956 resultados para air temperature and relative humidity


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edge effect. Thus, under the influence of the adjacent matrix, fragments undergo microclimatic alterations that accentuate changes in species composition and community structure. In order to better understand edge and matrix effects on the richness and abundance of edaphic arthropods, this study assessed: (a) the difference between habitat (fragment) and non-habitat (matrix); (b) whether there is a continuous interior-edge-matrix gradient; and (c) the difference between matrices for arthropod orders richness and abundance. We selected 15 landscapes, 5 of which contained a cerrado fragment surrounded by sugarcane cultivation, 5 with a cerrado fragment within eucalyptus and 5 with a cerrado fragment within pasture. In each landscape the soil fauna was collected along with the soil and then extracted with the aid of the modified Berlese-Tullgren funnel. We chose the orders Coleoptera, Collembola, Mesostigmata and Oribatida for analysis, and after separation of the individuals we used model selection analysis via AIC. The model type fragment x matrix was the most likely to explain richness, total and relative abundances of the four orders (wAICc between 0,6623 and 1,0). The model of edge distance (edge effect) was plausible to total abundance and relative abundance of Mesostigmata order (wAICc=0,2717 and 0,186). Local environmental variables (soil texture, temperature and relative humidity), and fragment size were also measured to avoid confounding factors and were not presented as plausible models to explain the patterns. So edaphic arthropods, despite protecting themselves under the ground, are extremely sensitive to fragmentation, even with the replacement of natural habitat by agricultural use, such as sugarcane, pasture and eucalyptus. This group should be studied environmental impact assessments because provides important ecosystem se ravincde s inacnludd eisd ainn efficient bio-indicator


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In der hier vorliegenden Arbeit wurde am Beispiel der Kraut- und Knollenfäule an Kartoffeln Phytophthora infestans und des Kartoffelkäfers Leptinotarsa decemlineata untersucht, ob durch den Einsatz von Geographischen Informationssystemen (GIS) landwirtschaftliche Schader¬reger¬prognosen für jeden beliebigen Kartoffelschlag in Deutschland erstellt werden können. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurden die Eingangsparameter (Temperatur und relative Luftfeuchte) der Prognosemodelle für die beiden Schaderreger (SIMLEP1, SIMPHYT1, SIMPHYT3 and SIMBLIGHT1) so aufbereitet, dass Wetterdaten flächendeckend für Deutschland zur Verfügung standen. Bevor jedoch interpoliert werden konnte, wurde eine Regionalisierung von Deutschland in Interpolationszonen durchgeführt und somit Naturräume geschaffen, die einen Vergleich und eine Bewertung der in ihnen liegenden Wetterstationen zulassen. Hierzu wurden die Boden-Klima-Regionen von SCHULZKE und KAULE (2000) modifiziert, an das Wetterstationsnetz angepasst und mit 5 bis 10 km breiten Pufferzonen an der Grenze der Interpolationszonen versehen, um die Wetterstationen so häufig wie möglich verwenden zu können. Für die Interpolation der Wetterdaten wurde das Verfahren der multiplen Regression gewählt, weil dieses im Vergleich zu anderen Verfahren die geringsten Abweichungen zwischen interpolierten und gemessenen Daten aufwies und den technischen Anforderungen am besten entsprach. Für 99 % aller Werte konnten bei der Temperaturberechnung Abweichungen in einem Bereich zwischen -2,5 und 2,5 °C erzielt werden. Bei der Berechnung der relativen Luftfeuchte wurden Abweichungen zwischen -12 und 10 % relativer Luftfeuchte erreicht. Die Mittelwerte der Abweichungen lagen bei der Temperatur bei 0,1 °C und bei der relativen Luftfeuchte bei -1,8 %. Zur Überprüfung der Trefferquoten der Modelle beim Betrieb mit interpolierten Wetterdaten wurden Felderhebungsdaten aus den Jahren 2000 bis 2007 zum Erstauftreten der Kraut- und Knollenfäule sowie des Kartoffelkäfers verwendet. Dabei konnten mit interpolierten Wetterdaten die gleichen und auch höhere Trefferquoten erreicht werden, als mit der bisherigen Berechnungsmethode. Beispielsweise erzielte die Berechnung des Erstauftretens von P. infestans durch das Modell SIMBLIGHT1 mit interpolierten Wetterdaten im Schnitt drei Tage geringere Abweichungen im Vergleich zu den Berechnungen ohne GIS. Um die Auswirkungen interpretieren zu können, die durch Abweichungen der Temperatur und der relativen Luftfeuchte entstanden wurde zusätzlich eine Sensitivitätsanalyse zur Temperatur und relativen Luftfeuchte der verwendeten Prognosemodelle durchgeführt. Die Temperatur hatte bei allen Modellen nur einen geringen Einfluss auf das Prognoseergebnis. Veränderungen der relativen Luftfeuchte haben sich dagegen deutlich stärker ausgewirkt. So lag bei SIMBLIGHT1 die Abweichung durch eine stündliche Veränderung der relativen Luftfeuchte (± 6 %) bei maximal 27 Tagen, wogegen stündliche Veränderungen der Temperatur (± 2 °C) eine Abweichung von maximal 10 Tagen ausmachten. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass durch die Verwendung von GIS mindestens die gleichen und auch höhere Trefferquoten bei Schaderregerprognosen erzielt werden als mit der bisherigen Verwendung von Daten einer nahegelegenen Wetterstation. Die Ergebnisse stellen einen wesentlichen Fortschritt für die landwirtschaftlichen Schaderregerprognosen dar. Erstmals ist es möglich, bundesweite Prognosen für jeden beliebigen Kartoffelschlag zur Bekämpfung von Schädlingen in der Landwirtschaft bereit zu stellen.


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Adult honey bees are maintained in vitro in laboratory cages for a variety of purposes. For example, researchers may wish to perform experiments on honey bees caged individually or in groups to study aspects of parasitology, toxicology, or physiology under highly controlled conditions, or they may cage whole frames to obtain newly emerged workers of known age cohorts. Regardless of purpose, researchers must manage a number of variables, ranging from selection of study subjects (e.g. honey bee subspecies) to experimental environment (e.g. temperature and relative humidity). Although decisions made by researchers may not necessarily jeopardize the scientific rigour of an experiment, they may profoundly affect results, and may make comparisons with similar, but independent, studies difficult. Focusing primarily on workers, we provide recommendations for maintaining adults under in vitro laboratory conditions, whilst acknowledging gaps in our understanding that require further attention. We specifically describe how to properly obtain honey bees, and how to choose appropriate cages, incubator conditions, and food to obtain biologically relevant and comparable experimental results. Additionally, we provide broad recommendations for experimental design and statistical analyses of data that arises from experiments using caged honey bees. The ultimate goal of this, and of all COLOSS BEEBOOK papers, is not to stifle science with restrictions, but rather to provide researchers with the appropriate tools to generate comparable data that will build upon our current understanding of honey bees.


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Objective: To explore the natural trajectory of core body temperature (CBT) and cortisol (CORT) circadian rhythms in mechanically ventilated intensive care unit (MV ICU) patients. ^ Design: Prospective, observational, time-series pilot study. ^ Setting: Medical-surgical and pulmonary ICUs in a tertiary care hospital. ^ Sample: Nine (F = 3, M = 6) adults who were mechanically ventilated within 12 hrs of ICU admission with mean ± SD age of 65.2 ± 14 years old. ^ Measurements: Core body temperature and environmental measures of light, sound, temperature, and relative humidity were logged in 1-min intervals. Hourly urine specimens and 2-hr interval blood specimens were collected for up to 7 consecutive days for CORT assay. Mechanical ventilation days, ICU length of stay, and ICU mortality were documented. Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II scores were computed for each study day. The data of each biologic and environmental variable were analyzed using single cosinor analysis of 24-hr serial segments. One patient did not complete the study because mortality occurred within 8 hrs of enrollment. Nine ICU patients completed the study in 1.6 to 7.0 days. ^ Results: No normal circadian rhythm pattern was found when the cosinor-derived parameters of amplitude (one-half the peak-trough variability) and acrophase (peak time) were compared with cosinor-derived parameter reference ranges of healthy, diurnally active humans, although 83% of patient-day CBT segments showed statistically significant (p ≤ .05) and biologically meaningful (R2≥ 0.30) 24-hr rhythms with abnormal cosinor parameters. Cosinor parameters of the environmental temporal profiles showed 27% of light, 76% of ambient temperature, and 78% of relative humidity serial segments had a significant and meaningful 24-hr diurnal pattern. Average daily light intensity varied from 34 to 187 lx with a maximum light exposure of 1877 lx. No sound measurement segment had a statistically significant cosine pattern, and numerous 1-minute interval peaks ≥ 60 dB occurred around the clock. Average daily ambient temperature and relative humidity varied from 19 to 24°C and from 25% to 61%, respectively. There was no statistically significant association between CBT or clinical outcomes and cosinor-derived parameters of the environmental variables. Circadian rhythms of urine and plasma CORT were deferred for later analysis. ^ Conclusions: The natural trajectory of the CBT circadian rhythm in MV ICU patients demonstrated persistent cosinor parameter alteration, even when a significant and meaningful 24-hr rhythm was present. The ICU environmental measures showed erratic light and sound exposures. Room temperature and relative humidity data produced the highest rate of significant and meaningful diurnal 24-hr patterns. Additional research is needed to clarify relations among the CBT biomarker of the circadian clock and environmental variables of MV ICU patients. ^


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The increase in global mean temperatures resulting from climate change has wide reaching consequences for the earth's ecosystems and other natural systems. Many studies have been devoted to evaluating the distribution and effects of these changes. We go a step further and evaluate global changes to the heat index, a measure of temperature as perceived by humans. Heat index, which is computed from temperature and relative humidity, is more important than temperature for the health of humans and other animals. Even in cases where the heat index does not reach dangerous levels from a health perspective, it has been shown to be an important factor in worker productivity and thus in economic productivity. We compute heat index from dewpoint temperature and absolute temperature 2 m above ground from the ERA-Interim reanalysis dataset for the years 1979-2013. The data is provided aggregated to daily minima, means and maxima. Furthermore, the data is temporally aggregated to monthly and yearly values and spatially aggregated to the level of countries after being weighted by population density in order to demonstrate its usefulness for the analysis of its impact on human health and productivity. The resulting data deliver insights into the spatiotemporal development of near-ground heat index during the course of the past 3 decades. It is shown that the impact of changing heat index is unevenly distributed through space and time, affecting some areas differently than others. The likelihood of dangerous heat index events has increased globally. Also, heat index climate groups that would formerly be expected closer to the tropics have spread latitudinally to include areas closer to the poles. The data can serve in future studies as a basis for evaluating and understanding the evolution of heat index in the course of climate change, as well as its impact on human health and productivity.


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La presente Tesis está orientada al análisis de la supervisión multidistribuida de tres procesos agroalimentarios: el secado solar, el transporte refrigerado y la fermentación de café, a través de la información obtenida de diferentes dispositivos de adquisición de datos, que incorporan sensores, así como el desarrollo de metodologías de análisis de series temporales, modelos y herramientas de control de procesos para la ayuda a la toma de decisiones en las operaciones de estos entornos. En esta tesis se han utilizado: tarjetas RFID (TemTrip®) con sistema de comunicación por radiofrecuencia y sensor de temperatura; el registrador (i-Button®), con sensor integrado de temperatura y humedad relativa y un tercer prototipo empresarial, módulo de comunicación inalámbrico Nlaza, que integra un sensor de temperatura y humedad relativa Sensirion®. Estos dispositivos se han empleado en la conformación de redes multidistribuidas de sensores para la supervisión de: A) Transportes de producto hortofrutícola realizados en condiciones comerciales reales, que son: dos transportes terrestre de producto de IV gama desde Murcia a Madrid; transporte multimodal (barco-barco) de limones desde Montevideo (Uruguay) a Cartagena (España) y transporte multimodal (barco-camión) desde Montevideo (Uruguay) a Verona (Italia). B) dos fermentaciones de café realizadas en Popayán (Colombia) en un beneficiadero. Estas redes han permitido registrar la dinámica espacio-temporal de temperaturas y humedad relativa de los procesos estudiados. En estos procesos de transporte refrigerado y fermentación la aplicación de herramientas de visualización de datos y análisis de conglomerados, han permitido identificar grupos de sensores que presentan patrones análogos de sus series temporales, caracterizando así zonas con dinámicas similares y significativamente diferentes del resto y permitiendo definir redes de sensores de menor densidad cubriendo las diferentes zonas identificadas. Las metodologías de análisis complejo de las series espacio-temporales (modelos psicrométricos, espacio de fases bidimensional e interpolaciones espaciales) permitieron la cuantificación de la variabilidad del proceso supervisado tanto desde el punto de vista dinámico como espacial así como la identificación de eventos. Constituyendo así herramientas adicionales de ayuda a la toma de decisiones en el control de los procesos. Siendo especialmente novedosa la aplicación de la representación bidimensional de los espacios de fases en el estudio de las series espacio-temporales de variables ambientales en aplicaciones agroalimentarias, aproximación que no se había realizado hasta el momento. En esta tesis también se ha querido mostrar el potencial de un sistema de control basado en el conocimiento experto como es el sistema de lógica difusa. Se han desarrollado en primer lugar, los modelos de estimación del contenido en humedad y las reglas semánticas que dirigen el proceso de control, el mejor modelo se ha seleccionado mediante un ensayo de secado realizado sobre bolas de hidrogel como modelo alimentario y finalmente el modelo se ha validado mediante un ensayo en el que se deshidrataban láminas de zanahoria. Los resultados sugirieron que el sistema de control desarrollado, es capaz de hacer frente a dificultades como las variaciones de temperatura día y noche, consiguiendo un producto con buenas características de calidad comparables a las conseguidas sin aplicar ningún control sobre la operación y disminuyendo así el consumo energético en un 98% con respecto al mismo proceso sin control. La instrumentación y las metodologías de análisis de datos implementadas en esta Tesis se han mostrado suficientemente versátiles y transversales para ser aplicadas a diversos procesos agroalimentarios en los que la temperatura y la humedad relativa sean criterios de control en dichos procesos, teniendo una aplicabilidad directa en el sector industrial ABSTRACT This thesis is focused on the analysis of multi-distributed supervision of three agri-food processes: solar drying, refrigerated transport and coffee fermentation, through the information obtained from different data acquisition devices with incorporated sensors, as well as the development of methodologies for analyzing temporary series, models and tools to control processes in order to help in the decision making in the operations within these environments. For this thesis the following has been used: RFID tags (TemTrip®) with a Radiofrequency ID communication system and a temperature sensor; the recorder (i-Button®), with an integrated temperature and relative humidity and a third corporate prototype, a wireless communication module Nlaza, which has an integrated temperature and relative humidity sensor, Sensirion®. These devices have been used in creating three multi-distributed networks of sensors for monitoring: A) Transport of fruits and vegetables made in real commercial conditions, which are: two land trips of IV range products from Murcia to Madrid; multimodal transport (ship - ship) of lemons from Montevideo (Uruguay) to Cartagena (Spain) and multimodal transport (ship - truck) from Montevideo (Uruguay) to Verona (Italy). B) Two coffee fermentations made in Popayan (Colombia) in a coffee processing plant. These networks have allowed recording the time space dynamics of temperatures and relative humidity of the processed under study. Within these refrigerated transport and fermentation processes, the application of data display and cluster analysis tools have allowed identifying sensor groups showing analogical patterns of their temporary series; thus, featuring areas with similar and significantly different dynamics from the others and enabling the definition of lower density sensor networks covering the different identified areas. The complex analysis methodologies of the time space series (psychrometric models, bi-dimensional phase space and spatial interpolation) allowed quantifying the process variability of the supervised process both from the dynamic and spatial points of view; as well as the identification of events. Thus, building additional tools to aid decision-making on process control brought the innovative application of the bi-dimensional representation of phase spaces in the study of time-space series of environmental variables in agri-food applications, an approach that had not been taken before. This thesis also wanted to show the potential of a control system based on specialized knowledge such as the fuzzy logic system. Firstly, moisture content estimation models and semantic rules directing the control process have been developed, the best model has been selected by an drying assay performed on hydrogel beads as food model; and finally the model has been validated through an assay in which carrot sheets were dehydrated. The results suggested that the control system developed is able to cope with difficulties such as changes in temperature daytime and nighttime, getting a product with good quality features comparable to those features achieved without applying any control over the operation and thus decreasing consumption energy by 98% compared to the same uncontrolled process. Instrumentation and data analysis methodologies implemented in this thesis have proved sufficiently versatile and cross-cutting to apply to several agri-food processes in which the temperature and relative humidity are the control criteria in those processes, having a direct effect on the industry sector.


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One of the main challenges in biological conservation has been to understand species distribution across space and time. Over the last decades, many diversity and conservation surveys have been conducted that have revealed that habitat heterogeneity acts as a major factor that determines saproxylic assemblages. However, temporal dynamics have been poorly studied, especially in Mediterranean forests. We analyzed saproxylic beetle distribution at inter and intra-annual scales in a “dehesa” ecosystem, which is a traditional Iberian agrosilvopastoral ecosystem that is characterized by the presence of old and scattered trees that dominate the landscape. Significant differences in effective numbers of families/species and species richness were found at the inter-annual scale, but this was not the case for composition. Temperature and relative humidity did not explain these changes which were mainly due to the presence of rare species. At the intra-annual scale, significant differences in the effective numbers of families/species, species richness and composition between seasons were found, and diversity partitioning revealed that season contributed significantly to gamma-diversity. Saproxylic beetle assemblages exhibited a marked seasonality in richness but not in abundance, with two peaks of activity, the highest between May and June, and the second between September and October. This pattern is mainly driven by the seasonality of the climate in the Mediterranean region, which influences ecosystem dynamics and imposes a marked seasonality on insect assemblages. An extended sampling period over different seasons allowed an overview of saproxylic dynamics, and revealed which families/species were restricted to particular seasons. Recognizing that seasons act as a driver in modelling saproxylic beetle assemblages might be a valuable tool in monitoring and for conservation strategies in Mediterranean forests.


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O setor da construção tem evoluído ao longo dos anos, quer em termos de processos construtivos, quer em termos de materiais aplicados, tendo sempre em conta a relação custo/prazo/qualidade. Atualmente existe uma grande quantidade de edifícios cujo tempo de vida útil está a chegar ao fim e cujas estruturas e materiais se vêm a degradar progressivamente. É então necessário proceder à sua demolição e posterior construção de uma edificação nova ou então recorrer a processos de reabilitação, que visam conservar o património arquitetónico e procurar corresponder às solicitações e exigências regulamentares requeridas. Isto leva a outro ponto, que é a análise do investimento e a verificação da rentabilidade do projeto. A presente dissertação, inserida no Mestrado em Conservação e Reabilitação do Edificado, tem como objetivos fazer uma análise económica e financeira a vários edifícios intervencionados, verificando a viabilidade do projeto e determinando o período de retorno do investimento. O caso de estudo é um conjunto de quatro edifícios de custos controlados que foram reabilitados pelo exterior com o objetivo de melhorar o comportamento térmico, bem como as condições interiores das habitações, a nível de instalações e acústica. Por sua vez, os objetivos da presente dissertação incidem especificamente no isolamento térmico dos edifícios, na substituição das caixilharias e das janelas, das caixas de estore e dos estores. Foram realizadas medições de temperatura e humidade relativa antes, durante e após a reabilitação, através de um aparelho medidor Hygropalm, da Rotronic. Foram também registados os consumos energéticos (eletricidade, água e gás) antes e após a reabilitação. Posteriormente procedeu-se à análise e comparação de resultados em termos de custos para os moradores, bem como a análise de investimento para o dono dos edifícios. Foram também registadas as rendas que os moradores poderão pagar, estando divididas em três tipos: renda mínima, renda média e renda máxima e depois procedeu-se a uma análise financeira para cada uma delas. Considerando o investimento feito na reabilitação e analisando quatro cenários diferentes e sua receita respectiva (lucros expectáveis), sendo a receita correspondente à poupança energética e a cada tipo de renda, verificou-se que o investimento tinha retorno passados muitos anos.


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The cyclone stickiness test (CST) technique was applied to measure the stickiness temperature and relative humidity of whey, honey, and apple juice powders. A moisture sorption isotherm study was conducted to analyze the surface moisture content of whey powder. The glass transition temperatures of the sample powder were analyzed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The stickiness results of these products were found within 20 degrees C above their surface glass transition temperatures, which is well within the normal temperature range for glass transition in general. The results obtained by the CST technique were found consistent with DSC values.


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'Specking' on harvested freesia (Freesia hybrida) flowers is a problem worldwide. The disease is caused by the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea. This disease symptom detracts from appearance and reduces marketability of the flowers. Unlike other important cut flower crops (e.g. gerbera), the mode of infection and epidemiology of postharvest freesia flower specking caused by B. cinerea has not been reported. Epidemiological studies were carried out under simulated conditions typical of those occurring during postharvest handling of freesia flowers. Infection of freesia flowers by B. cinerea occurred when a conidium germinated, formed a germ tube(s) and penetrated epidermal cells. Fungal hyphae then colonised adjacent cells, resulting in visible lesions. Different host reactions were observed on freesia 'Cote d'Azur' petals at 20 degrees C compared to 5 degrees C. The infection process was relatively rapid at 20 degrees C, with visible lesions produced within 7 h of incubation. However, lesion expansion ceased after 24 h of incubation. Infection was slower at 5 degrees C, with visible lesions produced after 48 h of incubation. However, lesion development at 5 degrees C was continuous, with lesions expanding over 4 days. Light microscopy observations revealed increased host defence reactions during infection. These reactions involved production of phenolic compounds, probably lignin and/or callose, around infection sites. Such substances may play a role in restricting petal colonisation and lesion expansion. Disease severity and lesion numbers on freesia flowers incubated at 12 degrees C were higher, but not significantly higher (P > 0.05), than on those incubated at 20 degrees C. Disease severity and progression were differentially mediated by temperature and relative humidity (R. H.). Infection of freesia flowers was severe at 100% R. H. for all three incubation temperatures of 5, 12 and 20 degrees C. In contrast, no lesions were produced at 80 to 90% R. H. at either 5 or 20 degrees C.


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This thesis investigates the mechanisms that lead to pole tip recession (PTR) in laminated magnetic recording heads (also known as "sandwich heads"). These heads provide a platform for the utilisation of advanced soft magnetic thin films in practical recording heads suitable for high frequency helical scan tape recording systems. PTR results from a differential wear of the magnetic pole piece from the tape-bearing surface of the head. It results in a spacing loss of the playback or read signal of 54.6dB per recording wavelength separation of the poles from the tape. PTR depends on the material combination used in the head, on the tape type and the climate - temperature and relative humidity (r.h.). Five head materials were studied: two non-magnetic substrate materials- sintered multi granular CaTi03 and composite CaTi03/ZrTi04/Ti02 and three soft magnetic materials- amorphous CoNbZr, and nanocrystalline FeNbSiN and FeTaN. Single material dummy heads were constructed and their wear rates measured when cycling them in a Hi-8 camcorder against commercially available metal particulate (MP) and metal evaporated (ME) tapes in three different climates: 25°C/20%r.h., 25°C/80%r.h. and 40°C/80%r.h. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used to examine changes the head surface chemistry. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to examine changes in head and tape surface topography. PTR versus cycling time of laminated heads of CaTi03/ZrTiO4/Ti02 and FeTaN construction was measured using AFM. The principal wear mechanism observed for all head materials was microabrasion caused by the mating body - the tape surface. The variation in wear rate with climate and tape type was due to a variation in severity in this mechanism, except for tape cycling at 40°C in which gross damage was observed to be occurring to the head surface. Two subsidiary wear mechanisms were found: third body scratching (all materials) and grain pullout (both ceramics and FeNbSiN). No chemical wear was observed, though tribochemical reactions were observed on the metal head surfaces. PTR was found to be caused by two mechanisms - the first differential microabrasion of the metal and substrate materials and which was characterised by a low (~10nm) equilibrium value. The second was by deep ploughing by third body debris particles, thought mainly to be grain pullout particles. This level of PTR caused by this mechanism was often more severe, and of a non-equilibrium nature. It was observed more for ME tape, especially at 40°C/80%r.h. and 25°c/20%r.h. Two other phenomena on the laminated head pole piece were observed and commented upon: staining and ripple texturing.


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Objectives - Powdered and granulated particulate materials make up most of the ingredients of pharmaceuticals and are often at risk of undergoing unwanted agglomeration, or caking, during transport or storage. This is particularly acute when bulk powders are exposed to extreme swings in temperature and relative humidity, which is now common as drugs are produced and administered in increasingly hostile climates and are stored for longer periods of time prior to use. This study explores the possibility of using a uniaxial unconfined compression test to compare the strength of caked agglomerates exposed to different temperatures and relative humidities. This is part of a longer-term study to construct a protocol to predict the caking tendency of a new bulk material from individual particle properties. The main challenge is to develop techniques that provide repeatable results yet are presented simply enough to be useful to a wide range of industries. Methods - Powdered sucrose, a major pharmaceutical ingredient, was poured into a split die and exposed to high and low relative humidity cycles at room temperature. The typical ranges were 20–30% for the lower value and 70–80% for the higher value. The outer die casing was then removed and the resultant agglomerate was subjected to an unconfined compression test using a plunger fitted to a Zwick compression tester. The force against displacement was logged so that the dynamics of failure as well as the failure load of the sample could be recorded. The experimental matrix included varying the number of cycles, the amount between the maximum and minimum relative humidity, the height and diameters of the samples, the number of cycles and the particle size. Results - Trends showed that the tensile strength of the agglomerates increased with the number of cycles and also with the more extreme swings in relative humidity. This agrees with previous work on alternative methods of measuring the tensile strength of sugar agglomerates formed from humidity cycling (Leaper et al 2003). Conclusions - The results show that at the very least the uniaxial tester is a good comparative tester to examine the caking tendency of powdered materials, with a simple arrangement and operation that are compatible with the requirements of industry. However, further work is required to continue to optimize the height/ diameter ratio during tests.


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This research presents a study investigating the correlation between the environmental-physycal charcateristics of cities and the formation of its micro-climates. The study was conducted in the central area of Fortaleza characterized as a stable and consolidated area, where the city originated and currently faces serious problems in its urban dynamics. The points of measurements were determined by the elaboration and analysis of topography maps, height of buildings, land use, type of surface coating and vegetation, following the methodology of Katzschner (1997). A zoning map was then determined, according to common morphological characteristics of the 12 measurement points, which were based on a set of Romero s (2001) bioclimatic criteria. Air measurements, temperature, humidity, intensity and direction of winds were made in transect form in two different circuits in the study area, with six points of data collection in each area, in three different times: 6:00 am, 1:00pm and 7:00pm, during two periods of the year: August 2008 and March 2009. The results verified the influence of different environmental-physical types in the behavior of the climatic variables that were collected. A verticalização tão condenada em algumas situações se bem equilibrada e controlada pode reduzir as temperaturas do ar através do sombreamento dos espaços urbanos e possibilidade de maior permeabilidade a ventilação natural. The highest average air temperature and lower humidity were recorded at the point I at all times. This situation may have been in result of the high density, poor vegetation and extended paving of the ground. According to the results, it s clear the positive influence vegetation has on easing air temperature. Another indicator observed that areas with a greater variation in building heights tend to present decreased average air temperature. High rise structure, planned in accordance to urban air quality parameters, can reduce air temperatures by the shading of urban spaces and the possibility of greater penetration of natural ventilation


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This research presents a study investigating the correlation between the environmental-physycal charcateristics of cities and the formation of its micro-climates. The study was conducted in the central area of Fortaleza characterized as a stable and consolidated area, where the city originated and currently faces serious problems in its urban dynamics. The points of measurements were determined by the elaboration and analysis of topography maps, height of buildings, land use, type of surface coating and vegetation, following the methodology of Katzschner (1997). A zoning map was then determined, according to common morphological characteristics of the 12 measurement points, which were based on a set of Romero s (2001) bioclimatic criteria. Air measurements, temperature, humidity, intensity and direction of winds were made in transect form in two different circuits in the study area, with six points of data collection in each area, in three different times: 6:00 am, 1:00pm and 7:00pm, during two periods of the year: August 2008 and March 2009. The results verified the influence of different environmental-physical types in the behavior of the climatic variables that were collected. A verticalização tão condenada em algumas situações se bem equilibrada e controlada pode reduzir as temperaturas do ar através do sombreamento dos espaços urbanos e possibilidade de maior permeabilidade a ventilação natural. The highest average air temperature and lower humidity were recorded at the point I at all times. This situation may have been in result of the high density, poor vegetation and extended paving of the ground. According to the results, it s clear the positive influence vegetation has on easing air temperature. Another indicator observed that areas with a greater variation in building heights tend to present decreased average air temperature. High rise structure, planned in accordance to urban air quality parameters, can reduce air temperatures by the shading of urban spaces and the possibility of greater penetration of natural ventilation


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A simple method has been recently proposed to assess acute hydration status in humans; however, several questions remain regarding its reliability, validity, and practicality. Objective: Establish reliability of a simple method to assess euhydration, that is, to analyze whether this method can be used as a consistent indicator of a person´s hydration status. In addition, the study sought to assess the effect exercise has on urine volume when euhydration is maintained and a standardized volume of water is ingested. Methods: Five healthy physically active men and five healthy physically active women, 22.5 ± 2.3 years of age (mean ± standard deviation) reported to the laboratory after fasting for 10 hours or more on three occasions, each one week apart. During the two identical resting euhydration conditions (EuA and EuB), participants remained seated for 45 minutes. During the exercise condition (EuExer), participants exercised intermittently in an environmental chamber (average temperature and relative humidity = 32 ± 3°C and 65 ± 7%, respectively) for a period of 45 minutes and drank water to offset loss due to sweating. The order of treatments was randomized. Upon finishing the treatment period, they ingested a volume of water equivalent to 1.43% body mass (BM) within 30 minutes. Urine was collected and measured henceforth every 30 minutes for 3 hours. Results: Urine volume eliminated during EuExer (1205 ± 399.5 ml) was not different from EuB (1072.2±413.1 ml) or EuA (1068 ± 382.87 ml) (p-value = 0.44). Both resting conditions were practically identical (p-value = 0.98) and presented a strong intraclass correlation (r = 0.849, p-value = 0.001). Conclusions: This method, besides simple, proved to be consistent in all conditions; therefore, it can be used with the certainty that measurements are valid and reliable.