951 resultados para Treated Activated Carbon


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O óleo de pescado é caracterizado por ser uma fonte rica de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados ω-3, desde modo a sua oxidação lipídica se torna mais favorável quando comparado com outros óleos de origem vegetal. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi a otimização da etapa de branqueamento através da metodologia de superfície de resposta, sendo utilizado misturas de carvão ativado e terra ativada (Tonsil) para a remoção da cor e dos produtos de oxidação, procurando-se preservar o conteúdo total de carotenóides no óleo de carpa. O óleo bruto de carpa (Cyprinus carpio L.) para a realização do trabalho foi obtido a partir da realização de ensilagem ácida, passando posteriormente pelas etapas de refino: degomagem, neutralização, lavagem, secagem e branqueamento. A otimização da etapa de branqueamento foi realizada através de um planejamento fatorial composto central, com os fatores de estudo: a quantidade de adsorvente (Ads) e a quantidade de carvão ativado (Ca), sendo consideradas como respostas o conteúdo total de carotenóides e o valor de TBA. Na melhor condição do branqueamento do óleo de carpa foi realizado um estudo cinético, e para o cálculo das constantes cinéticas foram utilizados os modelos de Brimberg modificado e de Langmuir-Hinshelwood, A condição ótima do branqueamento foi com 2% de adsorvente e 10% de carvão ativado, onde ocorreram menores perdas de carotenóides (44,40%), com redução da cor escura presente no óleo de (85,62%) e redução do valor de TBA (73,10%), obtendo-se um óleo branqueado de carpa com qualidade oxidativa e melhor aspecto em relação à cor. Os dois modelos cinéticos representaram de forma satisfatória os dados experimentais do branqueamento do óleo de carpa, pelos altos coeficientes de determinação e baixos erros médios relativos apresentados. Foi possível observar que ocorreu uma rápida adsorção dos pigmentos carotenóides, e após 30 min a adsorção foi menos eficiente. Nos óleos bruto e branqueado de vísceras de carpa não foi identificada diferença significativa entre as concentrações de ácidos graxos, demonstrando que as etapas de refino utilizadas não alteraram o perfil de ácidos graxos do óleo bruto.


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The main objective of this study was to obtain an effective catalyst for removal of diazo dye - Sudan IV by Catalytic Wet Peroxide Oxidation (CWPO). For this purpose liquid phase treatment was used to increase the basicity of activated carbon surface favoring the adsorption of organic pollutants. Modified activated carbon catalysts were used in different types of experiments: 1) decomposition of H2O2 in aquatic media, 2) decomposition of H2O2 in organic media, 3) adsorption of Sudan IV, 4) Sudan IV removal by CWPO. As the result of all of these experiments the most effective catalyst was obtained and discussed. It was not observed removal of Sudan IV from biphasic system by CWPO. The obtained results in some cases show a slight increase in concentration of Sudan IV, which may be ascribed to experimental errors. Different factors could be the reason of those errors. For example, the high volatility properties of organic media used in experiments should be taken into account during experiments. Under settled reaction temperature the decrease of cyclohexane volume during experiment could give rise in Sudan IV concentration. The initial concentration of model diazo dye also should be reviewed more detailed for CWPO experiments. Despite of these experimental errors the behavior of our catalysts in different media was observed.


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We compare the pore size distribution of a well-characterized activated carbon derived from model-dependent, adsorption integral equation (AIE) methods with those from model-independent, immersion calorimetry and isosteric heat analyses. The AIE approach applied to nitrogen gave a mean pore width of 0.57 nm; the CO2 distribution exhibited wider dispersion. Spherical model application to CO2 and diffusion limitations for nitrogen and argon were proposed as primary reasons for inconsistency. Immersion enthalpy revealed a sharp decrease in available area equivalent to a cut-off due to molecular exclusion when the accessible surface was assessed against probe kinetic diameter. Mean pore width was identified as 0.58 ± 0.02 nm, endorsing the underlying assumptions for the nitrogen-based AIE approach. A comparison of the zero-coverage isosteric heat of adsorption for various non-polar adsorptives by the porous test sample was compared with the same adsorptives in contact with a non-porous reference adsorbent, leading to an energy ratio or adsorption enhancement factor. A linear relationship between the energy ratio and probe kinetic diameter indicated a primary pore size at 0.59 nm. The advantage of this enthalpy, model-independent methods over AIE were due to no assumptions regarding probe molecular shape, and no assumptions for pore shape and/or connectivity.


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Shortages in supply of nutrients and freshwater for a growing human population are critical global issues. Traditional centralized sewage treatment can prevent eutrophication and provide sanitation, but is neither efficient nor sustainable in terms of water and resources. Source separation of household wastes, combined with decentralized resource recovery, presents a novel approach to solve these issues. Urine contains within 1 % of household waste water up to 80 % of the nitrogen (N) and 50 % of the phosphorus (P). Since microalgae are efficient at nutrient uptake, growing these organisms in urine might be a promising technology to concomitantly clean urine and produce valuable biomass containing the major plant nutrients. While state-of-the-art suspension systems for algal cultivation have mayor shortcomings in their application, immobilized cultivation on Porous Substrate Photobioreactors (PSBRs) might be a feasible alternative. The aim of this study was to develop a robust process for nutrient recovery from minimally diluted human urine using microalgae on PSBRs. The green alga Desmodesmus abundans strain CCAC 3496 was chosen for its good growth, after screening 96 algal strains derived from urine-specific isolations and culture collections. Treatment of urine, 1:1 diluted with tap water and without addition of nutrients, was performed at a light intensity of 600 μmol photons m-2 s-1 with 2.5 % CO2 and at pH 6.5. A growth rate of 7.2 g dry weight m-² day-1 and removal efficiencies for N and P of 13.1 % and 94.1 %, respectively, were determined. Pre-treatment of urine with activated carbon was found to eliminate possible detrimental effects of pharmaceuticals. These results provide a basis for further development of the technology at pilot-scale. If found to be safe in terms human and environmental health, the biomass produced from three persons could provide the P for annual production of 31 kg wheat grain and 16 kg soybean, covering the caloric demand in food for almost one month of the year for such a household. In combination with other technologies, PSBRs could thus be applied in a decentralized resource recovery system, contributing to locally close the link between sanitation and food production.


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O objectivo principal deste trabalho de mestrado consistiu em avaliar a potencial utilização de materiais adsorventes, nomeadamente, de carvões activados (AC) preparados por activação química com KOH, a partir de PET reciclado, e de materiais com estrutura mesoporosa ordenada, do tipo MCM-41 e SBA-15, na remoção de ácido 4 - cloro - 2 - metilfenoxiacético (MCPA) e de azul de metileno (MB), presentes nas águas. Nesta tese apresentam-se estudos de preparação e caracterização de materiais micro e mesoporosos e também estudos de avaliação da capacidade adsortiva em fase líquida. Prepararam-se três materiais microporosos, nomeadamente, PET-2-700, PET-2-700ox (AC oxidado) e PET-2-700red (AC reduzido), dois materiais constituídos exclusivamente por mesoporos, Si-MCM-41 e Ti-MCM-41-50 e dois materiais contendo maioritariamente mesoporos, mas que também possuem alguma microporosidade, tais corno, Si-SBA-15 e Ti-SBA-15-50. A caracterização textural dos adsorventes foi inferida por adsorção de azoto a 77K e por de difracção de raios X. Recorreu-se a três métodos de análise das isotérmicas, nomeadamente, Dubinin-Radushkevich, Brunauer-Ernrnett-Teller e alfa-s (as). A caracterização química dos AC foi realizada recorrendo-se a técnicas de análise elementar (AE) e espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformadas de Fourier (FTIR) e à determinação do ponto de carga zero. Os três carvões activados possuem valores de área superficial externa idênticos, o PET-2-700 possui o maior volume microporoso e o PET-2-700ox exibe o maior diâmetro de poros. Por outro lado, o PET-2-700ox possui um carácter fortemente ácido, o PET-2-700 exibe carácter ligeiramente ácido e o PET-2-700red apresenta propriedades ligeiramente alcalinas. Com base na AE, todas as amostras possuem percentagens de carbono elevadas, sendo que o PET-2-700red apresenta o valor mais elevado. Os resultados obtidos para a caracterização estrutural dos revelaram a obtenção de materiais mesoporosos de alta qualidade, definida pela elevada regularidade e uniformidade da estrutura porosa. A análise dos parâmetros de caracterização textura! permitiu inferir que os quatro materiais mesoporosos possuem valores de área superficial elevados, e que os materiais SBA-15 apresentam valores de volume poroso total e de tamanho de poros superiores aos manifestados pelos MCM-41. A incorporação de titânio não conduziu a uma perda significativa de qualidade dos materiais substituídos em relação às correspondentes amostras de sílica. Efectuaram-se estudos de adsorção em fase líquida de forma a avaliar a possível aplicação dos vários adsorventes na remoção de MCPA e de MB de efluentes líquidos. concluiu-se que o tempo de equilíbrio de 72 horas seria adequado e que a capacidade de adsorção dos vários AC era superior em meio ácido. Com base nas isotérmicas de adsorção do MCPA e do MB e na aplicação da representação de Langmuir e de Freundlich, foi possível concluir que o PET-2-700 possui a maior capacidade de adsorção do MCPA, 1.42 mmol/g, enquanto que o PET-2-700ox revelou a maior capacidade de adsorção do MB, 1.43 mmol/g. Na realidade, os materiais microporosos estudados apresentaram percentagens de remoção elevadas, tanto do MCPA como do MB. Relativamente aos materiais mesoporosos ordenados preparados neste trabalho, a percentagem de remoção de para os poluentes em estudo foi relativamente baixa, constatando-se que nesta fase dos estudos não constituem uma alternativa viável à utilização dos AC. No entanto, uma funcionalização criteriosa dos mesmos pode eventualmente proporcionar um aumento da capacidade adsortiva. ABSTRACT: The work presented in this master thesis, consisted of evaluating the potential use of different adsorbents materials, like activated carbon (AC) prepared by chemical activation with KOH, from recycled poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and materials with ordered mesoporous structure such as MCM-41 and SBA-15, for removing acid 4-chlorine-2-metilfenoxiacétic and methylene blue from aqueous phase. We had prepared three microporous materials, PET-200-700, PET-2-700ox (AC oxidized) and PET-2-700red (reduced AC), two materials consisting exclusively of mesopores, Si-MCM-41 and Ti-MCM-41-50 and two materials containing mainly mesopores, but also having some microporosity, such as Si-SBA-15 and Ti-SBA-15-50. The textural characterization of the adsorbents was inferred by nitrogen adsorption at 77K and X-ray diffraction. Three methods were used to analyse the isotherms, namely, Dubinin-Radushkevich, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller and alpha-s (as). The chemical characterization of AC was performed using the elementary analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and determination of the point of zero charge. Concerning the AC, the three present almost the same externa! surface area, PET-2-700 has a high micropore volume and PET-2-700ox shows the largest pore size diameter. On the other hand, PET-2-700ox had a strong acid character, PET-2-700 exhibits just a slightly acid character and PET-2-700red presents alkaline properties. The AE analysis allows confirming the high carbon content of theses AC, with PET-2-700red exhibiting the highest carbon proportion. The results from the structural characterization of the mesoporous materials, had disclosed the attainment of materials with high quality, defined by the raised regularity and uniformity of the porous structure. The analysis of the textural parameters allowed inferring that the four studied mesoporous materials possess high superficial area. The SBA-15 type materials present higher values of total porous volume and pores size diameter as the MCM-41. Also, the titanium incorporation did not lead to a significant loss of quality of the materials substituted in relation to the corresponding silica samples. The adsorption studies in liquid phase allow evaluating the possibility of using the different adsorbents for the MCPA and the MB removal. The kinetic studies had allowed to state the equilibrium time as 72 hours and a higher adsorption capacity was achieved in an acid medium. The influence of the pH of the medium, on the MCPA adsorption was evaluated. The MCPA and MB isotherms were analysed based on the Langmuir and Freundlich equation, the representations presented an excellent linearity, indicating the applicability of these equations to these systems. Also, it allows concluded that PET-2-700 had a higher adsorption capacity for MCPA, 1.42 mmol/g, and PET-2-700ox had a higher adsorption capacity for MB, 1.43 mmol/g. The AC used presented high removal percentages for MCPA and MB. Concerning the mesoporous materials prepared in this work, the percentage removal for the pollutants in study was relatively low, and evidencing that at the moment these mesoporous materials do not constitute a viable alternative to the AC. However, an astute funcionalisation of the same ones can, eventually provide an increase of the adsorption capacity.


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Layered Double hydroxides (LDHs) have been widely studied for their plethora of fascinating features and applications. The potentiostatic electrodeposition of LDHs has been extensively applied in the literature as a fast and direct method to substitute classical chemical routes. However, it does not usually allow for a fine control of the M(II)/M(III) ratio in the synthesized material and it is not suitable for large anions intercalation. Therefore, in this work a novel protocol has been proposed with the aim to overcome all these constraints using a method based on potentiodynamic synthesis. LDHs of controlled composition were prepared using different molar ratios of the trivalent to bivalent cations in the electrolytic solution ranging from 1:1 to 1:4. Moreover, we were able to produce electrochemically LDHs intercalated with carbon nanomaterials for the first time. A one-step procedure which contemporaneously allows for the Ni/Al-LDH synthesis, the reduction of graphene oxide (GO) and its intercalation inside the structure has been developed. The synthesised materials have been applied in several fields of interest. First of all, LDHs with a ratio 3:1 were exploited, and displayed good performances as catalysts for 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural electro-oxidation, thus suggesting to carry out further investigation for applications in the field of industrial catalysis. The same materials, but with different metals ratios, were tested as catalysts for Oxygen Evolution Reaction, obtaining results comparable to LDHs synthesised by the classical co-precipitation method and also a better activity with respect to LDHs obtained by the potentiostatic approach. The composite material based on LDH and reduced graphene oxide was employed to fabricate a cathode of a hybrid supercapacitor coupled with an activated carbon anode. We can thus conclude that, to date, the potentiodynamic method has the greatest potential for the rapid synthesis of reproducible films of Co and Ni-based LDHs with controlled composition.


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Glucaric acid (GA) is one of the building block chemicals derived from sugar biomass with higher added value. Nowadays, GA is produced by oxidation of glucose (Glu) with either stoichiometric oxidants (HNO3), or by means of electrochemical or biochemical synthesis. However, these processes show drawbacks from either the environmental or economic viewpoint. For this reason, gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) supported on activated carbon (AC) have been studied as catalysts for the oxidation of Glu, using O2 as oxidant in the presence of a base. Using sol immobilization technique, Au NPs have been supported on AC following different experimental procedures. UV-Vis spectroscopy, XRD, TEM and TG analysis were utilized in the characterization of the catalysts. The operational conditions were optimized obtaining 24% of yield of GA, 37% to GO and 27% to byproducts in 1 h, 1000 rpm, 10 bar of O2 and Glu:Au:NaOH molar ratio of 1000:1:3000. Under such conditions, catalysts show relatively high Glu conversion (≥82%) with different GA yields. GO+GA yield is around 58-61%. Therefore, the oxidation reaction was performed at 15 min where Au/AC PVA0 reached the highest yield of GA (16%) and Au/AC PVA2.4 gave the lowest (8%). It is evident that the presence of PVA influences to a higher degree the reaction rate than the Au NPs size. Hence, the effect of different heat treatments where applied for the removal of PVA: washing with water at 60℃ or heat treatment (120-250℃) with Air/H2. Washing treatment and heat treatment at 120℃ with Air/H2 may have resulted in the mildest treatments for the removal of PVA. Finally, two different supports have been used in order to study the effect of metal-support interaction in the immobilization of Au NPs: ZrO2 and AC. Au/AC catalyst demonstrated a higher conversion of GO to GA at short reaction times (15.1% yield GA) compared to Au/ZrO2 (2.4% yield GA).


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Preformed Au nanoparticles supported on activated carbon and TiO2 were synthesised by sol-immobilisation. Polyethylene glycol, polyvinyl pyrrolidone and polyvinyl alcohol were used as stabilisers for the gold nanoparticles at different polymer/Au wt/wt ratios for each polymer. The effect of polymer/Au wt/wt ratios was investigated on (i) the average nanoparticle size, (ii) catalytic activity for two reactions, 4-nitrophenol reduction and glucose oxidation to glucaric acid. 4-nitrophenol reduction is recognised as a model reaction for nanomaterial catalytic activity tests; glucose oxidation to glucaric acid is a reaction that is traditionally carried out with concentrated nitric acid, for which alternative reaction pathways are looked for in an effort to reduce its environmental impact. The catalysts were characterised from the nanoparticle synthesis by colloidal method by means of UV-vis spectroscopy and DLS analysis, to the immobilisation step by XRD and TEM. The effect of the polymer:Au wt/wt ratio on nanoparticle size depends on the polymer nature, and point out the need to optimise supported nanoparticle synthesis protocols in the future depending on the type of stabiliser. The catalytic tests revealed that the polymers interact with Au nanoparticles through different active sites. Activated carbon (AC) and TiO2 were compared as supports for Au nanoparticles stabilised by PVA at PVA/Au 0,65 wt/wt. AC-supported Au NPs were the most active for glucose oxidation while TiO2-stabilised Au NPs were five times more active in 4-nitrophenol reduction that AC-supported NPs. Hence support and stabiliser are important parameters that should be optimised in order to achieve high catalytic activity for a given reaction.


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The glucaric acid (GLA) has been identified as a “top value-added chemical from biomass” that can be employed for many uses; for instance, it could be a precursor of adipic acid, a monomer of Nylon-6,6. GLA can be synthetized by the oxidation of glucose (GLU), passing through the intermediate gluconic acid (GLO). In recent years, a new process has been sought to obtain GLA in an economic and environmental sustainable way, in order to replace the current use of HNO3 as a stoichiometric oxidant, or electrocatalysis and biochemical synthesis, which show several disadvantages. Thereby, this work is focused on the study of catalysts based on gold nanoparticles supported on activated carbon for the oxidation reaction of GLU to GLA using O2 as an oxidant agent and NaOH as base. The sol-immobilization method leads us to obtain small and well dispersed nanoparticles, characterized by UV-Vis, XRD and TEM techniques. Repeating the reaction on different batches of catalyst, both the synthesis and the reaction were confirmed to be reproducible. The effect of the reaction time feeding GLO as reagent was studied: the results show that the conversion of GLO increases as the reaction time increases; however, the yields of GLA and others increase up to 1 hour, and then they remain constant. In order to obtain information on the catalytic mechanism at the atomistic level, a computational study based on density functional theory and atomistic modeling of the gold nano-catalyst were performed. Highly symmetric (icosahedral and cubo-octahedral) and distorted Au55 nanoparticles have been optimized along with Au(111) and Au(100) surfaces. Distorted structures were found to be more stable than symmetrical ones due to relativistic effects. On these various models the adsorptions of various species involved in the catalysis have been studied, including OH- species, GLU and GLO. The study carried out aims to provide a method for approaching to the study of nanoparticellary catalytic systems.


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Metal nanoparticle catalysts have in the last decades been extensively researched for their enhanced performance compared to their bulk counterpart. Properties of nanoparticles can be controlled by modifying their size and shape as well as adding a support and stabilizing agent. In this study, preformed colloidal gold nanoparticles supported on activated carbon were tested on the reduction of 4-nitrophenol by NaBH4, a model reaction for evaluating catalytic activity of metal nanoparticles and one with high significance in the remediation of industrial wastewaters. Methods of wastewater remediation are reviewed, with case studies from literature on two major reactions, ozonation and reduction, displaying the synergistic effects observed with bimetallic and trimetallic catalysts, as well as the effects of differences in metal and support. Several methods of preparation of nanoparticles are discussed, in particular, the sol immobilization technique, which was used to prepare the supported nanoparticles in this study. Different characterization techniques used in this study to evaluate the materials and spectroscopic techniques to analyze catalytic activities of the catalyst are reviewed: ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS) analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging. Optimization of catalytic parameters was carried out through modifications in the reaction setup. The effects of the molar ratio of reactants, stirring, type and amount of stabilizing agent are explored. Another important factor of an effective catalyst is its reusability and long-term stability, which was examined with suggestions for further studies. Lastly, a biochar support was newly tested for its potential as a replacement for activated carbon.


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Biochar is a carbonaceous material produced through pyrolysis of biomass. One promising application of biochar is phosphorus recovery from wastewater. Phosphorus is a vital nutrient for plant growth, but its use in fertilizers often leads to runoff or leaching. Wastewater treatment plants discharge large amounts of phosphorus-rich wastewater, contributing to eutrophication and ecological harm. Biochar can sorb phosphorus, retaining it in solid form. In this thesis, two composites made of biomass and dolomite or shells exhibited superior phosphate sorption compared to biochar alone, reaching up to 100% sorption. Biochar also finds use in soil remediation, specifically in cleaning up contaminated soil. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which can be carcinogenic and toxic, can be present in soil. Biochar adsorb PAHs, preventing their leakage or bioaccumulation. Hetero-PAHs, a subclass of PAHs with nitrogen, sulfur, or oxygen atoms in their ring structures, are particularly challenging to degrade. Little is known about their behavior or sorption onto biochar. In this thesis, biochar and activated carbon were effective in immobilizing PAHs and hetero-PAHs in real soils, with rates of immobilization reaching 100%. Biochar performed equally or better than activated carbon, offering a cost-effective alternative due to its lower price. Biochar reduce of metal(loid)s mobility in soil. Metal(loid)s like lead, zinc, and arsenic can contaminate soil through industrial sources, agricultural runoff, and other pollution, and are toxic to plants and animals, rendering the soil unsuitable for agriculture. When biochar is added to contaminated soil, it binds to metal(loid)s, preventing leaching into the environment. A biomass-dolomite composite was compared to activated carbon for immobilizing metal(loid)s in contaminated soils. The composite generally outperformed activated carbon and exhibited the ability to immobilize arsenic. In summary, biochar shows promise for phosphorus recovery, soil remediation, and reducing the mobility of heavy metals, offering cost-effective and sustainable solutions to these environmental challenges.


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This study evaluated the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with prefabricated carbon fiber posts and varying quantities of coronal dentin. Sixty freshly extracted upper canines were randomly divided into groups of 10 teeth each. The specimens were exposed to 250,000 cycles in a controlled chewing simulator. All intact specimens were subjected to a static load (N) in a universal testing machine at 45 degrees to the long axis. Data were analyzed by 1-way analysis of variance and Tukey test (alpha = .05). Significant differences (P < .001) were found among the mean fracture forces of the test groups (positive control, 0 mm, 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, and negative control groups: 1022.82 N, 1008.22 N, 1292.52 N, 1289.19 N, 1255.38 N, and 1582.11, respectively). These results suggested that the amount of coronal dentin did not significantly increase the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with prefabricated carbon fiber post and composite resin core. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008;106:e52-e57)


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth submitted to bleaching with 38% hydrogen peroxide activated by light-emitting diode (LED)-laser system. Methods: Fifty maxillary incisors were endodontically treated, received a zinc phosphate barrier and were embedded in acrylic resin until cemento-enamel junction. The specimens were distributed into five groups (n = 10) according to the number of bleaching sessions: GI, no treatment (control); GII, one session; GIII, two sessions; GIV, three sessions and GV, four sessions. The whitening gel was applied to the buccal surface of the tooth and inside the pulp chamber for three times in each session, followed by LED-laser activation. Specimens were submitted to the fracture resistance test (kN) and data were submitted to the Tukey-Kramer multiple comparisons test. Results: No significant difference (p > 0.05) was found between GI (0.71 +/- 0.30) and GII (0.65 +/- 0.13), which presented the highest strength values to fracture. Groups III (0.35 +/- 0.17), IV (0.23 +/- 0.13) and V (0.38 +/- 0.15) showed lower resistance to fracture (p < 0.01) when compared to GI and GII. Conclusions: The fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth decreased after two sessions of bleaching with 38% hydrogen peroxide activated by LED-laser system. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.