411 resultados para Tsunami, Küsten-Geomorphologie, Paläogeographie, Griechenland, Peloponnes
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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Journalists have always used equipment which has been generally available in the communities in which they worked. This has been a result both of economy and necessity, since they found they had to connect with their audiences using means that were available to the audience, not just to the sender. Newspapers sold on street corners in the very early media days; SMS and email have become the rule for the early 21st century. This development also admits the possibility of the roles of the communication professional and the community merging during the “public journalism” process, and has become most recently evident in the areas around the Bay of Bengal, struck by the tsunami on December 26, 2004, especially in the Indonesian province of Banda Aceh, and in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where tiny portable radios, featuring solar panels and hand-cranked dynamos, have suddenly become part of a vital news media channel. In this article participant-observation and personal interview techniques are used to record and compare many of the digital channels used by news and information senders up to 2005. It also investigates the level of genuine participation which these new technologies have brought to the communications process.
Recent years large scale natural disasters: (e.g. 2004 Tsunami, 2005 Earthquake in South Asia, 2010 Earthquake in Haiti, 2010 flood in Pakistan, 2011 Earthquake in Japan etc.) have captured international attention and led to the advance of research of disaster management. To cope with these huge impact disasters, the involved stakeholders have to learn how quickly and efficiently the relief organisations are able to respond. After a disaster strikes, it is necessary to get the relief aid to the affected people by the prompt action of relief organisations. This supply chain process has to be very fast and efficient. The purpose of this paper is to define the last mile relief distribution in humanitarian supply chain and develop a logistical framework by identifying the factors that affect this process. Seventeen interviews were conducted with field officers and the data analysed to identify which are the critical factors for last mile relief distribution of disaster relief operation. A framework is presented classifying these factors according to the ability to implement them in an optimisation model of humanitarian logistics.
This paper reflects a research project on the influence of online news media (from print, radio, and televised outlets) on disaster response. Coverage on the October 2010 Indonesian tsunami and earthquake was gathered from 17 sources from October 26 through November 30. This data was analyzed quantitatively with respect to coverage intensity over time and among outlets. Qualitative analyses were also conducted using keywords and value scale that assessed the degree of positivity or negativity associated with that keyword in the context of accountability. Results yielded insights into the influence of online media on actors' assumption of accountability and quality of response. It also provided information as to the optimal time window in which advocates and disaster management specialists can best present recommendations to improve policy and raise awareness. Coverage of outlets was analyzed individually, in groups, and as a whole, in order to discern behavior patterns for a better understanding of media interdependency. This project produced analytical insights but is primarily intended as a prototype for more refined and extensive research.
Se estima que los niños y adolescentes se encuentran entre las personas más vulnerables a los efectos negativos de los desastres naturales. Los estudios de seguimiento de cohortes muestran que entre el 25% y el 60% de los niños ha sufrido un evento traumático significativo antes de llegar a la adultez. Siendo una de las mayores consecuencias, la sintomatología de Trastorno de Estrés postraumático (TEPT), (Osofsky et al., 2009; Yelland et al., 2010). Otra de las respuestas que puede surgir frente a la adversidad, es el Crecimiento Postraumático (CPT), el cual alude a un cambio positivo como resultado de un proceso de lucha a partir de un suceso traumático (Calhoun & Tedeschi, 1999; Cryder et al., 2006; Kilmer, 2009). Este estudio examina la sintomatología de Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático y Crecimiento Postraumático en niños y adolescentes expuestos a un terremoto (uno de los diez más grandes del mundo) y tsunami ocurrido en Chile el año 2010, respecto a un grupo de comparación, 12 meses y 24 meses después del desastre...
Sound is a key sensory modality for Hawaiian spinner dolphins. Like many other marine animals, these dolphins rely on sound and their acoustic environment for many aspects of their daily lives, making it is essential to understand soundscape in areas that are critical to their survival. Hawaiian spinner dolphins rest during the day in shallow coastal areas and forage offshore at night. In my dissertation I focus on the soundscape of the bays where Hawaiian spinner dolphins rest taking a soundscape ecology approach. I primarily relied on passive acoustic monitoring using four DSG-Ocean acoustic loggers in four Hawaiian spinner dolphin resting bays on the Kona Coast of Hawai‛i Island. 30-second recordings were made every four minutes in each of the bays for 20 to 27 months between January 8, 2011 and March 30, 2013. I also utilized concomitant vessel-based visual surveys in the four bays to provide context for these recordings. In my first chapter I used the contributions of the dolphins to the soundscape to monitor presence in the bays and found the degree of presence varied greatly from less than 40% to nearly 90% of days monitored with dolphins present. Having established these bays as important to the animals, in my second chapter I explored the many components of their resting bay soundscape and evaluated the influence of natural and human events on the soundscape. I characterized the overall soundscape in each of the four bays, used the tsunami event of March 2011 to approximate a natural soundscape and identified all loud daytime outliers. Overall, sound levels were consistently louder at night and quieter during the daytime due to the sounds from snapping shrimp. In fact, peak Hawaiian spinner dolphin resting time co-occurs with the quietest part of the day. However, I also found that humans drastically alter this daytime soundscape with sound from offshore aquaculture, vessel sound and military mid-frequency active sonar. During one recorded mid-frequency active sonar event in August 2011, sound pressure levels in the 3.15 kHz 1/3rd-octave band were as high as 45.8 dB above median ambient noise levels. Human activity both inside (vessels) and outside (sonar and aquaculture) the bays significantly altered the resting bay soundscape. Inside the bays there are high levels of human activity including vessel-based tourism directly targeting the dolphins. The interactions between humans and dolphins in their resting bays are of concern; therefore, my third chapter aimed to assess the acoustic response of the dolphins to human activity. Using days where acoustic recordings overlapped with visual surveys I found the greatest response in a bay with dolphin-centric activities, not in the bay with the most vessel activity, indicating that it is not the magnitude that elicits a response but the focus of the activity. In my fourth chapter I summarize the key results from my first three chapters to illustrate the power of multiple site design to prioritize action to protect Hawaiian spinner dolphins in their resting bays, a chapter I hope will be useful for managers should they take further action to protect the dolphins.
Social attitudes, attitudes toward financial risk and attitudes toward deferred gratification are thought to influence many important economic decisions over the life-course. In economic theory, these attitudes are key components in diverse models of behavior, including collective action, saving and investment decisions and occupational choice. The relevance of these attitudes have been confirmed empirically. Yet, the factors that influence them are not well understood. This research evaluates how these attitudes are affected by large disruptive events, namely, a natural disaster and a civil conflict, and also by an individual-specific life event, namely, having children.
By implementing rigorous empirical strategies drawing on rich longitudinal datasets, this research project advances our understanding of how life experiences shape these attitudes. Moreover, compelling evidence is provided that the observed changes in attitudes are likely to reflect changes in preferences given that they are not driven just by changes in financial circumstances. Therefore the findings of this research project also contribute to the discussion of whether preferences are really fixed, a usual assumption in economics.
In the first chapter, I study how altruistic and trusting attitudes are affected by exposure to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami as long as ten years after the disaster occurred. Establishing a causal relationship between natural disasters and attitudes presents several challenges as endogenous exposure and sample selection can confound the analysis. I take on these challenges by exploiting plausibly exogenous variation in exposure to the tsunami and by relying on a longitudinal dataset representative of the pre-tsunami population in two districts of Aceh, Indonesia. The sample is drawn from the Study of the Tsunami Aftermath and Recovery (STAR), a survey with data collected both before and after the disaster and especially designed to identify the impact of the tsunami. The altruistic and trusting attitudes of the respondents are measured by their behavior in the dictator and trust games. I find that witnessing closely the damage caused by the tsunami but without suffering severe economic damage oneself increases altruistic and trusting behavior, particularly towards individuals from tsunami affected communities. Having suffered severe economic damage has no impact on altruistic behavior but may have increased trusting behavior. These effects do not seem to be caused by the consequences of the tsunami on people’s financial situation. Instead they are consistent with how experiences of loss and solidarity may have shaped social attitudes by affecting empathy and perceptions of who is deserving of aid and trust.
In the second chapter, co-authored with Ryan Brown, Duncan Thomas and Andrea Velasquez, we investigate how attitudes toward financial risk are affected by elevated levels of insecurity and uncertainty brought on by the Mexican Drug War. To conduct our analysis, we pair the Mexican Family Life Survey (MxFLS), a rich longitudinal dataset ideally suited for our purposes, with a dataset on homicide rates at the month and municipality-level. The homicide rates capture well the overall crime environment created by the drug war. The MxFLS elicits risk attitudes by asking respondents to choose between hypothetical gambles with different payoffs. Our strategy to identify a causal effect has two key components. First, we implement an individual fixed effects strategy which allows us to control for all time-invariant heterogeneity. The remaining time variant heterogeneity is unlikely to be correlated with changes in the local crime environment given the well-documented political origins of the Mexican Drug War. We also show supporting evidence in this regard. The second component of our identification strategy is to use an intent-to-treat approach to shield our estimates from endogenous migration. Our findings indicate that exposure to greater local-area violent crime results in increased risk aversion. This effect is not driven by changes in financial circumstances, but may be explained instead by heightened fear of victimization. Nonetheless, we find that having greater economic resources mitigate the impact. This may be due to individuals with greater economic resources being able to avoid crime by affording better transportation or security at work.
The third chapter, co-authored with Duncan Thomas, evaluates whether attitudes toward deferred gratification change after having children. For this study we also exploit the MxFLS, which elicits attitudes toward deferred gratification (commonly known as time discounting) by asking individuals to choose between hypothetical payments at different points in time. We implement a difference-in-difference estimator to control for all time-invariant heterogeneity and show that our results are robust to the inclusion of time varying characteristics likely correlated with child birth. We find that becoming a mother increases time discounting especially in the first two years after childbirth and in particular for those women without a spouse at home. Having additional children does not have an effect and the effect for men seems to go in the opposite direction. These heterogeneous effects suggest that child rearing may affect time discounting due to generated stress or not fully anticipated spending needs.
Die angewandte Mikropaläontologie bestimmt heute im wesentlichen das Alter eines Gesteins mit Hilfe von Faunenvergesellschaftungen. Aus der Zusammensetzung der Fauna, aus dem Einsatz oder Fehlen bestimmter Gattungen und Arten, aus den Mineralien, die das Gestein aufbauen, aus dem ganzen Bild, das eine aus einem Gestein herausgeschlämmte Fauna dem Bearbeiter gibt, läßt sich das Alter dieses Gesteins festlegen. Will man aber verschiedene Bohrungen, vor allem auch räumlich weit voneinander getrennter Gebiete, miteinander parallelisieren, so liegt das Kernproblem der Mikropaläontologie in der Frage, ob es sich bei verschiedenen Faunen tatsächlich um Alters- oder nur um Faziesunterschiede handelt. Da die Grundlagen der mikropaläontologischen Arbeitsweise zum weitaus größten Teil auf den Ergebnissen von Untersuchungen fossiler Faunen beruhen, müssen zu ihrer Unterbauung Untersuchungen an recentem Material folgen. Besonders spielt das Ineinandergreifen mariner und brackischer Sedimente in der angewandten Mikropaläontologie eine große Rolle. Auf Grund der Tatsache, daß ein großer Teil von Gattungen und Arten der Foraminiferen an der Wende Kreide/Tertiär ausstirbt und neue an ihre Stelle treten, stellt Glässner (1948) die Behauptung auf, daß die aktualistisch gewonnenen Ergebnisse für vortertiäre Faunen nur eine geringe Bedeutung besitzen. Auch seien vortertiäre, brackische Foraminiferen nicht bekannt (Glässner 1948, S. 191). Hiltermann (1948) konnte aber bereits im nordwestdeutschen Malm brackische, d. h. in Brackwasser eindringende Foraminiferen nachweisen. Auf jeden Fall behalten aktualistische Unterlagen ihren Wert für das Tertiär und Quartär. Die Faunen, die in recenten, brackischen Sedimenten nebeneinander auftreten, sind in einem Bohrprofil in einem Gestein übereinander zu erwarten. Gelingt es, die Beziehungen einer recenten Fauna zu ihrer Umwelt zu klären, dann können umgekehrt aus fossilen, ihnen gleichen oder ähnlichen Faunen Rückschlüsse auf die Entstehungsbedingungen von Gesteinen gezogen werden. Unter Umständen können der Verlauf einer Transgression, Küstennähe, die Höhe des Salzgehaltes des Meerwassers, die vorherrschenden Temperaturen u. a., aus ihnen abgelesen werden. Die Ostsee ist ein klassisches Brackwassergebiet der Erde. Ihr westlicher Teil, die Kieler Bucht, wurde erst in jüngster geologischer Zeit vom Meer überflutet. Nach Tapfer (1940) begann hier die flandrische Transgression erst etwa um 7500 v. d. Zw. mit dem Erreichen des heutigen Meeresniveaus. Seit dieser Zeit erst entstehen neue Küstenformen, wird der Meeresboden umgelagert und bilden sich marine und brackische Absätze in diesem Gebiet.
Um die Insel Fehmarn und an der Nordküste Wagriens wurden rund 2500 Strand-, Flachwasser- und Seesandproben zum Erkennen der Materialtransportwege sedimentpetrographisch untersucht. Für die Schwermineralbestimmung wurde hauptsächlich die Fraktion 0,2-0,1 mm herangezogen, da diese für die vorliegenden Sedimente charakteristisch ist. Da die Mineralzusammensetzung der Sedimente im gesamten Untersuchungsgebiet gleich ist, also nirgends örtlich sog. Leitminerale zugeführt werden, wurden bei der Auswertung der Analysenergebnisse die hydrographischen Verhältnisse der westlichen Ostsee und die Abhängigkeit des Sedimentes von der Kraft des bewegten Meerwassers beachtet. Bezüglich der Abhängigkeit des transportierten Materials von der Wasserkraft werden drei voneinander abweichende Systeme, nämlich der Strand, die Brandungszone und das tiefere Wassergebiet, erkannt. Am Strand ist die angewandte Untersuchungsmethode sowohl an langgestreckten Küsten als auch in stark untergliederten Ufergebieten zum Erkennen der Sandwanderbahnen geeignet. Erosion und Neuzuführung von Material auf dem Transportwege zeigen das gleiche mineralische Bild, und eine Entscheidung, welcher dieser beiden Fälle tatsächlich vorliegt, kann nur im Gelände getroffen werden. Die Korngrößenanalyse allein ist zur Beantwortung vorliegender Fragestellungen nicht brauchbar, weil durch gegebene hydrographische Bedingungen die Korngröße in Transportrichtung sowohl abnehmen als auch zunehmen kann. In Strandgebieten mit veränderter natürlicher Beschaffenheit der Sedimente und an Küsten mit ausgedehnten vorgelagerten materialliefernden Abrasionsflächen ist die Grenze der Methode aufgezeigt. Höfte, Haken und Sandinseln zeigen jeweils typische mineralische Zusammensetzungen ihres Strandes, aus welchen die Entstehung der betreffenden Anlandungsformen abgeleitet werden kann. Quer über die Brandungszone weisen die Sedimente auf engem Raum wechselnde Mineralzusammensetzung auf, aus der auf die örtlichen hydrographischen Verhältnisse geschlossen werden kann. Zum Vergleich sedimentpetrographischer Ergebniswerte sind nur Sande, die unter gleichen Ablagerungsbedingungen entstanden sind, geeignet. Zum Erkennen der Materialwanderwege wurden entweder Sandproben von den Riffkämmen oder aus den Rinnen zwischen zwei Sandanhäufungszonen untersucht. In beiden Fällen wurden die Transportrichtungen erkannt. In Gebieten, in denen die Strandsanduntersuchungen negativ verliefen, ließen die Riffsandproben Schlüsse auf die Materialschüttungsrichtungen zu. An exponierten Küsten mit mehreren wirksamen Windrichtungen darf jedoch nicht von dem einen auf das andere Wandersystem geschlossen werden. Eine Umkehr der Materialvertriftung zwischen Flachwasser und Strand kann vorliegen. Im tieferen Wasser ist es möglich, mit gleicher Methode unter Berücksichtigung der Morphologie des Meeresgrundes die Materialschüttungsrichtung zu erkennen. Zur Sedimentuntersuchung auf Linienprofilen sind nur Proben gleicher Wassertiefe geeignet; die Sonderung des Materials nach der Tiefe muß beachtet werden. Aus den ermittelten sedimentpetrographischen Werten lassen sich eine Reihe von Beziehungen ablesen, die zur Deutung der Mineralgesellschaft und für die Auswertung der Untersuchungsergebnisse herangezogen werden können. Als regionales Ergebnis der vorstehenden Untersuchung kann eine Karte der Küsten Fehmarns und Nordoldenburgs vorgelegt werden, in der die Sandwanderungswege am Strand, in der Flachwasserzone und in den daran anschließenden tieferen Wassergebieten dargestellt sind.
The Indonesian Arc represents the subduction of the Indian-Australian plate beneath Asia. It has been the scene of catastrophic tectonic activity, including the recent 2004 M=9.1 Aceh earthquake and resulting Indian Ocean tsunami. We have dated planktonic forams associated with historic tephras (Tambora, 1815 and Krakatau, 1883) in marine sediment cores to determine radiocarbon reservoir ages for 2 locations along the arc. Our best estimates for 19th century regional reservoir corrections (DeltaR) are +90 ± 40 yr for surface-dwelling species and +220 ± 40 yr for mixed planktic assemblages containing some upper thermocline species, but scatter in the data suggests that past surface reservoir ages may have varied by about ±100 yr. We used the results of this study to investigate a proposed very large AD 535 eruption at or near Krakatau. We find no evidence for ash from such an eruption, and although this is negative evidence, we consider it sufficiently strong to rule out any possibility that one took place.
The Dickson Land peninsula is located in central West-Spitsbergen between the NNE branches of Isfjorden. The climatic firn line lying at 500 m causes plateau glaciers with outlet tongues which are characteristic of S-Dickson Land. The distribution of valley glaciers and the variations of the orographic firn line depend on wind direction. In comparing the firn lines established by the methods of LICHTENECKER (1938) and VISSER (1938), to the values calculated by the method of v. HÖFER (1879), differences of up to l07 m are found. These differences may depend on the inclination and distance relationships of the glaciers above and below the real firn lines. During the latest glacial advance, Dickson Land was located on the peripheries of two local glaciation centers. At that time an inland glaciation of West-Spitsbergen did not exist . The formation of a subglacial channel system dates back to the maximum extent of the late glacial phase before 17500 B.P, (+2000/-1375 years). A correlation of postglacial stadia and 14C dated marine terraces (FEYLING-HANSSEN & OLSSON, 1960; FEYLING-HANSSEN, 1965) is possible. Considering isostatic movement and the difference between calculated and real firn lines, a postglacial stadium at about 10400 B. P. can be reconstructed with a firn line lying 265 m above former sea level. On average, the absolute depression below the recent firn line amounted to 246 m. Stagnation at 9650 B.P. coincided with a firn line at 315 m above former sea level and a depression of 173 m. Around 1890 A.D., glacial fluctuations corresponded to a firn line at 415 m (depression: 64 m). To some extent the morphology of the main valleys appears to depend on structure and petrography. Therefore their value as indicators of former glaciations is questionable. The periglacial forms are shown on a large-scale map. At the time of the "Holocene warm interval", between 7000 and 2000 B.P. (FEYLING-HANSSEN, 1955a, 1965), an increase of periglacial activity seems likely. This can be explained by a simultaneous increase in the depth of the active layer in both soil and bedrock.