438 resultados para Toxoplasmic encephalitis
Central nervous system (CNS) infections in ruminant livestock, such as listeriosis, are of major concern for veterinary and public health. To date, no host-specific in vitro models for ruminant CNS infections are available. Here, we established and evaluated the suitability of organotypic brain-slices of ruminant origin as in vitro model to study mechanisms of Listeria monocytogenes CNS infection. Ruminants are frequently affected by fatal listeric rhombencephalitis that closely resembles the same condition occurring in humans. Better insight into host-pathogen interactions in ruminants is therefore of interest, not only from a veterinary but also from a public health perspective. Brains were obtained at the slaughterhouse, and hippocampal and cerebellar brain-slices were cultured up to 49 days. Viability as well as the composition of cell populations was assessed weekly. Viable neurons, astrocytes, microglia and oligodendrocytes were observed up to 49 days in vitro. Slice cultures were infected with L. monocytogenes, and infection kinetics were monitored. Infected brain cells were identified by double immunofluorescence, and results were compared to natural cases of listeric rhombencephalitis. Similar to the natural infection, infected brain-slices showed focal replication of L. monocytogenes and bacteria were predominantly observed in microglia, but also in astrocytes, and associated with axons. These results demonstrate that organotypic brain-slice cultures of bovine origin survive for extended periods and can be infected easily with L. monocytogenes. Therefore, they are a suitable model to study aspects of host-pathogen interaction in listeric encephalitis and potentially in other neuroinfectious diseases.
The compartmentalization of small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) subtype A (Maedi-Visna virus) and B (caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus) variants was analyzed in colostrum and peripheral blood mononuclear cells of four naturally infected goats. Sequence analysis of DNA and RNA encompassing the V4-V5 env regions showed a differential distribution of SRLV variants between the two compartments. Tissue-specific compartmentalization was demonstrated by phylogenetic analysis in three of the four cases. In these animals colostrum proviral sequences were clustered relative to the blood viral sequences. In one goat, the blood and colostrum-derived provirus sequences were intermingled, suggesting trafficking of virus between the two tissues or mirroring a recent infection. Surprisingly, the pattern of free virus variants in the colostrum of all animals corresponded only partially to that of the proviral form, suggesting that free viruses might not derive from infected colostral cells. The compartmentalization of SRLV between peripheral blood and colostrum indicates that lactogenic transmission may involve specific viruses not present in the proviral populations circulating in the blood.
Mumps is a common childhood infection caused by the mumps virus. The hallmark of infection is swelling of the parotid gland. Aseptic meningitis and encephalitis are common complications of mumps together with orchitis and oophoritis, which can arise in adult men and women, respectively; other complications include deafness and pancreatitis. Clinical diagnosis can be based on the classic parotid swelling; however, this feature is not present in all cases of mumps and can also occur in various other disorders. Laboratory diagnosis is based on isolation of virus, detection of viral nucleic acid, or serological confirmation (generally presence of IgM mumps antibodies). Mumps is vaccine-preventable, and one dose of mumps vaccine is about 80% effective against the disease. Routine vaccination has proven highly effective in reducing the incidence of mumps, and is presently used by most developed countries; however, there have been outbreaks of disease in vaccinated populations. In 2005, a large epidemic peaked in the UK, and in 2006 the American midwest had several outbreaks. In both countries, the largest proportion of cases was in young adults. In the UK, susceptible cohorts too old to have been vaccinated and too young to have been exposed to natural infections were the primary cause of the mumps epidemic. In the USA, effectiveness and uptake in combination appear not to have been sufficient to obtain herd immunity for mumps in populations such as college students.
In 2006, 115 children hospitalized with measles in Germany were reported. Detailed information could be obtained for 96 cases from a pediatric hospital surveillance system. The most frequent symptoms and complications were pneumonia, respiratory insufficiency, other respiratory disorders, otitis media, feeding problems, and other gastrointestinal symptoms. Two children died of measles inclusion body encephalitis.
The child who presents with acute coma runs a high risk of cardiopulmonary insufficiency, direct brain injury or even cerebral herniation. The case-management of such child requires a coma-specific emergent evaluation, immediate treatment of any hypoxicischemic insults and of the underlying cause. The coma-specific examination includes performance of child-adapted Glasgow Coma Score, the evaluation of brain stem functions such as pupillary response to light, cough- and gag reflex, and determination of all vital signs including body temperature. Treatment of hypoxicischemic insults includes control of airways and ventilation in patient with coma defined as GCS <8; liberal treatment of impaired cardiovascular states with isotonic fluids such as 0.9% sodium chloride; and treatment of cerebral herniation with head elevation, mannitol, hypertonic sodium chlorid fluids, steroids and hyperventilation. Immediately treatable causes are hypoglycemia, meningitis/encephalitis, opioid overdose and status epilepticus. Exclusion of rapidly progressive intracranial lesions almost always requires referral to the tertiary centre with head CT-scan facilities. Finally, an extensive etiology search of the stable coma is performed by looking for disease or trauma of the brain, for metabolic causes, for intoxications and for cardiopulmonary problems.
Potentially human pathogenic Acanthamoeba isolated from a heated indoor swimming pool in Switzerland
Some free-living amoebae, including some species of the genus Acanthamoeba, can cause infections in humans and animals. These organisms are known to cause granulomatous amebic encephalitis (GAE) in predominantly immune-deficient persons. In the present study, we isolated a potentially human pathogenic Acanthamoeba isolate originating from a public heated indoor swimming pool in Switzerland. The amoebae, thermophilically preselected by culture at 37 degrees C, subsequently displayed a high thermotolerance, being able to grow at 42 degrees C, and a marked cytotoxicity, based on a co-culture system using the murine cell line L929. Intranasal infection of Rag2-immunodeficient mice resulted in the death of all animals within 24 days. Histopathology of brains and lungs revealed marked tissue necrosis and hemorrhagic lesions going along with massive proliferation of amoebae. PCR and sequence analysis, based on 18S rDNA, identified the agent as Acanthamoeba lenticulata. In summary, the present study reports on an Acanthamoeba isolate from a heated swimming pool suggestive of being potentially pathogenic to immunocompromised persons.
BACKGROUND Infectious diseases after solid organ transplantation (SOT) are one of the major complications in transplantation medicine. Vaccination-based prevention is desirable, but data on the response to active vaccination after SOT are conflicting. METHODS In this systematic review, we identify the serologic response rate of SOT recipients to post-transplantation vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria, polio, hepatitis A and B, influenza, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitides, tick-borne encephalitis, rabies, varicella, mumps, measles, and rubella. RESULTS Of the 2478 papers initially identified, 72 were included in the final review. The most important findings are that (1) most clinical trials conducted and published over more than 30 years have all been small and highly heterogeneous regarding trial design, patient cohorts selected, patient inclusion criteria, dosing and vaccination schemes, follow up periods and outcomes assessed, (2) the individual vaccines investigated have been studied predominately only in one group of SOT recipients, i.e. tetanus, diphtheria and polio in RTX recipients, hepatitis A exclusively in adult LTX recipients and mumps, measles and rubella in paediatric LTX recipients, (3) SOT recipients mount an immune response which is for most vaccines lower than in healthy controls. The degree to which this response is impaired varies with the type of vaccine, age and organ transplanted and (4) for some vaccines antibodies decline rapidly. CONCLUSION Vaccine-based prevention of infectious diseases is far from satisfactory in SOT recipients. Despite the large number of vaccination studies preformed over the past decades, knowledge on vaccination response is still limited. Even though the protection, which can be achieved in SOT recipients through vaccination, appears encouraging on the basis of available data, current vaccination guidelines and recommendations for post-SOT recipients remain poorly supported by evidence. There is an urgent need to conduct appropriately powered vaccination trials in well-defined SOT recipient cohorts.
Live attenuated vaccines provide the most consistent protective immunity in experimental models of lentivirus infections. In this study we tested the hypothesis that animals infected with a naturally attenuated small ruminant lentivirus field strain of genotype E may control a challenge infection with a virulent strain of the caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV-CO). Within genotype E, Roccaverano strain has been described as attenuated since decreased arthritic pathological indexes were recorded in Roccaverano-infected animals compared to animals of the same breed infected with genotype B strains. Moreover, under natural conditions, animals double-infected with genotypes B and E appear less prone to develop SRLV-related disease, leading to a putative protective role of Roccaverano strain. Here we present evidence that goats experimentally infected with the avirulent genotype E SRLV-Roccaverano strain control the proviral load of a pathogenic challenge virus (CAEV-CO strain) more efficiently than naïve animals and appear to limit the spread of histological lesions to the contralateral joints.
Three field isolates of small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLVs) were derived from a mixed flock of goats and sheep certified for many years as free of caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV). The phylogenetic analysis of pol sequences permitted to classify these isolates as A4 subtype. None of the animals showed clinical signs of SRLV infection, confirming previous observations which had suggested that this particular subtype is highly attenuated, at least for goats. A quantitative real time PCR strategy based on primers and probes derived from a highly variable env region permitted us to classify the animals as uninfected, singly or doubly infected. The performance of different serological tools based on this classification revealed their profound inadequacy in monitoring animals infected with this particular SRLV subtype. In vitro, the isolates showed differences in their cytopathicity and a tendency to replicate more efficiently in goat than sheep cells, especially in goat macrophages. By contrast, in vivo, these viruses reached significantly higher viral loads in sheep than in goats. Both env subtypes infected goats and sheep with equal efficiency. One of these, however, reached significantly higher viral loads in both species. In conclusion, we characterized three isolates of the SRLV subtype A4 that efficiently circulate in a mixed herd of goats and sheep in spite of their apparent attenuation and a strict physical separation between goats and sheep. The poor performance of the serological tools applied indicates that, to support an SRLV eradication campaign, it is imperative to develop novel, subtype specific tools.
Human rabies is rare in Western Europe. It is not easily recognized in the absence of a history of exposure. We describe the clinical course, diagnosis and follow-up of an imported human rabies case in Switzerland. The patient, a U.S. citizen, presented at an outpatient clinic in Iraq with pain in his right shoulder on July 5, 2012. On July 8 he was transferred to a hospital in the United Arab Emirates, where he exhibited progressive encephalitis with coma. On July 29, he was transferred to a hospital in Switzerland, where he died on July 31, 2012. The autopsy showed severe encephalitis. Rabies was diagnosed by the rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test (RFFIT) and confirmed by fluorescence antibody testing (FAT) in brain smears and immunohistochemistry on paraffin-embedded brain sections. The viral strain was characterized by RT-PCR followed by sequencing and phylogenetic analysis as an American bat rabies strain associated with Tadarida brasiliensis. Close contacts and exposed health care workers received postexposure prophylaxis (PEP).
We analyzed brain tissue from 39 patients for the presence of proviral HIV-1 sequences, using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the amplification of segments of the viral LTR and gag genes. A novel primer extension procedure allowed the detection of a single HIV-1 copy in 1 micrograms DNA. We detected proviral HIV-1 DNA in 16 of 25 brain samples from AIDS patients. Semiquantitative evaluation of the amplified DNAs indicated considerable variation in viral load. Highest levels of proviral DNA were present in brain samples from six patients with clinical evidence of HIV-associated cognitive/motor complex and the histopathologic correlate of HIV leukoencephalopathy or HIV encephalitis. An additional 11 brain samples contained smaller amounts of proviral DNA. In these patients, clinical data were inconclusive regarding the diagnosis of HIV-1 encephalopathy and histopathologically there was no evidence of HIV-1-induced tissue lesions. In nine of 25 seropositive patients with AIDS (36%), brain samples scored negative or did not contain an unequivocal signal indicating the presence of proviral DNA. HIV-1 sequences were not detected in any of 14 control brain samples from HIV-1 seronegative patients. Our data indicate that HIV-1 is present in the central nervous system of the majority (two thirds) of AIDS patients and that the highest levels of proviral DNA in brain tissue are associated with HIV encephalopathy.
The nervous system is frequently affected in patients with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). In addition to opportunistic CNS infections and cerebral lymphomas, approx. 20% of the patients develop HIV-associated encephalopathies. Two major histopathological manifestations are observed. HIV leukoencephalopathy (progressive diffuse leukoencephalopathy) is characterized by a diffuse loss of myelin in the deep white matter of the cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres, with scattered multinucleated giant cells and microglia but scarce or absent inflammatory reaction. HIV encephalitis (multinucleated giant cell encephalitis) is associated with accumulations of multinucleated giant cells, inflammatory reaction and often focal necroses. In some patients, both patterns may overlap. In order to identify the HIV genome in the CNS, brain tissue from 27 patients was analyzed for the presence of HIV gag sequences using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and primers encoding a 109 base pair segment of the gag gene. Amplification of HIV gag succeeded in all 5 patients with clinical and histopathological evidence for HIV encephalopathy but was negative in the 20 AIDS patients with opportunistic bacterial, parasitic and/or viral infections or with cerebral lymphomas. These results strongly suggest that the evolution of histopathologically recognizable HIV-encephalopathies closely correlates with the presence and/or tissue concentration of HIV. Since there were no cases with amplified HIV DNA in the absence of HIV-associated tissue lesions, we conclude that harboring and replication of HIV in the CNS rapidly causes corresponding clinical and morphological changes of HIV-associated encephalopathies. In two children with severe HIV encephalomyelitis, large amounts of HIV gag and env transcripts were detected in affected areas of the brain and spinal cord by in situ hybridization.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The presence and distribution of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) were examined in the CNS of two children with severe HIV encephalitis and myelitis. Using polymerase chain reaction-mediated DNA amplification and subsequent Southern analysis, proviral HIV gag sequences were identified in brain tissue of both patients. In situ hybridization using antisense oligonucleotide probes revealed abundant HIV gag and env/nef RNAs selectively in areas with histopathological evidence for HIV-induced tissue damage. The spinal cord of one patient exhibited a striking subpial accumulation of HIV RNAs strongly suggestive of a liquorigenic spread of the infection. HIV RNAs were typically associated with cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage, as shown by a combined immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization procedure. The present study supports the view that the pattern and distribution of HIV-induced brain lesions is largely determined by the extent of focal HIV replication within the CNS.
The incidence of HIV encephalopathies was determined in an ongoing consecutive autopsy study. Among 345 patients who died from AIDS in Switzerland during 1981-1990, 68 (19%) showed morphological evidence of HIV encephalopathy. Two major histopathological manifestations were observed. Progressive diffuse leukoencephalopathy (PDL) was present in 33 cases and is characterized by a diffuse loss of myelin staining in the deep white matter of the cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres, with scattered multinucleated giant cells but little or no inflammatory reaction. Multinucleated giant cell encephalitis (MGCE) was diagnosed in 32 cases; it's hallmarks are accumulations of multinucleated giant cells with prominent inflammatory reaction and focal necroses. In 3 patients both types of lesions overlapped. Brain tissue from 27 patients was analyzed for the presence of HIV gag sequences using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers encoding a 109 base pair segment of the viral gene. Amplification succeeded in all patients with clinical and histopathological evidence for HIV encephalopathy but was absent in AIDS patients with opportunistic bacterial, parasitic and/or viral infections. Potential mechanisms by which HIV exerts it's adverse effects on the human CNS are discussed.
We describe the case of a 35-year-old female patient who suffered from fulminant tick-borne encephalitis and subsequently died. Remarkable about this case was that the woman was not living in an endemic area and that the disease occurred outside the usual season. Furthermore, this indicates that an increase in transmission of tick-borne encephalitis can be expected outside the classical endemic areas in higher altitudes, possibly as a consequence of climate changes.