918 resultados para Unconfined compressive strength


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The paper presents the results of the tests of a self-compacting concrete made with fines which include Portland cement and three fillers: hornfels, limestone and metakaolin, in a weight proportion between 23% and 45% of the admixtures. The first mix proportions were designed with a high proportion of Portland cement (720-750kg/m3), and are compared to those having a smaller content of cement and more fillers. The results obtained show that the limestone filler percentage should be higher than the hornfels one, and both of them significantly higher than that of the metakaolin so as to facilitate the fluidity and self-compactability. AIso, the higher proportion of fillers causes a rounded porosity in the mixing which has a bearing on better compressive strength results.


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The use of fly ash (FA) as an admixture to concrete is broadly extended for two main reasons: the reduction of costs that supposes the substitution of cement and the micro structural changes motivated by the mineral admixture. Regarding this second point, there is a consensus that considers that the ash generates a more compact concrete and a reduction in the size of the pore. However, the measure in which this contributes to the pozzolanic activity or as filler is not well defined. There is also no justification to the influence of the physical parameters, fineness of the grain and free water, in its behavior. This work studies the use of FA as a partial substitute of the cement in concretes of different workability (dry and wet) and the influence in the reactivity of the ash. The concrete of dry consistency which serves as reference uses a cement dose of 250 Kg/m 3 and the concrete of fluid consistency utilized a dose of cement of 350 Kg/m 3 . Two trademark of Portland Cement Type 1 were used. The first reached the resistant class for its fineness of grain and the second one for its composition. Moreover, three doses of FA have been used, and the water/binder ratio was constant in all the mixtures. We have studied the mechanical properties and the micro-structure of the concretes by means of compressive strength tests, mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) and thermal analysis (TA). The results of compressive strength tests allow us to observe that concrete mixtures with cements of the same classification and similar dosage of binder do not present the same mechanical behavior. These results show that the effective water/binder ratio has a major role in the development of the mechanical properties of concrete. The study of different dosages using TA, thermo-gravimetry and differential thermal analysis, revealed that the portlandite content is not restrictive in any of the dosages studied. Again, this proves that the rheology of the material influences the reaction rate and content of hydrated cement products. We conclude that the available free water is determinant in the efficiency of pozzolanic reaction. It is so that in accordance to the availability of free water, the ashes can react as an active admixture or simply change the porous distribution. The MIP shows concretes that do not exhibit significant changes in their mechanical behavior, but have suffered significant variation in their porous structure


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Around ten years ago investigation of technical and material construction in Ancient Roma has advanced in favour to obtain positive results. This process has been directed to obtaining some dates based in chemical composition, also action and reaction of materials against meteorological assaults or post depositional displacements. Plenty of these dates should be interpreted as a result of deterioration and damage in concrete material made in one landscape with some kind of meteorological characteristics. Concrete mixture like calcium and gypsum mortars should be analysed in laboratory test programs, and not only with descriptions based in reference books of Strabo, Pliny the Elder or Vitruvius. Roman manufacture was determined by weather condition, landscape, natural resources and of course, economic situation of the owner. In any case we must research the work in every facts of construction. On the one hand, thanks to chemical techniques like X-ray diffraction and Optical microscopy, we could know the granular disposition of mixture. On the other hand if we develop physical and mechanical techniques like compressive strength, capillary absorption on contact or water behaviour, we could know the reactions in binder and aggregates against weather effects. However we must be capable of interpret these results. Last year many analyses developed in archaeological sites in Spain has contributed to obtain different point of view, so has provide new dates to manage one method to continue the investigation of roman mortars. If we developed chemical and physical analysis in roman mortars at the same time, and we are capable to interpret the construction and the resources used, we achieve to understand the process of construction, the date and also the way of restoration in future.


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El retroceso de las costas acantiladas es un fenómeno muy extendido sobre los litorales rocosos expuestos a la incidencia combinada de los procesos marinos y meteorológicos que se dan en la franja costera. Este fenómeno se revela violentamente como movimientos gravitacionales del terreno esporádicos, pudiendo causar pérdidas materiales y/o humanas. Aunque el conocimiento de estos riesgos de erosión resulta de vital importancia para la correcta gestión de la costa, el desarrollo de modelos predictivos se encuentra limitado desde el punto de vista geomorfológico debido a la complejidad e interacción de los procesos de desarrollo espacio-temporal que tienen lugar en la zona costera. Los modelos de predicción publicados son escasos y con importantes inconvenientes: a) extrapolación, extienden la información de registros históricos; b) empíricos, sobre registros históricos estudian la respuesta al cambio de un parámetro; c) estocásticos, determinan la cadencia y magnitud de los eventos futuros extrapolando las distribuciones de probabilidad extraídas de catálogos históricos; d) proceso-respuesta, de estabilidad y propagación del error inexplorada; e) en Ecuaciones en Derivadas Parciales, computacionalmente costosos y poco exactos. La primera parte de esta tesis detalla las principales características de los modelos más recientes de cada tipo y, para los más habitualmente utilizados, se indican sus rangos de aplicación, ventajas e inconvenientes. Finalmente como síntesis de los procesos más relevantes que contemplan los modelos revisados, se presenta un diagrama conceptual de la recesión costera, donde se recogen los procesos más influyentes que deben ser tenidos en cuenta, a la hora de utilizar o crear un modelo de recesión costera con el objetivo de evaluar la peligrosidad (tiempo/frecuencia) del fenómeno a medio-corto plazo. En esta tesis se desarrolla un modelo de proceso-respuesta de retroceso de acantilados costeros que incorpora el comportamiento geomecánico de materiales cuya resistencia a compresión no supere los 5 MPa. El modelo simula la evolución espaciotemporal de un perfil-2D del acantilado que puede estar formado por materiales heterogéneos. Para ello, se acoplan la dinámica marina: nivel medio del mar, cambios en el nivel medio del lago, mareas y oleaje; con la evolución del terreno: erosión, desprendimiento rocoso y formación de talud de derrubios. El modelo en sus diferentes variantes es capaz de incluir el análisis de la estabilidad geomecánica de los materiales, el efecto de los derrubios presentes al pie del acantilado, el efecto del agua subterránea, la playa, el run-up, cambios en el nivel medio del mar o cambios (estacionales o interanuales) en el nivel medio de la masa de agua (lagos). Se ha estudiado el error de discretización del modelo y su propagación en el tiempo a partir de las soluciones exactas para los dos primeros periodos de marea para diferentes aproximaciones numéricas tanto en tiempo como en espacio. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido justificar las elecciones que minimizan el error y los métodos de aproximación más adecuados para su posterior uso en la modelización. El modelo ha sido validado frente a datos reales en la costa de Holderness, Yorkshire, Reino Unido; y en la costa norte del lago Erie, Ontario, Canadá. Los resultados obtenidos presentan un importante avance en los modelos de recesión costera, especialmente en su relación con las condiciones geomecánicas del medio, la influencia del agua subterránea, la verticalización de los perfiles rocosos y su respuesta ante condiciones variables producidas por el cambio climático (por ejemplo, nivel medio del mar, cambios en los niveles de lago, etc.). The recession of coastal cliffs is a widespread phenomenon on the rocky shores that are exposed to the combined incidence of marine and meteorological processes that occur in the shoreline. This phenomenon is revealed violently and occasionally, as gravitational movements of the ground and can cause material or human losses. Although knowledge of the risks of erosion is vital for the proper management of the coast, the development of cliff erosion predictive models is limited by the complex interactions between environmental processes and material properties over a range of temporal and spatial scales. Published prediction models are scarce and present important drawbacks: extrapolation, that extend historical records to the future; empirical, that based on historical records studies the system response against the change in one parameter; stochastic, that represent of cliff behaviour based on assumptions regarding the magnitude and frequency of events in a probabilistic framework based on historical records; process-response, stability and error propagation unexplored; PDE´s, highly computationally expensive and not very accurate. The first part of this thesis describes the main features of the latest models of each type and, for the most commonly used, their ranges of application, advantages and disadvantages are given. Finally as a synthesis of the most relevant processes that include the revised models, a conceptual diagram of coastal recession is presented. This conceptual model includes the most influential processes that must be taken into account when using or creating a model of coastal recession to evaluate the dangerousness (time/frequency) of the phenomenon to medium-short term. A new process-response coastal recession model developed in this thesis has been designed to incorporate the behavioural and mechanical characteristics of coastal cliffs which are composed of with materials whose compressive strength is less than 5 MPa. The model simulates the spatial and temporal evolution of a cliff-2D profile that can consist of heterogeneous materials. To do so, marine dynamics: mean sea level, waves, tides, lake seasonal changes; is coupled with the evolution of land recession: erosion, cliff face failure and associated protective colluvial wedge. The model in its different variants can include analysis of material geomechanical stability, the effect of debris present at the cliff foot, groundwater effects, beach and run-up effects, changes in the mean sea level or changes (seasonal or inter-annual) in the mean lake level. Computational implementation and study of different numerical resolution techniques, in both time and space approximations, and the produced errors are exposed and analysed for the first two tidal periods. The results obtained in the errors analysis allow us to operate the model with a configuration that minimizes the error of the approximation methods. The model is validated through profile evolution assessment at various locations of coastline retreat on the Holderness Coast, Yorkshire, UK and on the north coast of Lake Erie, Ontario, Canada. The results represent an important stepforward in linking material properties to the processes of cliff recession, in considering the effect of groundwater charge and the slope oversteeping and their response to changing conditions caused by climate change (i.e. sea level, changes in lakes levels, etc.).


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Tradicionalmente, la fabricación de materiales compuestos de altas prestaciones se lleva a cabo en autoclave mediante la consolidación de preimpregnados a través de la aplicación simultánea de altas presiones y temperatura. Las elevadas presiones empleadas en autoclave reducen la porosidad de los componentes garantizando unas buenas propiedades mecánicas. Sin embargo, este sistema de fabricación conlleva tiempos de producción largos y grandes inversiones en equipamiento lo que restringe su aplicación a otros sectores alejados del sector aeronáutico. Este hecho ha generado una creciente demanda de sistemas de fabricación alternativos al autoclave. Aunque estos sistemas son capaces de reducir los tiempos de producción y el gasto energético, por lo general, dan lugar a materiales con menores prestaciones mecánicas debido a que se reduce la compactación del material al aplicar presiones mas bajas y, por tanto, la fracción volumétrica de fibras, y disminuye el control de la porosidad durante el proceso. Los modelos numéricos existentes permiten conocer los fundamentos de los mecanismos de crecimiento de poros durante la fabricación de materiales compuestos de matriz polimérica mediante autoclave. Dichos modelos analizan el comportamiento de pequeños poros esféricos embebidos en una resina viscosa. Su validez no ha sido probada, sin embargo, para la morfología típica observada en materiales compuestos fabricados fuera de autoclave, consistente en poros cilíndricos y alargados embebidos en resina y rodeados de fibras continuas. Por otro lado, aunque existe una clara evidencia experimental del efecto pernicioso de la porosidad en las prestaciones mecánicas de los materiales compuestos, no existe información detallada sobre la influencia de las condiciones de procesado en la forma, fracción volumétrica y distribución espacial de los poros en los materiales compuestos. Las técnicas de análisis convencionales para la caracterización microestructural de los materiales compuestos proporcionan información en dos dimensiones (2D) (microscopía óptica y electrónica, radiografía de rayos X, ultrasonidos, emisión acústica) y sólo algunas son adecuadas para el análisis de la porosidad. En esta tesis, se ha analizado el efecto de ciclo de curado en el desarrollo de los poros durante la consolidación de preimpregnados Hexply AS4/8552 a bajas presiones mediante moldeo por compresión, en paneles unidireccionales y multiaxiales utilizando tres ciclos de curado diferentes. Dichos ciclos fueron cuidadosamente diseñados de acuerdo a la caracterización térmica y reológica de los preimpregnados. La fracción volumétrica de poros, su forma y distribución espacial se analizaron en detalle mediante tomografía de rayos X. Esta técnica no destructiva ha demostrado su capacidad para analizar la microestructura de materiales compuestos. Se observó, que la porosidad depende en gran medida de la evolución de la viscosidad dinámica a lo largo del ciclo y que la mayoría de la porosidad inicial procedía del aire atrapado durante el apilamiento de las láminas de preimpregnado. En el caso de los laminados multiaxiales, la porosidad también se vio afectada por la secuencia de apilamiento. En general, los poros tenían forma cilíndrica y se estaban orientados en la dirección de las fibras. Además, la proyección de la población de poros a lo largo de la dirección de la fibra reveló la existencia de una estructura celular de un diámetro aproximado de 1 mm. Las paredes de las celdas correspondían con regiones con mayor densidad de fibra mientras que los poros se concentraban en el interior de las celdas. Esta distribución de la porosidad es el resultado de una consolidación no homogenea. Toda esta información es crítica a la hora de optimizar las condiciones de procesado y proporcionar datos de partida para desarrollar herramientas de simulación de los procesos de fabricación de materiales compuestos fuera de autoclave. Adicionalmente, se determinaron ciertas propiedades mecánicas dependientes de la matriz termoestable con objeto de establecer la relación entre condiciones de procesado y las prestaciones mecánicas. En el caso de los laminados unidireccionales, la resistencia interlaminar depende de la porosidad para fracciones volumétricas de poros superiores 1%. Las mismas tendencias se observaron en el caso de GIIc mientras GIc no se vio afectada por la porosidad. En el caso de los laminados multiaxiales se evaluó la influencia de la porosidad en la resistencia a compresión, la resistencia a impacto a baja velocidad y la resistencia a copresión después de impacto. La resistencia a compresión se redujo con el contenido en poros, pero éste no influyó significativamente en la resistencia a compresión despues de impacto ya que quedó enmascarada por otros factores como la secuencia de apilamiento o la magnitud del daño generado tras el impacto. Finalmente, el efecto de las condiciones de fabricación en el proceso de compactación mediante moldeo por compresión en laminados unidireccionales fue simulado mediante el método de los elementos finitos en una primera aproximación para simular la fabricación de materiales compuestos fuera de autoclave. Los parámetros del modelo se obtuvieron mediante experimentos térmicos y reológicos del preimpregnado Hexply AS4/8552. Los resultados obtenidos en la predicción de la reducción de espesor durante el proceso de consolidación concordaron razonablemente con los resultados experimentales. Manufacturing of high performance polymer-matrix composites is normally carried out by means of autoclave using prepreg tapes stacked and consolidated under the simultaneous application of pressure and temperature. High autoclave pressures reduce the porosity in the laminate and ensure excellent mechanical properties. However, this manufacturing route is expensive in terms of capital investment and processing time, hindering its application in many industrial sectors. This fact has driven the demand of alternative out-of-autoclave processing routes. These techniques claim to produce composite parts faster and at lower cost but the mechanical performance is also reduced due to the lower fiber content and to the higher porosity. Corrient numerical models are able to simulate the mechanisms of void growth in polymer-matrix composites processed in autoclave. However these models are restricted to small spherical voids surrounded by a viscous resin. Their validity is not proved for long cylindrical voids in a viscous matrix surrounded by aligned fibers, the standard morphology observed in out-of-autoclave composites. In addition, there is an experimental evidence of the detrimental effect of voids on the mechanical performance of composites but, there is detailed information regarding the influence of curing conditions on the actual volume fraction, shape and spatial distribution of voids within the laminate. The standard techniques of microstructural characterization of composites (optical or electron microscopy, X-ray radiography, ultrasonics) provide information in two dimensions and are not always suitable to determine the porosity or void population. Moreover, they can not provide 3D information. The effect of curing cycle on the development of voids during consolidation of AS4/8552 prepregs at low pressure by compression molding was studied in unidirectional and multiaxial panels. They were manufactured using three different curing cycles carefully designed following the rheological and thermal analysis of the raw prepregs. The void volume fraction, shape and spatial distribution were analyzed in detail by means of X-ray computed microtomography, which has demonstrated its potential for analyzing the microstructural features of composites. It was demonstrated that the final void volume fraction depended on the evolution of the dynamic viscosity throughout the cycle. Most of the initial voids were the result of air entrapment and wrinkles created during lay-up. Differences in the final void volume fraction depended on the processing conditions for unidirectional and multiaxial panels. Voids were rod-like shaped and were oriented parallel to the fibers and concentrated in channels along the fiber orientation. X-ray computer tomography analysis of voids along the fiber direction showed a cellular structure with an approximate cell diameter of 1 mm. The cell walls were fiber-rich regions and porosity was localized at the center of the cells. This porosity distribution within the laminate was the result of inhomogeneous consolidation. This information is critical to optimize processing parameters and to provide inputs for virtual testing and virtual processing tools. In addition, the matrix-controlled mechanical properties of the panels were measured in order to establish the relationship between processing conditions and mechanical performance. The interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) and the interlaminar toughness (GIc and GIIc) were selected to evaluate the effect of porosity on the mechanical performance of unidirectional panels. The ILSS was strongly affected by the porosity when the void contents was higher than 1%. The same trends were observed in the case of GIIc while GIc was insensitive to the void volume fraction. Additionally, the mechanical performance of multiaxial panels in compression, low velocity impact and compression after impact (CAI) was measured to address the effect of processing conditions. The compressive strength decreased with porosity and ply-clustering. However, the porosity did not influence the impact resistance and the coompression after impact strength because the effect of porosity was masked by other factors as the damage due to impact or the laminate lay-up. Finally, the effect of the processing conditions on the compaction behavior of unidirectional AS4/8552 panels manufactured by compression moulding was simulated using the finite element method, as a first approximation to more complex and accurate models for out-of autoclave curing and consolidation of composite laminates. The model parameters were obtained from rheological and thermo-mechanical experiments carried out in raw prepreg samples. The predictions of the thickness change during consolidation were in reasonable agreement with the experimental results.


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The objective of this study is to analyze the applicability of current models used for estimating the mechanical properties of conventional concrete to self-consolidating concrete (SCC). The mechanical properties evaluated are modulus of elasticity, tensile strength,and modulus of rupture. As part of the study, it was necessary to build an extensive database that included the proportions and mechanical properties of 627 mixtures from 138 different references. The same models that are currently used for calculating the mechanical properties of conventional concrete were applied to SCC to evaluate their applicability to this type of concrete. The models considered are the ACI 318, ACI 363R, and EC2. These are the most commonly used models worldwide. In the first part of the study, the overall behavior and adaptability of the different models to SCC is evaluated. The specific characterization parameters for each concrete mixture are used to calculate the various mechanical properties applying the different estimation models. The second part of the analysis consists of comparing the experimental results of all the mixtures included in the database with the estimated results to evaluate the applicability of these models to SCC. Various statistical procedures, such as regression analysis and residual analysis, are used to compare the predicted and measured properties. It terms of general applicability, the evaluated models are suitable for estimating the modulus of elasticity, tensile strength, and modulus of rupture of SCC. These models have a rather low sensitivity, however, and adjust well only to mean values. This is because the models use the compressive strength as the main variable to characterize the concrete and do not consider other variables that affect these properties.


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El objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigación es estudiar las posibilidades de utilización del árido reciclado mixto para un hormigón reciclado en aplicaciones no estructurales, justificando mediante la experimentación la validez para esta aplicación, tanto del árido reciclado como del hormigón reciclado. Esta tesis se centró en los aspectos más restrictivos y limitativos en la utilización de los áridos mixtos en hormigón reciclado, basándose tanto en la normativa internacional existente como en los resultados obtenidos en los estudios bibliográficos consultados. La primera tarea realizada fue la caracterización completa de las propiedades del árido reciclado mixto, recogiendo especialmente los siguientes aspectos: granulometría, contenido de finos, absorción y densidades, composición del árido reciclado, índice de lajas, coeficiente de Los Ángeles, partículas ligeras y contenido de sulfatos. De este estudio de los áridos reciclados, se han destacado relaciones entre las propiedades. Las diferentes correlaciones permiten proponer criterios de calidad de un árido reciclado mixto para un hormigón reciclado. Se ha elegido un árido reciclado mixto entre los estudiados, de características límite admisibles, para obtener resultados conservadores sobre el hormigón reciclado fabricado con él. En una segunda etapa, se ha realizado un estudio de dosificación completo del hormigón reciclado, evaluando la consistencia del hormigón en estado fresco y la resistencia a compresión del hormigón en estado endurecido y se ha comparado con las mismas propiedades de un hormigón convencional. Se ha analizado la capacidad de absorción del árido conseguida con los métodos de presaturación empleados y en función de su estado de humedad, para poder evaluar las relaciones agua/cemento totales y efectivas del hormigón. Se ha estudiado el efecto de estos dos parámetros tanto en la consistencia como en la resistencia del hormigón reciclado. Finalmente, se ha estudiado el hormigón fabricado con un 50% y 100% de una partida de árido reciclado mixto de calidad admisible y se han ensayado las siguientes propiedades: consistencia, resistencia a compresión, resistencia a tracción indirecta, módulo de elasticidad dinámico, cambios de longitud, porosidad abierta y microscopía. Para analizar el efecto de los sulfatos, se han añadido artificialmente cantidades de yeso controladas en el hormigón reciclado. Se fabricaron hormigones con dos tipos de cemento, un cemento CEM I 42,5 R con elevado contenido de C3A, que debería dar lugar a expansiones mayores y un cemento con adiciones puzolánicas CEM II A-P 42,5 R, que atenuaría el comportamiento expansivo en el hormigón. Los resultados finales indican que la utilización del árido reciclado mixto en proporciones de hasta un 50%, permiten cubrir la gama de resistencias más exigentes dentro del hormigón no estructural. El contenido de sulfatos puede variar desde un 0,8% hasta un 1,9%, según el tipo de cemento y la proporción de sustitución del árido natural por árido reciclado mixto. Tanto en el caso del árido reciclado como en el hormigón, se ha realizado un estudio comparativo entre el conjunto de datos recopilados en la bibliografía y los obtenidos en este estudio experimental. En varias propiedades del hormigón reciclado, se han comparado los resultados con las fórmulas de la Instrucción EHE-08, para establecer unos coeficientes de corrección a aplicar a un hormigón reciclado con fines no estructurales. The main objective of this investigation work is to study the possibilities of using recycled mixed aggregate for a recycled concrete in non structural applications, justifying by means of experimentation both the validity of the recycled aggregate and recycled concrete. This thesis focused on the most restrictive and limiting aspects in the mixed aggregate use in recycled concrete, on the basis of the international standards as well on the results obtained in the bibliographic studies consulted. The first task achieved was the complete charcaterization of the mixed recycled aggregate properties, specially the following aspects: grain size analysis, fines content, absorption and densities, recycled aggregate composition, flakiness index, Los Angeles coefficient, lightweight particles and sulphate content. From this study, correlations between the properties were highlighted. The different correlations make possible to propose quality criterions for recycled mixed aggregate in concrete. Among the recycled aggregates studied, one of acceptable characteristics but near the limits established, was chosen to obtain conservative results in the recycled concrete made with it. In a second step, a complete recycled concrete mix design was made, to evaluate concrete consistency in the fresh state and concrete compressive strength in the hardened state and its properties were compared to those of a control concrete. The aggregate absorption capacity was analized with the presaturation methods achieved and in function of its state of humidity, to evaluate the total and effective water/cement ratios. The effect of these two parameters, both in consistency and compressive strength of recycled concrete, was studied. Finally, the concrete made with 50% and 100% of the elected recycled mixed aggregate was studied and the following concrete properties were tested: consistency, compressive strength, tensile strength, dynamic modulus of elasticity, length changes, water absorption under vacuum and microscopy. To analize the effect of sulphate content, some controlled quantities of gypsum were artificially added to the recycled concrete. Concretes with two types of cement were made, a cement CEM I 42,5 R with a high content of C3A, that would lead to major expansions and a cement with puzzolanic additions CEM II A-P 42,5 R that would lower the expansive behaviour of concrete. The final results indicate that the use of mixed recycled aggregate in proportions up to 50% make possible to cover the overall demanding strengths within the non structural concrete. Sulphates content can range between 0,8% and 1,9%, in function of the type of cement and the proportion of natural aggregate replacement by mixed recycled one. Both in the case of recycled aggregate and concrete, a comparative study was made between the data coming from the bibliography and those obtained in the experimental study. In several recycled concrete properties, the results were compared to the formulas of Spanish Instruction of Structural Concrete (Instruction EHE-08), to establish some correction coefficients to apply for a non structural recycled concrete.


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The mechanical response under compression of LiF single crystal micropillars oriented in the [111] direction was studied. Micropillars of different diameter (in the range 1–5 lm) were obtained by etching the matrix in directionally-solidified NaCl–LiF and KCl–LiF eutectic compounds. Selected micropillars were exposed to high-energy Ga+ ions to ascertain the effect of ion irradiation on the mechanical response. Ion irradiation led to an increase of approximately 30% in the yield strength and the maximum compressive strength but no effect of the micropillar diameter on flow stress was found in either the as-grown or the ion irradiated pillars. The dominant deformation micromechanisms were analyzed by means of crystal plasticity finite element simulations of the compression test, which explained the strong effect of micropillar misorientation on the mechanical response. Finally, the lack of size effect on the flow stress was discussed to the light of previous studies in LiF and other materials which show high lattice resistance to dislocation motion.


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Because of their remarkable mechanical properties, nanocrystalline metals have been the focus of much research in recent years. Refining their grain size to the nanometer range (<100 nm) effectively reduces their dislocation mobility, thus achieving very high yield strength and surface hardness—as predicted by the Hall–Petch relation—as well as higher strain-rate sensitivity. Recent works have additionally suggested that nanocrystalline metals exhibit an even higher compressive strength under shock loading. However, the increase in strength of these materials is generally accompanied by an important reduction in ductility. As an alternative, efforts have been focused on ultrafine crystals, i.e. polycrystals with a grain size in the range of 500 nm to 1 μm, in which “growth twins” (twins introduced inside the grain before deformation) act as barriers against dislocation movement, thus increasing the strength in a similar way as nanocrystals but without significant loss of ductility. Due to their outstanding mechanical properties, both nanocrystalline and nanotwinned ultrafine crystalline steels appear to be relevant candidates for ballistic protection. The aim of the present work is to compare their ballistic performance against coarse-grained steel, as well as to identify the effect of the hybridization with a carbon fiber–epoxy composite layer. Hybridization is proposed as a way to improve the nanocrystalline brittle properties in a similar way as is done with ceramics in other protection systems. The experimental campaign is finally complemented by numerical simulations to help identify some of the intrinsic deformation mechanisms not observable experimentally. As a conclusion, nanocrystalline and nanotwinned ultrafine crystals show a lower energy absorption than coarse-grained steel under ballistic loading, but under equal impact conditions with no penetration, deformation in the impact direction is smaller by nearly 40%. This a priori surprising difference in the energy absorption is rationalized by the more important local contribution of the deviatoric stress vs. volumetric stress under impact than under uniaxial deformation. Ultimately, the deformation advantage could be exploited in the future for personal protection systems where a small deformation under impact is of key importance.


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The aim was to measure the behaviour of various mortars employed in livestock media in central Spain and to analyse the aggressiveness of pig slurry to cement blended with fly ash mortars. To achieve this, mortar specimens were immersed in ponds storing pig slurry. Mortar specimens, of 40 ? 40 ? 160 mm, were made from four types of cement commonly used and recommended for rural areas. The types were a sulphate-resistant Portland cement and three cements blended in different proportions with fly ash and limestone filler. After 3, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months of exposure, three or four specimens of each cement type were removed from the pond and washed with water. Their compressive strength and microstructure (X-ray diffraction, mercury intrusion pore-symmetry, thermal analysis and scanning electron microscopy) were then measured. Sulphate-resistant Portland cement (SR-PC), found to be more susceptible to degradation due to its greater proportion of macro-pores and increased total porosity, was found not to be suitable for use with livestock. After 60 months of immersion in the pig slurry medium, CEM II-A (40.3%) mortar retained the greatest compressive strength. Mortars with less than 20% replacement of cement by fly ash were found to be the most durable, with the most suitable mechanical behaviour.


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This study analyses the variation of main physical-mechanical properties of wood along the longitudinal and radial directions of the tree for Abies alba Mill. growing in the Spanish Pyrenees. Small clear specimens were used to study the properties of volumetric shrinkage (VS), density (?), hardness (H), bending strength (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE), maximum compressive strength parallel to the grain (MCS) and impact strength (K). Several models of properties variation in the longitudinal and radial directions were analyzed. Main trends of variation of properties throughout the tree stem were identified although none of them could be fitted to predictive statistical models. Along the longitudinal direction, the properties studied followed a downward trend from the base to the crown, which was not significant in all cases, indicating that no differences in quality existed. Throughout the radial direction the trend is upward for the first 40-50 growth rings, after which it slopes downwards, more gently at first until rings 70-75 and then more steeply. This behaviour is related to variation in wood structure from the pith to the bark, depending on whether the wood is juvenile, sapwood or heartwood, and to wood maturity and microfibril angle. Authors encourage carrying further studies on other populations of A. alba in the Spanish Pyrenees to check if the trends found in this study apply to other provenances.


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The study of sulfate attack in concrete is considered vital for the preservation of the structural integrity of constructions. Its aggressive behaviour causes degradation of the cement matrix which changes the initial properties of the material. In this article, the sulfate resistance of concrete is studied. To that goal, four different concrete mixes were made with sulphur resistant cement. The concretes were tested for compressive strength, transport capacity of sulfates and microstructural properties. An experimental program was proposed in which the concrete samples were submerged in sodium sulphate (Na2SO4) solution. The obtained results were compared with reference values of concretes cured in calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2]. According to the results the concrete with ground granulated blast-furnace slag presented the best behavior when exposed to sodium sulphate (Na2SO4) solution. El estudio del ataque de sulfatos en el hormigón se considera de gran importancia para la conservación de la integridad estructural de las construcciones. Su agresividad se basa en la degradación de la matriz cementicia modificando las características iniciales de diseño. En el presente trabajo se estudia la resistencia del hormigón al ataque de sulfatos provenientes de sulfato sódico (Na2SO4). Para llevar a cabo la investigación se diseñaron cuatro dosificaciones de hormigón empleando cementos sulforresistentes y adiciones minerales. Se llevó a cabo una propuesta experimental donde las muestras de hormigón se sumergieron en disolución de sulfato sódico (Na2SO4) de concentración 1M. Posteriormente se realizaron ensayos de resistencia mecánica, capacidad de transporte de sulfatos y propiedades microestructurales, a distintas edades. Los resultados obtenidos se compararon con valores de referencia de mezclas de hormigón curadas expuestas a hi-dróxido cálcico [Ca(OH)2]. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos, el hormigón con escoria de alto horno presentó las mejores características de durabilidad frente a sulfatos provenientes de sulfato sódico


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A strategy is presented to optimize out-of-autoclave processing of quasi-isotropic carbon fiber-reinforced laminates. Square panels of 4.6 mm nominal thickness with very low porosity ð6 0:2%Þ were manufactured by compression molding at low pressure (0.2 MPa) by careful design of the temperature cycle to maximize the processing window. The mechanisms of void migration during processing were ascertained by means of X-ray microtomography and the effect of ply clustering on porosity and on void shape was explained. Finally, the effect of porosity and ply clustering on the compressive strength before and after impact was studied.


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En los últimos años, las sociedades industrializadas han tomado una mayor conciencia sobre el problema que suponen las emisiones indiscriminadas de gases de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera. El hormigón, cuyo principal componente es el cemento, es probablemente el material más utilizado en construcción. En la actualidad, las emisiones globales de CO2 debidas a la combustión del CaCO3 del cemento Pórtland representan entre el 5% y el 10% respecto del total. Estos valores son de gran interés si se considera que el compromiso aceptado al firmar el Protocolo de Kioto es de una reducción del 5% antes del año 2020, sobre el total de gases producidos. El principal objetivo del presente trabajo es el estudio microestructural y de los procesos de hidratación de los cementos con adiciones. Para ello se propone contribuir a la investigación sobre nuevos productos cementicios basados en micropartículas esféricas vítreas que pueden adicionarse al cemento antes del proceso de amasado. Los resultados obtenidos se han contrastado con las adiciones convencionales de más uso en la actualidad. El nuevo material basa su composición en la química del aluminio y el silicio. Al disminuir la cantidad de CaCO3, se contribuye al desarrollo sostenible y a la reducción de emisiones de CO2. La patente creada por el Grupo Cementos Pórtland Valderrivas (GCPV), describe el proceso de producción de las cemesferas (WO 2009/007470, 2010). Los productos que forman la materia prima para la elaboración de las cemesferas son arcillas, calizas, margas o productos o subproductos industriales, que tras su molienda, son fundidos mediante un fluido gaseoso a elevada temperatura (entre 1250ºC y 1600ºC). Este proceso permite obtener un producto final en forma esférica maciza o microesfera, que tras estabilizarse mediante un enfriamiento rápido, consigue una alta vitrificación idónea para su reactividad química, con una mínima superficie específica en relación a su masa. El producto final obtenido presenta prácticamente la finura requerida y no precisa ser molido, lo que reduce las emisiones de CO2 por el ahorro de combustible durante el proceso de molienda. El proceso descrito permite obtener un amplio abanico de materiales cementantes que, no solo pueden dar respuesta a los problemas generados por las emisiones de CO2, sino también a la disponibilidad de materiales en países donde hasta el momento no se puede fabricar cemento debido a la falta de calizas. Complementariamente se ha optimizado el método de cálculo del grado de hidratación a partir de los resultados del ensayo de ATD-TG en base a los modelos de cálculo de Bhatty y Pane. El método propuesto permite interpretar el comportamiento futuro del material a partir de la interpolación numérica de la cantidad de agua químicamente enlazada. La evolución del grado de hidratación tiene una relación directa con el desarrollo de la resistencia mecánica del material. Con el fin de caracterizar los materiales de base cemento, se ha llevado a cabo una amplia campaña experimental en pasta de cemento, mortero y hormigón. La investigación abarca tres niveles: caracterización microestructural, macroestructural y caracterización del comportamiento a largo plazo, fundamentalmente durabilidad. En total se han evaluado ocho adiciones diferentes: cuatro adiciones convencionales y cuatro tipos de cemesferas con diferente composición química. Los ensayos a escala microscópica comprenden la caracterización química, granulométrica y de la superficie específica BET de los materiales anhidros, análisis térmico diferencial y termogravimétrico en pasta de cemento y mortero, resonancia magnética de silicio en pasta de cemento, difracción de rayos X de los materiales anhidros y de las probetas de pasta, microscopía electrónica de barrido con analizador de energía dispersiva por rayos X en pasta y mortero, y porosimetría por intrusión de mercurio en mortero. La caracterización macroscópica del material comprende ensayos de determinación del agua de consistencia normal y de los tiempos de inicio y fin de fraguado en pasta de cemento, ensayos de resistencia mecánica a flexión y compresión en probetas prismáticas de mortero, y ensayos de resistencia a compresión en probetas de hormigón. Para caracterizar la durabilidad se han desarrollado ensayos de determinación del coeficiente de migración de cloruros y ensayos de resistividad eléctrica en probetas de mortero. Todos los ensayos enumerados permiten clarificar el comportamiento de las cemesferas y compararlo con las distintas adiciones de uso convencional. Los resultados reflejan un buen comportamiento resistente y durable de los materiales con adición de cemesferas. La caracterización microscópica refleja su relación con las propiedades mesoscópicas y permite comprender mejor la evolución en los procesos de hidratación de las cemesferas. In recent years industrialised societies have become increasingly aware of the problem posed by indiscriminate emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Concrete, with a main component being cement, is arguably the most widely used construction material. At present, global emissions of CO2 due to the combustion of CaCO3 from Portland cement represent between 5% and 10% of the total. If the requirement of the Kyoto Protocol of a reduction of 5% of the total gas produced before 2020 is considered, then such values are of significant interest. The main objective of this work is the assessment of the microstructure and the hydration processes of cements with additions. Such an examination proposes research into new cementitious products based on vitreous spherical microparticles that may be added to the cement before the mixing process. The results are compared with the most commonly used conventional additions. The new material bases its composition on the chemistry of aluminium and silicates. By decreasing the amount of CaCO3, it is possible both to contribute to sustainable development and reduce CO2 emissions. The patent created by Grupo Cementos Portland Valderrivas (GCPV) describes the production process of microspheres (WO 2009/007470, 2010). The products that form the raw material for manufacture are clays, lime-stone, marl and industrial products or by-products that melt after being ground and fed into a gaseous fluid at high temperatures (1250°C and 1600°C). This process allows the obtaining of a product with a solid-spherical or micro-spherical shape and which, after being stabilised in a solid state by rapid cooling, obtains a high vitrification suitable for chemical reactivity, having a minimal surface in relation to its mass. Given that the final product has the fineness required, it prevents grinding that reduces CO2 emissions by saving fuel during this process. The process, which allows a wide range of cementitious materials to be obtained, not only addresses the problems caused by CO2 emissions but also enhances the availability of materials in countries that until the time of writing have not produced cement due to a lack of limestone. In addition, the calculation of the degree of hydration from the test results of DTA-TG is optimised and based on Bhatty and Pane calculation models. The proposed method allows prediction of the performance of the material from numerical interpolation of the amount of chemically bound water. The degree of hydration has a direct relationship with the development of material mechanical strength. In order to characterise the cement-based materials, an extensive experimental campaign in cement paste, concrete and mortar is conducted. The research comprises three levels: micro-structural characterisation, macro-structural and long-term behaviour (mainly durability). In total, eight additions are assessed: four conventional additions and four types of microspheres with different chemical compositions. The micro-scale tests include characterisation of chemical composition, particle size distribution and the BET specific surface area of anhydrous material, differential thermal and thermogravimetric analysis in cement paste and mortar, silicon-29 nuclear magnetic resonance in cement paste, X-ray diffraction of the anhydrous materials and paste specimens, scanning of electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analyser in cement paste and mortar, and mercury intrusion porosimetry in mortar. The macroscopic material characterisation entails determination of water demand for normal consistency, and initial and final setting times of cement paste, flexural and compressive mechanical strength tests in prismatic mortar specimens, and compressive strength tests in concrete specimens. Tests for determining the chloride migration coefficient are performed to characterise durability, together with electrical resistivity tests in mortar specimens. All the tests listed allow clarification of the behaviour of the microspheres and comparison with the various additions of conventional use. The results show good resistance and durable behaviour of materials with a microsphere addition. Microscopic characterisation reflects their relationship with mesoscopic properties and provides insights into the hydration processes of the microspheres.


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El empleo de nuevas adiciones en el cemento se plantea como una vía para que éste sea un material más sostenible. En este contexto, las cenizas de fondo o cenicero de las centrales termoeléctricas de carbón actualmente se están llevando a vertederos creando un problema medioambiental o se están empleando con usos minoritarios. Sin embargo, la presente Tesis doctoral demuestra cómo este material puede ser empleado como un componente principal de los cementos portland mezclado en una proporción optimizada con las cenizas volantes o solo. Por tanto, este estudio se puede considerar como un trabajo prenormativo que cubre las demandas de la sociedad tanto económicas como ambientales. Se han estudiado las propiedades químicas, físicas y mecánicas de las cenizas de fondo o cenicero de las centrales termoeléctricas de carbón como una adición potencial de los cementos portland (con adiciones) en comparación con los cementos portland con cenizas volantes. En consecuencia, el objeto de la presente Tesis Doctoral es el análisis de las prestaciones de morteros elaborados con clínkeres de cemento portland y cenizas de fondo o cenicero con cenizas volantes de las centrales termoeléctricas de carbón en unos porcentajes similares a los correspondientes a los CEM II/A-V, CEM II/B-V y CEM IV/A (V) de la UNE-EN 197-1:2011. La caracterización de las cenizas de fondo o cenicero y de las cenizas volantes de las centrales termoeléctricas de carbón se ha realizado mediante las técnicas analíticas de FRX, ICP, análisis químicos, DRX, densidad, granulometría láser, superficie específica Blaine, ATD, TG, puzolanicidad, MEB y EDX; mientras que la caracterización de las mezclas se ha realizado mediante análisis químico (análisis químico, FRX e ICP y), DRX, MIP, granulometría láser, puzolanicidad, MEB y EDX, agua de consistencia normal, inicio y final de fraguado, estabilidad de volumen, colorimetría, calor de hidratación, DTA y TG, asícomo ensayos de resistencia; resistencia a flexión y compresión y ensayos de durabilidad (carbonatación natural, resistencia al hielo-deshielo, resistencia a la acción de los sulfatos y resistencia a la reacción árido-álcali). Finalmente, se han comprobado las propiedades de las cenizas de cenicero y cenizas volantes en hormigones, realizando ensayos de resistencia a compresión y resistividad. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la sustitución parcial o completa de las cenizas volantes por las de cenicero no tiene un efecto tecnológicamente importante en las propiedades ni mecánicas ni durables, incluso los mejora en determinados aspectos. Por tanto, se recomienda la normalización de las cenizas de fondo o cenicero de las centrales termoeléctricas de carbón como componente principal de los cementos portland comunes de la UNE-EN 197-1:2011. Actualmente, la mayoría de las cenizas de fondo se consideran como un residuo que no tiene un posible uso. Sólo se han encontrado algunos datos relativos a la aplicación de este material combinado con cenizas volantes como un componente principal de los cementos portland. Por tanto, la realización de un estudio integrado considerando aspectos que van desde la caracterización de las cenizas hasta las mezclas de conglomerante y la hidratación de éstas, desarrollo de resistencias y demás prestaciones y durabilidad (carbonatación natural, resistencia al hielo-deshielo, resistencia a la acción de los sulfatos y resistencia a la reacción árido-álcali), así como los ensayos de resistencia en hormigón es totalmente novedoso. Como resultado final se propone incorporar estas nuevas adiciones en aplicaciones particulares y en la norma más apropiada para ello. Los resultados han demostrado que la sustitución completa o parcial de las cenizas volantes por cenizas de fondo o cenicero de las centrales termoeléctricas de carbón en cementos de los tipos CEM II/A-V, CEM II/B-V y CEM IV/A no afecta de forma significativa en la resistencia a compresión a 1, 3 ,7, 28 ni 90 días ni a la durabilidad. En parte esto se debe a que la composición química de ambas cenizas es muy similar en la mayoría de los elementos tales como Fe2O3, TiO2, P2O5, SrO2, aunque en algún caso, como en el ZnO, se encuentra alguna ligera diferencia. Por tanto, se pueden esperar unas ligeras diferencias en el mecanismo de hidratación de las diferentes mezclas estudiadas. La presencia de los óxidos mencionados afectará a la composición de la fase acuosa y, en consecuencia, podrían ser elementos lixiviables. Asimismo, influyen de distinta manera en propiedades tales como los tiempos de fraguado y en la durabilidad. New additions to the cement are needed to achieve a more sustainable construction material. Within this context, bottom ashes produced in coal-fired power stations are currently wastes which are dumped provoking an environmental problem. Only in few cases are being used in minor applications. However, the present PhD Thesis shows how this material can be used as a main constituent of Portland cement when it is mixed in an optimised proportion with fly ashes or added to the Portland clinker alone. Therefore, this study may also be considered as a pre-standardization work which covers both the environmental and economic demands of society. Chemical, physical and mechanical characteristics of pulverized coal combustion bottom ash used as a potential constituent of Portland cements (with additions) are studied in comparison to Portland cements with fly ashes. Therefore, the aim of this experimental PhD Thesis is the analysis of the performance of mortars made of clinker of Portland cement and bottom and/or fly ashes in similar proportions to those of CEM II/A-V, CEM II/B-V and CEM IV/A (V) according to EN 197-1:2011. Characterisation of bottom and fly ashes has been done by XRF, ICP, chemical analyses, XRD, density, laser granulometry, Blaine, ATD, TG, pozzolanity, SEM and EDS. Characterisation of bottom and fly ashes mixes has been perform by chemical analyses, XRF, ICP, XRD, MIP, laser granulometry, pozzolanity, SEM, EDS, setting time, soundness, colorimetric test, heat of hydration, ATD, TG, compressive strength, and durability tests (natural carbonation, frost-thaw resistance, sulphate resistance and silica-alkali resistance). In conclusion, it can be established that partial or complete replacement of fly ash by bottom ash has neither significant effect on mechanical nor durability properties. Even, they are improved in several aspects. Therefore, it is recommended to standardise the bottom ash as a main cement constituent of the European standard EN 197-1:2011. Nowadays, most bottom ashes are considered as waste without any potential re-use. Only a few papers deal with the study of this material and its use mixed with fly ashes to be employed as a main constituent of Portland cement. Therefore, the execution of an integrated study considering together aspects from the initial characterization of the ashes and blinder mixes to the hydration steps, strength achievement, leading behaviour and durability (natural carbonation, sulphate attack, aggregate-alcali reaction and freeze-thaw resistance) is totally new. As result, it is proposed to include this new addition for particular applications in the appropriate cement standard. The results have shown that with regard to the compressive strength at 1, 3, 7, 28 and 90 days, partial or complete replacement of fly ash by bottom ash in CEM II/A-V, CEM II/B-V and CEM IV/A has no more significant effects. Partially, this can be explained because the bottom ash contains a similar amount of most of the elements, Fe2O3, TiO2, P2O5, SrO2, and so on, instead of ZnO. Therefore, slight hydration differences are expected. The presence of such oxides might have a significant effect on pore solution concentration and so will be leachable constituents. They will also play an important role in the cement properties such as setting times and durability.