992 resultados para Virescens F Lepidoptera


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Os experimentos foram conduzidos em culturas comerciais de algodoeiros na região de Dourados no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, durante a safra 1996/97. Observaram-se os seguintes aspectos do parasitismo natural em ovos de Alabama argillacea Hübner e Heliothis virescens Fabricius por Trichogramma pretiosum Riley: índice de parasitismo, razão sexual e número de adultos emergidos por ovo. Realizou-se coleta semanal de ovos dos lepidópteros e sua incubação em laboratório. Aos 31 dias após a emergência das plantas (DAE), não se observou parasitismo nos ovos de A. argillacea. Porém, a partir de 58 dias (DAE), acima de 60% dos ovos estavam parasitados por T. pretiosum, atingindo em algumas avaliações quase 100%. Apesar da baixa ocorrência de ovos de H. virescens, esses também apresentaram elevado índice de parasitismo por T. pretiosum. O número de fêmeas emergidas dos ovos parasitados geralmente foi maior do que o de machos. Fêmeas representaram em torno de 60% do total de adultos emergidos na maioria das coletas efetuadas. O número de adultos emergidos por ovo de A. argillacea e H. virescens foi ao redor de dois. Na região de Dourados, portanto, o parasitismo natural em ovos de A. argillacea e H. virescens por T. pretiosum é elevado, mesmo com as freqüentes aplicações de inseticidas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Although various biological aspects of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) have been examined, adult movement and dispersal of this insect pest is not well understood. Release-recapture techniques by using marked insects is a useful approach for dispersal studies; however, the marking technique should not significantly affect insect biology or behavior. Therefore, the effect of different concentrations of oil-soluble dyes (Solvent Blue 35 [C.I. 61554], Sudan Red 7B [C.I. 26050], Sudan Black B [26150], Sudan Orange G [C.I. 11920], and Sudan I 103624 [C.I. 12055]) on development, mortality, and fecundity of S. frugiperda was evaluated. Dyes were added to artificial diet used to feed larvae. Larval and pupal development and mortality, adult longevity, and female fecundity were evaluated. High concentrations (400 and 600 ppm) of all dyes led to longer larval and pupal stages. Adult life span and number of eggs were not affected by the dyes. Sudan Red 7B marked both adults and eggs very well. Solvent Blue 35 marked both adults and eggs, but the blue-marked eggs could not be distinguished from some bluish eggs laid by nonlabeled females. Adults and eggs were not adequately marked by the Sudan Black B, Sudan Orange G, and Sudan I 103624 (a yellow dye).


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The excretory duct in the silk gland of the sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis consists of two morphologically distinct regions, recognized by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The thin posterior region, adjacent to the glandular region, presents a regular surface. Secretory vesicles containing either electron-dense or fibrillar cuticular-like materials are observed in their apical cytoplasm; the same cuticular materials were detected as extracellular deposits among the microvilli. The short anterior region, near the common duct, exhibits surface protrusions; there are no secretory vesicles in their apical cytoplasm. These results show that only the duct cells at the posterior region are involved in the secretion of the cuticular intima elements. Desmosome-like structures were visualized linking together adjacent microvillar membranes only in the cells of anterior duct region, with unknown function. The transition between the duct and the glandular region is abrupt; the cells of the glandular and posterior duct regions present large amounts of microtubules. Nerve fibers can be observed between the duct cells in their two regions, suggesting that control of silk secretion may occur in the excretory duct via neurotransmitter liberation. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Stenoma catenifer Walsingham is the major pest in avocado groves (Persea americana Mill.) in the Neotropical region. Management has been difficult for many reasons related to the reduced knowledge on its bioecology and the avocado growing systems. The goal of this work was to study the vertical distribution of S. catenifer in avocado plants, the gagging effect of infested fruit on its survival, and the losses caused. The experiments were conducted in a commercial grove located at the Sao Tomas de Aquino, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, during the 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 growing season. S. catenifer was observed especially at the lower and central part of the plant, and the inner canopy was the least attacked in comparison with the north, south, east and west quadrants. These results may be important indicators for the use of am adequate sampling procedure. The highest percentage of attacked fruit had one to four larvae; in some cases up to eight individuals per fruit were found. The losses caused by the borer varied during the agricultural season, with figures close to 5% in a single evaluation, and the harvest loss may reach 27%. The bagging of infested fruit caused mortality of S. catenifer, as observed through the evaluation carried out four days later.


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The Lyonet's gland is found in Lepidoptera larvae, close to the excretory duct of the silk gland. The role played by this gland is still uncertain. This work aims to describe the ultrastructure of the Lyonet's bland in Diatraea saccharalis larvae, offering suggestions regarding its possible function. The insects were reared under laboratory-controlled conditions. The glands were conventionally prepared for transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron microscopy. SEM showed that Lyonet's glands are paired small structures located in the ventral side of the head. They are composed by clustered long cells resembling leaves. Under TEM observations, each cell is surrounded by a thin basal lamina and contains large stellate nucleus. The cytoplasm presents large and empty canaliculi with small microvilli. The basal plasma membrane forms numerous infoldings where numerous and well-developed mitochondria are concentrated. The cytoplasmic membrane system is poorly developed. Our ultrastructural results suggest that the Lyonet's gland in D. saccharalis larvae may be involved in the uptake of small molecules from the hemolymph no morphological evidences of macromolecules synthesis and secretion were noticed. The detection of nerve fibers in the gland suggest a neural control for the glandular cell function.


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The present work deals with the ultrastructure of the haemocytes present in the dorsal thoracic region of larvae and pre-pupae of Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides. This is a region of intense muscular differentiation in this phase of life of the insect. Only plasmatocytes, granulocytes, and adiphoaemocytes were found in this area, all showing signs of being intermediate forms.


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The ultrastructure of the ovariole sheath along the Diatraea saccharalis ovariole was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Each ovariole is surrounded by an epithelial sheath, a tunica propria and scattered lumen cells. These three components of the ovariole sheath show different ultrastructural features along the ovariole, in the germarium or in the vitellarium; these differences are more evident in the epithelial sheath cells. The epithelial sheath is composed by two layers of cells, the external one running longitudinally and the internal one running circularly in the ovariole. These cells, in vitellarium, present cytoplasmic bundles of myofilaments that are arranged parallel to the long axis of the cells; these myofilaments are apparently related to the contraction movements of the follicles within the ovariole. The acellular tunica propria, composed of finely filamentous material, is attached to the adjacent follicle cells by adhesive dense plates. Between the epithelial sheath and the tunica propria there is a population of lumen cells, with morphological features of secretory activity.


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Since palatable butterflies are more dependent on evasive flight to escape from predators, they should be more restricted in their flight-related morphology than unpalatable ones. We compared: the ratios between the (1) length of head plus thorax and the length of abdomen (A/B), (2) length of the tip of the head to wing base and the length of the wing base to end of the abdomen (C/D), (3) the variances of A/B and C/D, (4) the proportion between the thoracic and the body weight, and (5) the flight speed between palatable and unpalatable butterflies. A/B and thoracic/body weight were higher for palatable species, indicating higher body symmetry and muscular mass. However, flight speed did not differ. Unexpectedly, the variance of A/B was higher for palatable species while that of C/D did not differ. Therefore, corporal allometric measurements of Neotropical butterflies are good predictors of palatability, though not of flight speed.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The lacewings (Ceraeochrysa cincta) are important predators found associated to many pests in several agroecosystems. Eggs of Sitotroga cerealella and Anagasta kuehniella are used traditionally for massal rearing of these predators. Other foods can be used in substitution to the traditional ones, but little is known about the biology of lacewings and other alternative foods. So, this work was carried out to evaluate the effect of different diets on the post-embryonic development of C. cincta in laboratory. After been individualized in glass tubes, each larva was fed with S. cereallella and Diatraea saccharallis. It was evaluated the larvae duration, weight and viability in each instar, the duration, weight and viability of the pupa and pre-pupa stages and the duration of the post-embryonic period. It was adopted a completely randomized design with ten replications per treatment, each consisting of five eggs or larvae of C. cincta. Larvae were weighed 48 hours after hatching and 48 hours after each molt, and pre-pupae and pupae, 48 hours after starting these stages. There was no effect of the kind of food provided on the parameters evaluated. Therefore, D. saccharallis eggs can be used to feed C. cincta.


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Cotton genotypes resistance to Alabama argillacea (Huebner, 1818) due to antibiosis has been evaluated in laboratory trials (at 27 ± 2°C, 70 ± 10% relative humidity and 14 hours photoperiod). Six different genetic materials (T 1122-13-1, STO 285 N, JPM 157, T 953-13-4-2, CNPA 9211-21, and CNPA 9211-31) have been tested in a completely randomized experimental design, with ten replications, each one with ten larvae/genotype. Larvae have been supplied with leaves daily. The following variables have been scored: time length of several insect stages (from larvae to adult), average mass of larvae and pupae as well as average larval, pre-pupal and pupal mortality rates. All genotypes have revealed longer overall average time length of stage duration from larvae to adult, as compared to STO 285 N; however, CNPA 9211-31 and CNPA 9211-21 have shown the smallest average mass of pupae along with high frequencies of pre-pupae and larvae to adult mortalities. The results strongly suggest that antibiosis is one of the resistance mechanisms to A. argillacea in that two cotton genotypes.