693 resultados para Teorema de Poincar´e-Bendixson
Motivated by Ooguri and Vafa, we study superstrings in flat R-4 in a constant self-dual graviphoton background. The supergravity equations of motion are satisfied in this background which deforms the N = 2 d = 4 flat space super-Poincare algebra to another algebra with eight supercharges. A D-brane in this space preserves a quarter of the supercharges; i.e. N = 1/2 supersymmetry is realized linearly, and the remaining N = 3/2 supersymmetry is realized nonlinearly. The theory on the brane can be described as a theory in noncommutative superspace in which the chiral fermionic coordinates theta(alpha) of N = 1 d = 4 superspace are not Grassman variables but satisfy a Clifford algebra.
In this article, the multiloop amplitude prescription using the super-Poincare invariant pure spinor formalism for the superstring is reviewed. Unlike the RNS prescription, there is no sum over spin structures and surface terms coming from the boundary of moduli space can be ignored. Massless N-point multiloop amplitudes vanish for N < 4, which implies (with two mild assumptions) the perturbative finiteness of superstring theory. Also, R-4 terms receive no multiloop contributions in agreement with the Type IIB S-duality conjecture of Green and Gutperle. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier SAS on behalf of Academie des sciences.
A nonvanishing cosmological term in Einstein's equations implies a nonvanishing spacetime curvature even in the absence of any kind of matter. It would, in consequence, affect many of the underlying kinematic tenets of physical theory. The usual commutative spacetime translations of the Poincare group would be replaced by the mixed conformal translations of the de Sitter group, leading to obvious alterations in elementary concepts such as time, energy and momentum. Although negligible at small scales, such modifications may come to have important consequences both in the large and for the inflationary picture of the early Universe. A qualitative discussion is presented, which suggests deep changes in Hamiltonian, Quantum and Statistical Mechanics. In the primeval universe as described by the standard cosmological model, in particular, the equations of state of the matter sources could be quite different from those usually introduced.
We investigate the charges and fluxes that can occur in higher-order Abelian gauge theories defined on compact space-time manifolds with boundary. The boundary is necessary to supply a destination to the electric lines of force emanating from brane sources, thus allowing non-zero net electric charges, but it also introduces new types of electric and magnetic flux. The resulting structure of currents, charges, and fluxes is studied and expressed in the language of relative homology and de Rham cohomology and the corresponding abelian groups. These can be organised in terms of a pair of exact sequences related by the Poincare-Lefschetz isomorphism and by a weaker flip symmetry exchanging the ends of the sequences. It is shown how all this structure is brought into play by the imposition of the appropriately generalised Maxwell's equations. The requirement that these equations be integrable restricts the world-volume of a permitted brane (assumed closed) to be homologous to a cycle on the boundary of space-time. All electric charges and magnetic fluxes are quantised and satisfy the Dirac quantisation condition. But through some boundary cycles there may be unquantised electric fluxes associated with quantised magnetic fluxes and so dyonic in nature.
Following suggestions of Nekrasov and Siegel, a non-minimal set of fields are added to the pure spinor formalism for the superstring. Twisted (c) over cap = 3 N = 2 generators are then constructed where the pure spinor BRST operator is the fermionic spin-one generator, and the formalism is interpreted as a critical topological string. Three applications of this topological string theory include the super-Poincare covariant computation of multiloop superstring amplitudes without picture-changing operators, the construction of a cubic open superstring field theory without contact-term problems, and a new four-dimensional version of the pure spinor formalism which computes F-terms in the spacetime action.
A special relativity based on the de Sitter group is introduced, which is a theory that might hold up in the presence of a non-vanishing cosmological constant. Like ordinary special relativity, it retains the quotient character of spacetime, and a notion of homogeneity. As a consequence, the underlying spacetime will be a de Sitter spacetime, whose associated kinematics will differ from that of ordinary special relativity. The corresponding modified notions of energy and momentum are obtained, and the exact relationship between them, which is invariant under a re-scaling of the involved quantities, explicitly exhibited. Since the de Sitter group can be considered a particular deformation of the Poincare group, this theory turns out to be a specific kind of deformed (or doubly) special relativity. Some experimental consequences, as well as the causal structure of spacetime-modified by the presence of the de Sitter horizon-are briefly discussed.
A detailed examination of the Killing equations in Robertson-Walker coordinates shows how the addition of matter and/or radiation to a de Sitter Universe breaks the symmetry generated by four of its Killing fields. The product U = a(2) H of the squared scale parameter by the time-derivative of the Hubble function encapsulates the relationship between the two cases: the symmetry is maximal when U is a constant, and reduces to the six-parameter symmetry of a generic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker model when it is not. As the fields physical interpretation is not clear in these coordinates, comparison is made with the Killing fields in static coordinates, whose interpretation is made clearer by their direct relationship to the Poincare group generators via Wigner-Inonu contractions.
After reviewing the Green-Schwarz superstring using the approach of Siegel, the superstring is covariantly quantized by constructing a BRST operator from the fermionic constraints and a bosonic pure spinor ghost variable. Physical massless vertex operators are constructed and, for the first time, N-point tree amplitudes are computed in a manifestly ten-dimensional super-Poincare covariant manner. Quantization can be generalized to curved supergravity backgrounds and the vertex operator for fluctuations around AdS(5) x S-5 is explicitly constructed.
Using an infinite number of fields, we construct actions for D = 4 self-dual Yang-Mills with manifest Lorentz invariance and for D = 10 super-Yang-Mills with manifest super-Poincare invariance. These actions are generalizations of the covariant action for the D = 2 chiral boson which was first studied by McClain, Wu, Yu and Wotzasek.
The role played by torsion in gravitation is critically reviewed. After a description of the problems and controversies involving the physics of torsion, a comprehensive presentation of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity is made. According to this theory, curvature and torsion are alternative ways of describing the gravitational field, and consequently related to the same degrees of freedom of gravity. However, more general gravity theories, like for example Einstein-Cartan and gauge theories for the Poincare and the affine groups, consider curvature and torsion as representing independent degrees of freedom. By using an active version of the strong equivalence principle, a possible solution to this conceptual question is reviewed. This solution ultimately favors the teleparallel point of view, and consequently the completeness of general relativity. A discussion of the consequences for gravitation is presented.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We show that an anomaly-free description of matter in (1+1) dimensions requires a deformation of the 2D relativity principle, which introduces a non-trivial centre in the 2D Poincare algebra. Then we work out the reduced phase space of the anomaly-free 2D relativistic particle, in order to show that it lives in a noncommutative 2D Minkowski space. Moreover, we build a Gaussian wave packet to show that a Planck length is well defined in two dimensions. In order to provide a gravitational interpretation for this noncommutativity, we propose to extend the usual 2D generalized dilaton gravity models by a specific Maxwell component, which guages the extra symmetry associated with the centre of the 2D Poincare algebra. In addition, we show that this extension is a high energy correction to the unextended dilaton theories that can affect the topology of spacetime. Further, we couple a test particle to the general extended dilaton models with the purpose of showing that they predict a noncommutativity in curved spacetime, which is locally described by a Moyal star product in the low energy limit. We also conjecture a probable generalization of this result, which provides strong evidence that the noncommutativity is described by a certain star product which is not of the Moyal type at high energies. Finally, we prove that the extended dilaton theories can be formulated as Poisson-Sigma models based on a nonlinear deformation of the extended Poincare algebra.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this work, the occurrence of chaos (homoclinic scene) is verified in a robotic system with two degrees of freedom by using Poincare-Mel'nikov method. The studied problem was based on experimental results of a two-joint planar manipulator-first joint actuated and the second joint free-that resides in a horizontal plane. This is the simplest model of nonholonomic free-joint manipulators. The purpose of the present study is to verify analytically those results and to suggest a control strategy.
In this paper we consider a self-excited mechanical system by dry friction in order to study the bifurcational behavior of the arisen vibrations. The oscillating system consists of a mass block-belt-system which is self-excited by static and Coulomb friction. We analyze the system behavior numerically through bifurcation diagrams, phase portraits, frequency spectra and Poincare maps, which show the existence of nonhomoclinic and homoclinic chaos and a route to homoclinic chaos. The homoclinic chaos is also analyzed analytically via the Melnikov prediction method. The system dynamic is characterized by the existence of two potential wells in the phase plane which exhibit rich bifurcational and chaotic behavior.