876 resultados para Vienna. Maria am Gestade (Church).


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Caracterizacao dos sistemas de producao praticados e seus entraves, com a finalidade de subsidiar as atividades de pesquisa e assistencia tecnica. Conclusoes: a capacitacao dos produtores atraves de treinamentos e' fundamental para elevacao do nivel tecnologico, bem como melhorar a qualidade da producao; os produtores devem ser orientados para o uso racional de fertilizantes e defensivos quimicos, com vistas ao equilibrio do ecossistema e a prevencao de intoxicacoes; e a intensificacao das atividades de assistencia tecnica e extensao rural, bem como de atividades de pesquisa direcionadas as demandas da regiao estudada, sao necessarias para a elevacao do nivel tecnologico e para o bom desempenho das atividades desenvolvidas pelos produtores.


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Foram avaliados, na colecao de fruteiras da Embrapa Amazonia Ocidental, cinco tipos de graviola (Morada, FAO II, Blanca, Lisa e B), com o objetivo de se verificar o desenvolvimento vegetativo, producao e caracteristicas do fruto. O plantio foi realizado em linha com dez plantas de cada tipo de graviola, em espacamento de 4m entre plantas e 8m entre linhas. As caracteristicas avaliadas foram: diametro do caule, diametro da copa, numero de frutos/planta, peso do fruto, peso da polpa, numero de sementes/fruto, peso das sementes, teor de solidos soluveis totais (°Brix) e periodo de frutificacao. No terceiro ano de plantio, Morada produziu, em media, 18 frutos/planta, com peso media de 2,82kg, e FAO II, 16 frutos/planta, com peso medio de 2,90kg, com producao estimada de 7,8t/ha e 7,2t/ha de frutos, respectivamente. Lisa apresentou a menor media de frutos/planta (duas unidades). Esses resultados indicam a viabilidade do cultivo de FAO II e Morada para as condicoes de Manaus.


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Estudo sobre a biologia, comportamento, intensidade de infestacao e quantificacao das perdas causadas pela broca-do-fruto no cupuacuzeiro para fornecer informacoes e, desse modo, aumentar os conhecimento de como melhorar o manejo dessa praga. O trabalho foi realizado em duas fases: a) campo - coleta semanal dos frutos caidos ao chao, registando o numero de furos na casca e o de larvas no interior do fruto; b) laboratorio - as larvas do ultimo instar foram colocadas dentro de garrafas de plastico de 2l contendo mistura de vermiculita esterilizada por 1h, a 160°C, na proporcao de 2:1. O substrato foi umedecido com agua destilada e as garrafas mantidas a 27°C±2°C, em umidade relativa de 80%±10% e fotoperiodo de 12h:12h, para o desenvolvimento pupal. A regiao mediana dos frutos foi a preferida para a perfuracao de saida das larvas. O numero de larvas foi crescente de fevereiro a abril, epoca de maior producao de frutos. A duracao media para transformacao da larva do ultimo instar para a emergencia dos adultos foi de 65,34 dias, a viabilidade foi de 81,62%, e a raza sexual, 1:1. a intensidade de infestacao foi de 85,0% a 93,33%, com altas perdas na producao.


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Avaliacao do comportamento de cultivares de bananas, nas condicoes edafoclimaticas de Manaus-AM, quanto aos aspectos fitossanitarios e de producao. O experimento foi instalado no Campo Experimental da Embrapa Amazonia Ocidental, em ecossistema de terra firme. O clima local e' tropical chuvoso, altitude media de 50m, 3°8' de latitude Sul e 59°52' de longitude Oeste; solo do tipo Latossolo Amarelo muito argiloso. Foram introduzidos os cultivares 'Prata', 'Prata-ana', 'Ouro da Mata', 'Maca', 'Thap Maeo', 'Nam', 'Caipira', 'Nanica', platano 'Pacova' e os hibridos 'PV 03-44', 'PA 03-22' e "JV 03-15'. 'Prata', 'Prata-ana' e 'Ouro da Mata' nao complementaram o ciclo de producao devido ao intenso ataque de sigatoka amarela. Os cultivares que mais se destacaram foram 'Thap maeo', 'Nam' e 'Caipira' foram os cultivares que mais se destacaram, com peso medio dos cachos de 23,3kg, 18,4kg e 18,6kg, respectivamente. 'PV 03-44', 'PA 03-22' e 'JV 03-15' apresentaram peso medio dos cachos 13,8kg, 9,7kg e 10,8kg, respectivamente. Com base nos resultados, foi verificado que 'Caipira' e 'PV 03-44' receberam as maiores notas para qualidade fruto.


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O objetivo desse trabalho e selecionar especies nativas e/ou exoticas com potencial para produzir lenha e derivados, e estudar tecnicas de manejo adequadas a implantacao de producao de lenha em plantios ordenados.


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Área de estudo. Funcionamento dos estabelecimentos rurais. O produtor rural e sua família. Os sistemas de produção. Produção vegetal. Produção animal. Infra-estrutura.


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Foi avaliado o grau de incidência de podridão apical em cultivares de tomate (Lycopersicum esculentum).


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The work examines the change involving the Church in Tunisia from the period of the Protectorate to the present through the fundamental moments of independence (1956) and the signing of the ‘Modus vivendi’ (1964). In the first structure of the “modern” Church, a fundamental role was played by the complex figure of the French Cardinal Charles-Allemand Lavigerie who, while giving strong impulse to setting up disinterested charitable social initiatives by the congregations (Pères Blancs, Soeurs Blanches and others), also represented the ideal of the ‘evangelizing’ (as well as colonial) Church which, despite its declared will to avoid proselytism, almost inevitably tended to slip into it. During the French Protectorate (1881-1956) the ecclesiastic institution concentrated strongly on itself, with little heed for the sensitivity of its host population, and developed its activities as if it were in a European country. From the social standpoint, the Church was mostly involved in teaching, which followed the French model, and health facilities. In the Church only the Pères Blancs missionaries were sincerely committed to promoting awareness of the local context and dialogue with the Muslims. The Catholic clergy in the country linked its religious activity close to the policy of the Protectorate, in the hope of succeeding in returning to the ancient “greatness of the African Church, as the Eucharistic Congress in Carthage in 1930 made quite clear. The Congress itself planted the first seed in the twentyfive- year struggle that led the Tunisian population to independence in 1956 and the founding of the Republic in 1957. The conquest of independence and the ‘Modus vivendi’ marked a profound change in the situation and led to an inversion of roles: the Catholic community was given the right to exist only on the condition that it should not interfere in Tunisian society. The political project of Bourguiba, who led the Republic from 1957 to 1987, aimed to create a strongly egalitarian society, with a separation between political and religious powers. In particular, in referring to the Church, he appeared as a secularist with no hostility towards the Catholics who were, however, considered as “cooperators”, welcome so long as they were willing to place their skills at the service of the construction of the state. So, in the catholic Community was a tension between the will of being on the side of the country and that of conserving a certain distance from it and not being an integral part of it. In this process of reflection, the role of the Second Vatican Council was fundamental: it spread the idea of a Church open to the world and the other religions, in particular to Islam: the teaching of the Council led the congregations present in the country to accept the new condition. This new Church that emerged from the Council saw some important events in the process of “living together”, of “cultural mixing” and the search for a common ground between different realities. The almost contemporary arrival of Arab bishops raised awareness among the Tunisians of the existence of Christian Arabs and, at the same time, the Catholic community began considering their faith in a different way. In the last twenty years the situation has continued to change. Side by side with the priests present for decades or even those born there, some new congregations have begun to operate, albeit in small numbers: they have certainly revitalized the community of the faithful, but they sometimes appear more devoted to service “within” the Church, than to services for the population, and are thus characterized by exterior manifestations of their religion. This sort of presence has made it possible for Bourguiba's successor, Ben Ali (president from 1987 to 2011), to practice forms of tolerance even more clearly, but always limited to formal relations; the Tunisians are still far from having a real understanding of the Catholic reality, with certain exceptions connected to relations on a personal and not structured plane, as was the case in the previous period. The arrival of a good number of young people from sub-Saharan Africa, most of all students, belonging to the JCAT, and personnel of the BAD has “Africanized” the Church in Tunisia and has brought about an increase in Christians' exterior manifestations; but this is a visibility that is not blatant but discreet, with the implicit risk of the Church continuing to be perceived as a sort of exterior body, alien to the country; nor can we say, lacking proper documentation, how it will be possible to build a bridge between different cultures through the “accompaniment” of Christian wives of Tunisians. Today, the Church is living in a country that has less and less need of it; its presence, in the schools and in health facilities, is extremely reduced. And also in other sectors of social commitment, such as care for the disabled, the number of clergymen involved is quite small. The ‘revolution’ in 2011 and the later developments up to the present have brought about another socio-political change, characterized by a climate of greater freedom, but with as yet undefinable contours. This change in the political climate will inevitable have consequences in Tunisia’s approach to religious and cultural minorities, but it is far too soon to discuss this on the historical and scientific planes.


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Gallagher, Damian, and Palmer, Adrian, 'Religiosity, Relationships and Consumption: A Study of Church Going in Ireland', Consumption Markets and Culture (2007) 10(1) pp.31-49 RAE2008


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This article attempts to qualify the work with authentic source material such as TV news in foreign language teaching. At first, the role of authentic materials in foreign language teaching shall be discussed. Afterwards, TV news will be briefly examined and characterized from the point of view of media theory. Methodic-didactic considerations on the work with TV news in class round up the article.


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The paper consists of series of suggestions and historical references on the basis of which it would become possible to think and practice „spectator pedagogy” in performing arts. Contemporary performance practices can claim for new kind of political relevance by focusing on the way spectator´s corporeal experience changes during and through theatrical situation. Naive body produced by a performance is also most susceptible for thoroughgoing political and ecological change. This is the first outline by its author on this topic.


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15 hojas : ilustraciones, cuadros.


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A sermon preached to the General Assembly reporting on the mission efforts of the church.


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The print copy of this sermon is held by Pitts Theology Library. The Pitts Theology Library's digital copy was produced as part of the ATLA/ATS Cooperative Digital Resources Initiative (CDRI), funded by the Luce Foundation. Reproduction note: Electronic reproduction. Atlanta, Georgia : Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, 2003. (Thanksgiving Day Sermons, ATLA Cooperative Digital Resources Initiative, CDRI). Joint CDRI project by: Andover-Harvard Library (Harvard Divinity School), Pitts Theology Library (Emory University), and Princeton Theological Seminary Libraries.