877 resultados para Theater Singapore
Editors: 17uu- H.A.O. Reichard.
Alsen, Harry. Beim bühnenportier.--Gerstmann, Adolf. Das königspaar und sein hoftheater.--Harnack, Otto. Schiller auf der Stuttgarter hofbühne.--Junkermann, August. Als ich wiederkam.--Kaser, Ludwig. Die blamierhosen der schauspieler.--Krauss, Rudolf. Die entwicklung des Stuttgarter hoftheaters.--Lindau, Paul. Einst und jetzt.--Possart, Ernst v. Die zweiteilung des theaters.--Putlitz, Baron zu. Zur neuen arbeit.--Remolt, Emmy. Werden und entstehen einer bühnengestalt.--Rossi, Alexandrine. Stirbt die kunst?--Schillings, Max. Ein wunsch zum geleit.--Stockmayer, K. v. Erfahrungen aus der hoftheaterkanzlei.--Tafel, Hermann. Maler und bildhauer in den neuen hoftheatern.--Voss, Richard. Das alte hoftheater.--Wittko, Paul. Leitgedicht.--Wittko, Paul. Die beiden neuen häuser.--Eine rundfrage.
[With his Das Burgtheater. Leipzig, 1868]
Thesis (doctoral)--Universitat Bern.
Thesis (doctoral)--Universitat Leipzig.
Thesis (doctoral)--Kgl. Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen.
Thesis (doctoral)--K. bayr. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat zu Munchen.
Thesis (doctoral)--Kgl. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen.
Mode of access: Internet.
Bibliography of agriculture
[von Carl Reinhold]
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-03
It has been suggested that although the most theorisation about globalisation has emerged from “western” contexts, the material implications of globalisation have been felt most strongly in non-western regions. With this in mind, we are undertaking a situated analysis of how two states, Singapore and Hong Kong, are interacting with the broader processes of globalisation through their educational policies. We apply Foucault's conceptual tool of governmentality to understand (i) the conduct of governing in the contemporary nation-state, and (ii) how the “right” rationalities are being inculcated by government to create “desiring subjects” who will play their part in ensuring national prosperity. We use the Asian Economic Crisis as a point of departure to show how global-local tensions are being managed by Singapore and Hong Kong. We conclude that both these global cities have adroitly managed the Asian economic crisis to steer their citizens away from pursuits of greater political freedom and towards concerns of material well being. They have done so through a selective interpretation of globalisation, by simultaneously resisting and embracing the contradictory strands of globalisation. Education has emerged as a critical space for this selective absorption of globalising trends.