963 resultados para Wolf (Steamship)
Ferns are the only major lineage of vascular plants not represented by a sequenced nuclear genome. This lack of genome sequence information significantly impedes our ability to understand and reconstruct genome evolution not only in ferns, but across all land plants. Azolla and Ceratopteris are ideal and complementary candidates to be the first ferns to have their nuclear genomes sequenced. They differ dramatically in genome size, life history, and habit, and thus represent the immense diversity of extant ferns. Together, this pair of genomes will facilitate myriad large-scale comparative analyses across ferns and all land plants. Here we review the unique biological characteristics of ferns and describe a number of outstanding questions in plant biology that will benefit from the addition of ferns to the set of taxa with sequenced nuclear genomes. We explain why the fern clade is pivotal for understanding genome evolution across land plants, and we provide a rationale for how knowledge of fern genomes will enable progress in research beyond the ferns themselves.
BACKGROUND: Arrhythmia recurrence after cardiac radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for atrial fibrillation has been linked to conduction through discontinuous lesion lines. Intraprocedural visualization and corrective ablation of lesion line discontinuities could decrease postprocedure atrial fibrillation recurrence. Intracardiac acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging is a new imaging technique that visualizes RFA lesions by mapping the relative elasticity contrast between compliant-unablated and stiff RFA-treated myocardium. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether intraprocedure ARFI images can identify RFA-treated myocardium in vivo. METHODS: In 8 canines, an electroanatomical mapping-guided intracardiac echo catheter was used to acquire 2-dimensional ARFI images along right atrial ablation lines before and after RFA. ARFI images were acquired during diastole with the myocardium positioned at the ARFI focus (1.5 cm) and parallel to the intracardiac echo transducer for maximal and uniform energy delivery to the tissue. Three reviewers categorized each ARFI image as depicting no lesion, noncontiguous lesion, or contiguous lesion. For comparison, 3 separate reviewers confirmed RFA lesion presence and contiguity on the basis of functional conduction block at the imaging plane location on electroanatomical activation maps. RESULTS: Ten percent of ARFI images were discarded because of motion artifacts. Reviewers of the ARFI images detected RFA-treated sites with high sensitivity (95.7%) and specificity (91.5%). Reviewer identification of contiguous lesions had 75.3% specificity and 47.1% sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS: Intracardiac ARFI imaging was successful in identifying endocardial RFA treatment when specific imaging conditions were maintained. Further advances in ARFI imaging technology would facilitate a wider range of imaging opportunities for clinical lesion evaluation.
Four pigs, three with focal infarctions in the apical intraventricular septum (IVS) and/or left ventricular free wall (LVFW), were imaged with an intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) transducer. Custom beam sequences were used to excite the myocardium with focused acoustic radiation force (ARF) impulses and image the subsequent tissue response. Tissue displacement in response to the ARF excitation was calculated with a phase-based estimator, and transverse wave magnitude and velocity were each estimated at every depth. The excitation sequence was repeated rapidly, either in the same location to generate 40 Hz M-modes at a single steering angle, or with a modulated steering angle to synthesize 2-D displacement magnitude and shear wave velocity images at 17 points in the cardiac cycle. Both types of images were acquired from various views in the right and left ventricles, in and out of infarcted regions. In all animals, acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) and shear wave elasticity imaging (SWEI) estimates indicated diastolic relaxation and systolic contraction in noninfarcted tissues. The M-mode sequences showed high beat-to-beat spatio-temporal repeatability of the measurements for each imaging plane. In views of noninfarcted tissue in the diseased animals, no significant elastic remodeling was indicated when compared with the control. Where available, views of infarcted tissue were compared with similar views from the control animal. In views of the LVFW, the infarcted tissue presented as stiff and non-contractile compared with the control. In a view of the IVS, no significant difference was seen between infarcted and healthy tissue, whereas in another view, a heterogeneous infarction was seen to be presenting itself as non-contractile in systole.
Contrast in intracardiac acoustic radiation force impulse images of radiofrequency ablation lesions.
We have previously shown that intracardiac acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging visualizes tissue stiffness changes caused by radiofrequency ablation (RFA). The objectives of this in vivo study were to (1) quantify measured ARFI-induced displacements in RFA lesion and unablated myocardium and (2) calculate the lesion contrast (C) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) in two-dimensional ARFI and conventional intracardiac echo images. In eight canine subjects, an ARFI imaging-electroanatomical mapping system was used to map right atrial ablation lesion sites and guide the acquisition of ARFI images at these sites before and after ablation. Readers of the ARFI images identified lesion sites with high sensitivity (90.2%) and specificity (94.3%) and the average measured ARFI-induced displacements were higher at unablated sites (11.23 ± 1.71 µm) than at ablated sites (6.06 ± 0.94 µm). The average lesion C (0.29 ± 0.33) and CNR (1.83 ± 1.75) were significantly higher for ARFI images than for spatially registered conventional B-mode images (C = -0.03 ± 0.28, CNR = 0.74 ± 0.68).
Ferns are one of the few remaining major clades of land plants for which a complete genome sequence is lacking. Knowledge of genome space in ferns will enable broad-scale comparative analyses of land plant genes and genomes, provide insights into genome evolution across green plants, and shed light on genetic and genomic features that characterize ferns, such as their high chromosome numbers and large genome sizes. As part of an initial exploration into fern genome space, we used a whole genome shotgun sequencing approach to obtain low-density coverage (∼0.4X to 2X) for six fern species from the Polypodiales (Ceratopteris, Pteridium, Polypodium, Cystopteris), Cyatheales (Plagiogyria), and Gleicheniales (Dipteris). We explore these data to characterize the proportion of the nuclear genome represented by repetitive sequences (including DNA transposons, retrotransposons, ribosomal DNA, and simple repeats) and protein-coding genes, and to extract chloroplast and mitochondrial genome sequences. Such initial sweeps of fern genomes can provide information useful for selecting a promising candidate fern species for whole genome sequencing. We also describe variation of genomic traits across our sample and highlight some differences and similarities in repeat structure between ferns and seed plants.
This paper examines different ways for measuring similarity between software design models for the purpose of software reuse. Current approaches to this problem are discussed and a set of suitable similarity metrics are proposed and evaluated. Work on the optimisation of weights to increase the competence of a CBR system is presented. A graph matching algorithm and associated metrics capturing the structural similarity between UML class diagrams is presented and demonstrated through an example case.
Optimisation in wireless sensor networks is necessary due to the resource constraints of individual devices, bandwidth limits of the communication channel, relatively high probably of sensor failure, and the requirement constraints of the deployed applications in potently highly volatile environments. This paper presents BioANS, a protocol designed to optimise a wireless sensor network for resource efficiency as well as to meet a requirement common to a whole class of WSN applications - namely that the sensor nodes are dynamically selected on some qualitative basis, for example the quality by which they can provide the required context information. The design of BioANS has been inspired by the communication mechanisms that have evolved in natural systems. The protocol tolerates randomness in its environment, including random message loss, and incorporates a non-deterministic ’delayed-bids’ mechanism. A simulation model is used to explore the protocol’s performance in a wide range of WSN configurations. Characteristics evaluated include tolerance to sensor node density and message loss, communication efficiency, and negotiation latency .
This paper describes a protocol for dynamically configuring wireless sensor nodes into logical clusters. The concept is to be able to inject an overlay configuration into an ad-hoc network of sensor nodes or similar devices, and have the network configure itself organically. The devices are arbitrarily deployed and have initially have no information whatsoever concerning physical location, topology, density or neighbourhood. The Emergent Cluster Overlay (ECO) protocol is totally self-configuring and has several novel features, including nodes self-determining their mobility based on patterns of neighbour discovery, and that the target cluster size is specified externally (by the sensor network application) and is not directly coupled to radio communication range or node packing density. Cluster head nodes are automatically assigned as part of the cluster configuration process, at no additional cost. ECO is ideally suited to applications of wireless sensor networks in which localized groups of sensors act cooperatively to provide a service. This includes situations where service dilution is used (dynamically identifying redundant nodes to conserve their resources).
This paper examines different ways of measuring similarity between software design models for Case Based Reasoning (CBR) to facilitate reuse of software design and code. The paper considers structural and behavioural aspects of similarity between software design models. Similarity metrics for comparing static class structures are defined and discussed. A Graph representation of UML class diagrams and corresponding similarity measures for UML class diagrams are defined. A full search graph matching algorithm for measuring structural similarity diagrams based on the identification of the Maximum Common Sub-graph (MCS) is presented. Finally, a simple evaluation of the approach is presented and discussed.
1. The changes in the composition and distribution of the plankton of the southern North Sea have been investigated month by month, from June 1932 to December 1937; the present report deals with the phytoplankton. The survey was carried out by the Continuous Plankton Recorder, towed at a standard depth of 10 metres, by ships on regular steamship lines across the North Sea from Hull towards the Skagerrak, to Bremen and to Rotterdam, and later between London and Esbjerg. 2. The material and methods are described, together with a discussion on the validity of this type of survey and some comparison of its results with those obtained by other methods (pp. 76-86). 3. Particular attention has been paid to Rhizosolenia styliformis (pp. 92- 107), Biddulphia sinensis (pp. 108-115), Phaeocystis (pp. 149-153), and the Dinoflagellates (pp. 134-149); of these the first three are known to be of particular importance in relation to the herring fisheries. More generalised data are available for the principal diatoms other than R. styliformis and B. sinensis (pp. 116-134). 4. The main part of the work is an ecological study of the phytoplankton changes in time and space over the 5½ years. Each year is marked by some distinct variations in the abundance and the times of increase, maximum numbers and decline as recorded in the different forms. These variations in the annual cycles are compared on the different lines by a series of graphs arranged against a time scale of months, a set for each year being placed side by side (Plates I-XXI). More detailed studies by more frequent records were made in the autumns of 1934, 1935, 1936 and 1937 (cf. Figs. 3 and 4). The changes in spatial distribution are shown by a series of monthly maps arranged in a similar manner for each year (Plates XXII-LXIV). These intensive studies of the changes in time and space are also intended to form the basis for correlations with other features in the general ecology of the area (e. g. the zooplankton, hydrology, meteorology and fisheries) to be made in later publications. 5. Whilst each form has shown its own peculiar features, a trend towards a general increase in the phytoplankton as a whole has been observed during the period, although the years 1934 and 1936 have in some respects shown deviations and regressive features, and not all organisms have revealed the same trend. The possible relation of this gradual trend to other events observed in recent years in these and neighbouring waters is discussed (pp. 162-167). 6. The application of these results to the study of patchiness (pp. 154-158), inter-relationships in the plankton (pp. 159-160) and to water movements (pp. 160-162) is briefly discussed.
I. The report describes the main monthly changes in the distribution and abundance of the zooplankton, other than Copepoda and young fish (dealt with in separate reports), over the southern part of the North Sea from 1932 to 1937. The work is part of the survey carried out by Continuous Plankton Recorders towed at a depth of 10 metres on regular steamship lines between England and the Continent. 2. The limitations to the sampling method are discussed, and it is shown to be unsuitable for recording Mysidacea and Euphausiacea on account of their marked diurnal variation due presumably to vertical migration; they are omitted from the report. 3. The changing distribution of Sagitta, Limacina, Clione, Lamellibranch larvae, Cladocera, Caprellid Amphipoda, Decapod larvae, Echinoderm larvae and Oikopleura are shown in a series of monthly charts while their seasonal fluctuations are compared in time-chart histograms. 4. The Alima larvae of Squilla are recorded on a few occasions in the regions where the Channel opens into the North Sea. 5. The distributional characteristics of the different forms, i.e. their tendencies to even or " patchy " production, are compared.
A partir del triunfo de la Revolución Cubana las acciones de propaganda indirecta devinieron ejercicio profesional dentro de la gama de acciones de los medios de comunicación masivos, asociados a la construcción y afianzamiento de la ideología socialista imperante en nuestro país y al mismo tiempo, aferrados a los preceptos de la comunicación política.Este factor ha influido en que esta tipología comunicativa en la emisora Radio Vitral de Sancti Spíritus constituya un quehacer imprescindible en los mensajes, lo cual se convirtió en punto de partida para, mediante una metodología de corte cualitativo y con los merecidos referentes teóricos, realizar un diagnóstico de cada una de las particularidades, dígase categoría, subcategorías e indicadores de la propaganda indirecta en este medio de comunicación del centro de Cuba, lo cual sirvió de soporte para la validación teórico metodológica de este instrumento evaluador.Asimismo, con los resultados analizados en el diagnóstico de la propaganda indirecta se determinó que se carecía, a diferencia de la creación directa, de herramientas para evaluar la eficacia de los mensajes comunicativos, acordes con las características propias del sistema radiofónico, lo cual devino motivo para proponer una herramienta científica y teórico metodológica que permita evaluar el quehacer propagandístico indirecto en el medio radiofónico, que des las miradas de las mediaciones sociales y la recepción activa garantice su aplicación en cada una de las emisoras cubanas.
We present time-series data on Jupiter Family Comets (JFCs) 17P/Holmes, 47P/Ashbrook-Jackson and 137P/Shoemaker-Levy 2. In addition we also present results from `snap-shot' observations of comets 43P/Wolf-Harrington, 44P/Reinmuth 2, 103P/Hartley 2 and 104P/Kowal 2 taken during the same run. The comets were at heliocentric distances of between 3 and 7 au at this time. We present measurements of size and activity levels for the snap-shot targets. The time-series data allow us to constrain rotation periods and shapes, and thus bulk densities. We also measure colour indices (V - R) and (R - I) and reliable radii for these comets. We compare all of our findings to date with similar results for other comets and Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs). We find that the rotational properties of nuclei and KBOs are very similar, that there is evidence for a cut-off in bulk densities at ~0.6 g cm-3 in both populations, and the colours of the two populations show similar correlations. For JFCs, there is no observational evidence for the optical colours being dependent on either position in the orbit or orbital parameters.