999 resultados para Transportation Test Center (U.S.). Rail Dynamics Laboratory.


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Floodplains pose challenges to managers of conservation lands because of constantly changing interactions with their rivers. Although scientific knowledge and understanding of the dynamics and drivers of river-floodplain systems can provide guidance to floodplain managers, the scientific process often occurs in isolation from management. Further, communication barriers between scientists and managers can be obstacles to appropriate application of scientific knowledge. With the coproduction of science in mind, our objectives were the following: (1) to document management priorities of floodplain conservation lands, and (2) identify science needs required to better manage the identified management priorities under nonstationary conditions, i.e., climate change, through stakeholder queries and interactions. We conducted an online survey with 80 resource managers of floodplain conservation lands along the Upper and Middle Mississippi River and Lower Missouri River, USA, to evaluate management priority, management intensity, and available scientific information for management objectives and conservation targets. Management objectives with the least information available relative to priority included controlling invasive species, maintaining respectful relationships with neighbors, and managing native, nongame species. Conservation targets with the least information available to manage relative to management priority included pollinators, marsh birds, reptiles, and shore birds. A follow-up workshop and survey focused on clarifying science needs to achieve management objectives under nonstationary conditions. Managers agreed that metrics of inundation, including depth and extent of inundation, and frequency, duration, and timing of inundation would be the most useful metrics for management of floodplain conservation lands with multiple objectives. This assessment provides guidance for developing relevant and accessible science products to inform management of highly dynamic floodplain environments. Although the problems facing managers of these lands are complex, products focused on a small suite of inundation metrics were determined to be the most useful to guide the decision making process.


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"Technical documentary report no.RTD-TDR-63-4015, AF Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Research and Technology Division, Air Force Systems Command, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio."


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At head of cover title: Generalized computer program.


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"These studies were conducted by the General Electric Company, Reentry Systems Department, for the Stability and Control Section of the Flight Dynamics Laboratory of the Air Force Research and Technology Division."


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High speed rail (also commonly known as HSR) is highly regarded as one of the most significant innovation for mass passenger transportation to travellers willing to pay for reduced travel impediments (shorter travel time, convenience, safety, security, comfort, reliability, flexibility, uniqueness and attractiveness). The transport policy in Australia has until now focused primarily on private passenger car transport and air transportation to the degree that State and Federal Governments’ commitments and actions of rail-oriented mass transportation system still remains sketchy in spite of occasional political and public attentions into it. This has resulted in a limited use of passenger rail as a regional transport system. Using one of the several alternative HSR alignments proposed for the South-Eastern Coast of Australia connecting Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane, this study assesses the regional accessibility impacts of Australian HSR system by means of four indicators: location accessibility, economic potential accessibility, daily accessibility and commuting accessibility. These indicators are commonly used in transport geography literature and they offer different concepts of changes in regional accessibility conditions due to a long distance transport system. The results provide an understanding of differential effects on regional accessibility based on the geographical location and size of urban areas along HSR corridor.


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This document shows fees that the Veterans Administration charges for copies of military records.


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Walking is the most basic form of transportation. A good understanding of pedestrian’s dynamics is essential in meeting the mobility and accessibility needs of people by providing a safe and quick walking flow. Advances in the dynamics of pedestrians in crowds are of great theoretical and practical interest, as they lead to new insights regarding the planning of pedestrian facilities, crowd management, or evacuation analysis. As a physicist, I would like to put forward some additional theoretical and practical contributions that could be interesting to explore, regarding the perspective of physics on about human crowd dynamics (panic as a specific form of behavior excluded).


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Characteristics of the road infrastructure affect both the popularity of bicycling and its safety, but comparisons of the safety performance of infrastructure may be confounded by differences in the profiles of cyclists who use them. Data from a survey of 2,532 adult bicycle riders in Queensland, Australia, demonstrated that many riders rode reluctantly in particular locations and that preference for riding location was influenced by degree of experience and riding purpose. Most riders rode most often and furthest per week on urban roads, but approximately one-third of all riders (and more new riders) rode there reluctantly. Almost two-thirds of riders rode on bicycle paths, most by choice, not reluctantly. New riders rode proportionally more on bicycle paths, but continuing riders rode further in absolute terms. Utilitarian riders were more likely to ride on bicycle paths than social and fitness riders and almost all of this riding was by choice. Fitness riders were more reluctant in their use of bicycle paths, but still most of their use was by choice. One-third of the respondents reported riding on the sidewalk (legal in Queensland), with approximately two-thirds doing so reluctantly. The frequency and distance ridden on the sidewalk was less than for urban roads and bicycle paths. Sidewalks and bicycle paths were important facilities for both inexperienced and experienced riders and for utilitarian riding, especially when urban roads were considered a poor choice for cycling.


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This paper presents two novel nonlinear models of u-shaped anti-roll tanks for ships, and their linearizations. In addition, a third simplified nonlinear model is presented. The models are derived using Lagrangian mechanics. This formulation not only simplifies the modeling process, but also allows one to obtain models that satisfy energy-related physical properties. The proposed nonlinear models and their linearizations are validated using model-scale experimental data. Unlike other models in the literature, the nonlinear models in this paper are valid for large roll amplitudes. Even at moderate roll angles, the nonlinear models have three orders of magnitude lower mean square error relative to experimental data than the linear models.


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A major challenge in studying coupled groundwater and surface-water interactions arises from the considerable difference in the response time scales of groundwater and surface-water systems affected by external forcings. Although coupled models representing the interaction of groundwater and surface-water systems have been studied for over a century, most have focused on groundwater quantity or quality issues rather than response time. In this study, we present an analytical framework, based on the concept of mean action time (MAT), to estimate the time scale required for groundwater systems to respond to changes in surface-water conditions. MAT can be used to estimate the transient response time scale by analyzing the governing mathematical model. This framework does not require any form of transient solution (either numerical or analytical) to the governing equation, yet it provides a closed form mathematical relationship for the response time as a function of the aquifer geometry, boundary conditions, and flow parameters. Our analysis indicates that aquifer systems have three fundamental time scales: (i) a time scale that depends on the intrinsic properties of the aquifer; (ii) a time scale that depends on the intrinsic properties of the boundary condition, and; (iii) a time scale that depends on the properties of the entire system. We discuss two practical scenarios where MAT estimates provide useful insights and we test the MAT predictions using new laboratory-scale experimental data sets.


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Thrombin is a multifunctional protease, which has a central role in the development and progression of coronary atherosclerotic lesions and it is a possible mediator of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. Its generation and procoagulant activity are greatly upregulated during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). On the other hand, activated protein C, a physiologic anticoagulant that is activated by thrombomodulin-bound thrombin, has been beneficial in various models of ischemia-reperfusion. Therefore, our aim in this study was to test whether thrombin generation or protein C activation during coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) associate with postoperative myocardial damage or hemodynamic changes. To further investigate the regulation of thrombin during CABG, we tested whether preoperative thrombophilic factors associate with increased CPB-related generation of thrombin or its procoagulant activity. We also measured the anticoagulant effects of heparin during CPB with a novel coagulation test, prothrombinase-induced clotting time (PiCT), and compared the performance of this test with the present standard of laboratory-based anticoagulation monitoring. One hundred patients undergoing elective on-pump CABG were studied prospectively. A progressive increase in markers of thrombin generation (F1+2), fibrinolysis (D-dimer), and fibrin formation (soluble fibrin monomer complexes) was observed during CPB, which was further distinctly propagated by reperfusion after myocardial ischemia, and continued to peak after the neutralization of heparin with protamine. Thrombin generation during reperfusion after CABG associated with postoperative myocardial damage and increased pulmonary vascular resistance. Activated protein C levels increased only slightly during CPB before the release of the aortic clamp, but reperfusion and more significantly heparin neutralization caused a massive increase in activated protein C levels. Protein C activation was clearly delayed in relation to both thrombin generation and fibrin formation. Even though activated protein C associated dynamically with postoperative hemodynamic performance, it did not associate with postoperative myocardial damage. Preoperative thrombophilic variables did not associate with perioperative thrombin generation or its procoagulant activity. Therefore, our results do not favor routine thrombophilia screening before CABG. There was poor agreement between PiCT and other measurements of heparin effects in the setting of CPB. However, lower heparin levels during CPB associated with inferior thrombin control and high heparin levels during CPB associated with fewer perioperative transfusions of blood products. Overall, our results suggest that hypercoagulation after CABG, especially during reperfusion, might be clinically important.


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A new range of programmable logic devices are revolutionizing the way complex digital hardware is designed and built all over the world. Being able to test these devices in order to validate and dynamically improve on the design is crucial. This paper describes a low-cost FPGA tester that can test SRAM based FPGAs in the laboratory.


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The potential predictability of the Indian summer monsoon due to slowly varying sea surface temperature (SST) forcing is examined. Factors responsible for limiting the predictability are also investigated. Three multiyear simulations with the R30 version of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory's climate model are carried out for this purpose, The mean monsoon simulated by this model is realistic including the mean summer precipitation over the Indian continent. The interannual variability of the large-scale component of the monsoon such as the "monsoon shear index" and its teleconnection with Pacific SST is well simulated by the model in a 15-yr integration with observed SST as boundary condition. On regional scales, the skill in simulating the interannual variability of precipitation over the Indian continent by the model is rather modest and its simultaneous correlation with eastern Pacific SST is negative but poor as observed. The poor predictability of precipitation over the Indian region in the model is related to the fact that contribution to the interannual variability over this region due to slow SST variations [El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) related] is comparable to those due to regional-scale fluctuations unrelated to ENSO SST. The physical mechanism through which ENSO SST tend to produce reduction in precipitation over the Indian continent is also elucidated. A measure of internal variability of the model summer monsoon is obtained from a 20-yr integration of the same model with fixed annual cycle SST as boundary conditions but with predicted soil moisture and snow cover. A comparison of summer monsoon indexes between this run and the observed SST run shows that the internal oscillations can account for a large fraction of the simulated monsoon variability. The regional-scale oscillations in the observed SST run seems to arise from these internal oscillations. It is discovered that most of the interannual internal variability is due to an internal quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) of the model atmosphere. Such a QBO is also found in the author's third 18-yr simulation in which fixed annual cycle of SST as well as soil moisture and snow cover are prescribed. This shows that the model QBO is not due to land-surface-atmosphere interaction. It is proposed that the model QBO arises due to an interaction between nonlinear intraseasonal oscillations and the annual cycle. Spatial structure of the QBO and its role in limiting the predictability of the Indian summer monsoon is discussed.


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The present work describes steady and unsteady computation of reacting flow in a Trapped Vortex Combustor. The primary motivation of this study is to develop this concept into a working combustor in modern gas turbines. The present work is an effort towards development of an experimental model test rig for further understanding dynamics of a single cavity trapped vortex combustor. The steady computations with and without combustion have been done for L/D of 0.8, 1 and 1.2; also unsteady non-reacting flow simulation has been done for L/D of 1. Fuel used for the present study is methane and Eddy-Dissipation model has been used for combustion-turbulence interactions. For L/D of 0.8, combustion efficiency is maximum and pattern factor is minimum. Also, primary vortex in the cavity is more stable and symmetric for L/D of 0.8. From unsteady non-reacting flow simulations, it is found that there is no vortex shedding from the cavity but there are oscillations in the span-wise direction of the combustor.


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We have developed a one-way nested Indian Ocean regional model. The model combines the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory's (GFDL) Modular Ocean Model (MOM4p1) at global climate model resolution (nominally one degree), and a regional Indian Ocean MOM4p1 configuration with 25 km horizontal resolution and 1 m vertical resolution near the surface. Inter-annual global simulations with Coordinated Ocean-Ice Reference Experiments (CORE-II) surface forcing over years 1992-2005 provide surface boundary conditions. We show that relative to the global simulation, (i) biases in upper ocean temperature, salinity and mixed layer depth are reduced, (ii) sea surface height and upper ocean circulation are closer to observations, and (iii) improvements in model simulation can be attributed to refined resolution, more realistic topography and inclusion of seasonal river runoff. Notably, the surface salinity bias is reduced to less than 0.1 psu over the Bay of Bengal using relatively weak restoring to observations, and the model simulates the strong, shallow halocline often observed in the North Bay of Bengal. There is marked improvement in subsurface salinity and temperature, as well as mixed layer depth in the Bay of Bengal. Major seasonal signatures in observed sea surface height anomaly in the tropical Indian Ocean, including the coastal waveguide around the Indian peninsula, are simulated with great fidelity. The use of realistic topography and seasonal river runoff brings the three dimensional structure of the East India Coastal Current and West India Coastal Current much closer to observations. As a result, the incursion of low salinity Bay of Bengal water into the southeastern Arabian Sea is more realistic. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.