997 resultados para Uranium-Lead Isotope


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ODP Leg 104 recovered 914 m of volcanics at Site 642 on the Vøring Plateau in the Norwegian Sea. The upper series of these volcanics correlates with seaward-dipping seismic reflectors (DRS), and is tholeiitic in character. The lower series underlies the DRS and is broadly andesitic in character. Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and Pb isotopic analyses show that upper series samples have isotopic features characteristic of MORB, except for one dike sample that has a Pb isotopic composition that may indicate interaction of its parent magma with older continental crust. The five most silicic samples from the lower series, which occur high up in the sequence, define a 63 ± 19 Ma Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron age, and have an initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7116 ± 0.0004. Other lower series samples have lower initial 87Sr/86Sr, but all are greater than any upper series rock. The combined evidence of initial 87Sr/86Sr, initial epsilon-Nd values, Sm-Nd model ages, Pb isotopic compositions, and petrographic features clearly indicate that lower series rocks were derived, at least in part, from continental crustal source materials. That the DRS is underlain by rocks of continental character is an important observation, constraining models for the development of DRS-type passive continental margins.


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Hydrographical changes of the southern Indian Ocean over the last 230 kyr, is reconstructed using a 17-m-long sediment core (MD 88 770; 46°01'S 96°28'E, 3290m). The oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of planktonic (N. pachyderma sinistra and G. bulloides) and benthic (Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, Epistominella exigua, and Melonis barleeanum) foraminifera have been analysed. Changes in sea surface temperatures (SST) are calculated using diatom and foraminiferal transfer functions. A new core top calibration for the Southern Ocean allows an extension of the method developed in the North Atlantic to estimate paleosalinities (Duplessy et al., 1991). The age scale is built using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C dating of N. pachyderma s. for the last 35 kyr, and an astronomical age scale beyond. Changes in surface temperature and salinity clearly lead (by 3 to 7 kyr) deep water variations. Thus changes in deep water circulation are not the cause of the early response of the surface Southern Ocean to climatic changes. We suggest that the early warming and cooling of the Southern Ocean result from at least two processes acting in different orbital bands and latitudes: (1) seasonality modulated by obliquity affects the high-latitude ocean surface albedo (sea ice coverage) and heat transfer to and from the atmosphere; (2) low-latitude insolation modulated by precession influences directly the atmosphere dynamic and related precipitation/ evaporation changes, which may significantly change heat transfer to the high southern latitudes, through their control on latitudinal distribution of the major frontal zones and on the conditions of intermediate and deep water formation.


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Twenty-six samples representing the wide range of lithologies (low- and intermediate-Ca boninites and bronzite andesites, high-Ca boninites, basaltic andesites-rhyolites) drilled during Leg 125 at Sites 782 and 786 on the Izu-Bonin outer-arc high have been analyzed for Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes. Nd-Sr isotope covariations show that most samples follow a trend parallel to a line from Pacific MORB mantle (PMM) to Pacific Volcanogenic sediment (PVS) but displaced slightly toward more radiogenic Sr. Pb isotope covariations show that all the Eocene-Oligocene samples plot along the Northern Hemisphere Reference Line, indicating little or no Pb derived from subducted pelagic sediment in their source. Two young basaltic andesite clasts within sediment do have a pelagic sediment signature but this may have been gained by alteration rather than subduction. In all isotopic projections, the samples form consistent groupings: the tholeiites from Site 782 and Hole 786A plot closest to PMM, the boninites and related rocks from Sites 786B plot closest to PVS, and the boninite lavas from Hole 786A and late boninitic dikes from Hole 786B occupy an intermediate position. Isotope-trace element covariations indicate that these isotopic variations can be explained by a three-component mixing model. One component (A) has the isotopic signature of PMM but is depleted in the more incompatible elements. It is interpreted as representing suboceanic mantle lithosphere. A second component (B) is relatively radiogenic (epsilon-Nd = ca 4-6; 206Pb/204Pb = ca 19.0-19.3; epsilon-Sr = ca -10 to -6)). Its trace element pattern has, among other characteristics, a high Zr/Sm ratio, which distinguishes it from the ìnormalî fluid components associated with subduction and hotspot activity. There are insufficient data at present to tie down its origin: probably it was either derived from subducted lithosphere or volcanogenic sediment fused in amphibolite facies; or it represents an asthenospheric melt component that has been fractionated by interaction with amphibole-bearing mantle. The third component (C) is characterized by high contents of Sr and high epsilon-Sr values and is interpreted as a subducted fluid component. The mixing line on a diagram of Zr/Sr against epsilon-Sr suggests that component C may have enriched the lithosphere (component A) before component B. These components may also be present on a regional basis but, if so, may not have had uniform compositions. Only the boninitic series from nearby Chichijima would require an additional, pelagic sediment component. In general, these results are consistent with models of subduction of ridges and young lithosphere during the change from a ridge-transform to subduction geometry at the initiation of subduction in the Western Pacific.


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New and published analyses of major element oxides (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, FeO*, MnO, MgO, CaO, K2O, Na2O and P2O5) from the central Izu Bonin and Mariana arcs (IBM) were compiled in order to investigate the evolution of the IBM in terms of major elements since arc inception at ~49 million years ago. The database comprises ?3500 volcanic glasses of distal tephra fallout and ?500 lava samples, ranging from the Quaternary to mid-Eocene in age. The data were corrected to 4 wt% MgO in order to display the highly resolved temporal trends. These trends show that the IBM major elements have always been "arc-like" and clearly distinct from N-MORB. Significant temporal variations of some major element oxides are apparent. The largest variations are displayed by K4.0. The data support a model wherein the K2O variability is caused by the addition of slab component with strongly differing K2O contents to a fairly depleted subarc mantle; variable extents of melting, or mantle heterogeneity, appear to play a negligible role. The other major element oxides are controlled by the composition and processes of the subarc mantle wedge. The transition from the boninitic and tholeiitic magmatism of the Eocene and Oligocene to the exclusively tholeiitic magmatism of the Neogene IBM is proposed to reflect a change in the composition of the subarc mantle wedge. The early boninitic magmas originate from an ultra-depleted subarc mantle, that is residual to either the melting of E-MORB mantle, or of subcontinental lithospheric mantle. During the Eocene and Oligocene, this residual mantle is gradually replaced by Indian MORB mantle advected from the backarc regions. The Indian MORB mantle is more radiogenic in Nd isotope ratios but also more fertile with respect to major and trace elements. Therefore the Neogene tholeiites have higher Al2O3 and TiO2 contents and lower mg# numbers at given SiO2 content. After the subarc mantle replacement was complete in the late Oligocene or early Miocene, the Neogene IBM entered a "steady state" that is characterized by the continuous advection of Indian MORB mantle from the reararc, which is fluxed by fluids and melt components from slab. The thickness of the IBM crust must have grown with time, but any effects of crustal thickening on the major element chemistry of the IBM magmas appear to be minor relative to the compositional changes that are related to source composition. Therefore next to the processes of melting, the composition of the mantle sources must play a major role in creating substantiative heterogeneities in the major element chemistry of the arc crust.


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Zircons from the oldest magmatic and metasedimentary rocks in the Podolia domain of the Ukrainian shield were studied and dated by the U-Pb method on a NORDSIM secondary-ion mass spectrometer. Age of zircon cores in enderbite gneisses sampled in the Kazachii Yar and Odessa quarries on the opposite banks of the Yuzhnyi Bug River reaches 3790 Ma. Cores of terrigenous zircons in quartzites from the Odessa quarry as well as in garnet gneisses from the Zaval'e graphite quarry have age within 3650-3750 Ma. Zircon rims record two metamorphic events around 2750-2850 Ma and 1900-2000 Ma. Extremely low U content in zircons of the second age group indicates conditions of the granulite facies metamorphism in Paleoproterozoic within the Podolia domain. Measured data on orthorocks (enderbite-gneiss) and metasedimentary rocks unambiguously suggest existence of the ancient Paleoarchean crust in the Podolia (Dniester-Bug) domain of the Ukrainian shield. They contribute in our knowledge of scales of formation and geochemical features of the primordial crust.


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Boron and Pb isotopic compositions together with B-U-Th-Pb concentrations were determined for Pacific and Indian mantle-type mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) obtained from shallow drill holes near the Australian Antarctic Discordance (AAD). Boron contents in the altered samples range from 29.7 to 69.6 ppm and are extremely enriched relative to fresh MORB glass with 0.4-0.6 ppm B. Similarly the d11B values range from 5.5? to 15.9? in the altered basalts and require interaction with a d11B enriched fluid similar to seawater ~39.5? and/or boron isotope fractionation during the formation of secondary clays. Positive correlations between B concentrations and other chemical indices of alteration such as H2O CO2, K2O, P2O5, U and 87Sr/86Sr indicate that B is progressively enriched in the basalts as they become more altered. Interestingly, d11B shows the largest isotopic shift to +16? in the least altered basalts, followed by a continual decrease to +5-6? in the most altered basalts. These observations may indicate a change from an early seawater dominated fluid towards a sediment-dominated fluid as a result of an increase in sediment cover with increasing age of the seafloor. The progression from heavy d11B towards lighter values with increasing degrees of alteration may also reflect increased formation of clay minerals (e.g., saponite). A comparison of 238U/204Pb and 206Pb/204Pb in fresh glass and variably altered basalt from Site 1160B shows extreme variations that are caused by secondary U enrichment during low temperature alteration. Modeling of the U-Pb isotope system confirms that some alteration events occurred early in the 21.5 Ma history of these rocks, even though a significant second pulse of alteration happened at ~12 Ma after formation of the crust. The U-Pb systematics of co-genetic basaltic glass and variably low temperature altered basaltic whole rocks are thus a potential tool to place age constraints on the timing of alteration and fluid flow in the ocean crust.