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Access control is an important component in the security of communication systems. While cryptography has rightfully been a significant component in the design of large scale communication systems, its relation to access control, especially its complementarity, has not often been brought out in full. With the wide availability of SELinux, a comprehensive model of access control has all the more become important. In many large scale systems, access control and trust management have become important components in the design. In survivable systems, models of group communication systems may have to be integrated with access control models. In this paper, we discuss the problem of integrating various formalisms often encountered in large scale communication systems, especially in connection with dynamic access control policies as well as trust management


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Intrinsically disordered proteins, IDPs, are proteins that lack a rigid 3D structure under physiological conditions, at least in vitro. Despite the lack of structure, IDPs play important roles in biological processes and transition from disorder to order upon binding to their targets. With multiple conformational states and rapid conformational dynamics, they engage in myriad and often ``promiscuous'' interactions. These stochastic interactions between IDPs and their partners, defined here as conformational noise, is an inherent characteristic of IDP interactions. The collective effect of conformational noise is an ensemble of protein network configurations, from which the most suitable can be explored in response to perturbations, conferring protein networks with remarkable flexibility and resilience. Moreover, the ubiquitous presence of IDPs as transcriptional factors and, more generally, as hubs in protein networks, is indicative of their role in propagation of transcriptional (genetic) noise. As effectors of transcriptional and conformational noise, IDPs rewire protein networks and unmask latent interactions in response to perturbations. Thus, noise-driven activation of latent pathways could underlie state-switching events such as cellular transformation in cancer. To test this hypothesis, we created a model of a protein network with the topological characteristics of a cancer protein network and tested its response to a perturbation in presence of IDP hubs and conformational noise. Because numerous IDPs are found to be epigenetic modifiers and chromatin remodelers, we hypothesize that they could further channel noise into stable, heritable genotypic changes.


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Obsessive compulsive symptoms frequently occur in a substantial proportion of patients with schizophrenia. The term schizoobsessive has been proposed to delineate this subgroup of schizophrenia patients who present with obsessive compulsive symptoms/disorder. However, whether this co-occurrence is more than just co-morbidity and represents a distinct subgroup remains controversial. A striking variation is noted across studies examining prevalence of obsessive compulsive symptoms/disorder in schizophrenia patients and their impact on clinical profile of schizophrenia. Hence, in this study, we examined the prevalence of obsessive compulsive symptoms/disorder in a large sample of consecutively hospitalized schizophrenia patients and compared the clinical and functional characteristics of schizophrenia patients with and without obsessive compulsive symptoms/disorder. We evaluated 200 consecutive subjects with the DSM-IV diagnosis of schizophrenia using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I disorders, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale, Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale, Clinical Global Impression-Severity scale, Global Assessment of Functioning Scale, Family Interview for Genetic Studies and World Health Organization Quality of Life scale. The prevalence of obsessive compulsive symptoms in patients with schizophrenia was 24% (n = 48); 37 of them had obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and II had obsessive compulsive symptoms not amounting to a clinical diagnosis of OCD (OCS). Schizophrenia patients with OCS/OCD had an earlier age at onset of schizophrenia symptoms, lower positive symptoms score, higher co-morbidity with Axis II disorders, higher occurrence of OCD in family and better quality of life. Findings of the study indicate a higher prevalence of OCS/OCD in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia patients with and without OCS/OCD have comparable clinical profile with few exceptions. High rates of OCD in first degree relatives suggest possible genetic contributions and differences in neurobiology. Finally, evidence to consider schizoobsessive as a distinct diagnostic entity is inconclusive and warrants further studies. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Tumor suppressor protein p53 is a master transcription regulator, indispensable for controlling several cellular pathways. Earlier work in our laboratory led to the identification of dual internal ribosome entry site (IRES) structure of p53 mRNA that regulates translation of full-length p53 and Delta 40p53. IRES-mediated translation of both isoforms is enhanced under different stress conditions that induce DNA damage, ionizing radiation and endoplasmic reticulum stress, oncogene-induced senescence and cancer. In this study, we addressed nutrient-mediated translational regulation of p53 mRNA using glucose depletion. In cell lines, this nutrient-depletion stress relatively induced p53 IRES activities from bicistronic reporter constructs with concomitant increase in levels of p53 isoforms. Surprisingly, we found scaffold/matrix attachment region-binding protein 1 (SMAR1), a predominantly nuclear protein is abundant in the cytoplasm under glucose deprivation. Importantly under these conditions polypyrimidine-tract-binding protein, an established p53 ITAF did not show nuclear-cytoplasmic relocalization highlighting the novelty of SMAR1-mediated control in stress. In vivo studies in mice revealed starvation-induced increase in SMAR1, p53 and Delta 40p53 levels that was reversible on dietary replenishment. SMAR1 associated with p53 IRES sequences ex vivo, with an increase in interaction on glucose starvation. RNAi-mediated-transient SMAR1 knockdown decreased p53 IRES activities in normal conditions and under glucose deprivation, this being reflected in changes in mRNAs in the p53 and Delta 40p53 target genes involved in cell-cycle arrest, metabolism and apoptosis such as p21, TIGAR and Bax. This study provides a new physiological insight into the regulation of this critical tumor suppressor in nutrient starvation, also suggesting important functions of the p53 isoforms in these conditions as evident from the downstream transcriptional target activation.


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This study was designed to comprehensively analyze the differential expression of proteins from human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) exposed to tumor conditioned medium (TCM) and to identify the key regulator in the cell cycle progression. The HUVECs were exposed to TCM from breast carcinoma cell line MDA-MB-231, then their cell cycle distribution was measured by flow cytometer (FCM). The role of protein in cell cycle progression was detected via two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and western blotting. Following the stimulation of TCM, HUVECs showed a more cells in the S phase than did the negative control group (ECGF-free medium with 20% FBS), but the HUVECs' level was similar to the positive control group (medium with 25 mug/ml ECGF and 20% FBS). Increased expression of cyclin D-1/E and some changes in other related proteins occurred after incubation with TCM. From our results, we can conclude that breast carcinoma cell line MDA-MB-231 may secrete soluble pro-angiogenic factors that induce the HUVEC angiogenic switch, during which the expression of cell cycle regulator cyclin D-1/E increases and related proteins play an important role in this process.


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O consumo de frutas e hortaliças (F&H) tem sido incentivado em vários países como medida de prevenção de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, sendo a escola um espaço privilegiado para a promoção do consumo desses alimentos. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o impacto de uma intervenção de promoção de F&H sobre o consumo desses alimentos por alunos e professores de escolas públicas do município do Rio de Janeiro. Trata-se de estudo de avaliação do tipo antes e depois, realizado com turmas de primeiro ciclo do ensino fundamental em oito unidades públicas municipais situadas em territórios cobertos pela Estratégia da Saúde da Família. No diagnóstico pré-intervenção foram registradas as atividades de promoção da alimentação saudável desenvolvidas nas escolas e o consumo usual de F&H pelos professores. Foram também observados o ambiente escolar e o consumo, pelos alunos, das F&H oferecidas pelo Programa de Alimentação Escolar. A intervenção abarcou um curso de formação para professores e merendeiras sobre promoção da alimentação saudável, com ênfase na promoção de F&H; distribuição de materiais educativos e realização de eventos de mobilização. No diagnóstico pós-intervenção, foram incluídas questões referentes às estratégias da intervenção. Foram criados indicadores de cobertura da atividade e intensidade de exposição à intervenção, de síntese do nível de implementação da intervenção, de adesão à alimentação escolar, aceitação e consumo de F&H pelos alunos e do consumo de F&H pelos professores, e, também, indicadores de variação da aceitação (alunos) e do consumo (alunos e professores) de F&H. As variações observadas foram testadas estatisticamente por meio do teste t-Student pareado (no caso de médias) ou do Qui Quadrado de McNemar (no caso de proporções). A eventual influência do nível de implementação da intervenção sobre a variação do consumo e aceitação de F&H foi examinada por meio de modelos de regressão linear ou logística, dependendo do tipo de desfecho. Foram observados índices altos de aceitação de F&H entre alunos e de consumo de F&H entre alunos e professores no diagnóstico inicial. A intervenção alcançou 52,7% de implementação, tendo sido bem avaliada entre os professores. Nenhuma variação estatisticamente significativa foi observada após a intervenção tanto em relação à aceitação quanto em relação ao consumo de F&H. Foram observados resultados estatisticamente significativos somente para a associação positiva entre o nível de exposição à intervenção e a aceitação de hortaliças pelos alunos. A intervenção proposta alcançou nível intermediário de implementação e os resultados alcançados foram modestos em termos de variação do consumo de F&H por alunos e professores.


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[EN]This project aims to determine the factors which influence workers’ wages in the Basque Country, taking data from the INE (Spanish Statistical Office). In first place, I will decide which variables to choose and describe them. Then they will be used to build a wage model. At this point I will observe their behaviour according to their values and the possible differences between them. Once these variables are described, they will be used to develop an econometric model that will allow to see the different effects of the variables on the endogenous variable, in this case the gross annual wage. Finally, all the analysed data will be taken and examined to draw the final conclusions and see how workers’ age, training or gender affect their salary. [EN]


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[EN] This project aims to determine the factors which influence workers’ wages in the Basque Country, taking data from the INE (Spanish Statistical Office). In first place, I will decide which variables to choose and describe them. Then they will be used to build a wage model. At this point I will observe their behaviour according to their values and the possible differences between them. Once these variables are described, they will be used to develop an econometric model that will allow to see the different effects of the variables on the endogenous variable, in this case the gross annual wage. Finally, all the analysed data will be taken and examined to draw the final conclusions and see how workers’ age, training or gender affect their salary. [EN]


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[eus] Proiektu honen bidez, Lehen Hezkuntzako lehenengo zikloan bertsogintza eta koplagintza lantzea posible dela erakutsi nahian, eguneroko errutinetan eta ipuin baten sekuentzializazioan bertsoak eta koplak txertatu ditut. Horretarako, hizkuntza lantzea izan da nire helbururik nagusiena, taldea motibatuz eta bertsoekiko zaletasuna bultzatuz. Ebaluaketa egiterakoan, metodo kualitatiboan oinarritu naiz ikasleen garapenaz ohartzeko. Azkenik, emaitzak eta ondorioak plazaratu ditut.


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[eus] Ikerketa honen bidez, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan erabiltzen diren Lehen Hezkuntzako lehenengo zikloko ingeleseko testuliburuak hizkuntzen ikaskuntzaren teoriei, Europako Erreferentzia Marko Bateratuari eta Curriculum dokumentuei egokitzen zaizkien baieztatu nahi izan da. Horretarako, aipatutako teorietan eta dokumentuetan oinarrituta, sei aldagai diseinatu eta, horiek erabiliz, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan erabiltzen diren sei testuliburu aztertu dira. Ikerketatik ondorioztatzen da aztertutako testuliburuak ez datozela bat legediaren ikuspegi komunikatiboarekin ezta atazetan oinarritutako ikaskuntzarekin ere. Hala ere, hizkuntzaren inputa testuinguruan ematen dute eta, Curriculumean eskatzen den bezala, aspektu kulturalak lantzen dituzte.


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Tem sido descrito que o acúmulo de mutações em proto-oncogenes e genes supressores de tumor contribui para o direcionamento da célula à carcinogênese. Na maioria dos casos de câncer, as células apresentam proliferação descontrolada devido a alterações na expressão e/ou mutações de ciclinas, quinases dependentes de ciclinas e/ou inibidores do ciclo celular. Os tumores sólidos figuram entre o tipo de câncer mais incidente no mundo, sendo a quimioterapia e/ou hormônio-terapia, radioterapia e cirurgia os tratamentos mais indicados para estes tipos de tumores. Entretanto, o tratamento quimioterápico apresenta diversos efeitos colaterais e muitas vezes é ineficaz. Portanto, a busca por novas moléculas capazes de conter a proliferação destas células e com baixa toxicidade para o organismo se faz necessário. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a ação antitumoral in vitro de um novo composto sintético, a pterocarpanoquinona LQB118, sobre algumas linhagens tumorais humanas de alta prevalência e estudar alguns dos seus mecanismos de ação. As linhagens tumorais estudadas neste trabalho foram os adenocarcinomas de mama (MCF7) e próstata (PC-3), e carcinoma de pulmão (A549). A citotoxicidade foi avaliada pelo ensaio do MTT e a proliferação celular pela contagem de células vivas (exclusão do corante azul de tripan) e análise do ciclo celular (citometria de fluxo). A expressão gênica foi avaliada por RT-PCR e a apoptose foi avaliada por condensação da cromatina (microscopia de fluorescência-DAPI), fragmentação de DNA (eletroforese) e marcação com anexina V (citometria de fluxo). Das linhagens tumorais testadas, a de próstata (PC3) foi a que se mostrou mais sensível ao LQB 118, e em função deste resultado, os demais experimentos foram realizados com esta linhagem tumoral. O efeito citotóxico do LQB 118 se mostrou tempo e concentração dependente. Esta substância inibiu a proliferação celular e prejudicou a progressão do ciclo celular, acumulando células nas fases S e G2/M. Buscando esclarecer os mecanismos desta ação antitumoral, demonstrou-se que o LQB 118 inibe a expressão do mRNA do fator de transcrição c-Myc e das ciclinas D1 e B1, e induz a apoptose de tais células tumorais. Em suma, o LQB 118 é capaz de inibir a proliferação das células tumorais de próstata, alterando a expressão do mRNA de alguns genes reguladores do ciclo celular, resultando em interrupção do ciclo celular e indução de apoptose, indicando este composto como um potencial candidato a futuro medicamento no tratamento do câncer de próstata.