998 resultados para Turgenev, Ivan
The authors report a case of a 38-year-old HIV-positive woman, with subcutaneous nodules on the thoracic region with 3 months of evolution. Clinical, laboratory, and epidemiological features were evaluated and associated with apparent damage to the T11-T12 vertebrae, identification by imaging tests, positivity in a polymerase chain reaction-based test, and reactivity to the Mantoux tuberculin skin test (PPD-RT 23). The patient was diagnosed with osteoarticular tuberculosis and received treatment for a year, and clinical cure was achieved.
Introduction Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease that is caused by Mycobacterium leprae. The objective of this study was to evaluate the risk factors that are associated with neural alterations and physical disabilities in leprosy patients at the time of diagnosis. Methods A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted on 155 leprosy patients who participated in a program that aimed to eliminate leprosy from São Luis, State of Maranhão. Results Patients who were 31-45 years of age, were older than 60 years of age or had a partner were more likely to have a disability. Patients with partners were 1.14 times more likely (p = 0.025) to have disabilities of the hands. The frequency of disabilities in the feet among the patients with different clinical forms of leprosy was statistically significant. Conclusions The identification of risk factors that are associated with neural alterations and physical disabilities in leprosy patients is important for diagnosing the disease because this approach enables physicians to plan and prioritize actions for the treatment and monitoring of patients.
INTRODUCTION: Friedreich's ataxia is a neurodegenerative disorder whose clinical diagnostic criteria for typical cases basically include: a) early age of onset (< 20 or 25 years), b) autosomal recessive inheritance, c) progressive ataxia of limbs and gait, and d) absence of lower limb tendon reflexes. METHODS: We studied the frequency and the size of expanded GAA and their influence on neurologic findings, age at onset, and disease progression in 25 Brazilian patients with clinical diagnosis of Friedreich's ataxia - 19 typical and 6 atypical - using a long-range PCR test. RESULTS: Abnormalities in cerebellar signs, in electrocardiography, and pes cavus occurred more frequently in typical cases; however, plantar response and speech were more frequently normal in this group when the both typical and atypical cases were compared. Homozygous GAA expansion repeats were detected in 17 cases (68%) - all typical cases. In 8 patients (32%) (6 atypical and 2 typical), no expansion was observed, ruling out the diagnosis of Friedreich's ataxia. In cases with GAA expansions, foot deformity, cardiac abnormalities, and some neurologic findings occurred more frequently; however, abnormalities in cranial nerves and in tomographic findings were detected less frequently than in patients without GAA expansions. DISCUSSION: Molecular analysis was imperative for the diagnosis of Friedreich's ataxia, not only for typical cases but also for atypical ones. There was no genotype-phenotype correlation. Diagnosis based only on clinical findings is limited; however, it aids in better screening for suspected cases that should be tested. Evaluation for vitamin E deficiency is recommended, especially in cases without GAA expansion.
PURPOSE: Enteral alimentation is the preferred modality of support in critical patients who have acceptable digestive function and are unable to eat orally, but the advantages of continuous versus intermittent administration are surrounded by controversy. With the purpose of identifying the benefits and complications of each technique, a prospective controlled study with matched subjects was conducted. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-eight consecutive candidates for enteral feeding were divided into 2 groups (n = 14 each) that were matched for diagnosis and APACHE II score. A commercial immune-stimulating polymeric diet was administered via nasogastric tube by electronic pump in the proportion of 25 kcal/kg/day, either as a 1-hour bolus every 3 hours (Group I), or continuously for 24 hours (Group II), over a 3-day period. Anthropometrics, biochemical measurements, recording of administered drugs and other therapies, thorax X-ray, measurement of abdominal circumference, monitoring of gastric residue, and clinical and nutritional assessments were performed at least once daily. The principal measured outcomes of this protocol were frequency of abdominal distention and pulmonary aspiration, and efficacy in supplying the desired amount of nutrients. RESULTS: Nearly half of the total population (46.4%) exhibited high gastric residues on at least 1 occasion, but only 1 confirmed episode of pulmonary aspiration occurred (3.6%). Both groups displayed a moderate number of complications, without differences. Food input during the first day was greater in Group II (approximately 20% difference), but by the third day, both groups displayed similarly small deficits in total furnished volume of about 10%, when compared with the prescribed diet. CONCLUSIONS: Both administration modalities permitted practical and effective administration of the diet with frequent registered abnormalities but few clinically significant problems. The two groups were similar in this regard, without statistical differences, probably because of meticulous technique, careful monitoring, strict patient matching, and conservative amounts of diet employed in both situations. Further studies with additional populations, diagnostic groups, and dietetic prescriptions should be performed in order to elucidate the differences between these commonly used feeding modalities.
Vanadium dioxide (VO2) is a promising material with large interest in construction industry and architecture, due to its thermochromic properties. This material may be used to create "smart" coatings that result in improvements in the buildings energy efficiency, by reducing heat exchanges and, consequently, the need for acclimatization. In this work, VO2 thin films and coatings were produced and tested in laboratory, to apply in architectural elements, such as glass, rooftop tiles and exterior paints. Thin films were produced by RF magnetron sputtering and VO2 nanoparticles were obtained through hydrothermal synthesis, aiming to create "smart" windows and tiles, respectively. These coatings have demonstrated the capability to modulate the transmittance of infrared radiation by around 20%. The VO2 nanoparticle coatings were successfully applied on ceramic tiles. The critical temperature was reduced to around 40ºC by tungsten doping. Ultimately, two identical house models were built, in order to test the VO2 coatings, in real atmospheric conditions during one of the hottest months of the year, in Portugal – August.
Modern fully integrated receiver architectures, require inductorless circuits to achieve their potential low area, low cost, and low power. The low noise amplifier (LNA), which is a key block in such receivers, is investigated in this thesis. LNAs can be either narrowband or wideband. Narrowband LNAs use inductors and have very low noise figure, but they occupy a large area and require a technology with RF options to obtain inductors with high Q. Recently, wideband LNAs with noise and distortion cancelling, with passive loads have been proposed, which can have low NF, but have high power consumption. In this thesis the main goal is to obtain a very low area, low power, and low-cost wideband LNA. First, it is investigated a balun LNA with noise and distortion cancelling with active loads to boost the gain and reduce the noise figure (NF). The circuit is based on a conventional balun LNA with noise and distortion cancellation, using the combination of a common-gate (CG) stage and common-source (CS) stage. Simulation and measurements results, with a 130 nm CMOS technology, show that the gain is enhanced by about 3 dB and the NF is reduced by at least 0.5 dB, with a negligible impact on the circuit linearity (IIP3 is about 0 dBm). The total power dissipation is only 4.8 mW, and the active area is less than 50 x 50 m2 . It is also investigated a balun LNA in which the gain is boosted by using a double feedback structure.We propose to replace the load resistors by active loads, which can be used to implement local feedback loops (in the CG and CS stages). This will boost the gain and reduce the noise figure (NF). Simulation results, with the same 130 nm CMOS technology as above, show that the gain is 24 dB and NF is less than 2.7 dB. The total power dissipation is only 5.4 mW (since no extra blocks are required), leading to a figure-of-merit (FoM) of 3.8 mW
PURPOSE: To investigate the impact of alcohol intoxication and withdrawal on the course of social phobia and panic disorder. METHOD: A group of 41 alcoholic inpatients undergoing detoxification therapy were interviewed using the SCID-I (DSM-IV) and questions to detect fluctuations in the course of social phobia and panic disorder as a function of the different phases in alcohol dependence (intoxication, withdrawal, and lucid interval). RESULTS: Only 1 (2.4%) patient presented panic disorder throughout life, and 9 (21.9%) had panic attacks during alcohol intoxication or during the withdrawal syndrome. Sixteen (39%) alcoholic patients showed social phobia with onset prior to drug use. However, drinking eventually became unable to alleviate social phobia symptoms or worsened such symptoms in 31.2% of social-phobic patients. While patients with social phobia reported a significant improvement in psychiatric symptoms during alcohol intoxication, patients experiencing panic attacks worsened significantly during intoxication. In the withdrawal phase, patients with social phobia tended to have more and more intense phobic symptoms. CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that the impact of alcohol intoxication is different for social phobia as compared to panic disorder, at first decreasing the social-phobic symptoms but later aggravating them. In panic disorder, the impact of intoxication by alcohol is more harmful, at least in the short term.
Descreve-se pela primeira vez o cariótipo de exemplares de S. spilopleura da Amazônia Central. Todos os indivíduos analisados apresentaram número diplóide igual a 60 cromossomos, em conformidade com os dados da espécie obtidos em indivíduos da bacia do Paraná-Paraguai. No entanto, dois citótipos foram encontrados em simpatria na região de confluência dos rios Negro e Solimões, os quais não estão relacionados a heteromorfismo sexual. Além disso, os dois citótipos da Amazônia diferem dos três anteriormente descritos em exemplares do Paraná-Paraguai. A presença de distintos citótipos encontrados em simpatria e alopatria para S. spilopleura nos leva a sugerir que, ou essa espécie apresenta uma ampla heterogeneidade cariotípica ou existe um complexo de espécies cuja morfologia é muito semelhante.
One of the biggest challenges for urban space planners is to conciliate the indispensable demands of life with the forms of occupation of the territory. Among these demands is water. Population growth and urban sprawl are challenging water availability. Thus, it is important to evaluate development trends to predict future scenarios, enabling guide preventive actions and decision making. It is essential to have a practical and direct tool that allows us to transmit the necessary information. The objective of this study is to present a method for evaluating the urban efficiency in the process of city expansion and the availability of water supply. To do so, the indicators will be defined, called indicators of "hidricidade". As a result, it is expected to be obtained a direct and practical tool, that is going to allow to transmit the necessary information to the harmonic urban process planning, applicable to medium size Brazilian cities, allowing decision making as a guarantee of water supply and urban sprawl.
O presente trabalho demonstra a aplicabilidade de imagens de sensoriamento remoto e de métodos de processamento de imagens digitais para definição de locais adequados à instalação de sistemas telemétricos de monitoramento de variáveis ambientais em sistemas aquáticos, localizados em regiões de difícil acesso. A técnica consiste essencialmente da aplicação de operações Booleanas entre mapas da pluma do Rio Amazonas e de zonas inundadas do Lago de Curuai em diferentes etapas do ciclo hidrológico. A localização exata para o sistema de monitoramento telemétrico será vital para o desenvolvimento de modelos de troca de gases traço entre a planície de inundação Amazônica e a atmosfera.
Dissertação de mestrado em Psicologia Aplicada
Bioassays under laboratory conditions aiming to determine the larvicidal activity of Bacillus sphaericus were carried out on Anopheles darlingi and Culex quinquefasciatus. In order to estimate the toxicity through median lethal concentration (LC50) and the relative potency of the strains to B. sphaericus standard strain 2362, probit analysis was performed utilizing the POLO-PC program. The findings of LC50 pointed out high effectiveness on strains IB15 (0.040 ppm), IB19 and S1116 (0.048 ppm), IB16 (0.052 ppm) and S265 (0.057 ppm). Strain IB15 presented nearly 50% more potency than strain 2362 in bioassays conducted on A. darlingi. It was observed that IB16 and S1116 strains were the most powerful against C. quinquefasciatus, showing to be about 300-400% stronger than 2362 strain. The results show that laboratory conditioned evaluation can be an important way to select promising bacteria with entomopathogenic action on biolarvicides production for use on mosquitoes breeding sites.
A evolução das cidades decorre do crescimento populacional e da expansão das atividades urbanas, o que desencadeia uma crescente pressão sobre os recursos naturais. Torna-se assim indispensável uma abordagem sustentável e harmônica para o planejamento de cidades mais equilibradas. A água, como um recurso fundamental à existência e promovedora de todas as atividades humanas, deve ser considerada como um dos condicionantes mais importantes. Neste contexto, deve- se promover uma gestão urbana sustentável, onde a relação expansão e água deve ser analisada através de critérios estratégicos que possibilitem diagnósticos seguros. Este trabalho faz aplicação de uma metodologia de avaliação diagnósticada Eficiência Urbana, com foco na disponibilidade de água para abastecimento e no processo de expansão urbana, através de indicadores de “Hidricidade”. A metodologia é aplicável a cidades de porte médio por serem muito representativas no horizonte brasileiro. A cidade escolhida para a aplicação foi Caxias do Sul, localizada no estado do Rio Grande do Sul-Brasil. Os resultados comprovam que a gestão urbana deve ser feita em sintonia com a gestão da água para abastecimento, aumentando a segurança da disponibilidade deste recurso às futuras gerações.
O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o modelo de previsão numérica do tempo BRAMS (Brazilian Regional Atmospheric Modelling System), a partir da comparação entre os valores preditos e os observados (dados do NCEP/NOAA (National Centers of Environmental Predictions/ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) e do satélite TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)). O modelo foi assimilado com dados do modelo global do NCEP/NOAA e do CPTEC/INPE. Foram realizadas comparações entre os valores preditos e os observados através da raiz do erro quadrático médio (RMSE) e do erro médio (ME) para os prognósticos de precipitação para os horizontes de 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas, do período de novembro de 2008 a março de 2009. Os resultados mostraram que o modelo BRAMS teve uma performance melhor quando assimilado com dados do modelo global do NCEP/NOAA comparado com as saídas a partir das assimilações do modelo global do CPTEC/INPE.