981 resultados para World Architecture
A evolução tecnológica atingiu um ritmo que muitas empresas têm dificuldade de acompanhar, existem diversas opções no mercado, para um mesmo objectivo, e tornasse determinante o processo de tomada de decisão sobre qual tecnologia adoptar para determinado objectivo. O alvo de estudo desta dissertação de mestrado, é uma das tecnologias, que últimamente tem ganho especial relevo, quando aplicada ao ambiente industrial, o RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Devices). Na presente dissertação, foi efectuado um levantamento do estado da arte, na área da identificação automática, com especial foco no RFID. Esta revisão bibliográfica teve como principal objectivo perceber quais as tecnologias concorrentes do RFID, e explorar quais as suas principais características tecnológicas e funcionais, bem como as vantagens no uso desta tecnologia de forma a sustentar a implementação de um sistema protótipo de gestão de armazém. O contributo final da dissertação, consiste numa aplicação que tem como principal objectvo simular os fluxos de infomação resultantes dos fluxos fisícos de materiais em ambiente de armazém. Foi também tido em conta no desenvolvimento da aplicação, a demonstração de algumas das mais valias que esta tecnologia pode trazer para a gestão de armazéns. Para implementação da aplicação destaca-se a utilização da arquitectura MVC (Model-view-controlador), em ambiente web, para permitir uma descentalização do software no ambiente indoor do armazém.
This cross-sectional study assessed the grade of physical impairments in 61 individuals with leprosy receiving multidrug therapy (MDT) under the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), and residing in Campina Grande, Paraíba State, Brazil. Impairments were assessed using the disability grade (DG) standardized by the WHO, and the EHF score (Eye-Hand-Foot sum of impairment scores). Impairments were detected in 25 (41%) of the subjects. A total of 14 (23%) patients scored DG 1, while 11 (18%) were assigned DG 2. The EHF score ranged from 1 to 10 points in the group of patients with physical impairments, with a mean score of 3.6 points. The majority of individuals with impairments were affected in at least two sites. We conclude that the EHF score showed overlapping impairments in the segments examined and may be more appropriate than the DG classification system for describing the degree of physical impairment of leprosy patients.
Master’s Degree Dissertation
Project work presented as a partial requirement to obtain a Master Degree in Information Management
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
The crisis has drawn attention to the fact that not only emerging powers but other regions of the world as well may be offering different development models and may constitute into alternative, in some dimensions more positive agents, in the conduct of the present stage of globalisation. Notwithstanding, the traditional western powers have not lost a large amount of control of the world economy. And the crisis proceeds, reallocating world power as in a Hobbesian anarchy. It is difficult to foresee smooth developments in the near future. On the contrary, multilateralism seems to be losing ground to unilateral action or bilateral arrangements. More or less disguised currency wars may lead to serious disequilibria, and turf wars may become more frequent, with motives ranging from securing captive markets to control of specific commodities and energy goods, or targeted regulatory frameworks. As economic policy becomes even more involved with defence and security affairs, the feedbacks from each side to the other seem likely to keep dissent and animosity high, rather than contributing to peaceful and constructive approaches. A more trouble-prone world may be easily expected.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores Especialidade: Robótica e Manufactura Integrada
Recensão do livro Moral Mazes: the world of corporate managers (20th anniversary edition) [Robert Jackall], 2010, Oxford University Press, Nova Iorque
A fundação de uma missão jesuita no Norte da Etiópia em 1603, na província do Tigré, pelo enérgico Pe. Pero Pais, S. J. teólogo, construtor e historiador vindo de Goa, tomou um forte impulso com a aliança pretendida com os Portugueses pelo imperador Susénios (1619-20) para o apoio militar contra os muçulmanos; e, sobretudo, após a sua conversão oficial à Igreja Católica Romana, em 1626. Uma dúzia de inovadores edifícios foram então construídos pelos Jesuítas na região paradisíaca em torno do Lago Tana: basílicas, igrejas, palácios e jardins, complexos palatinos e eclesiásticos, colégios, etc. A tipologia em cruz latina e ornatos incisos é deliberadamente diferente das igrejas ortodoxas etíopes, circulares e em madeira. A técnica de construção em pedra e cal, ignorada na Etiópia, significou uma revolução. No presente texto procura-se determinar a quem deve ser atribuído este inédito surto construtivo, deixando de lado as teorias tradicionais de pedreiros vindos de Portugal ou de construtores locais. Com base na evidência estilística e em referências de textos da época, atribui-se a inovação a padres e “irmãos” jesuitas com experiência de arquitectos na Índia portuguesa e a construtores de Goa e de Diu, definindo a arte portuguesa na Etiópia como uma província da arquitectura indo-portuguesa na Índia, prosseguida após a expulsão dos Jesuítas (1633) com os “castelos portugueses”, ou paços acastelados da nova capital, Gondar.
in Varia, Revista do IHA, N.3 (2007), pp.328-331
in Varia, Revista do IHA, N.4 (2007), pp.379-382
In a world that has moved away from narratives based on the idea of progress, the past has established itself as a place of reference: confirming to ourselves that what we were is indispensible for sustaining what we think we are. The recovery of the past is thus one of the most common symbolic instruments used in negotiating identities. The cultural practices that have recourse to representation mechanisms that call on the past in order to consider the present always end up translating themselves, insofar as they fragment, reorganize and interpret it in their transformation, or, to use a formula that has become unavoidable, in their “invention”. Patrimonialization is one such practice. It associates the notion of heritage – which is not a given fact, but rather a socially constructed classification, and therefore one that is constantly being negotiated – with specific objects that come to serve as cultural representations of the groups who consider themselves to be their rightful owners. In the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, as in other ethnographic contexts, patrimonialization encompasses things as diverse as landscapes, monuments, popular architecture, handicrafts, local feast days/processions/pilgrimages and people; all things that can, once transformed into material representations of the past, serve as arguments for the identity fictions of the people who inhabit them.
In this research paper we evaluate how corporate control around the world is defined and which variables, related to a firm's characteristics and the countries' infrastructures, influences this. We find that there is a small number of countries where firms are widely held. The role of financial institutions seems to be different in civil and common law-based countries. While they seem to act as a monitor of management in common law-based countries, in civil law countries they act as a monitor of large shareholders. Finally, we find that firm's size is the most important determinant of ultimate owners.