969 resultados para Testicular lobe
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A cutia (Dasyprocta aguti) é um roedor silvestre encontrado amplamente na região Nordeste do Brasil. É uma espécie muito utilizada pela população humana de baixa renda como fonte alternativa de proteína na alimentação. Foram utilizadas 31 cutias, machos, provenientes da Universidade Federal do Piauí (FUFPI), Estado do Piauí e da Escola Superior de Agricultura de Mossoró Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Os animais foram divididos em grupos etários desde o nascimento até os 14 meses de idade. O diâmetro nuclear médio foi obtido pela medida de 10 núcleos do tipo celular estudado em cada testículo, no estágio 1 do ciclo do epitélio seminífero. Nos animais que não apresentaram o epitélio organizado em estágios bem definidos em virtude da idade, foram feitas medidas em secções transversais escolhidas somente pelo contorno circular. O início da assincronia do processo espermatogênico foi observado a partir dos seis meses de idade. A puberdade, na cutia Dasyprocta aguti, foi definitivamente estabelecida a partir dos nove meses de idade, pois estavam presentes todos os tipos celulares e espermatozóides liberados no lume tubular em grande parte do parênquima testicular.
Foi estudado, por meio da histometria, o desenvolvimento testicular em 31 cutias da espécie Dasyprocta aguti desde o nascimento até 14 meses de idade. O diâmetro e a área, médios, foram obtidos a partir de 30 secções transversais de cordões e/ou túbulos seminíferos, em cada testículo, utilizando-se sistema de computadorizado de analises de imagem e uma ocular micrométrica Zeiss CPL 10X, acoplada a uma objetiva de 40X. As proporções volumétricas do testículo foram obtidas com o método estereométrico, segundo Elias, Henning e Schwartz¹. O diâmetro tubular médio apresentou crescimento lento desde o nascimento até os oito meses de idade, nas duas metodologias empregadas. Quando foi usada a ocular micrométrica observou-se que, a partir de nove meses, o diâmetro tubular teve um crescimento acelerado, chegando a duplicar o seu valor, se comparado com grupo etário que o antecedia. A proporção volumétrica dos cordões testiculares e túbulos seminíferos cresceu gradualmente, atingindo, aos nove meses, seu valor máximo (86,50%). As células de Leydig apresentaram proporção volumétrica decrescente, e seus maiores valores foram expressivos do nascimento até quatro meses de idade (7,00 ± 1,77% a 9,55 ± 0,64%) e mínimos a partir de nove meses, tendendo ainda a uma estabilização. O estroma diminuiu com a evolução da idade caindo bruscamente a partir da puberdade. Conclui-se que o diâmetro dos cordões testiculares e túbulos seminíferos apresentou maior crescimento, coincidindo com o início da puberdade e a proporção volumétrica das células de Leydig encontrou-se, respectivamente, mais alta e mais baixa no mesmo período.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a distribuição dos vasos arteriais nos testículos em caprinos com diferentes graus de divisão escrotal. A configuração escrotal foi classificada da seguinte forma: Grupo I: constituído por caprinos com escroto único, Grupo II: com escroto separado até a metade do testículo e Grupo III: com separação escrotal estendendo-se além da metade do testículos. As artérias foram injetadas e coradas com solução de acetado de vinil, sendo os orgãos (30 pares) submetidos à corrossão para obtenção dos moldes vasculares. As artérias testiculares emergem da aorta abdominal, com trajeto retilíneo, atravessam o canal inguinal, apresentam-se espiraladas e envolvidas parcialmente pelo plexo pampiniforme. Próximo à extremidade caudada do testículo, dividem-se mais freqüentemente nos ramos cranial e caudal, os quais emitem vasos colaterais, de onde emergem ramos penetrantes. Os testículos dos animais com nível intermediário de divisão escrotal (Grupo II) apresentam menor quantidade destes ramos, sendo os quadrantes mais povoados o ventrolateral e o dorsolateral. Conclui-se que a origem, o trajeto e a distribuição das artérias testiculares não apresentam variações relacionadas ao grau de divisão escrotal em caprinos.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do grau de bipartição escrotal e do período do ano sobre a termorregulação escroto-testicular em caprinos criados no Estado do Piauí. Foram utilizados 18 reprodutores caprinos machos, divididos em três grupos de seis animais: O Grupo I contendo caprinos com escroto simples, o Grupo II, caprinos com escroto bipartido até 50% do comprimento testicular e o Grupo III, caprinos com bipartição superior a 50% do comprimento testicular. Os parâmetros avaliados foram as temperaturas do escroto, testículo e funículo espermático, obtidas de forma invasiva, com um termômetro digital termoacoplável, e não invasiva, com um pirômetro, nos terços proximal, médio e distal. Os dados foram coletados nos períodos seco (outubro-novembro) e chuvoso (fevereiro-março) do ano, bem como, nos turnos da manhã (6h00 às 7h00) e tarde (14h00 às 15h00). Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA) seguida do teste SNK para comparação das médias (p<0,05). O período do ano interferiu na termorregulação escroto-testicular, pois no período seco as temperaturas do escroto, testículo e funículo espermático foram mais elevadas que as observadas no período chuvoso. O grau de bipartição do escroto foi outro fator que modificou a temperatura escroto-testicular, já que os caprinos que apresentaram escroto com maior grau de bipartição demonstraram as menores médias das temperaturas escroto-testiculares em ambos os períodos e turnos avaliados. Conclui-se, portanto, que tanto o período do ano quanto o grau de bipartição do escroto influenciaram o processo de termorregulação escroto-testicular em caprinos.
The appearance of testicular oocytes (TO) in wild fish populations has received considerable attention in the scientific literature and public media. Current methods to quantify TO are lethal; instead, a non-lethal alternative was examined. Laparoscopic insertion into the genital pore allowed internal visualization of the gonad and detection of TO by collecting five testis biopsies in smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu and largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides. Overall, biopsies quantified similar levels of TO detection and severity to conventional transverse sectioning with less than 10% mortality. Suitability of surgical anesthetics, tricaine methanesulfonate and electronarcosis were examined in laboratory and field applications. Electronarcosis had the added benefit of rapid sex identification and immediate release of female fish with minimal trauma, representing significant benefits when sampling small or compromised populations. Laparoscopy may be useful for monitoring the prevalence and severity of TO in these fish species when lethal sampling is not a desired outcome.
Background: Scrotal exploration is considered the procedure of choice for acute scrotum. Objectives: We evaluated the importance of early diagnosis and testicular salvage on the therapeutic outcomes of patients with pediatric testicular torsion (TT) and testicular appendage torsion (TAT) in our geographic area. Patients and Methods: We performed a retrospective database analysis of patients who underwent emergency surgery for TT or TAT between January 1996 and June 2009. Patient history, physical examination findings, laboratory test results, color Doppler sonography (CDS) results, and surgical findings were reviewed. Results: A total of 65 cases were included in our analysis. Forty-two cases were followed up for at least 3 months. Testicular tenderness was identified as the major clinical manifestation of TT, while only a few patients with TAT presented with swelling. CDS was an important diagnostic modality. The orchiectomy rate was 71% in the TT group. Conclusions: Cases of acute scrotum require attention in our area. Early diagnosis and scrotal exploration could salvage the testis or preserve normal function without the need for surgery.
Background: Testicular torsion (TT), or twisting of the testicle resulting in a strangulation of the blood supply, occurs in men whose tissue surrounding the testicle is not well attached to the scrotum. It is important to emphasize that testicular torsion is a medical emergency. Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the second look exploration and outcomes in TT. Patients and Methods: Seventy boys out of 124 patients underwent early exploration and 48 hours later second look exploration due to TT. All patients were checked with preoperative color-doppler ultrasonography (CDU) and intraoperative bleeding test. Data included age at admission, side of pathology, relation of TT with season of year, duration of preoperative history, degree of testicular torsion, CDU findings, and degree of bleeding; results of second look exploration, follow-up, and outcomes were analyzed. Results: Totally 70 patients were included in this study within five years, of which mean age was 28.6 ± 32.9 months (range 1 to 144), 48% of our patients had nausea and vomiting. Preoperative CDU showed absent/weak flow in 50 (71%) cases. Winter showed most frequently (44%) referred cases of testicular torsion. Orchidopexy was performed in 44 (63%) and orchidectomy in 26 (37%) cases after second look exploration. Mean follow-up duration was 3.1 ± 1.4 years. 4 (9%) cases in orchidopexy group developed testicular atrophy during follow-up, all four cases had a history of longer than 12 hours and grade II testicular bleeding test intra-operatively. Other orchidopexy patients salvaged. 26 patients, who were in grade III, underwent orchidectomy in second look exploration. Conclusions: TT requires emergency attention. The ischemia time of the testis is traditionally after 6 hours, and imaging or other diagnostic modality should not be a cause of delay. Early surgical exploration is modality of choice, and second look exploration after 48 hours can be more effective and salvageable in these patients.
Background: About 10% to 15% of infertile men have azoospermia, which could be obstructive or non-obstructive. Diagnostic biopsy from the testis and recently testicular sperm extraction (TESE) are the most precise investigations in these patients. Testicular biopsy can be done unilaterally or bilaterally. The worth of unilateral or bilateral testicular biopsy in men with azoospermia is controversial. Objective: To evaluate the necessity of bilateral diagnostic biopsy from the testis in new era of diagnosis and treatment of male infertility. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective study, we reviewed the results of testis biopsy in 419 azoospermic men, referred to Yazd Research and Clinical Center for Infertility from 2009-2013. Patients with known obstructive azoospermia were excluded from the study. Results: In totally, 254 infertile men (60.6%) were underwent unilateral TESE, which in 175 patients (88.4%) sperm were extracted from their testes successfully. Bilateral testis biopsy was done in 165 patients (39.4%) which in 37 patients (22.4%), sperm were found in their testes tissues. Conclusion: Due to the low probability of positive bilateral TESE results especially when we can’t found sperm in the first side, we recommend that physicians re-evaluate the risk and benefit of this procedure in era of newer and more precise technique of sperm retrieval like micro TESE.
Diagnóstico, evolución y manejo de la degeneración testicular en el semental bovino. Reporte de caso
Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Medicina Veterinaria
Recent reports in human demonstrate a role of theta– gamma coupling in memory for spatial episodes and a lack of coupling in people experiencing temporal lobe epilepsy, but the mechanisms are unknown. Using multisite silicon probe recordings of epileptic rats engaged in episodic-like object recognition tasks, we sought to evaluate the role of theta– gamma coupling in the absence of epileptiform activities. Our data reveal a specific association between theta– gamma (30 – 60 Hz) coupling at the proximal stratum radiatum of CA1 and spatial memory deficits. We targeted the microcircuit mechanisms with a novel approach to identify putative interneuronal types in tetrode recordings (parvalbumin basket cells in particular) and validated classification criteria in the epileptic context with neurochemical identification of intracellularly recorded cells. In epileptic rats, putative parvalbumin basket cells fired poorly modulated at the falling theta phase, consistent with weaker inputs from Schaffer collaterals and attenuated gamma oscillations, as evaluated by theta-phase decomposition of current–source density signals. We propose that theta– gamma interneuronal rhythmopathies of the temporal lobe are intimately related to episodic memory dysfunction in this condition.
Because GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptor-mediated inhibition controls the excitability of principal neurons in the brain, deficits in GABAergic inhibition have long been favored to explain seizures. In an experimental model of temporal lobe epilepsy, we have identified a deficit of inhibition in presynaptic GABAergic terminals characterized by decreased GABA quantal activity associated with reduced synaptic vesicle density. This decrease in vesicle number primarily seems to affect the reserve pool, rather than the docked or the readily releasable pool.
The aim of this study was to correlate the testicular surface temperature with rectal temperature and semen quality in rams of different genotypic groups.
Hippocampal sclerosis (HS) is considered the most frequent neuropathological finding in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE). Hippocampal specimens of pharmacoresistant MTLE patients that underwent epilepsy surgery for seizure control reveal the characteristic pattern of segmental neuronal cell loss and concomitant astrogliosis. However, classification issues of hippocampal lesion patterns have been a matter of intense debate. International consensus classification has only recently provided significant progress for comparisons of neurosurgical and clinic-pathological series between different centers. The respective four-tiered classification system of the International League Against Epilepsy subdivides HS into three types and includes a term of gliosis only, no-HS. Future studies will be necessary to investigate whether each of these subtypes of HS may be related to different etiological factors or with postoperative memory and seizure outcome. Molecular studies have provided potential deeper insights into the pathogenesis of HS and MTLE on the basis of epilepsy-surgical hippocampal specimens and corresponding animal models. These include channelopathies, activation of NMDA receptors, and other conditions related to Ca(2+) influx into neurons, the imbalance of Ca(2+)-binding proteins, acquired channelopathies that increase neuronal excitability, paraneoplastic and non-paraneoplastic inflammatory events, and epigenetic regulation promoting or facilitating hippocampal epileptogenesis. Genetic predisposition for HS is clearly suggested by the high incidence of family history in patients with HS, and by familial MTLE with HS. So far, it is clear that HS is multifactorial and there is no individual pathogenic factor either necessary or sufficient to generate this intriguing histopathological condition. The obvious variety of pathogenetic combinations underlying HS may explain the multitude of clinical presentations, different responses to clinical and surgical treatment. We believe that the stratification of neuropathological patterns can help to characterize specific clinic-pathological entities and predict the postsurgical seizure control in an improved fashion.
This study aimed to evaluate long-term atrophy in contralateral hippocampal volume after surgery for unilateral MTLE, as well as the cognitive outcome for patients submitted to either selective transsylvian amygdalohippocampectomy (SelAH) or anterior temporal lobe resection (ATL). We performed a longitudinal study of 47 patients with MRI signs of unilateral hippocampal sclerosis (23 patients with right-sided hippocampal sclerosis) who underwent surgical treatment for MTLE. They underwent preoperative/postoperative high-resolution MRI as well as neuropsychological assessment for memory and estimated IQ. To investigate possible changes in the contralateral hippocampus of patients, we included 28 controls who underwent two MRIs at long-term intervals. The volumetry using preoperative MRI showed significant hippocampal atrophy ipsilateral to the side of surgery when compared with controls (p<0.0001) but no differences in contralateral hippocampal volumes. The mean postoperative follow-up was 8.7 years (± 2.5 SD; median=8.0). Our patients were classified as Engel I (80%), Engel II (18.2%), and Engel III (1.8%). We observed a small but significant reduction in the contralateral hippocampus of patients but no volume changes in controls. Most of the patients presented small declines in both estimated IQ and memory, which were more pronounced in patients with left TLE and in those with persistent seizures. Different surgical approaches did not impose differences in seizure control or in cognitive outcome. We observed small declines in cognitive scores with most of these patients, which were worse in patients with left-sided resection and in those who continued to suffer from postoperative seizures. We also demonstrated that manual volumetry can reveal a reduction in volume in the contralateral hippocampus, although this change was mild and could not be detected by visual analysis. These new findings suggest that dynamic processes continue to act after the removal of the hippocampus, and further studies with larger groups may help in understanding the underlying mechanisms.