847 resultados para Waiting for Godot


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Le cancer du sein est le cancer le plus fréquent chez la femme. Il demeure la cause de mortalité la plus importante chez les femmes âgées entre 35 et 55 ans. Au Canada, plus de 20 000 nouveaux cas sont diagnostiqués chaque année. Les études scientifiques démontrent que l'espérance de vie est étroitement liée à la précocité du diagnostic. Les moyens de diagnostic actuels comme la mammographie, l'échographie et la biopsie comportent certaines limitations. Par exemple, la mammographie permet de diagnostiquer la présence d’une masse suspecte dans le sein, mais ne peut en déterminer la nature (bénigne ou maligne). Les techniques d’imagerie complémentaires comme l'échographie ou l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) sont alors utilisées en complément, mais elles sont limitées quant à la sensibilité et la spécificité de leur diagnostic, principalement chez les jeunes femmes (< 50 ans) ou celles ayant un parenchyme dense. Par conséquent, nombreuses sont celles qui doivent subir une biopsie alors que leur lésions sont bénignes. Quelques voies de recherche sont privilégiées depuis peu pour réduire l`incertitude du diagnostic par imagerie ultrasonore. Dans ce contexte, l’élastographie dynamique est prometteuse. Cette technique est inspirée du geste médical de palpation et est basée sur la détermination de la rigidité des tissus, sachant que les lésions en général sont plus rigides que le tissu sain environnant. Le principe de cette technique est de générer des ondes de cisaillement et d'en étudier la propagation de ces ondes afin de remonter aux propriétés mécaniques du milieu via un problème inverse préétabli. Cette thèse vise le développement d'une nouvelle méthode d'élastographie dynamique pour le dépistage précoce des lésions mammaires. L'un des principaux problèmes des techniques d'élastographie dynamiques en utilisant la force de radiation est la forte atténuation des ondes de cisaillement. Après quelques longueurs d'onde de propagation, les amplitudes de déplacement diminuent considérablement et leur suivi devient difficile voir impossible. Ce problème affecte grandement la caractérisation des tissus biologiques. En outre, ces techniques ne donnent que l'information sur l'élasticité tandis que des études récentes montrent que certaines lésions bénignes ont les mêmes élasticités que des lésions malignes ce qui affecte la spécificité de ces techniques et motive la quantification de d'autres paramètres mécaniques (e.g.la viscosité). Le premier objectif de cette thèse consiste à optimiser la pression de radiation acoustique afin de rehausser l'amplitude des déplacements générés. Pour ce faire, un modèle analytique de prédiction de la fréquence de génération de la force de radiation a été développé. Une fois validé in vitro, ce modèle a servi pour la prédiction des fréquences optimales pour la génération de la force de radiation dans d'autres expérimentations in vitro et ex vivo sur des échantillons de tissu mammaire obtenus après mastectomie totale. Dans la continuité de ces travaux, un prototype de sonde ultrasonore conçu pour la génération d'un type spécifique d'ondes de cisaillement appelé ''onde de torsion'' a été développé. Le but est d'utiliser la force de radiation optimisée afin de générer des ondes de cisaillement adaptatives, et de monter leur utilité dans l'amélioration de l'amplitude des déplacements. Contrairement aux techniques élastographiques classiques, ce prototype permet la génération des ondes de cisaillement selon des parcours adaptatifs (e.g. circulaire, elliptique,…etc.) dépendamment de la forme de la lésion. L’optimisation des dépôts énergétiques induit une meilleure réponse mécanique du tissu et améliore le rapport signal sur bruit pour une meilleure quantification des paramètres viscoélastiques. Il est aussi question de consolider davantage les travaux de recherches antérieurs par un appui expérimental, et de prouver que ce type particulier d'onde de torsion peut mettre en résonance des structures. Ce phénomène de résonance des structures permet de rehausser davantage le contraste de déplacement entre les masses suspectes et le milieu environnant pour une meilleure détection. Enfin, dans le cadre de la quantification des paramètres viscoélastiques des tissus, la dernière étape consiste à développer un modèle inverse basé sur la propagation des ondes de cisaillement adaptatives pour l'estimation des paramètres viscoélastiques. L'estimation des paramètres viscoélastiques se fait via la résolution d'un problème inverse intégré dans un modèle numérique éléments finis. La robustesse de ce modèle a été étudiée afin de déterminer ces limites d'utilisation. Les résultats obtenus par ce modèle sont comparés à d'autres résultats (mêmes échantillons) obtenus par des méthodes de référence (e.g. Rheospectris) afin d'estimer la précision de la méthode développée. La quantification des paramètres mécaniques des lésions permet d'améliorer la sensibilité et la spécificité du diagnostic. La caractérisation tissulaire permet aussi une meilleure identification du type de lésion (malin ou bénin) ainsi que son évolution. Cette technique aide grandement les cliniciens dans le choix et la planification d'une prise en charge adaptée.


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La prothèse totale du genou (PTG) est une chirurgie couramment pratiquée pour traiter les patients souffrant d’arthrose sévère du genou. Bien que cette technique chirurgicale soit efficace pour diminuer la douleur, améliorer la fonction du genou et rentable d’un point de vue socio-économique, un pourcentage non négligeable de patients n’est pas satisfait suite à la chirurgie, principalement due à une douleur persistante ou due à une perception d’avoir une mauvaise fonction articulaire, sans cause identifiée. Cependant, l’impact de cette chirurgie sur la cinématique tridimensionnelle (3D) du genou demeure mal compris. Dans le but de mieux comprendre pourquoi certains patients ressentent toujours de la douleur suite à cette chirurgie, cette étude analysera, dans un premier temps, l’effet prospectif de la chirurgie sur la cinématique 3D du genou. Puis dans un second temps, comparera la cinématique 3D de sujet souffrant de douleur à celle de sujets asymptomatiques suite à la prothèse. Pour parvenir à ces deux objectifs, deux études distinctes ont été entreprises. Une première étude prospective a porté sur l’évolution de la cinématique 3D du genou d’un groupe de 19 sujets, recrutés sur la liste d’attente pour prothèse totale du genou de deux chirurgiens du CHUM, hôpital Notre-Dame, puis la cinématique a été comparée avec un groupe contrôle de 17 sujets avec des genoux sains. Une seconde étude a comparé la cinématique 3D de 20 sujets souffrant de douleur post-PTG avec 20 sujets avec des genoux asymptomatiques suite à leur chirurgie. La première étude a permis de montrer que la cinématique dans le plan frontal suite à la prothèse totale du genou était corrigée vers celle des sujets sains. Contrairement à celle mesurée dans les autres plans (sagittal et axial) qui, malgré de petites corrections, demeure différente de la cinématique des sujets sains. La seconde étude a permis d’identifier un marqueur biomécanique de la douleur chez les sujets souffrant de douleur post-PTG. Effectivement, contrairement aux sujets asymptomatiques, suite à leur chirurgie, les patients souffrants de douleur marchent avec une contracture en flexion plus importante tout au long de la phase d’appui. Les résultats de ces deux études tendent à montrer que la prothèse totale du genou modifie la cinématique 3D du genou, sans toutefois redevenir semblable à celle d’un genou normal. De plus, certains marqueurs biomécaniques peuvent être associés à de la douleur suite à la chirurgie. Une meilleure compréhension de l’impact de la PTG sur la cinématique 3D du genou permettra d’offrir de meilleurs traitements en préparation et après la chirurgie et pourrait mener à de nouveaux designs de prothèses.


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This study is about the analysis of some queueing models related to N-policy.The optimal value the queue size has to attain in order to turn on a single server, assuming that the policy is to turn on a single server when the queue size reaches a certain number, N, and turn him off when the system is empty.The operating policy is the usual N-policy, but with random N and in model 2, a system similar to the one described here.This study analyses “ Tandem queue with two servers”.Here assume that the first server is a specialized one.In a queueing system,under N-policy ,the server will be on vacation until N units accumulate for the first time after becoming idle.A modified version of the N-policy for an M│M│1 queueing system is considered here.The novel feature of this model is that a busy service unit prevents the access of new customers to servers further down the line.It is deals with a queueing model consisting of two servers connected in series with a finite intermediate waiting room of capacity k.Here assume that server I is a specialized server.For this model ,the steady state probability vector and the stability condition are obtained using matrix – geometric method.


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Queueing system in which arriving customers who find all servers and waiting positions (if any) occupied many retry for service after a period of time are retrial queues or queues with repeated attempts. This study deals with two objectives one is to introduce orbital search in retrial queueing models which allows to minimize the idle time of the server. If the holding costs and cost of using the search of customers will be introduced, the results we obtained can be used for the optimal tuning of the parameters of the search mechanism. The second one is to provide insight of the link between the corresponding retrial queue and the classical queue. At the end we observe that when the search probability Pj = 1 for all j, the model reduces to the classical queue and when Pj = 0 for all j, the model becomes the retrial queue. It discusses the performance evaluation of single-server retrial queue. It was determined by using Poisson process. Then it discuss the structure of the busy period and its analysis interms of Laplace transforms and also provides a direct method of evaluation for the first and second moments of the busy period. Then it discusses the M/ PH/1 retrial queue with disaster to the unit in service and orbital search, and a multi-server retrial queueing model (MAP/M/c) with search of customers from the orbit. MAP is convenient tool to model both renewal and non-renewal arrivals. Finally the present model deals with back and forth movement between classical queue and retrial queue. In this model when orbit size increases, retrial rate also correspondingly increases thereby reducing the idle time of the server between services


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Application of Queueing theory in areas like Computer networking, ATM facilities, Telecommunications and to many other numerous situation made people study Queueing models extensively and it has become an ever expanding branch of applied probability. The thesis discusses Reliability of a ‘k-out-of-n system’ where the server also attends external customers when there are no failed components (main customers), under a retrial policy, which can be explained in detail. It explains the reliability of a ‘K-out-of-n-system’ where the server also attends external customers and studies a multi-server infinite capacity Queueing system where each customer arrives as ordinary but can generate into priority customer which waiting in the queue. The study gives details on a finite capacity multi-server queueing system with self-generation of priority customers and also on a single server infinite capacity retrial Queue where the customer in the orbit can generate into a priority customer and leaves the system if the server is already busy with a priority generated customer; else he is taken for service immediately. Arrival process is according to a MAP and service times follow MSP.


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In this thesis we have studied a few models involving self-generation of priorities. Priority queues have been extensively discussed in literature. However, these are situations involving priority assigned to (or possessed by) customers at the time of their arrival. Nevertheless, customers generating into priority is a common phenomena. Such situations especially arise at a physicians clinic, aircrafts hovering over airport running out of fuel but waiting for clearance to land and in several communication systems. Quantification of these are very little seen in literature except for those cited in some of the work indicated in the introduction. Our attempt is to quantify a few of such problems. In doing so, we have also generalized the classical priority queues by introducing priority generation ( going to higher priorities and during waiting). Systematically we have proceeded from single server queue to multi server queue. We also introduced customers with repeated attempts (retrial) generating priorities. All models that were analyzed in this thesis involve nonpreemptive service. Since the models are not analytically tractable, a large number of numerical illustrations were produced in each chapter to get a feel about the working of the systems.


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In this thesis we have developed a few inventory models in which items are served to the customers after a processing time. This leads to a queue of demand even when items are available. In chapter two we have discussed a problem involving search of orbital customers for providing inventory. Retrial of orbital customers was also considered in that chapter; in chapter 5 also we discussed retrial inventory model which is sans orbital search of customers. In the remaining chapters (3, 4 and 6) we did not consider retrial of customers, rather we assumed the waiting room capacity of the system to be arbitrarily large. Though the models in chapters 3 and 4 differ only in that in the former we consider positive lead time for replenishment of inventory and in the latter the same is assumed to be negligible, we arrived at sharper results in chapter 4. In chapter 6 we considered a production inventory model with production time distribution for a single item and that of service time of a customer following distinct Erlang distributions. We also introduced protection of production and service stages and investigated the optimal values of the number of stages to be protected.


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The thesis entitled “Queueing Models with Vacations and Working Vacations" consists of seven chapters including the introductory chapter. In chapters 2 to 7 we analyze different queueing models highlighting the role played by vacations and working vacations. The duration of vacation is exponentially distributed in all these models and multiple vacation policy is followed.In chapter 2 we discuss an M/M/2 queueing system with heterogeneous servers, one of which is always available while the other goes on vacation in the absence of customers waiting for service. Conditional stochastic decomposition of queue length is derived. An illustrative example is provided to study the effect of the input parameters on the system performance measures. Chapter 3 considers a similar setup as chapter 2. The model is analyzed in essentially the same way as in chapter 2 and a numerical example is provided to bring out the qualitative nature of the model. The MAP is a tractable class of point process which is in general nonrenewal. In spite of its versatility it is highly tractable as well. Phase type distributions are ideally suited for applying matrix analytic methods. In all the remaining chapters we assume the arrival process to be MAP and service process to be phase type. In chapter 4 we consider a MAP/PH/1 queue with working vacations. At a departure epoch, the server finding the system empty, takes a vacation. A customer arriving during a vacation will be served but at a lower rate.Chapter 5 discusses a MAP/PH/1 retrial queueing system with working vacations.In chapter 6 the setup of the model is similar to that of chapter 5. The signicant dierence in this model is that there is a nite buer for arrivals.Chapter 7 considers an MMAP(2)/PH/1 queueing model with a nite retrial group


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In everyday life different flows of customers to avail some service facility or other at some service station are experienced. In some of these situations, congestion of items arriving for service, because an item cannot be serviced Immediately on arrival, is unavoidable. A queuing system can be described as customers arriving for service, waiting for service if it is not immediate, and if having waited for service, leaving the system after being served. Examples Include shoppers waiting in front of checkout stands in a supermarket, Programs waiting to be processed by a digital computer, ships in the harbor Waiting to be unloaded, persons waiting at railway booking office etc. A queuing system is specified completely by the following characteristics: input or arrival pattern, service pattern, number of service channels, System capacity, queue discipline and number of service stages. The ultimate objective of solving queuing models is to determine the characteristics that measure the performance of the system


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The thesis entitled Analysis of Some Stochastic Models in Inventories and Queues. This thesis is devoted to the study of some stochastic models in Inventories and Queues which are physically realizable, though complex. It contains a detailed analysis of the basic stochastic processes underlying these models. In this thesis, (s,S) inventory systems with nonidentically distributed interarrival demand times and random lead times, state dependent demands, varying ordering levels and perishable commodities with exponential life times have been studied. The queueing system of the type Ek/Ga,b/l with server vacations, service systems with single and batch services, queueing system with phase type arrival and service processes and finite capacity M/G/l queue when server going for vacation after serving a random number of customers are also analysed. The analogy between the queueing systems and inventory systems could be exploited in solving certain models. In vacation models, one important result is the stochastic decomposition property of the system size or waiting time. One can think of extending this to the transient case. In inventory theory, one can extend the present study to the case of multi-item, multi-echelon problems. The study of perishable inventory problem when the commodities have a general life time distribution would be a quite interesting problem. The analogy between the queueing systems and inventory systems could be exploited in solving certain models.


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The objective of the study of \Queueing models with vacations and working vacations" was two fold; to minimize the server idle time and improve the e ciency of the service system. Keeping this in mind we considered queueing models in di erent set up in this thesis. Chapter 1 introduced the concepts and techniques used in the thesis and also provided a summary of the work done. In chapter 2 we considered an M=M=2 queueing model, where one of the two heterogeneous servers takes multiple vacations. We studied the performance of the system with the help of busy period analysis and computation of mean waiting time of a customer in the stationary regime. Conditional stochastic decomposition of queue length was derived. To improve the e ciency of this system we came up with a modi ed model in chapter 3. In this model the vacationing server attends the customers, during vacation at a slower service rate. Chapter 4 analyzed a working vacation queueing model in a more general set up. The introduction of N policy makes this MAP=PH=1 model di erent from all working vacation models available in the literature. A detailed analysis of performance of the model was provided with the help of computation of measures such as mean waiting time of a customer who gets service in normal mode and vacation mode.


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For years, choosing the right career by monitoring the trends and scope for different career paths have been a requirement for all youngsters all over the world. In this paper we provide a scientific, data mining based method for job absorption rate prediction and predicting the waiting time needed for 100% placement, for different engineering courses in India. This will help the students in India in a great deal in deciding the right discipline for them for a bright future. Information about passed out students are obtained from the NTMIS ( National technical manpower information system ) NODAL center in Kochi, India residing in Cochin University of science and technology


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The process of developing software that takes advantage of multiple processors is commonly referred to as parallel programming. For various reasons, this process is much harder than the sequential case. For decades, parallel programming has been a problem for a small niche only: engineers working on parallelizing mostly numerical applications in High Performance Computing. This has changed with the advent of multi-core processors in mainstream computer architectures. Parallel programming in our days becomes a problem for a much larger group of developers. The main objective of this thesis was to find ways to make parallel programming easier for them. Different aims were identified in order to reach the objective: research the state of the art of parallel programming today, improve the education of software developers about the topic, and provide programmers with powerful abstractions to make their work easier. To reach these aims, several key steps were taken. To start with, a survey was conducted among parallel programmers to find out about the state of the art. More than 250 people participated, yielding results about the parallel programming systems and languages in use, as well as about common problems with these systems. Furthermore, a study was conducted in university classes on parallel programming. It resulted in a list of frequently made mistakes that were analyzed and used to create a programmers' checklist to avoid them in the future. For programmers' education, an online resource was setup to collect experiences and knowledge in the field of parallel programming - called the Parawiki. Another key step in this direction was the creation of the Thinking Parallel weblog, where more than 50.000 readers to date have read essays on the topic. For the third aim (powerful abstractions), it was decided to concentrate on one parallel programming system: OpenMP. Its ease of use and high level of abstraction were the most important reasons for this decision. Two different research directions were pursued. The first one resulted in a parallel library called AthenaMP. It contains so-called generic components, derived from design patterns for parallel programming. These include functionality to enhance the locks provided by OpenMP, to perform operations on large amounts of data (data-parallel programming), and to enable the implementation of irregular algorithms using task pools. AthenaMP itself serves a triple role: the components are well-documented and can be used directly in programs, it enables developers to study the source code and learn from it, and it is possible for compiler writers to use it as a testing ground for their OpenMP compilers. The second research direction was targeted at changing the OpenMP specification to make the system more powerful. The main contributions here were a proposal to enable thread-cancellation and a proposal to avoid busy waiting. Both were implemented in a research compiler, shown to be useful in example applications, and proposed to the OpenMP Language Committee.


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Literaturreview zum Thema Behornung und Enthornung bei Rindern,Qualitative und quantitative Befragung von Landwirten zur Enthornungspraxis, Untersuchung zur Auswirkung von unterschiedlichen Vorwartehofgrößen auf die Herzfrequenz und die agonistischen Interaktionen von eher ranghohen und eher rangniedrigen horntragenden Milchkühen, Untersuchung zur Auswirkung von zeitlich begrenztem Weidegang auf die Herzfrequenz, die Herzfrequenzvariabilität und die agonistischen Interaktionen von horntragenden Milchkühen im Laufstall


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We present an optimal methodology for synchronized scheduling of production assembly with air transportation to achieve accurate delivery with minimized cost in consumer electronics supply chain (CESC). This problem was motivated by a major PC manufacturer in consumer electronics industry, where it is required to schedule the delivery requirements to meet the customer needs in different parts of South East Asia. The overall problem is decomposed into two sub-problems which consist of an air transportation allocation problem and an assembly scheduling problem. The air transportation allocation problem is formulated as a Linear Programming Problem with earliness tardiness penalties for job orders. For the assembly scheduling problem, it is basically required to sequence the job orders on the assembly stations to minimize their waiting times before they are shipped by flights to their destinations. Hence the second sub-problem is modelled as a scheduling problem with earliness penalties. The earliness penalties are assumed to be independent of the job orders.