972 resultados para Virolainen, Jyrki: Pro
Propremiar or pro-president? On the distinction between parliamentarism, presitentialism and semi-presidentialism. From comparative research on the constitutional development in Central and Eastern Europe and also from the longstanding debate on whether parliamentarism or presidentialism best facilitates democracy, it is apparent that there has been and continues to be, a certain degree of confusion concerning the concepts of semi-presidentialism and presidentialism. Different scholars mean different things by the terms and therefore classify countries differently. In this article I argue that the conceptual dichotomy between pro-premiär (premier-presidentialism) and pro-president systems (presidentparliamentary systems) provide the best solution to several of the problems related to categorising constitutional types, most importantly perhaps to the presidential power dilemma. I, furthermore, employ these concepts on the post-communist constitutional systems and try to reveal patterns with regard to presidential power, geographical region and democratisation.
From a methodological point of view, this paper makes two contributions to the literature. One contribution is the proposal of a new measure of pro-poor growth. This new measure provides the linkage between growth rates in mean income and in income inequality. In this context, growth is defined as propoor (or anti-poor) if there is a gain (or loss) in the growth rate due to a decrease (or increase) in inequality. The other contribution is a decomposition methodology that explores linkages between growth patterns and social policies. Through the decomposition analysis, we assess the contribution of different income sources to growth patterns. The proposed methodologies are then applied to the Brazilian National Household Survey (PNAD) covering the period 1995-2004. The paper analyzes the evolution of Brazilian social indicators based on per capita income exploring links with adverse labour market performance and social policy change, with particular emphasis on the expansion of targeted cash transfers and devising more pro-poor social security benefits.
O modelo de gesto inovador mostrou que possvel fazer um ambiente de excelncia onde o Poder Judicirio seja reconhecido, respeitado e confivel aos jurisdicionados, na medida em que se assegura uma prestao jurisdicional efetiva num espao de tempo razovel, garantindo legitimidade e credibilidade s suas decises, sob a viso de um juiz proativo, com objetivos estratgicos pr-definidos, sob um olhar idealizador, uma equipe integrada, motivada e comprometida. O modelo de gesto inovador foi experimentado na Vara do Juizado Especial Cvel da Comarca de Jaru, no Estado de Rondnia, onde se procurou conferir uma rotina lgico-jurdica ao fluxo processual, sem prejuzo da qualidade, e em com total harmonia aos postulados normativos do Juizado Especial Cvel e as regras constitucionais prescritas.
O carrapato Boophilus microplus um ectoparasita hematfago que infesta os rebanhos bovinos de regies tropicais e subtropicais, causando grande prejuzo pecuria. O principal mtodo de controle deste parasita baseia-se no uso de acaricidas, entretanto, o uso de vacinas tem sido estudado como um mtodo de controle promissor. A Boophilus Yolk pro-Cathepsin (BYC) uma asprtico proteinase presente no ovo do carrapato e envolvida na embriognese que foi anteriormente testada como imungeno vacinal. Neste estudo, o cDNA da BYC foi amplificado por PCR e clonado em dois vetores de expresso para produo de duas formas da protena recombinante com cauda de histidina, rBYC e rBYC-Trx (fusionada com tioredoxina). As duas formas foram expressas em Escherichia coli na forma de corpsculos de incluso (CI) e comparadas quanto ao nvel de expresso, solubilidade e rendimento na purificaco. Trs agentes desnaturantes (N-lauroil sarcosina, hidrocloreto de guanidina e uria) foram testados para solubilizao dos CIs. Sarcosina foi o agente mais eficiente, solubilizando mais de 90 % de rBYC-Trx e rBYC. As duas protenas recombinantes foram purificadas em cromatografia de afinidade por metal (Ni2+), sob condies desnaturantes. O rendimento na purificao da protena solvel foi de 84 % para r-BYC-Trx e 6 % para rBYC. As duas formas foram reconhecidas por soro de coelhos, camundongos e bovinos previamente imunizados com BYC nativa, demonstrando a existncia de eptopos comuns entre a BYC nativa e as formas recombinantes expressas em E. coli. Para verificar o potencial vacinal da protena recombinante, um grupo de bovinos Hereford foi imunizado com rBYC e desafiado com 20.000 larvas de B. microplus por animal. Os soros dos bovinos imunizados reconheceram a BYC nativa em ELISA e Western blot, com ttulos entre 500 e 4.000. Os resultados do desafio mostraram uma proteo parcial contra a infestao, com 25 % de proteo global. O perfil de expresso de citocinas (IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, IFN-) foi verificado por RT-PCR, porm os resultados no permitiram identificar a polarizao da resposta imune em Th1 ou Th2. Os resultados de imunoproteo obtidos com a BYC recombinante foram similares aos obtidos na imunizao de bovinos com BYC nativa, indicando a possibilidade de uso da forma recombinante como imungeno vacinal.
Instituto Brasileiro de Economia
O modelo lean startup representa uma forma recente de desenvolver novos produtos e servio. No entanto, existe pouca informao sobre a implementao em empresas. O autor desta tese aborda esta lacuna na literatura, fornecendo um exemplo prtico de uma organizao adaptando o modelo lean startup. O estudo de caso nico envolve o intermedirio de servios areos Pro Sky que tenta desenvolver um novo servio de concierge em aeroporto. Um entendimento profundo obtido por meio de entrevistas, participant-observation e a simulao do novo servio. Em comparao com desenvolvimentos passados de novos servios na Pro Sky, o modelo lean startup ajuda a acelerar o processo de desenvolvimento, reduzir o desperdcio de recursos e reduzir os efeitos negativos dos vieses cognitivos. O modelo refora o objetivo da Pro Sky se desenvolver numa empresa voltada para o cliente. Obstculos incluem oferecer aos clientes um produto inacabado e o medo resultante da perda de reputao.
From a methodological point of view, this paper makes two contlibutions to the literature. One contribution is the proposal of a new measure of pro-poor growth. This new measure provides the linkage between growth rates in mean income and in income inequality. In this context, growth is defined as pro-poor (or anti-poor) if there is a gain (or loss) in the growth rate due to a decrease (or increase) in inequality. The other contribution is a decomposition methodology that explores linkages between three dimensions: growth pattems, labour market performances. and social policies. Through the decomposition analysis, growth in per capita income is explained in terms of four labour market components: the employment rate. hours of work, the labour force participation rate. and productivity. We also assess the contribution of different nonlabour income sources to growth patterns. The proposed methodologies are then applied to the Brazilian National Household Survey (PNAD) covering the period 1995-2004. The paper analyzes the evolution of Brazilian social indicators based on per capita income exploring links with adverse labour market performance and social policy change, with particular emphasis on the expansion of targeted cash transfers and devising more propoor social security benefits.
Este estudo dedicado compreenso dos fatores culturais e de confiana que dificultam o alinhamento por processos na rea de Tecnologia da Informao e Telecomunicaes de uma empresa de economia mista. Visa compreender e traduzir o modo como a cultura dessa organizao impacta nos resultados alcanados pelo modelo de gesto por processos vigente. Fazendo uso de referencial terico das reas de estudo de cultura organizacional, cultura nacional e confiana nas organizaes, este estudo buscou alinhar estes conhecimentos por meio de um vis ainda pouco explorado no ambiente acadmico. Aqui fizemos uso do conceito de cultura como um meio e no como um fim em si, associando classificao da cultura em dimenses, os traos da cultura brasileira e os estudos de confiana numa mescla ordenada de conceitos capaz de nos responder questo de pesquisa. Esta pesquisa representa o resultado de um esforo de imerso nas rotinas da organizao e descrio dos seus elementos culturais por meio de observao e entrevistas no ambiente estudado. Por fim, este trabalho se destina a contribuir ao aprimoramento dos processos para atingir melhores resultados na TIC.
Allergicasthmarepresentsanimportantpublichealthissuewithsignicantgrowthovertheyears,especially in the paediatric population. Exhaled breath is a non-invasive, easily performed and rapid method forobtainingsamplesfromthelowerrespiratorytract.Inthepresentmanuscript,themetabolicvolatile proles of allergic asthma and control children were evaluated by headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatographyquadrupole mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GCqMS). The lack ofstudiesinbreathofallergicasthmaticchildrenbyHS-SPMEledtothedevelopmentofanexperimental design to optimize SPME parameters. To full this objective, three important HS-SPME experimental parameters that inuence the extraction efciency, namely bre coating, temperature and time extractions were considered. The selected conditions that promoted higher extraction efciency corresponding to the higher GC peak areas and number of compounds were: DVB/CAR/PDMS coating bre, 22C and 60min as the extraction temperature and time, respectively. The suitability of two containers, 1L Tedlar bags and BIOVOC, for breath collection and intra-individual variability were also investigated. The developed methodology was then applied to the analysis of children exhaled breath with allergicasthma(35),fromwhich13hadalsoallergicrhinitis,andhealthycontrolchildren(15),allowing to identify 44 volatiles distributed over the chemical families of alkanes (linear and ramied) ketones, aromatic hydrocarbons, aldehydes, acids, among others. Multivariate studies were performed by Partial LeastSquaresDiscriminantAnalysis(PLSDA)usingasetof28selectedmetabolitesanddiscrimination between allergic asthma and control children was attained with a classication rate of 88%. The allergic asthma paediatric population was characterized mainly by the compounds linked to oxidative stress, such as alkanes and aldehydes. Furthermore, more detailed information was achieved combining the volatile metabolic data, suggested by PLSDA model, and clinical data.
Hop(HumuluslupulusL.,Cannabaceaefamily)isprizedforitsessentialoilcontents,usedin beer production and, more recently, in biological and pharmacological applications. In this work,a methodinvolvingheadspace solid-phase microextractionand gas chromatography mass spectrometry was developed and optimized to establish the terpenoid (monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes) metabolomic pattern of hop-essential oil derived from Saaz variety as a mean to explore this matrix as a powerful biological source for newer, more selective, biodegradable and naturally produced antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds. Different parameters affecting terpenoid metabolites extraction by headspace solid-phase microextraction were considered and optimized: type of ber coatings, extraction temperature, extraction time, ionic strength, and sample agitation. In the optimized method, analytes were extracted for 30 min at 40 C in the sample headspace with a 50/30 m divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane coating ber. The methodology allowed the identication of a total of 27 terpenoid metabolites, representing 92.5% of the total Saaz hop-essential oil volatile terpenoid composition. The headspace composition was dominated by monoterpenes (56.1%, 13 compounds), sesquiterpenes (34.9%, 10), oxygenated monoterpenes (1.41%, 3), and hemiterpenes (0.04%, 1) some of which can probably contribute to the hop of Saaz variety aroma. Mass spectrometry analysis revealed that the main metabolites are the monoterpene -myrcene (53.01.1% of the total volatile fraction), and the cyclic sesquiterpenes, -humulene (16.6 0.8%), and -caryophyllene (14.7 0.4%), which together represent about 80% of the total volatile fraction from the hop-essential oil. Thesendingssuggestthatthismatrixcanbeexploredasapowerfulbiosourceofterpenoid metabolites.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the Pro-Fono Facial Exerciser (Pro-Fono Productos Especializaclos para Fonoaudiologia Ltda.., Barueri/SP, Brazil) to decrease bruxism, as well as the correlation between the masseter and the buccinator muscles using electromyography (EMG). In this study, 39 individuals ranging from 23 to 48 years of age were selected from a dental school and then underwent surface EMG at three different periods of time: 0, 10, and 70 days. They were divided into a normal control group, a bruxer control group (without device), and an experimental bruxer group who used the device. The bruxer group showed a greater masseter EMG amplitude when compared to the normal group, while the experimental group had deceased activity with a reduction in symptoms. The buccinator EMG spectral analysis of the experimental bruxist group showed asynchronous contractions of the masseter muscle (during jaw opening) after using the Pr6-Fono Facial Exerciser. The normal group also showed asynchronous contractions. Upon correlation of the data between these muscles, the inference is that there is a reduction in bruxism when activating the buccinator muscle.
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)