817 resultados para Underwater sensor networks
Este proyecto ha consistido en el desarrollo de un sistema de detección de alarma de incendios mediante dos sensores de red inalámbrica (comúnmente conocidos como motes o WSN) modelo COU24 y un ordenador.
Prototipo de un sistema de automatización de apertura y cierre de una persiana motorizada que permita regular la insolación de un determinado espacio habitable y colaborar a la regulación de su temperatura.
Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) provide vast improvements over existing sensing methods in the context of structural health monitoring (SHM) of highway infrastructure systems, including improved system reliability, improved longevity and enhanced system performance, improved safety against natural hazards and vibrations, and a reduction in life cycle cost in both operating and maintaining the infrastructure. Advancements in MEMS technology and wireless sensor networks provide opportunities for long-term continuous, real-time structural health monitoring of pavements and bridges at low cost within the context of sustainable infrastructure systems. The primary objective of this research was to investigate the use of MEMS in highway structures for health monitoring purposes. This study focused on investigating the use of MEMS and their potential applications in concrete through a comprehensive literature review, a vendor survey, and a laboratory study, as well as a small-scale field study. Based on the comprehensive literature review and vendor survey, the latest information available on off-the-shelf MEMS devices, as well as research prototypes, for bridge, pavement, and traffic applications were synthesized. A commercially-available wireless concrete monitoring system based on radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology and off-the-shelf temperature and humidity sensors were tested under controlled laboratory and field conditions. The test results validated the ability of the RFID wireless concrete monitoring system in accurately measuring the temperature both inside the laboratory and in the field under severe weather conditions. In consultation with the project technical advisory committee (TAC), the most relevant MEMS-based transportation infrastructure research applications to explore in the future were also highlighted and summarized.
Due to the advances in sensor networks and remote sensing technologies, the acquisition and storage rates of meteorological and climatological data increases every day and ask for novel and efficient processing algorithms. A fundamental problem of data analysis and modeling is the spatial prediction of meteorological variables in complex orography, which serves among others to extended climatological analyses, for the assimilation of data into numerical weather prediction models, for preparing inputs to hydrological models and for real time monitoring and short-term forecasting of weather.In this thesis, a new framework for spatial estimation is proposed by taking advantage of a class of algorithms emerging from the statistical learning theory. Nonparametric kernel-based methods for nonlinear data classification, regression and target detection, known as support vector machines (SVM), are adapted for mapping of meteorological variables in complex orography.With the advent of high resolution digital elevation models, the field of spatial prediction met new horizons. In fact, by exploiting image processing tools along with physical heuristics, an incredible number of terrain features which account for the topographic conditions at multiple spatial scales can be extracted. Such features are highly relevant for the mapping of meteorological variables because they control a considerable part of the spatial variability of meteorological fields in the complex Alpine orography. For instance, patterns of orographic rainfall, wind speed and cold air pools are known to be correlated with particular terrain forms, e.g. convex/concave surfaces and upwind sides of mountain slopes.Kernel-based methods are employed to learn the nonlinear statistical dependence which links the multidimensional space of geographical and topographic explanatory variables to the variable of interest, that is the wind speed as measured at the weather stations or the occurrence of orographic rainfall patterns as extracted from sequences of radar images. Compared to low dimensional models integrating only the geographical coordinates, the proposed framework opens a way to regionalize meteorological variables which are multidimensional in nature and rarely show spatial auto-correlation in the original space making the use of classical geostatistics tangled.The challenges which are explored during the thesis are manifolds. First, the complexity of models is optimized to impose appropriate smoothness properties and reduce the impact of noisy measurements. Secondly, a multiple kernel extension of SVM is considered to select the multiscale features which explain most of the spatial variability of wind speed. Then, SVM target detection methods are implemented to describe the orographic conditions which cause persistent and stationary rainfall patterns. Finally, the optimal splitting of the data is studied to estimate realistic performances and confidence intervals characterizing the uncertainty of predictions.The resulting maps of average wind speeds find applications within renewable resources assessment and opens a route to decrease the temporal scale of analysis to meet hydrological requirements. Furthermore, the maps depicting the susceptibility to orographic rainfall enhancement can be used to improve current radar-based quantitative precipitation estimation and forecasting systems and to generate stochastic ensembles of precipitation fields conditioned upon the orography.
Desarrollo de una plataforma que permite la medición de parámetros climáticos ambientales característicos de una estación meteorológica tales como presión atmosférica, temperatura, luminosidad, precipitación y viento. Ésta tiene capacidad de poder integrarse y/o anexionarse para su uso a distintos tipos de sensores por cualquiera de las plataformas de comunicación que incorpora: bluetooth, Wi-Fi (IEE 802.11), bus I2C, o Ethernet. Igualmente, tiene la posibilidad de movilidad con indicación del posicionamiento por GPS y de aplicación adicional para uso en control domótico.
Sensor networks have many applications in monitoring and controlling of environmental properties such as sound, acceleration, vibration and temperature. Due to limitedresources in computation capability, memory and energy, they are vulnerable to many kinds of attacks. The ZigBee specification based on the 802.15.4 standard, defines a set of layers specifically suited to sensor networks. These layers support secure messaging using symmetric cryptographic. This paper presents two different ways for grabbing the cryptographic key in ZigBee: remote attack and physical attack. It also surveys and categorizes some additional attacks which can be performed on ZigBee networks: eavesdropping, spoofing, replay and DoS attacks at different layers. From this analysis, it is shown that some vulnerabilities still in the existing security schema in ZigBee technology.
Yleinen tapa betonin kuivumisnopeuden mittaamiseen on käyttää pieniä testivaluja kuivumisen arvioimiseen. Tälle epätarkalle tekniikalle olisi hyvä löytää korvaaja. Tässä kandidaatintyössä tutkitaan soveltuvatko lämpötila-anturilliset RFID-tunnisteet betonin kuivumisnopeuden mittaamiseen ja onko tällä tekniikalla potentiaalia syrjäyttää vanhat toimintatavat. Tämän lisäksi työssä tutkitaan laajemmin RFID-tekniikan ja erityisesti anturillisten RFID-tunnisteiden hyödyntämistä rakennusteollisuudessa. RFID-tekniikka soveltuu moniin rakennusteollisuuden käyttökohteisiin, kuten tiedon hallinnointiin ja rakenteiden kunnon seurantaan. Erilaisten elementtien, materiaalien, työkalujen yms. identifioinnilla pystytään saavuttamaan selkeitä hyötyjä ja RFID on oiva työkalu tähän. Rakenteiden kunnon seurannassa on yleistä käyttää anturiverkkoja. Näiden osalta yleisempää on käyttää langallisia verkkoja, mutta langattomuus on yleistymässä näissäkin. RFID tarjoaa myös näiden osalta uusia hyötyjä. Lämpötila-anturilliset RFID-tunnisteet soveltuvat hyvin betonin kuivumisnopeuden mittaamiseen. Tunnisteiden avulla lämpötila pystytään mittaamaan betonin sisältä. Sisäinen lämpötilan avulla betonin kuivumisnopeus pystytään määrittämään tarkemmin. Tämä tekniikka on myös nopeampi ja edullisempi kuin vanhat toimintatavat.
This thesis comprises seven peer-reviewed articles and examines systems and applications suitable for increasing Future Force Warrior performance, minimizing collateral damage, improving situational awareness and Common Operational Picture. Based on a literature study, missing functionalities of Future Force Warrior were identified and new ideas, concepts and solutions were created as part of early stages of Systems of Systems creation. These introduced ideas have not yet been implemented or tested in combat and for this reason benefit analyses are excluded. The main results of this thesis include the following: A new networking concept, Wireless Polling Sensor Network, which is a swarm of a few Unmanned Aerial Vehicles forming an ad-hoc network and polling a large number of fixed sensor nodes. The system is more robust in a military environment than traditional Wireless Sensor Networks. A Business Process approach to Service Oriented Architecture in a tactical setting is a concept for scheduling and sharing limited resources. New components to military Service Oriented Architecture have been introduced in the thesis. Other results of the thesis include an investigation of the use of Free Space Optics in tactical communications, a proposal for tracking neutral forces, a system for upgrading simple collaboration tools for command, control and collaboration purposes, a three-level hierarchy of Future Force Warrior, and methods for reducing incidents of fratricide.
L'attaque de retransmission sélective est une menace sérieuse dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil (WSN), en particulier dans les systèmes de surveillance. Les noeuds peuvent supprimer de manière malicieuse certains paquets de données sensibles, ce qui risque de détruire la valeur des données assemblées dans le réseau et de diminuer la disponibilité des services des capteurs. Nous présentons un système de sécurité léger basé sur l'envoi de faux rapports pour identifier les attaques de retransmission sélective après avoir montré les inconvénients des systèmes existants. Le grand avantage de notre approche est que la station de base attend une séquence de faux paquets à un moment précis sans avoir communiqué avec les noeuds du réseau. Par conséquent, elle sera capable de détecter une perte de paquets. L'analyse théorique montre que le système proposé peut identifier ce type d'attaque et peut alors améliorer la robustesse du réseau dans des conditions d'un bon compromis entre la fiabilité de la sécurité et le coût de transmission. Notre système peut atteindre un taux de réussite élevé d‟identification face à un grand nombre de noeuds malicieux, tandis que le coût de transmission peut être contrôlé dans des limites raisonnables.
Cluster based protocols like LEACH were found best suited for routing in wireless sensor networks. In mobility centric environments some improvements were suggested in the basic scheme. LEACH-Mobile is one such protocol. The basic LEACH protocol is improved in the mobile scenario by ensuring whether a sensor node is able to communicate with its cluster head. Since all the nodes, including cluster head is moving it will be better to elect a node as cluster head which is having less mobility related to its neighbours. In this paper, LEACH-Mobile protocol has been enhanced based on a mobility metric “remoteness” for cluster head election. This ensures high success rate in data transfer between the cluster head and the collector nodes even though nodes are moving. We have simulated and compared our LEACH-Mobile-Enhanced protocol with LEACHMobile. Results show that inclusion of neighbouring node information improves the routing protocol.
Cluster based protocols like LEACH were found best suited for routing in wireless sensor networks. In mobility centric environments some improvements were suggested in the basic scheme. LEACH-Mobile is one such protocol. The basic LEACH protocol is improved in the mobile scenario by ensuring whether a sensor node is able to communicate with its cluster head. Since all the nodes, including cluster head is moving it will be better to elect a node as cluster head which is having less mobility related to its neighbours. In this paper, LEACH-Mobile protocol has been enhanced based on a mobility metric “remoteness” for cluster head election. This ensures high success rate in data transfer between the cluster head and the collector nodes even though nodes are moving. We have simulated and compared our LEACH-Mobile-Enhanced protocol with LEACHMobile. Results show that inclusion of neighbouring node information improves the routing protocol.
Embedded systems, especially Wireless Sensor Nodes are highly prone to Type Safety and Memory Safety issues. Contiki, a prominent Operating System in the domain is even more affected by the problem since it makes extensive use of Type casts and Pointers. The work is an attempt to nullify the possibility of Safety violations in Contiki. We use a powerful, still efficient tool called Deputy to achieve this. We also try to automate the process
Embedded systems, especially Wireless Sensor Nodes are highly prone to Type Safety and Memory Safety issues. Contiki, a prominent Operating System in the domain is even more affected by the problem since it makes extensive use of Type casts and Pointers. The work is an attempt to nullify the possibility of Safety violations in Contiki. We use a powerful, still efficient tool called Deputy to achieve this. We also try to automate the process
Genetic programming is known to provide good solutions for many problems like the evolution of network protocols and distributed algorithms. In such cases it is most likely a hardwired module of a design framework that assists the engineer to optimize specific aspects of the system to be developed. It provides its results in a fixed format through an internal interface. In this paper we show how the utility of genetic programming can be increased remarkably by isolating it as a component and integrating it into the model-driven software development process. Our genetic programming framework produces XMI-encoded UML models that can easily be loaded into widely available modeling tools which in turn posses code generation as well as additional analysis and test capabilities. We use the evolution of a distributed election algorithm as an example to illustrate how genetic programming can be combined with model-driven development. This example clearly illustrates the advantages of our approach – the generation of source code in different programming languages.