994 resultados para Wright, Wilbur, 1867-1912
Measurements of two- and four-particle angular correlations for charged particles emitted in pPb collisions are presented over a wide range in pseudorapidity and full azimuth. The data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of approximately 31nb-1, were collected during the 2013 LHC pPb run at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV by the CMS experiment. The results are compared to 2.76 TeV semi-peripheral PbPb collision data, collected during the 2011 PbPb run, covering a similar range of particle multiplicities. The observed correlations are characterized by the near-side (|δφ|≈0) associated pair yields and the azimuthal anisotropy Fourier harmonics (vn). The second-order (v2) and third-order (v3) anisotropy harmonics are extracted using the two-particle azimuthal correlation technique. A four-particle correlation method is also applied to obtain the value of v2 and further explore the multi-particle nature of the correlations. Both associated pair yields and anisotropy harmonics are studied as a function of particle multiplicity and transverse momentum. The associated pair yields, the four-particle v2, and the v3 become apparent at about the same multiplicity. A remarkable similarity in the v3 signal as a function of multiplicity is observed between the pPb and PbPb systems. Predictions based on the color glass condensate and hydrodynamic models are compared to the experimental results. © 2013 CERN.
Abstract: Results of searches for heavy stable charged particles produced in pp collisions at □ = 7 and 8 TeV are presented corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb-1 and 18.8 fb-1, respectively. Data collected with the CMS detector are used to study the momentum, energy deposition, and time-of-flight of signal candidates. Leptons with an electric charge between e/3 and 8e, as well as bound states that can undergo charge exchange with the detector material, are studied. Analysis results are presented for various combinations of signatures in the inner tracker only, inner tracker and muon detector, and muon detector only. Detector signatures utilized are long time-of-flight to the outer muon system and anomalously high (or low) energy deposition in the inner tracker. The data are consistent with the expected background, and upper limits are set on the production cross section of long-lived gluinos, scalar top quarks, and scalar τ leptons, as well as pair produced long-lived leptons. Corresponding lower mass limits, ranging up to 1322 GeV/c 2 for gluinos, are the most stringent to date. [Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2013 Cern for the benefit of the CMS collaboration.
A search for exclusive or quasi-exclusive W+W- production by photon-photon interactions, pp → p(*)W +W-p(*), at √s=7 TeV is reported using data collected by the CMS detector with an integrated luminosity of 5.05 fb-1. Events are selected by requiring a μ ±e∓ vertex with no additional associated charged tracks and dilepton transverse momentum p T(μ ±e∓) > 30 GeV. Two events passing all selection requirements are observed in the data, compared to a standard model expectation of 2.2 ± 0.4 signal events with 0.84 ± 0.15 background. The tail of the dilepton p T distribution is studied for deviations from the standard model. No events are observed with p T > 100 GeV. Model-independent upper limits are computed and compared to predictions involving anomalous quartic gauge couplings. The limits on the parameters α0,C W/λ2 with a dipole form factor and an energy cutoff Λcutoff = 500 GeV are of the order of 10-4. © 2013 CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration.
A measurement of the λb 0 lifetime using the decay λb 0-1, was recorded with the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider using triggers that selected dimuon events in the J/ψ mass region. The λb 0 lifetime is measured to be 1.503 ± 0.052 (stat.) ± 0.031 (syst.) ps. [Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2013 Cern for the benefit of the CMS collaboration.
A search for microscopic black holes and string balls is presented, based on a data sample of pp collisions at √s=8 TeV recorded by the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 12 fb-1. No excess of events with energetic multiparticle final states, typical of black hole production or of similar new physics processes, is observed. Given the agreement of the observations with the expected standard model background, which is dominated by QCD multijet production, 95% confidence level limits are set on the production of semiclassical or quantum black holes, or of string balls, corresponding to the exclusions of masses below 4.3 to 6.2 TeV, depending on model assumptions. In addition, model-independent limits are set on new physics processes resulting in energetic multiparticle final states. [Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2013 CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration.
Measurements are presented of the production of primary KS0 and Λ particles in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV in the region transverse to the leading charged-particle jet in each event. The average multiplicity and average scalar transverse momentum sum of KS0 and Λ particles measured at pseudorapidities |η|<2 rise with increasing charged-particle jet pT in the range 1-10 GeV/c and saturate in the region 10-50 GeV/c. The rise and saturation of the strange-particle yields and transverse momentum sums in the underlying event are similar to those observed for inclusive charged particles, which confirms the impact-parameter picture of multiple parton interactions. The results are compared to recent tunes of the pythia Monte Carlo event generator. The pythia simulations underestimate the data by 15%-30% for KS0 mesons and by about 50% for Λ baryons, a deficit similar to that observed for the inclusive strange-particle production in non-single-diffractive proton-proton collisions. The constant strange- to charged-particle activity ratios with respect to the leading jet pT and similar trends for mesons and baryons indicate that the multiparton-interaction dynamics is decoupled from parton hadronization, which occurs at a later stage. © 2013 CERN, for the CMS Collaboration Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.
Results are presented from a search for the rare decays Bs0→μ+μ- and B0→μ+μ - in pp collisions at √s=7 and 8 TeV, with data samples corresponding to integrated luminosities of 5 and 20 fb-1, respectively, collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC. An unbinned maximum-likelihood fit to the dimuon invariant mass distribution gives a branching fraction B(Bs0→μ+μ-)=(3.0-0.9+1.0) ×10-9, where the uncertainty includes both statistical and systematic contributions. An excess of Bs0→μ+μ- events with respect to background is observed with a significance of 4.3 standard deviations. For the decay B0→μ+μ- an upper limit of B(B0→μ+μ-)<1.1×10 -9 at the 95% confidence level is determined. Both results are in agreement with the expectations from the standard model. © 2013 CERN. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the.
A search for supersymmetry is presented based on events with large missing transverse energy, no isolated electron or muon, and at least three jets with one or more identified as a bottom-quark jet. A simultaneous examination is performed of the numbers of events in exclusive bins of the scalar sum of jet transverse momentum values, missing transverse energy, and bottom-quark jet multiplicity. The sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.4fb-1, consists of proton-proton collision data recorded at a center-of-mass energy of 8TeV with the CMS detector at the LHC in 2012. The observed numbers of events are found to be consistent with the standard model expectation, which is evaluated with control samples in data. The results are interpreted in the context of two simplified supersymmetric scenarios in which gluino pair production is followed by the decay of each gluino to an undetected lightest supersymmetric particle and either a bottom or top quark-antiquark pair, characteristic of gluino mediated bottom- or top-squark production. Using the production cross section calculated to next-to-leading-order plus next-to-leading-logarithm accuracy, and in the limit of a massless lightest supersymmetric particle, we exclude gluinos with masses below 1170GeV and 1020GeV for the two scenarios, respectively. © 2013 CERN.
Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
O gênero Ptychoglossus está incluído na família Gymnophthalmidae e abriga atualmente 15 espécies distribuídas principalmente na Amazônia ocidental. Ptychoglossus brevifrontalis, inicialmente considerada como tendo uma distribuição peri-amazônica, nos últimos anos foi registrada em diversos pontos do interior da Amazônia, indicando ampla distribuição na região. Contudo, há poucas informações acerca da variação morfológica ao longo da distribuição da espécie. Neste trabalho foi estudada a variação intra- e interpopulacional na morfologia externa de Ptychoglossus brevifrontalis, analisando-se também a ocorrência de dimorfismo sexual e variação ontogenética. Ptychoglossus nicefori foi incluída no estudo, tendo em vista sua grande semelhança com P. brevifrontalis e o histórico de sinonímia entre as duas espécies. Observou-se variação geográfica em alguns caracteres, sem contudo justificar o reconhecimento de mais de um taxon. A validade de P. nicefori é questionada, porém estudos adicionais são necessários antes da proposição de novas alterações na taxonomia.
O estudo teve por objetivo incluir Stenocercus dumerilii (Steindachner, 1867) no contexto dos estudos filogenéticos recentes realizados com Tropidurinae*. Apresenta-se uma descrição da escutelação, crânio, cintura escapular, esqueleto abdominal e hemipênis, com ênfase nos caracteres utilizados na literatura em análises filogenéticas envolvendo o gênero Stenocercus. O estudo baseou-se em 65 exemplares fixados, dois exemplares diafanizados e dois hemipénis evertidos. Constatou-se que S. dumerilii apresenta as características utilizadas para definir o gênero Stenocercus, dentro de sua definição atual, assim como os táxons hierarquicamente superiores que o incluem. Algumas diferenças observadas são um único par de costelas xifisternais, cauda deprimida, escamas pós-supraciliares projetadas em forma de "chifre" (também presente em S. tricristatus) e escamas parietais, pós-parietais e occipitais aumentadas, em seqüência longitudinal. Ao contrário do que tem sido considerado anteriormente, a espécie não apresenta grande parte das características do denominado "grupo Opkyoessoides". As principais características de S. dumerilii que o separam deste grupo são o arranjo das escamas supraoculares e posteriores da cabeça e a distância entre os pares de costelas pós-xifisternais. Conclui-se que S. dumerilii se enquadra bem nos Tropidurinae* e no gênero Stenocercus, mas não faz parte do chamado "grupo Ophryoessoides".
Este trabalho trata da dinâmica do processo de formação e desenvolvimento de povoados ao longo do curso do rio Caraparu no contexto da primeira metade do século XX, mais precisamente no período de 1912 a 1950, localizados ao sul do atual Município de Santa Izabel do Pará. O objetivo é relacionar a produção agro-extrativa e o comércio de batelões, com a utilização do rio Caraparu, enquanto estrada fluvial. Até 1950 essas populações viviam às margens do referido, e por isso construíram um imaginário de crenças em seres do fundo e do âmago da mata, o que associa com as práticas da pajelança cabocla, ao mesmo tempo em que praticavam o catolicismo de devoção aos santos. Para alcançar o objetivo, optamos em utilizar as técnicas e os procedimentos da história oral, trabalhando na coleta de narrativas nas comunidades de Boa Vista do Itá e vila de Caraparu, ao mesmo tempo em que procedemos à garimpagem de documentos escritos. A proposta é trabalhar as narrativas vindas da oralidade, com fonte indiciária, ou seja, fornecendo as evidências dos fatos, para então fazermos a coleta das outras formas de fontes. A partir do entrecruzamento das fontes, busca-se compreender as complexas relações que tais populações construíram como a relação entre a economia de pequena escala e uma religião popular, típica de áreas rurais, compostas por populações ditas tradicionais.