979 resultados para acinar cell carcinoma


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Copyright © 2015 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Oesophageal cancer is an aggressive tumour which responds poorly to both chemotherapy and radiation therapy and has a poor prognosis. Thus, a greater understanding of the biology of oesophageal cancer is needed in order to identify novel therapeutic targets. Among these targets p38 MAPK isoforms are becoming increasingly important for a variety of cellular functions. The physiological functions of p38α and -β are now well documented in contrast to -γ and -δ which are comparatively under-studied and ill-defined. A major obstacle to deciphering the role(s) of the latter two p38 isoforms is the lack of specific chemical activators and inhibitors. In this study, we analysed p38 MAPK isoform expression in oesophageal cancer cell lines as well as human normal and tumour tissue. We observed specifically differential p38δ expression. The role(s) of p38δ and active (phosphorylated) p38δ (p-p38δ) in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (OESCC) was delineated using wild-type p38δ as well as active p-p38δ, generated by fusing p38δ to its upstream activator MKK6b(E) via a decapeptide (Gly-Glu)5 linker. OESCC cell lines which are p38δ-negative (KE-3 and -8) grew more quickly than cell lines (KE-6 and -10) which express endogenous p38δ. Re-introduction of p38δ resulted in a time-dependent decrease in OESCC cell proliferation which was exacerbated with p-p38δ. In addition, we observed that p38δ and p-p38δ negatively regulated OESCC cell migration in vitro. Finally both p38δ and p-p38δ altered OESCC anchorage-independent growth. Our results suggest that p38δ and p-p38δ have a role in the suppression of OESCC. Our research may provide a new potential target for the treatment of oesophageal cancer.


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Suusyöpä on yleisin pään ja kaulan alueen pahanlaatuisista kasvaimista. Niistä yli 90 % on levyepiteelikarsinoomia. Koska suusyöpäpotilaan viisivuotisennuste on vain noin 50 %, on jatkuva tarve löytää keinoja ennustamaan potilaan selviytymistä ja ohjaamaan hoitoa. Suun levyepiteelikarsinooman ympäristössä havaitaan säännöllisesti eosinofiilejä. Eosinofiili on ihmisen immuunijärjestelmän erikoistunut solu, joiden määrä lisääntyy sekä tulehdusreaktioissa että syöpien läheisyydessä. Toistaiseksi ei tiedetä, miten eosinofiilit liittyvät suun levyepiteelikarsinoomaan, mutta oletuksena on, että suusyöpään liittyvällä eosinofilialla, TATE (tumor-associated tissue eosinophilia), voisi olla vaikutusta suun levyepiteelikarsinoomapotilaan ennusteeseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää TATE:n ilmenemistä ja vaikutusta potilaan ennusteeseen suun levyepiteelikarsinoomassa. Lisäksi tutkimus käsittelee potilaan ennusteen kannalta optimaalista eosinofiilimäärän raja-arvoa, jota voitaisiin käyttää patologin työkaluna ennusteen arvioinnissa. Tutkimusaineisto koostui Turun yliopiston Suupatologian laitoksella vuosina 2002-2010 tutkituista 122 suuontelon ja huulen limakalvokoepalasta, jotka oli otettu diagnostisia tarkoituksia varten 99 potilaalta. Tutkimuksen potilaista 44 oli naisia ja 55 miehiä, ja heidän keski-ikänsä oli 65,3 vuotta. Seuranta-aika oli keskimäärin 40,7 kk. Kaksi tutkijaa analysoivat hematoksyliini-eosiinilla värjätyt näytteet suurentamalla ne 400-kertaisiksi valomikroskoopilla. Eosinofiilien määrä laskettiin yhteensä kuudelta edustavimmalta syövän ja strooman alueelta. TATE:n suhde potilaan kliinispatologisiin piirteisiin ja selviytymiseen selvitettiin Turun yliopistollisen keskussairaalan potilastiedoistoista ja analysoitiin tilastollisesti käyttämällä Fischerin testiä. Työllä oli Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin eettisen toimikunnan lupa (nro T10/2011, päätös O31/11). Levyepiteelikarsinooman kliininen kuva vaihteli haavaisen muutoksen ollessa yleisin. Yleisin sijainti levyepiteelikarsinoomalle oli kieli. TATE:a löydettiin 61,5 %:sta (78/122) levyepiteelikarsinoomanäytteitä. Mikäli TATE:a ei löydetty tai sen määrä oli korkea, oli potilaan selviytyminen tilastollisesti merkitsevästi parempi kuin potilailla, joilla TATE oli matala. Lisäanalyyseissä havaittiin, että potilaan ennuste oli tilastollisesti merkitsevästi huonompi, mikäli TATE:n raja-arvo oli vähemmän kuin neljä eosinofiiliä per tutkittu mikroskooppinäkymä (HPF). TATE on täten merkki suun levyepiteelikarsinoomapotilaan paremmasta ennusteesta erityisesti, kun havaitaan enemmän kuin neljä eosinofiiliä/HPF. Tutkimustulosten varmistamiseksi tarvitaan kuitenkin jatkossa laajempia tutkimuksia.


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Background Correctly diagnosing basal cell carcinoma (BCC) clinical type is crucial for the therapeutic management. A systematic description of the variability of all reported BCC dermoscopic features according to clinical type and anatomic location is lacking. Objectives To describe the dermoscopic variability of BCC according to clinical type and anatomic location and to test the hypothesis of a clinical/dermoscopic continuum across superficial BCCs (sBCCs) with increasing palpability. Methods Clinical/dermoscopic images of nodular BCCs (nBCCs) and sBCCs with different degrees of palpability were retrospectively evaluated for the presence of dermoscopic criteria including degree of pigmentation, BCC-associated patterns, diverse vascular patterns, melanocytic patterns and polarized light patterns. Results We examined 501 histopathologically proven BCCs (66.9% sBCCs; 33.1% nBCCs), mainly located on trunk (46.7%; mostly sBCCs) and face (30.5%; mostly nBCCs). Short fine telangiectasias, leaf-like areas, spoke-wheel areas, small erosions and concentric structures were significantly associated with sBCC, whereas arborizing telangiectasias, blue-white veil-like structures, white shiny areas and rainbow pattern with nBCCs. Short fine telangiectasia, spoke-wheel areas and small erosions were independently associated with trunk location, whereas arborizing telangiectasias with facial location. Scalp BCCs had significantly more pigmentation and melanocytic criteria than BCCs located elsewhere. Multiple clinical/dermoscopic parameters displayed a significant linear trend across increasingly palpable sBCCs. Conclusions Particular dermoscopic criteria are independently associated with clinical type and anatomic location of BCC. Heavily pigmented, scalp BCCs are the most challenging to diagnose. A clinical/dermoscopic continuum across increasingly palpable sBCCs was detected and could be potentially important for the non-surgical management of the disease.


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We report a rare case of a 50 year old man with renal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) who first came to our attention with renal colic and fever not responding to antibiotic or analgesic treatment. He had a long history of kidney stones, but had not undergone any imaging in the last 5 years. Physical examination revealed tenderness and a palpable mass in the right flank and lumbar region. A whole body CT scan was performed, revealing an 11 cm mass in the right kidney infiltrating the inferior vena cava. There were areas of calcification within the mass and multiple stones within the renal pelvis. The tumor was considered unsuitable for resection according to radiological and clinical criteria. The mass was biopsied percutaneously under CT guidance and histological examination revealed squamous cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis. The patient was treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and embolization of the renal artery. He died one month after diagnosis. To our knowledge this is the second reported case in the world of renal SCC infiltrating the inferior vena cava and with kidney stones.


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Head and Neck Cancers (HNC) are a group of tumours located in the upper aero-digestive tract. Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) represent about 90% of all HNC cases. It has been considered the sixth most malignant tumour worldwide and, despite clinical and technological advances, the five-year survival rate has not improved much in the last years. Nowadays, HNSCC is well established as a heterogeneous disease and that its development is due to accumulation of genetic events. Apart from the majority of the patients being diagnosed in an advanced stage, HNSCC is also a disease with poor therapeutic outcome. One of the therapeutic approaches is radiotherapy. However, this approach has different drawbacks like the radioresistance acquired by some tumour cells, leading to a worse prognosis. A major knowledge in radiation biology is imperative to improve this type of treatment and avoid late toxicities, maintaining patient quality of life in the subsequent years after treatment. Then, identification of genetic markers associated to radiotherapy response in patients and possible alterations in cells after radiotherapy are essential steps towards an improved diagnosis, higher survival rate and a better life quality. Not much is known about the radiation effects on cells, so, the principal aim of this study was to contribute to a more extensive knowledge about radiation treatment in HNSCC. For this, two commercial cell lines, HSC-3 and BICR-10, were used and characterized resorting to karyotyping, aCGH and MS-MLPA. These cell lines were submitted to different doses of irradiation and the resulting genetic and methylation alterations were evaluated. Our results showed a great difference in radiation response between the two cell lines, allowing the conclusion that HSC-3 was much more radiosensitive than BICR-10. Bearing this in mind, analysis of cell death, cell cycle and DNA damages was performed to try to elucidate the motifs behind this difference. The characterization of both cell lines allowed the confirmation that HSC-3 was derived from a metastatic tumour and the hypothesis that BICR-10 was derived from a dysplasia. Furthermore, this pilot study enabled the suggestion of some genetic and epigenetic alterations that cells suffer after radiation treatment. Additionally, it also allowed the association of some genetic characteristics that could be related to the differences in radiation response observable in this two cell lines. Taken together all of our results contribute to a better understanding of radiation effects on HNSCC allowing one further step towards the prediction of patients’ outcome, better choice of treatment approaches and ultimately a better quality of life.


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Aim Review the literature from 1990 to 2013 to determine known anatomic sites, risk factors, treatments, and outcomes of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods Using a systematic search strategy, literature pertaining to HNSCC in sub-Saharan Africa was reviewed and patient demographics, anatomic sites, histology, stage, treatment, and outcomes were abstracted. The contributions of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), human papillomavirus (HPV) and behavioural risk factors to HNSCC in the region were assessed. Results Of the 342 papers identified, 46 were utilized for review, including 8611 patients. In sub-Saharan Africa, the oropharyngeal/oral cavity was found to be the most common site, with 7750 cases (90% of all cases). Few papers distinguished oropharyngeal from oral cavity, making identification of possible HPV-associated oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) difficult. SCC of the nasopharynx, nasal cavity, or paranasal sinuses was identified in 410 patients (4.8% of all cases). Laryngeal SCC was found in 385 patients (4.5% of all cases), and only 66 patients (0.8% of all cases) with hypopharyngeal SCC were identified. In 862 patients with data available, 43% used tobacco and 42% used alcohol, and reported use varied widely and was more common in laryngeal SCC than that of the oropharyngeal/oral cavity. Toombak and kola nut use was reported to be higher in patients with HNSCC. Several papers reported HIV-positive patients with HNSCC, but it was not possible to determine HNSCC prevalence in HIV-positive compared to negative patients. Reports of treatment and outcomes were rare. Conclusions The oropharyngeal/oral cavity was by far the most commonly reported site of HNSCC reported in sub-Saharan Africa. The roles of risk factors in HNSCC incidence in sub-Saharan Africa were difficult to delineate from the available studies, but a majority of patients did not use tobacco and alcohol.


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A man complained of upper abdominal pain and early satiety for one month. An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy showed nothing special. A CT scan of the abdomen was performed, which demonstrated a huge heterogeneous retroperitoneal mass close to the dorsal wall of the stomach and surrounding the abdominal aortic and celiac trunk. The resected specimen suggested that an irregular tumor invaded the dorsal wall of the stomach. Postoperative histological examination confirmed that it was a gastric squamous cell carcinoma.