851 resultados para Trabalho : Saude mental


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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This study aimed to accomplish a literature review on how the regular and targeted practice of bodybuilding interferes into different groups, among which stands out: obese, diabetics, hypertensive, people with osteoporosis, and elderly, without placing the individuals' health at risk and carrying it to a physical well-being, mental and social, increased expectation and quality of life. This review aimed to demonstrate different training models result in physiological adaptations and can assist in maintaining and improving the quality of life of certain groups when done correctly and targeted way by a professional. The study also showed some of the history of bodybuilding, its evolution and how it is currently, citing its benefits and indications


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The objective of this work was, from a bibliographical survey, to discuss the relationship between the subjects “Mental Health” and “Death”, in order to analyze possible contributions of the Psychiatric Reformation tied with the sphere of Palliative Cares. The characterization of madness as a social problem is related to the development of the capitalist mode of production. Unable to fulfill the requirements imposed by capital, insane persons are excluded from society and locked in psychiatric hospitals in order to be treated. In the same way, death is incompatible with the capitalist principles of accumulation of goods. Dying people are then transferred to the hospital in order to hide their invalidity, non-production and felt inexistence of wealth. Some principles for care in mental health that could be shared in the palliative cares are: deinstitutionalization; organization of assistance in a network; psychosocial assistance; interdisciplinarity and construction of the autonomy of family members and users. In this sense, some challenges are distinguished, between them, professional training.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS


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This text presents the research developed with students of the 5th year of elementary school at a public school in the city of Taubaté-SP, involved in solving problems involving the Mental Calculation. The read authors show that the Mental Calculation is relevant for the production of mathematical knowledge as it favors the autonomy of students, making it the most critical. Official documents that guide educational practices, such as the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais also emphasize that working with mental arithmetic should be encouraged as it has the potential to encourage the production of mathematical knowledge by the student. In this research work Completion of course the tasks proposed to students, who constituted the fieldwork to production data, were designed, developed and analyzed in a phenomenological approach. The intention, the research was to understand the perception of students in the face of situations that encourage them to implement appropriate technical and mental calculation procedures. We analyze how students express and realize the strategies for mental calculation in the search for solution to problem situations


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This text presents the research developed with students of the 5th year of elementary school at a public school in the city of Taubaté-SP, involved in solving problems involving the Mental Calculation. The read authors show that the Mental Calculation is relevant for the production of mathematical knowledge as it favors the autonomy of students, making it the most critical. Official documents that guide educational practices, such as the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais also emphasize that working with mental arithmetic should be encouraged as it has the potential to encourage the production of mathematical knowledge by the student. In this research work Completion of course the tasks proposed to students, who constituted the fieldwork to production data, were designed, developed and analyzed in a phenomenological approach. The intention, the research was to understand the perception of students in the face of situations that encourage them to implement appropriate technical and mental calculation procedures. We analyze how students express and realize the strategies for mental calculation in the search for solution to problem situations


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This work analyses the mental health policy-making activity of the Brazilian National Health Agency (ANS), responsible for controlling health insurance companies. Three points are discussed: a) the framework of an economic and private health assistance regulatory activity, b) the ANS and its regulation activity and c) the rules produced by ANS in the mental health care field. It was concluded that, despite advances like the legal obligation to ensure medical treatment to all the diseases listed in ICD-10, the inclusion of suicidal patient damage and self-inflicted damage care, care provided by a multiprofessional team, the increase in the number of sessions with a psychologist, with an occupational therapist and of psychotherapy sessions, and mental health day hospitals included as part of the services offered, the authors identified specific regulatory gaps in this area. Some issues that ANS has to solve so that it can really play its institutional role of defending the public interest in the private health system are: the regulation of co-participation and franchise mechanisms, the increasing co-participation as a limitation of psychiatric hospitalization, and the limited number of crisis intervention psychotherapy sessions.


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Changes in mental health care in the city of Fortaleza (Northeastern Brazil) have a recent historical and political process. Compared to other municipalities of the State of Ceara, which in the early 1990s were already pioneers in the process, Fortaleza has not implemented the changes due to the interests of psychiatric hospitals, of psychiatric outpatient clinics of the public network, and because of the difficulty in managing the new mental health devices and equipment present in Primary Care. In the municipality, the reorganization of mental health actions and services has required that the Primary Care Network faces the challenge of assisting mental health problems with the implementation of Matrix Support. In light of this context, we aimed to evaluate Matrix Support in mental health in Primary Care Units and to identify achievements and limitations in the Primary Care Units with Matrix Support. This study used a qualitative approach and was carried out by means of a case study. We interviewed twelve professionals from the Family Health Teams of four Units with implemented Matrix Support. The analysis of the information reveals that access, decision making, participation and the challenges of implementing Matrix Support are elements that are, in a dialectic way, weak and strong in the reorganization of services and practices. The presence of Matrix Support in Primary Care highlights the proposal of dealing with mental health within the network in the municipality. The process has not ended. Mobilization, awareness-raising and qualification of Primary Care have to be enhanced constantly, but implementation has enabled, to the service and professionals, greater acceptance of mental health in Primary Care.


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Based on a study conducted in Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil in extra-hospital mental health services that addressed the organization of these services, therapeutic projects and the inclusion of psychosocial rehabilitation in health actions available, a theoretical-critical reflection concerning the development process of the therapeutic projects by the services' teams is presented. The qualitative study was conducted in an outpatient clinic and a Psychosocial Care Center. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and focal groups. Data analysis was based on the hermeneutic dialectic philosophy of Jurgen Habermas according to the techniques of reconstruction and interpretation. Data analysis revealed that professionals have difficulty developing and managing therapeutic projects. Health actions are made available without being concretely supported by a proposal guiding the service's practical activities. The therapeutic projects are referred by professionals as the result of guidelines provided by management levels or technical orientations inherent to each profession but not as an activity that represents a philosophy of work of the health team. When the therapeutic project is focused on as a type of consensus that results from a communicative action directed to a mutual and intersubjective understanding among the members of the mental health extra-hospital team, the difficulties of the services' team dialogically organizing themselves to collectively construct the therapeutic project is evidenced.


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Os acidentes são fenômenos complexos, cuja determinação situa-se na organização do trabalho, dimensão invisível aos agentes de vigilância. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar e comparar o alcance das intervenções realizadas em uma empresa frigorífica, em 1997, baseada na checagem de normas de saúde e segurança, e em 2008, quando se incorpora a ergonomia da atividade. Foi realizado estudo de caso com análise documental referente à intervenção de 1997 e análise ergonômica do trabalho adotada em 2008. Em 1997 as ações de vigilância incidiram principalmente sobre os fatores de risco visíveis. Mesmo cumprindo as exigências, a empresa continuava, em 2008, com proporção de incidência anual de 26% de acidentes, o que motivou a busca da nova abordagem. Verificou-se, em 2008, que a gênese dos acidentes era provocada por um circulo vicioso: trabalho intenso; inadequação de meios técnicos; absenteísmo e rotatividade (84% ao ano) com recrutamento de inexperientes. Esse quadro é agravado por práticas autoritárias. A ergonomia da atividade contribuiu para compreender as causas organizacionais ultrapassando os aspectos normativos da vigilância tradicional, o que indica sua importância para tornar mais efetivas as ações de vigilância para a prevenção.


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O objetivo do estudo é descrever e analisar as articulações que se realizam entre as equipes da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) e Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil (CAPSI), tendo em vista as ações voltadas à saúde mental de crianças e adolescentes. Foram realizadas entrevistas semidirigidas com gerentes de cinco CAPSI e 13 Unidades Básicas de Saúde com ESF, de 5 regiões distintas no Município de São Paulo, Brasil, que foram transcritas e analisadas mediante perspectiva hermenêutica. A articulação entre as equipes da ESF e CAPSI se dá prioritariamente por encaminhamento de casos, apoio matricial ou parceria para casos considerados pertinentes ao CAPSI. Falta de recursos humanos, cobrança por produtividade e ausência de capacitação dos profissionais da ESF para trabalhar com saúde mental foram mencionadas como obstáculos para a efetiva articulação entre os serviços. A lógica do encaminhamento e da desresponsabilização, bem como a hegemonia do modelo biomédico e a consequente fragmentação dos cuidados se mostram vigentes no cotidiano dos serviços.


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Em hipertensos, as questões relativas à manutenção da saúde mental estão sempre presentes em virtude dos determinantes psicossociais desta doença, para os quais o lazer representa importante estratégia de controle. Este trabalho objetivou realizar, por meio de uma pesquisa-ação, a Educação para a Saúde junto a um grupo de hipertensos baseada na pedagogia crítico-social, partindo da percepção dos participantes quanto ao lazer, desenvolvendo atividades educativas e, posteriormente, avaliando a opinião dos envolvidos quanto ao impacto para a vida e para a saúde mental. O lazer foi percebido pelo grupo como estratégia de enfrentamento da solidão; como construção tardia de independência; como socialização e como promoção de saúde mental. Estas percepções levaram à identificação de dois temas geradores: envelhecimento, lazer e doença crônica; conhecimento e vivências do lazer, para os quais ações educativas foram programadas, tais como dinâmicas e grupos de discussão, a fim de favorecer condições que permitiram a socialização e a troca de experiências.