988 resultados para alkaline pH


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The ribbon fishes ‘of the family Trichiuridac are represented as one of the most important food resources in Indian ocean. High density of the dominant species of ribbon fish (Trichiurus lepturus) in Oman sea and the 'Tillable catch in last yeas (more than 7000 tones per year) makes a trust area for studing their population biolog and stock assessment. As our knowledge on reproductive biology of this species has an important role on their fisheries management, as well as conservation of this stock from decline or over fishing, this research was held to determine some aspects of reproductive physiology of ribbon fish and the effects of environmental factors in gonadal cycle. The goals of the present thesis is to determine some aspects of reproductive physiology such as gonadosomatic index (GSI) , hepatosomatic index (HSI), condition factor (Ko, fecundity, sex ratio, size at first maturity, size at maturity (LM5O) and their relative hormonal & biochemical fluctuations. In this regards annual variation of sex hormones ic. estradiol 17-B, progestron, cortisol, testostrone and gonadotropins FSH (GTH-I) , LH (GTH-ll)I were measured ; gonadal histological studies were done by light & electron micrography. The research was carried out from April 1995 to January 19% in Ras Nleidani in the north part of Oman sea, and the environmental factors such as temperature, salinity, oxygen, rainfall and pH were measured. The effects of these parameters on reproductive cycle and hormonal fluctuationswere discussed by using correlation and principle component analysis (PCA). Female Ribbon fish reproductive strategy shows the same paterns of nonguarder marine teleosts. T. lepturus has more than one spawning season (existance of egges in different size in each month) and therfore it must have asynchronous ovaries and belong to continious spawners. GSI and HSI are good evidences for this type of reproductive patern. The testis of the lobular type , which is typical of most teleosts , is composed of numerous lobules which are separated from each other by a thin layer of fibrous connective tissue. GSI fluctuations revealed prolong- spawning time in males. There is significant increase in 17-13 estradiol. progestrone , cortisol and gonadotropins with maturity and prespawning period of female T lepturus. Plasma concentration of E2 and GTH II incresaed along with water temperature increasing (3300).. Spawning was observed from Nov. 1995 to Apr. 1996 in this species. Progestrone increased significantly with increasing rainfall in this season (P<0.01). Plasma cortisol levels increased with maturation and vitelpgenesis and also with the peak of spawning. From lenght-weight frequency and size distribution in each age groups and also minimum size at first maturity (52a cm) it would he concluded that T. lepturus must be matured at 2 years of age. Serum cholestrol and triglicerides significantly increased when maturation occured in this species. The relationship between alkaline phosphatase activity and hormonal fluctuations with maturity and vitelogenesis were discussed. Proximate compostion (muscle) shows significant variation with spawning period and maturity. Absolute individual fecundity (17420-159150) increased with body length and weight. Ultrastructural observations show dramatic variation in cell membrane (0ocyte membrane), yolk vesicles and, nucleolus dispersal in relation to maturity stages. fluctuations of gonadal hormones were discused in relation with vitelogenesis. Testosterone increased in males from Nov: to Mar. due to environmental impacts and spawning time. Sex ratio in different depth (10-40 m ,80-110 m) shows significnt differences in this ratio for two depths. In 10-40 m depth female shows dominant abundance to male in each months that may be due to their reproductive migration behaviour. The effects of temperature photoperiod and rainfall to maturity and spawning were discussed. According to -pawning period of T. leptunts in our sampling area it could be suggested that ribbon fish fi,theries must be restricted in the peak of spawning seasons (Feb. to Mar.) and in the spawning grounds (under 40 m depths). Other suggestions for population conservation have been mentioned.


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The government of the People's Republic of China through a 2007 agreement with the Government of the Republic of Uganda, has establishment of an Agricultural Technology Demonstration Center (ATDC). The first phase covering the building of aquaculture infrastructure at Kajjansi ARDC is complete and the second operation phase has started in which facilities for cage culture have been set up in the Napoleon gulf, northern Lake Victoria near Jinja. The cage facility is aimed at boosting fish farming within the lake as a diversification to the traditional pond fish culture technology. NaFIRRI scientists as well as Chinese experts undertook a baseline survey in the chosen cage site on 12 March 2012. The survey covered determination of water depth, water transparency, measurement of selected physical-chemical parameters (temperature,dissolved oxygen, conductivity and pH; determination of the nutrient status and study of algae, invertebrate and fish communities at the site. Materials and methodologies used in the survey were based on the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of NaFIRRI. The study area was divided into three study sites. Site 1 (upstream) was at 8.9 metre depth while site 2 (proposed cage site) and site 3 (downstream) were 6 and 4.3 metres deep respectively. Water transparency was lowest at site 1 (1.58 m) and highest at site 3 (1.64 m). Dissolved oxygen at the three sites ranged from 6.0 to 8 mg/I. Water temperature profiles fluctuated within narrow limits between 26.5 and 27.5 DC. Measurements of pH were between 7 (neutral) and 8 (alkaline) while electrical conductivity was between 98 and 101 uS/em. These observed physical-chemical parameters at the study site were considered suitable for cage fish rearing purposes. Nitrite-nitrogen levels varied within narrow limits from 0.043 to 0.0453 mgtl. Similarly, Ammonia-nitrogen varied between 0.015 and 0.0185 mg/1. Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) level was highest at site 3 (O.012mgll) compared to that at sites 1 and 2 (0.009mgll). Total suspended solids (TSS) were higher at site 1 (83.3mgll), thereafter decreasing to lower levels at sites 2 (24.8mgtl) and 3 (19.8mgl) respectively. The nutrient level results observed here all fall below the maximum permissible limits by NEMA and therefore the site is recommended for cage culture The algal community was constituted by four major groups: Blue greens,Greens, Cryptophytes, and Diatoms with blue greens as the common and dominant group. High algal biomass (19944961 ugtL) of the dominant blue green algae was observed at site 1 compared site 2 and 3 (58655.2 & 27487. 7 ugtL) respectively. Occurrence of toxicin producing algae: microsytis and cylindrospermopsis in the proposed cage area was considered to be of not much significance as their concentrations were below harmful levels. However, monitoring their presence, biomass and seasonality will be critical in order to follow when and where they occur and at what time of the year for ease of management of the cages


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Portland cement has been widely used for stabilisation/solidification (S/S) treatment of contaminated soils. However, there is a dearth of literature on pH-dependent leaching of contaminants from cement-treated soils. This study investigates the leachability of Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) from a mixed contaminated soil. A sandy soil was spiked with 3000 mg/kg each of Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn, and 10,000 mg/kg of diesel, and treated with ordinary Portland cement (CEM I). Four different binder dosages, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% (m/m) and different water contents ranging from 13%-19% dry weight were used in order to find a safe operating envelope for the treatment process. The pH-dependent leaching behaviour of the treated soil was monitored over an 84-day period using a 3-point acid neutralisation capacity (ANC) test. The monolithic leaching test was also conducted. Geotechnical properties such as unconfined compressive strength (UCS), hydraulic conductivity and porosity were assessed over time. The treated soils recorded lower leachate concentrations of Ni and Zn compared to the untreated soil at the same pH depending on binder dosage. The binder had problems with Pb stabilisation and TPH leachability was independent of pH and binder dosage. The hydraulic conductivity of the mixes was generally of the order, 10-8 m/sec, while the porosity ranged from 26%-44%. The results of selected performance properties are compared with regulatory limits and the range of operating variables that lead to acceptable performance described. © 2012 The Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


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为探讨赤潮发生时中肋骨条藻 (Skeletonemacoatatum)的光合作用生理变化 ,研究了不同无机氮 (N)水平上 ,海水pH值升高对其胞外碳酸酐酶 (CA)和光合生理特性的影响。海水pH从 8.2升至 8.7时 ,中肋骨条藻胞外CA被诱导 ,细胞对无机碳的亲和力 (1/Km)提高 ;在pH8 7时 ,高N条件下的胞外CA活性是低N条件下的 3倍 ,1/Km 值也提高了 80 %。单位叶绿素a的最大净光合能力 (Pam)在不同pH和N水平上没有显著差异 ;但单位细胞的最大净光合能力 (Pcm)提高


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A new model is presented which describes the growth of the duplex layers of Fe3O4 on mild steel in high temperature, deoxygenated, neutral or alkaline aqueous solutions. It is shown that the layers grow by the ingress of water along oxide micropores to the metal-oxide interface and by the rate-limiting outward diffusion of Fe ions along oxide grain boundaries. The new model accounts for the observed temperature-dependence and pH-dependence of the corrosion, the morphology of inner and outer layer crystallites, the segregation of alloying elements, and the location of hydrogen evolution. The model can also be generalized to other steels and alloys. © 1989.


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在实验室条件下,把早期生活阶段的白链(Hyhophthalmichthys molitrix)、鳙鱼(Arist-ichthys nobilis)和草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)突然置于一系列低pH值水中,以测试产生毒性影响的pH水平.在受试的三种鱼中,未发现对低pH的敏感性有显著差异,但在发育过程中其敏感性逐渐降低.在pH5.0的水中,Al(0.1—16mg/L)对草鱼仔鱼毒性测试结果表明,96h的LC_(50)为0.26mg/L(0.21—0.31mg/L),致死阈浓度为0.


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本文论述了使用常规试验方法研究5种水蛭:宽身舌蛭(Glossiphonia lata)、八目石蛭(Erpobdella octoculata)、光润金线蛭(Whitmania laevis)、尖细金线蛭(Whitmania acranulata)和日本医蛭(Hirudo nipponia)对12个pH值的24—96小时急性生物效应。结果表明:稻田3个种(尖细金线蛭,光润金线蛭和日本医蛭)均较湖泊近岸2个种(八目石蛭和宽身舌蛭)对pH值的变化要敏感,其中尖细金线蛭最敏感(pH6.0—7.2),八目石蛭的忍耐


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As a means of characterizing the diffusion parameters of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites within a relatively short time frame, the potential use of short term tests on epoxy films to predict the long-term behavior is investigated. Reference is made to the literature to assess the effectiveness of Fickian and anomalous diffusion models to describe solution uptake in epoxies. The influence of differing exposure conditions on the diffusion in epoxies, in particular the effect of solution type and temperature, are explored. Experimental results, where the solution uptake in desiccated (D) or undesiccated (U) thin films of a commercially available epoxy matrix subjected to water (W), salt water (SW), or alkali concrete pore solution (CPS) at either 20 or 60°C, are also presented. It was found that the type of solution did not significantly influence the diffusion behavior at 20°C and that the mass uptake profile was anomalous. Exposure to 60°C accelerated the initial diffusion behavior and appeared to raise the level of saturation. In spite of the accelerated approach, conclusive values of uptake at saturation remained elusive even at an exposure period of 5 years. This finding questions the viability of using short-term thin film results to predict the long-term mechanical performance of FRP materials. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.