont démarquées du groupe par des difficultés de perception et de synchronisation, et sont dès lors considérées comme des nouveaux cas de beat deafness.


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Ce mémoire s’intéresse aux transformations littéraires et poétiques mises en œuvre par le mouvement de la Beat Generation au milieu du vingtième siècle en Amérique du Nord. En me penchant sur le recueil de poésie « Howl and Other Poems » du poète Allen Ginsberg, le texte emblématique de cette révolution littéraire, je montre comment le mouvement des Beats représente une transformation dans la tradition littéraire et poétique américaine, occidentale, en ce qui concerne à la fois la forme, les sujets abordés et la pratique d’écriture. Dans un premier temps, j’étudie l’histoire de ces changements en examinant la réception de « Howl », qui a bouleversé les attentes du milieu littéraire de l’époque à cause de son approche inclusive qui accueille tout dans la représentation. Mon deuxième chapitre se penche sur la vision du poète, la vision poétique. Je montre comment la perspective du poète face au monde change chez Ginsberg et les Beats. Au lieu de concevoir la transcendance, l’universel, comme quelque chose d’éloigné du particulier, comme le véhicule la tradition poétique occidentale, les Beats voient l’universel partout, dans tout. Enfin, je m’intéresse à la place du langage dans l’expression de cette nouvelle vision. J’observe comment Ginsberg et les Beats, en s’inspirant de la poésie de Walt Whitman, développent un langage spontané ne relevant plus de la maîtrise de soi.


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The present study on the vertical structure of horizontal wind variability in the surface boundary layer over Sriharikota. Based on clock wind speed and direction measuring meteorological tower facility from seven levels in the 100 m layer. The study on wind variability and elliptical approximation of wind hodographs investigated for this tropical coastal station established that Sriharikota is of meso-scale weather entity. Wind variability ratio increases from lower levels to upper levels. In South West monsoon months the station is of high ratio values and it gets affected with meso-scale weather features like thunderstorms. Average total shears are observed greater values than scalar shears. Scalar shears are high in the lowest shear levels compared to upper levels. Semi diurnal types of oscillation in average total shears are found in south west monsoon months. During cyclonic storm passage it is observed that there can be significant difference in mean wind speed from 10 m to 100 m level, but it is not so for peak wind speeds. The variations in wind variability ratio in different months is clearly depicted its strong link to define meso-scale or synoptic –scale forcing domination for this station. Meso-scale forcing is characterized by diurnal wind variability and synoptic- scale forcing by interdiurnal wind variability.


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To various degrees, insects in nature adapt to and live with two fundamental environmental rhythms around them: (1) the daily rhythm of light and dark, and (2) the yearly seasonal rhythm of the changing photoperiod (length of light per day). It is hypothesized that two biological clocks evolved in organisms on earth which allow them to harmonize successfully with the two environmental rhythms: (1) the circadian clock, which orchestrates circadian rhythms in physiology and behavior, and (2) the photoperiodic clock, which allows for physiological adaptations to changes in photoperiod during the course of the year (insect photoperiodism). The circadian rhythm is endogenous and continues in constant conditions, while photoperiodism requires specific light inputs of a minimal duration. Output pathways from both clocks control neurosecretory cells which regulate growth and reproduction. This dissertation focuses on the question whether different photoperiods change the network and physiology of the circadian clock of an originally equatorial cockroach species. It is assumed that photoperiod-dependent plasticity of the cockroach circadian clock allows for adaptations in physiology and behavior without the need for a separate photoperiodic clock circuit. The Madeira cockroach Rhyparobia maderae is a well established circadian clock model system. Lesion and transplantation studies identified the accessory medulla (aMe), a small neuropil with about 250 neurons, as the cockroach circadian pacemaker. Among them, the pigment-dispersing factor immunoreactive (PDF-ir) neurons anterior to the aMe (aPDFMes) play a key role as inputs to and outputs of the circadian clock system. The aim of my doctoral thesis was to examine whether and how different photoperiods modify the circadian clock system. With immunocytochemical studies, three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction, standardization and Ca2+-imaging technique, my studies revealed that raising cockroaches in different photoperiods changed the neuronal network of the circadian clock (Wei and Stengl, 2011). In addition, different photoperiods affected the physiology of single, isolated circadian pacemaker neurons. This thesis provides new evidence for the involvement of the circadian clock in insect photoperiodism. The data suggest that the circadian pacemaker system of the Madeira cockroach has the plasticity and potential to allow for physiological adaptations to different photoperiods. Therefore, it may express also properties of a photoperiodic clock.


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Der Wechsel von Tag und Nacht erzeugt einen regelmäßigen Rhythmus von verschiedenen Umweltreizen, allen voran Licht und Temperatur. Fast jedes bis zum heutigen Tage untersuchte Lebewesen besitzt einen endogenen Mechanismus zur Zeitwahrnehmung, und diese "innere Uhr" befähigt Lebewesen dazu, sich vorausschauend an rhythmische Umwelt-Änderungen anzupassen. Circadiane Rhythmen bestehen auch ohne jegliche äußere Reize und basieren auf einem molekularen Rückkopplungs-Mechanismus, der Rhythmen in Genexpression und Proteinkonzentration von etwa 24 Stunden erzeugt. Obwohl sich die grundsätzlichen Mechanismen und Komponenten dieses molekularen Uhrwerks in allen Insekten ähneln, zeigte sich jedoch immer mehr, dass es im Detail doch wesentliche Unterschiede zwischen verschiedenen Insektengruppen gibt. Während das molekulare Uhrwerk der Fruchtfliege Drosophila melanogaster inzwischen sehr gut untersucht ist, fehlen bei den meisten Insektengruppen immernoch eingehende Untersuchungen. Fast nichts ist über die molekulare Basis von circadianen Rhythmen bei der Schabe Rhyparobia maderae bekannt, obwohl diese Art bereits seit Langem als Modellorganismus in der Chronobiologie dient. Um mit der Forschung am molekularen, circadianen System von R. maderae zu beginnen, wurde die Struktur und das Expressionsprofil der core feedback loop Gene per, tim1 und cry2 analysiert. Mittels degenerierten Primern und RACE konnte das vollständige offene Leseraster (OLR) von rmPer und rmCry2, und ein Teil des rmTim1 OLR kloniert werden. Eine phylogenetische Analyse gruppierte rmPER und rmCRY2 gemeinsam mit den Orthologa hemimetaboler Insekten. Viele bei D. melanogaster funktionell charakterisierte Domänen sind bei diesen Proteinen konserviert, was auf eine ähnliche Funktion in der inneren Uhr von R. maderae hinweist. Mittels quantitativer PCR konnte gezeigt werden, dass die mRNA von rmPer, rmTim1 und rmCry2 in verschiedenen Lichtregimen in der gleichen Phasenlage Tageszeit-abhängig schwankt. Die Phasenlage stellte sich bei unterschiedlichen Photoperioden jeweils relativ zum Beginn der Skotophase ein, mit Maxima in der ersten Hälfte der Nacht. Auch im Dauerdunkel zeigen sich Rhythmen in der rmTim1 und rmCry2 Expression. Die Amplitude der rmPer Expressionsrhythmen war jedoch so gering, dass keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Zeitgeberzeiten (ZT) festgestellt werden konnten. Mittels Laufrad-Assays wurde untersucht wie Kurz- und Langtag Lichtregime die Verhaltensrhythmen beeinflussen. Es konnten nur Unterschiede in der Periodenlänge unter freilaufenden Bedingungen festgestellt werden, wenn höhere Lichtintensitäten (1000lx) zur Synchronisation (entrainment) genutzt wurden. Die Periode des freilaufenden Rhythmus war bei Tieren aus dem Kurztag länger. Die photoperiodische Plastizität zeigte sich also auch auf Verhaltensebene, obwohl höhere Lichtintensitäten notwendig waren um einen Effekt zu beobachten. Basierend auf den Sequenzen der zuvor klonierten OLR wurden gegen rmPER, rmTIM1 und rmCRY2 gerichtete Antikörper hergestellt. Die Antikörper gegen rmPER und rmTIM1 erkannten in western blots sehr wahrscheinlich spezifisch das jeweilige Protein. Zeitreihen von Gehirngewebe-Homogenisaten zeigten keinen offensichtlichen circadianen Rhythmus in der Proteinkonzentration, wahrscheinlich auf Grund einer Oszillation mit niedriger Amplitude. In Immunhistochemischen Färbungen konnte nur mit dem gegen rmPER gerichteten Antikörper aus Kaninchen ein Signal beobachtet werden. Beinahe jede Zelle des Zentralnervensystems war rmPER-immunreaktiv im Zellkern. Es konnten keine Unterschiede zwischen den untersuchten ZTs festgestellt werden, ähnlich wie bei den western blot Zeitreihen. In dieser Studie konnten erstmals molekulare Daten der circadianen Uhr von R. maderae erfasst und dargestellt werden. Die Uhrgene per, tim1 und cry2 werden in dieser Schabenart exprimiert und ihre Domänenstruktur sowie das circadiane Expressionsmuster ähneln dem hypothetischen ursprünglichen Insektenuhrwerk, welches der circadianen Uhr von Vertebraten nahesteht. Das molekulare Uhrwerk von R. maderae kann sich an unterschiedliche Photoperioden anpassen, und diese Anpassungen manifestieren sich im Expressionsprofil der untersuchten Uhrgene ebenso wie im Verhalten.


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Circadiane Schrittmacher koordinieren die täglichen Rhythmen in Physiologie und Verhalten in lebenden Organismen. Die Madeira Schabe Rhyparobia maderae (Synonym: Leucophaea maderae) ist ein gut etabliertes Modell, um die neuronalen Mechanismen der circadianen Rhythmen bei Insekten zu studieren. Die akzessorische Medulla (AME) in den optischen Loben des Gehirns wurde als das circadiane Schrittmacherzentrum der Madeira Schabe identifiziert, das circadiane Rhythmen in der Laufaktivität steuert. Über die Neurotransmitter der Eingangswege in das circadiane System der Madeira Schabe ist noch nicht viel bekannt. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit war es, mögliche Eingangssignale in die innere Uhr der Madeira Schabe zu bestimmen. An primären Zellkulturen von AME-Neuronen wurden Calcium-Imaging Experimente durchgeführt, um die Neurotransmitter-abhängigen Veränderungen in der intrazellulären Calcium-Konzentration zu messen. Darüber hinaus wurde die Signalkaskade des Neuropeptids Pigment Dispersing Factor (PDF), dem wichtigsten Kopplungsfaktor in circadianen Schrittmachern von Insekten, in Calcium-Imaging und Förster-Resonanzenergietransfer (FRET) Experimenten untersucht. Acetylcholin (ACh) erhöht die intrazelluläre Calcium-Konzentration in der Mehrzahl der circadianen Schrittmacherneurone der Madeiraschabe. Applikation von GABA, Serotonin und Octopamin erhöhten oder reduzierten die intrazelluläre Calcium-Konzentration in den AME-Neuronen, während Histamin und Glutamat die intrazelluläre Calcium-Konzentration ausschließlich reduzierten. Pharmakologische Experimente zeigten, dass die AME-Neurone ACh über ionotrope nikotinische ACh-Rezeptoren detektierten, während GABA über ionotrope GABAA-Rezeptoren und metabotrope GABAB-Rezeptoren detektiert wurde. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die circadiane Aktivität der Schabe durch verschiedene Eingänge, einschließlich ACh, GABA, Glutamat, Histamin, Octopamin und Serotonin, moduliert wird. Bei den FRET Studien wurde ein Proteinkinase A (PKA)-basierter FRET Sensor zur Detektion von cyclischem AMP (cAMP) verwendet. Es wurde gezeigt, dass PDF über Adenylylcyclase-abhängige und -unabhängige Signalwege wirken kann. Zusätzlich wurden Laufrad-Assays durchgeführt, um Phasenverschiebungen im Rhythmus der circadianen Laufaktivität zu detektieren, nachdem der Neurotransmitter Histamin zu verschiedenen circadianen Zeiten injiziert wurde. Histamin-Injektionen durch die Komplexaugen der Schabe ergaben eine biphasische Phasenantwortkurve (phase response curve) mit Phasenverzögerungen in der Laufaktivität am späten subjektiven Tag und am Beginn der subjektiven Nacht und Phasenbeschleunigungen in der späten subjektiven Nacht. Schließlich wurde eine extrazelluläre Ableittechnik an lebenden Schaben etabliert, die gleichzeitige Langzeit-Ableitungen von der AME, des Komplexauges (Elektroretinogramm = ERG), und der Beinmuskulatur (Elektromyogramm = EMG) für mehrere Tage ermöglichte. Diese Methode bietet einen Ausgangspunkt für weitere elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen des circadianen Systems der Schabe, in denen Substanzen (z.B. Neurotransmitter und Neuropeptide) analysiert werden können, die einen Einfluss auf den circadianen Rhythmus in der Laufaktivität haben


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Forma parte de una serie de cinco libros basada en la consideración de que la fonética es una forma muy eficaz de enseñar la lectura y la escritura a los niños de primaria. Se basa en la relación existente entre letras y sonidos, es decir, entra la unidad de sonido que se llama fonema y la unidad escrita, grafema. En este tercer libro, el niño aprende palabras con cuatro o más letras y lee y deletrea palabras como: hand, clock y splash.


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A long-standing debate in evolutionary biology concerns whether species diverge gradually through time or by punctuational episodes at the time of speciation. We found that approximately 22% of substitutional changes at the DNA level can be attributed to punctuational evolution, and the remainder accumulates from background gradual divergence. Punctuational effects occur at more than twice the rate in plants and fungi than in animals, but the proportion of total divergence attributable to punctuational change does not vary among these groups. Punctuational changes cause departures from a clock-like tempo of evolution, suggesting that they should be accounted for in deriving dates from phylogenies. Punctuational episodes of evolution may play a larger role in promoting evolutionary divergence than has previously been appreciated.


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The node-density effect is an artifact of phylogeny reconstruction that can cause branch lengths to be underestimated in areas of the tree with fewer taxa. Webster, Payne, and Pagel (2003, Science 301:478) introduced a statistical procedure (the "delta" test) to detect this artifact, and here we report the results of computer simulations that examine the test's performance. In a sample of 50,000 random data sets, we find that the delta test detects the artifact in 94.4% of cases in which it is present. When the artifact is not present (n = 10,000 simulated data sets) the test showed a type I error rate of approximately 1.69%, incorrectly reporting the artifact in 169 data sets. Three measures of tree shape or "balance" failed to predict the size of the node-density effect. This may reflect the relative homogeneity of our randomly generated topologies, but emphasizes that nearly any topology can suffer from the artifact, the effect not being confined only to highly unevenly sampled or otherwise imbalanced trees. The ability to screen phylogenies for the node-density artifact is important for phylogenetic inference and for researchers using phylogenetic trees to infer evolutionary processes, including their use in molecular clock dating. [Delta test; molecular clock; molecular evolution; node-density effect; phylogenetic reconstruction; speciation; simulation.]


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The present research sought to investigate the role of the basal ganglia in timing of sub- and supra-second intervals via an examination of the ability of people with Parkinson's disease (PD) to make temporal judgments in two ranges, 100-500 ms, and 1-5 s. Eighteen nondemented medicated patients with PD were compared with 14 matched controls on a duration-bisection task in which participants were required to discriminate auditory and visual signal durations within each time range. Results showed that patients with PD exhibited more variable duration judgments across both signal modality and duration range than controls, although closer analyses confirmed a timing deficit in the longer duration range only. The findings presented here suggest the bisection procedure may be a useful tool in identifying timing impairments in PD and, more generally, reaffirm the hypothesised role of the basal ganglia in temporal perception at the level of the attentionally mediated internal clock as well as memory retrieval and/or decision-making processes. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This paper discusses the design, implementation and synthesis of an FFT module that has been specifically optimized for use in the OFDM based Multiband UWB system, although the work is generally applicable to many other OFDM based receiver systems. Previous work has detailed the requirements for the receiver FFT module within the Multiband UWB ODFM based system and this paper draws on those requirements coupled with modern digital architecture principles and low power design criteria to converge on our optimized solution particularly aimed at a low-clock rate implementation. The FFT design obtained in this paper is also applicable for implementation of the transmitter IFFT module therefore only needing one FFT module in the device for half-duplex operation. The results from this paper enable the baseband designers of the 200Mbit/sec variant of Multiband UWB systems (and indeed other OFDM based receivers) using System-on-Chip (SoC), FPGA and ASIC technology to create cost effective and low power consumer electronics product solutions biased toward the very competitive market.


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Phthalates are industrial additives widely used as plasticizers. In addition to deleterious effects on male genital development, population studies have documented correlations between phthalates exposure and impacts on reproductive tract development and on the metabolic syndrome in male adults. In this work we investigated potential mechanisms underlying the impact of DEHP on adult mouse liver in vivo. A parallel analysis of hepatic transcript and metabolic profiles from adult mice exposed to varying DEHP doses was performed. Hepatic genes modulated by DEHP are predominantly PPARalpha targets. However, the induction of prototypic cytochrome P450 genes strongly supports the activation of additional NR pathways, including Constitutive Androstane Receptor (CAR). Integration of transcriptomic and metabonomic profiles revealed a correlation between the impacts of DEHP on genes and metabolites related to heme synthesis and to the Rev-erbalpha pathway that senses endogenous heme level. We further confirmed the combined impact of DEHP on the hepatic expression of Alas1, a critical enzyme in heme synthesis and on the expression of Rev-erbalpha target genes involved in the cellular clock and in energy metabolism. This work shows that DEHP interferes with hepatic CAR and Rev-erbalpha pathways which are both involved in the control of metabolism. The identification of these new hepatic pathways targeted by DEHP could contribute to metabolic and endocrine disruption associated with phthalate exposure. Gene expression profiles performed on microdissected testis territories displayed a differential responsiveness to DEHP. Altogether, this suggests that impacts of DEHP on adult organs, including testis, could be documented and deserve further investigations.


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We know surprisingly little about whether the content of European Union legislation reflects the preferences of some Member States more than others. The few studies that have examined national bargaining success rates for EU legislation have conceptual and methodological weaknesses. To redress these problems I use a salience-weighted measure to gauge the relative success of Member States in translating their national preferences into legislation, and test two plausible, competing hypotheses about how the EU works: that no state consistently achieves more of what it really wants than any other, and that large Member States tend to beat small ones. Neither hypothesis receives empirical support. Not only do states differ far more significantly in their respective levels of bargaining success than previously recognised, but some of the smaller states are the ones that do especially well. The paper‟s main contribution -- demonstrating that the EU does not work as most people think it does -- sets the stage for new research questions, both positive and normative. In the last section I make a tentative start answering two of the most important: which factors explain the surprising empirical results, and whether differential national bargaining success might undermine the legitimacy of the integration process.


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Recently major processor manufacturers have announced a dramatic shift in their paradigm to increase computing power over the coming years. Instead of focusing on faster clock speeds and more powerful single core CPUs, the trend clearly goes towards multi core systems. This will also result in a paradigm shift for the development of algorithms for computationally expensive tasks, such as data mining applications. Obviously, work on parallel algorithms is not new per se but concentrated efforts in the many application domains are still missing. Multi-core systems, but also clusters of workstations and even large-scale distributed computing infrastructures provide new opportunities and pose new challenges for the design of parallel and distributed algorithms. Since data mining and machine learning systems rely on high performance computing systems, research on the corresponding algorithms must be on the forefront of parallel algorithm research in order to keep pushing data mining and machine learning applications to be more powerful and, especially for the former, interactive. To bring together researchers and practitioners working in this exciting field, a workshop on parallel data mining was organized as part of PKDD/ECML 2006 (Berlin, Germany). The six contributions selected for the program describe various aspects of data mining and machine learning approaches featuring low to high degrees of parallelism: The first contribution focuses the classic problem of distributed association rule mining and focuses on communication efficiency to improve the state of the art. After this a parallelization technique for speeding up decision tree construction by means of thread-level parallelism for shared memory systems is presented. The next paper discusses the design of a parallel approach for dis- tributed memory systems of the frequent subgraphs mining problem. This approach is based on a hierarchical communication topology to solve issues related to multi-domain computational envi- ronments. The forth paper describes the combined use and the customization of software packages to facilitate a top down parallelism in the tuning of Support Vector Machines (SVM) and the next contribution presents an interesting idea concerning parallel training of Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) and motivates their use in labeling sequential data. The last contribution finally focuses on very efficient feature selection. It describes a parallel algorithm for feature selection from random subsets. Selecting the papers included in this volume would not have been possible without the help of an international Program Committee that has provided detailed reviews for each paper. We would like to also thank Matthew Otey who helped with publicity for the workshop.


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The development of large scale virtual reality and simulation systems have been mostly driven by the DIS and HLA standards community. A number of issues are coming to light about the applicability of these standards, in their present state, to the support of general multi-user VR systems. This paper pinpoints four issues that must be readdressed before large scale virtual reality systems become accessible to a larger commercial and public domain: a reduction in the effects of network delays; scalable causal event delivery; update control; and scalable reliable communication. Each of these issues is tackled through a common theme of combining wall clock and causal time-related entity behaviour, knowledge of network delays and prediction of entity behaviour, that together overcome many of the effects of network delay.